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09-05 投稿



relaxation 发音

英:[ri?l?k'se??(?)n]  美:['ril?k'se??n]

英:  美:

relaxation 中文意思翻译



relaxation 词性/词形变化,relaxation变形

动词第三人称单数: relaxes |动词过去分词: relaxed |形容词: relaxable |动词过去式: relaxed |动词现在分词: relaxing |

relaxation 短语词组

1、gas-tube relaxation oscillator ─── [电] 充气管弛缓振荡器

2、dielectric relaxation ─── [化] 介电松弛; 电介质驰豫

3、mechanical relaxation ─── [化] 力学松弛

4、local relaxation mode ─── [化] 局部松弛模式

5、group relaxation ─── [计] 群松弛, 成组松弛

6、intramolecular relaxation ─── [化] 分子内松弛; 分子内弛豫

7、lint relaxation method ─── [计] 行松弛法, 线松弛法

8、lattice relaxation ─── [化] 晶格松弛

9、explicit relaxation ─── [计] 显式松弛

10、Debye relaxation time ─── [机] 德拜弛缓时间

11、chemical stress relaxation ─── [化] 化学应力松弛

12、chaotic relaxation ─── [计] 混乱松驰

13、cross relaxation ─── [化] 交叉松弛

14、isometric relaxation ─── [医] 等长舒张

15、dielectric relaxation time ─── [化] 介电松弛时间; 介电弛豫

16、compression stress relaxation ─── [化] 压缩应力松弛

17、longitudinal relaxation ─── [化] 纵向松弛; 自旋-点阵弛豫

18、discrete relaxation ─── [化] 不连续松弛; 不连续松弛谱; 离散松弛; 离散松弛谱

19、intermolecular relaxation ─── [化] 分子间松弛; 分子间弛豫

relaxation 同义词

decompress | loosen up | ease up | take it easy | up | lessen | alleviate | calm down | rest | soften |loosen | unstrain | unbend | have a break | slow down | put your feet up | relieve | chill out | slack up | loose | ease | reduce | decrease | lounge | relent | loll | let go | slacken