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09-05 投稿



ooze 发音

英:[u?z]  美:[uz]

英:  美:

ooze 中文意思翻译




ooze 网络释义

vt. 渗出;泄漏vi. 渗出;泄漏n. [地质] 软泥

ooze 词性/词形变化,ooze变形

动词现在分词: oozing |动词第三人称单数: oozes |动词过去分词: oozed |动词过去式: oozed |

ooze 短语词组

1、ooze out ─── 泄露

2、bacterial ooze ─── 菌脓

3、tan-ooze n. ─── 鞣酸溶液

4、abyssal ooze ─── 深海软泥

5、coccolith ooze ─── 颗石藻软泥

6、ooze through ─── [网络] 渗透

7、ooze leather ─── 植鞣绒面革(尤指小牛皮革)

8、diatomic ooze ─── 矽藻软泥

9、pteropod ooze ─── 翼足类软泥; ─── 翼足动物软泥

10、acidic swamp ooze ─── 酸性沼泽软泥

11、siliceous ooze ─── 硅质软泥

12、radiolarian ooze ─── 放射虫软泥,深海淤泥

13、pelagic ooze ─── 远洋软泥

14、biogenous ooze ─── 生物软泥

15、calcareous ooze ─── 钙质软泥

16、diatomaceous ooze ─── [医]硅藻软泥

17、foraminiferous ooze made of ─── 有孔虫软泥

18、globigerina ooze ─── 抱球虫软泥

19、diatom ooze ─── 硅藻软泥

ooze 相似词语短语

1、oozes ─── vt.渗出;泄漏;vi.渗出;泄漏;n.[地质]软泥

2、oozed ─── vt.渗出;泄漏;vi.渗出;泄漏;n.[地质]软泥

3、oose ─── n.灰尘;尘团

4、oozy ─── adj.渗出的;软泥的

5、moze ─── n.(Moze)人名;(刚(金))莫泽

6、booze ─── n.酒;酒宴;vi.豪饮;痛饮;n.(Booze)人名;(英)布兹

7、cooze ─── n.女性生殖器

8、coze ─── n.亲热友好的闲聊;舒适,温暖;v.亲热友好地闲聊

9、doze ─── vt.打瞌睡度过;vi.打瞌睡;假寐;n.瞌睡;n.(Doze)(法)多兹(人名)

ooze 习惯用语

1、ooze out ─── [美俚]偷偷溜走

ooze 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Water of kitchen, toilet ooze is the problem that adornment middling appears, he brought the inconvenience of the life to owner not only, and still affect the relation between neighborhood. ─── 厨房、卫生间渗水是装饰中常出现的问题,他不仅给业主带来了生活的不便,而且还影响邻里之间的关系。

2、Workers say this kind of dye permeates force extremely strong, should besmear gently only arrive with respect to very can fast ooze in stone, but the stink just can volatilize for a long time. ─── 工人们说这种染料渗透力极强,只要轻轻一涂就能很快渗到石头里,但臭味却要很长时间才能挥发掉。

3、They would still feel that suck of dead air, that hollow vacuum created when time slips behind a curtain, when the minutes quit their orderly tick and ooze away, one by one. ─── 他们会依然记得那讨厌的呆板的气氛以及那气氛下空虚真空般的窒息,窗帘后时间流动,每一分钟在指针有规律的走动中慢慢流逝,一分一秒。

4、Test research on deformation properties of ooze under unloading ─── 卸荷作用下淤泥变形规律的试验研究

5、There are, for instance, in the crook of your elbow as many as six different types of bacteria, processing the fats that ooze from your skin and helping to moisturise it in return. ─── 例如,在你的胳膊肘里,就有多达六种的细菌,处理从皮肤渗出的脂肪以并帮助湿润皮肤作为回报。

6、ooze out ─── v. 泄露

7、The concept had these bulbous plants ooze a strange form of antigravity gelatin that lined the skies of the world. ─── 原本的设计中,这些球根状的植物会渗出一种奇怪的反重力凝胶,沿著天际排列。

8、For the illuminative beautiful, water supply often embedded wall is medium and conceal, once leakage cannot be aware of, ooze arrives downstair when, had caused loss and undesirable effect. ─── 为了装饰的美观,供水系统经常埋入墙中而隐藏起来,一旦渗漏不能察觉,渗到楼下时,已经造成了损失和不良的影响。

9、The patient of amalgamative to having oedema, should basis " salty injury kidney " , " weak ooze is wet " principle, dietary appropriate is weak should not be salty. ─── 对有合并水肿的病人,应根据“咸伤肾”、“淡渗湿”的原则,饮食宜淡不宜咸。

10、insert ooze irrigation ─── 插入式渗灌

11、The lava will just ooze gently out of the crater. ─── 熔岩只会缓缓地从火山口流出来。

12、microcrystalline ooze ─── 微晶软泥

13、I love the warm sensation as they ooze between my toes. ─── 当虫子小小的躯体在我脚趾间被挤爆时,我喜欢那种温暖的感觉。

14、Their backs ooze a slimy neurotoxin that is meant to keep predators away. ─── 它们的背上会渗出粘液状的神经毒素,让猎食者敬而远之。

15、But, what my callow, superficial best bud failed to realize was the absolute practicality of these bikes, both of which simply ooze simplicity, utility and mindless fun - if not stunning good looks. ─── 但是,我的卡洛,肤浅的最佳芽未能实现是绝对实用性这些自行车,两者只是淤泥简单,实用和盲目的乐趣-如果不是惊人的美貌。

16、in the southern part and the north edge of Liyue Bank(Liyue Reef Shoal), sediments are calcareous ooze due to be affected by large quantities of detrital corals. ─── 南部海区、礼乐滩北缘沉积物受礼乐滩珊瑚碎屑影响大,沉积物类型为钙质软泥。

17、Little Wade had to be held up time and again, so that ladies who ventured as far through the ooze as their carriage blocks could exclaim over him. ─── 小韦德不得不被一次又一次抱着举起来,让那些穿过门前湿地一直跑到马车道口的人惊叹地看个清楚。

18、If be the hutch that already decorated,defend, notice to examine floor drain catchment even smooth, whether is the ground met seeper or to water of the ooze outside the room; ─── 假如是已装修的厨卫,还要注重查看一下地漏排水是否顺畅,地面是否会积水或向房间外渗水;

19、The elevator boys ooze the spit and polish of West Point cadets and in polite English remind you that you must not smoke inside their lifts. ─── 开电梯的人像西点军校的学生那样衣着整洁,派头十足,并用彬彬有礼的英语提醒乘客不得在电梯里吸烟。

20、Settlement of Ooze Water of Reduction Gearbox in Dry Drawing Machine ─── 干式拉丝机减速箱渗水问题的解决

21、If use greenery,decorate the balcony additionally, need has done waterproof layer, what discharge water system all in order to ensure is smooth, avoid seeper ooze to enter a bedroom fully. ─── 另外如用绿色植物布置阳台,需要做好防水层,以确保排水系统的顺畅,避免积水渗透进居室。

22、Ooze filtrating ─── 垃圾填埋场

23、I saw the water ooze in at several crannies, although the leaks were not considerable, and I endeavoured to stop them as well as I could. ─── 我看到我的房子有几处缝隙已经开始渗水,虽然漏不很大,但我还是尽全力将漏堵住。

24、radiolarian diatom ooze ─── 放射虫硅藻软泥

25、According to experience, waxed means can protect a floor board more, because of candle can ooze arrives in lumber, can prevent its addle or be out of shape. ─── 按照经验,打蜡的方式更能保护地板,因为蜡能渗到木材里,可防止其腐坏或变形。

26、" means says, body fluid changes bare to be blood inside infuse arteries and veins, same, normal ground ooze stems from blood outside arteries and veins, make body fluid. ─── 意思是说,津液注入脉内化赤为血,同样,血液正常地渗出于脉外,则成为津液。

27、By the time I reached Shaoxing after a week on the road, the cheeses had all ripened nicely, and some were beginning to ooze. ─── 在一个星期后我到达绍兴时,奶酪已经全部发酵得很好了,有些正开始慢慢渗出浓液。

28、I want the walls to ooze blood! ─── 我要音乐和空气中都充满了受诅咒的尖叫!

29、Soon layer of oceanic ooze began to accumulate above the old hard layer. ─── 很快,海洋软泥层开始在原先的硬地层上面堆积起来。

30、"Built on wooden pilings sunk into the ooze of a backwater lagoon, Venice rose over a millennium to become a city-state of dazzling power... ─── 威尼斯是建在打入泻湖死水泥浆层木桩上的城市,一千年来它成为了一个有着耀眼光芒的城邦国家。

31、You have the Ooze Variable! You will be targeted with things that also have the Ooze trait. ─── 你得到软泥变化!你会被同样的软泥生物锁定。

32、Concept: 3-D animated comedy follows a California girl who gets knocked in the noggin on her wedding day by a meteor full of alien ooze and suddenly becomes 49 feet tall. ─── 加州女孩苏珊被一块外星物体击中后她疯长,军队立刻将其逮捕带到了有很多许多怪物的秘密基地。

33、The turtles find out where the Ooze, the substance which made them mutate, came from.Unfortunately Shredder learns about it too, and uses it to enhance himself. ─── 忍者神龟们发现了变种物质的泄漏之处,但史莱德同时也发现这一秘密,于是他们之间又展开了新一轮的战斗,而忍者神龟们也在战斗中得到了提高!

34、I saw the water ooze in at several crannies , although the leaks were not considerable, and I endeavoured to stop them as well as I could. ─── 我看到我的房子有几处缝隙已经开始渗水,虽然漏不很大,但我还是尽全力将漏堵住。

35、Constrict (Ex): A black ooze deals automatic slam and acid damage with a successful grapple check. ─── 压缩(Ex):一只黑色淤泥通过一个成功的擒抱鉴定来造成无意识的挥击和酸液伤害。

36、You start scrubbing away, but then watch in horror as the dirt begins to ooze out of the pores of your skin and stream down your body. ─── 当你开始冲刷时,你惊讶地发现,污垢开始从毛细孔渗出,流下身体。

37、But he felt the suck and ooze and squelch. And he heard the beach go burp and belch. ─── 但他感觉到了沙子的松软。他听到了海滩打嗝。

38、TRAPPED under a pile of rubble, you wait for rescue. Then, to add to your troubles, you see a small blob ooze through a nearby crack. ─── 你正困在一堆瓦砾下等待营救,这时雪上加霜,一小团泥巴状的东西从旁边的裂缝中慢慢流出来。

39、The six cards with abilities like this are Bloodhall Ooze, Kederekt Parasite, Mirror-Sigil Sergeant, Parasitic Strix, Rhox Meditant, and Sedraxis Alchemist. ─── 具有类似上述异能的六张牌包括血廊流浆,奇登磊寄生怪,镜印士官,寄生枭,罗克冥思者,以及塞卓基司炼金术士。

40、At that moment, there was only Dajin Company offering Diatom Ooze wall coatings in China so consumers called Diatom Ooze as “Dajiny”.That's why Dajiny becomes synonymous with Diatom Ooze subsequently. ─── 当时中国只有大津公司一家向市场提供硅藻泥产品,消费者亲切地将“硅藻泥”称做“大津泥”,“大津泥”成为“硅藻泥”的代名词。

41、The joint of mesa and wall, it is the place of water of the easiest ooze, here should do manger. ─── 台面与墙壁的连接处,是最易渗水的地方,此处应做挡水板。

42、The stent keeps the artery open, and drug-coated ones ooze medication to keep scar tissue from forming and the essel from squeezing shut again. ─── 插入的支架可以保持血管通畅,而渗透着药物的支架更可以防止疤痕组织形成,血管重新阻塞。

43、Scientists think the molecules making up the primordial ooze of life on Earth might have formed in such a disk. ─── 科学家猜测,原始地球上孕育生命的原始浆液很可能就从这样的行星盘中形成。

44、Years of hype and expectation were slammed down into the primordial ooze the moment you realised exactly how easy and samey the game was. ─── 当你发现这款游戏是多么的简单和单调的时候,多年的期望被打回成一滩烂泥。

45、It is considered that the unstability of the open pit slope is due to the mudization of rock,fracture destruction,crack ooze and greater slope angle designed. ─── 作者认为,导致边坡的不稳定,主要是岩石泥化、断裂破坏、裂隙渗水,以及原设计边坡角偏大等原因。

46、Accordingly, red blood cell appears in solution of low ooze salt the character of haemolysis, be called " red blood cell permeates brittleness " . ─── 因此,红细胞在低渗盐溶液中出现溶血的特性,叫做“红细胞渗透脆性”。

47、microcrystalline calcite ooze ─── 微晶方解石软泥

48、Enticing cool ripe red fruits ooze from the glass. Delicious multi-layered raspberries and cream with soft ripe tannins. Sweet and seductive with a long finish. ─── 从瓶子就透露出诱人的凉爽。成熟的红色水果的美味可口,层次感极强,奶油般的柔顺,成熟的单宁,余味悠长且甜密可人。

49、Sequence II only distributes in the trough basin. We inferred that it is middle-late Pleistocene abyssal ooze and turbidity. ─── 层序II,分部范围仅限于海槽盆地,陆坡处缺失该层序,为中晚更新世半深海软泥沉积与浊流沉积。

50、A large number of watering make uric fluid attenuant, leucocyte number decreases relatively inside unit volume, try low ooze make water and make leucocyte disintegrate. ─── 大量饮水使尿液稀释,白细胞数在单位容积内相对减少,加以低渗尿而使白细胞解体。

51、The pressure the oil seems to be under is new, which is forcing the spill to ooze oil nonstop, and at a strong pace. ─── 石油下面聚集的压力看来是新出现的,它迫使井口不停地以强力的方式渗出石油。

52、Uric fluid grow in quantity still can reduce kidney the tall ooze condition of the medullary head that reach breast, the growth that goes against a bacterium is progenitive. ─── 尿液增多还可降低肾髓质及乳头部的高渗状态,不利于细菌的生长繁殖。

53、Lotus comes out of ooze, yet keep stainless.If it were planted on dry land for fear that it would be stained by sullage, it would have faded. ─── 参考译文:荷花居淤泥而不染,若为怕水污而种在旱地上,它早就枯死了。

54、Delegates closely felt the glamor of DAJINY Diatom Ooze Coating. ─── 代表们在会场亲身感受了“大津泥”硅藻墙面的独特魅力。

55、her dismay, the blood continued to ooze out, unabated. ─── 沮丧的是,血还在继续渗出,丝毫没有减弱。

56、Dark leakage tubal ooze shows blotch to wait inside the wall. ─── 墙内暗管渗漏出现污斑等。

57、And the developers just had to make her boobies even more eye catching by giving her nipples salivating tongues that discharge green ooze. ─── 与发展商就不得不给予她的乳头垂涎欲滴舌头履行绿色淤泥她鲣鸟更加醒目。

58、He stepped forward, hit foot sand into the ooze . ─── 他向前一迈步,脚陷进了淤泥之中。

59、(2) hasDiabeticKetosis, accompany especially have metabolization sex sick at heart toxic or ketosis acid is toxic, or tall ooze is insensible person ban with. ─── (2)有糖尿病酮症,尤其伴有代谢性酸中毒或酮症酸中毒、或高渗昏迷者禁用。

60、He drew near this lily, which had sucked its waxen beauty and perfume from below a depth of waters which he had never penetrated, and out of ooze and mould which he could not understand. ─── 她像一朵百合花,但他从未探测过这花从多深的水的深处吸取了她那柔和的美丽和芬芳。 他也无法懂得这花植根的淤泥和沃土。

61、Scarlett felt her courage and self-confidence ooze from her as she realized that the sword which had flashed between her and the world was sheathed forever. ─── 思嘉明白那把宝剑,那把曾经寒光闪闪的保护她不受世人欺凌的宝剑,如今已永远插入鞘中,因此她的勇气和自信也慢慢消失了。

62、If bring sth resembling a net,use hemostatic remedy all over blood, hemostatic quick etc OK and auxiliary hemostatic or reduce ooze blood, but cannot replace local and hemostatic. ─── 全身使用止血药物如安络血、止血敏等可以辅助止血或减少渗血,但不能代替局部止血。

63、Do not sit in silence and allow the blood that now boils in my veins to ooze through cavities of unrestrained passion and trickle down to drench me with its crimson hue!" ─── 不要只是沉默地坐着,让我血管中沸腾的血液渗透进那充满无尽激情的孔穴,并用它深红的色彩湿透我!”

64、{G}, Sacrifice a non-Ooze creature: Put an X/X green Ooze creature token into play, where X is the sacrificed creature's power. ─── {一}{绿},牺牲一个不是流浆的生物:将一个X/X绿色流浆衍生物放置进场,X为所牺牲之生物的力量。

65、After choosing mesa material, the place that should notice water of the easiest ooze is like the joint of the mesa after catharsis basin and wall. ─── 在选择完台面材料之后,应注重最易渗水的地方如洗涤盆后的台面与墙壁的连接处。

66、In absolute penetrance high, hole throat storing layer heavy, contain with low to ooze , store layers of as many water getting quick clay at the mineral, quick influence to water is relatively small. ─── 在绝对渗透率低,孔喉较小的储层中,即使存在少量的水敏性粘土矿物,对水敏性的影响较大。

67、He was a lovely boy, clad in skeleton leaves and the juices that ooze out of trees but the most entrancing thing about him was that he had all his first teeth. ─── 他是一个很可爱的男孩,穿着用干树叶和树浆做的衣裳。可是他身上最迷人的地方是他还保留了一口乳牙。

68、In the pool, the water was so hot it numbed him. He closed his eyes and all the collected filth seemed to ooze out of his limp form. ─── 下到池子里去,热水把全身烫得有些发木,他闭上了眼,身上麻麻酥酥的仿佛往外放射着一些积存的污浊。

69、Adhesive that seeps from pressuresensitive stock before or after processing the finished product. This condition is caused by cold flow or clamp pressure. Alternative term: adhesive ooze. ─── 中义胶从对压力敏感的纸或完成品中渗漏出来,这多半是因冷胶合或夹子压力过大所造成的。

70、(4) balcony closes the copula on partial limit, want to had done the waterproof, processing that prevent ooze, this includes to close of window body quadrilateral. ─── (4)阳台封闭部分边上的接合部,要做好防水、防渗处理,这包括封闭窗体的四边。

71、Of plastic floor maintain, general need not wet mop often procrastinates, in case sewage is entered from the ooze in flat-fell seam, destroy stickup. ─── 塑料地板的保养,一般不用湿拖把经常去拖,以防脏水从拼缝中渗进,破坏粘贴。

72、Built on wooden pilings sunk in the ooze of a backwater lagoon, Venice rose over a millennium to become a city-state of dazzling power. ─── 建立在立于死水礁湖软泥区的木桩结构之上,威尼斯在千年后崛起成为一个拥有耀眼权力的城邦。

73、Change not apparent ooze blood patient to blood pressure, also answer to observe closely, not satisfying put fluky. ─── 对血压改变不明显的渗血病人,也应密切观察,不可心存侥幸。

74、Can clean with physiological saline waiting for ooze everyday, the person that ache is goluptious take anodyne, give spirit to comfort. ─── 可每天用等渗生理盐水清洗,疼痛者可口服止痛药,给予精神安慰。

75、The reason that water of kitchen, toilet ooze basically is two respects causes. ─── 厨房、卫生间渗水主要是两个方面的原因造成的。

76、ooze sucker ─── 吸泥器

77、He left behind plenty of ooze for me to use! ─── 他留给了我一大堆烂泥可以回收利用!

78、Study on secondary consolidation properties of Guangxi marine ooze ─── 广西海相淤泥的次固结特性研究

79、On the base that uses ooze to spend a technology, polishing brick is OK make result of wood of all sorts of copy stone, copy. ─── 在运用渗花技术的基础上,抛光砖可以做出各种仿石、仿木效果。

80、tan ooze ─── n. 鞣酸溶液

81、Software Description: About Groovy Lava Screensaver Creator, Create a chaotic artificial cellular life form and watch it ooze into life as a screen saver. ─── 创建混乱人工细胞的生活形式和看它进到作为屏幕保护程序的生活的软泥。

82、Because this is tall ooze condition duration is longer mortality is taller, and all sorts of amalgamative disease are affected especially, it is the main reason of terminal death. ─── 因此高渗状态持续时间越长死亡率越高,而各种合并症特别是感染,是晚期死亡的主要原因。

83、I'm talking about intros that ooze with concern. ─── 我讲的是富有关怀的开场白。

84、Aimin Zheng, the general manager of Daijin, named the new product after Diatom Ooze for distinguishing them from traditional wall materials and Japanese Diatomite wall coatings. ─── 为区别于传统墙材和日本的硅藻土壁材,大津公司总经理郑爱民先生将新产品命名为“硅藻泥”。

85、Their backs ooze a slimy GetWord("slimy"); neurotoxin that is meant to keep predators away. ─── 他们的背上会分泌出剧毒黏液,以抵御掠食者侵袭。

86、Because L- bacterium is in,low ooze or isotonic are fostered base in grow not easily, ordinary make water fosters negative. ─── 因为l-型细菌在低渗或等渗的培养基中不易生长,一般尿培养阴性。

87、Its characteristic is, although Sao itchs, but the fluid that do not have ooze, thickening of skin of with the passing of time, submit banquet grain form. ─── 其特点是,虽有瘙痒,但无渗液,日久皮肤变厚,呈席纹状。

88、globigerina ooze ─── 抱球虫软泥

89、Keywords tower wheel;ooze boron;quenching; ─── 塔轮;渗硼;淬火;

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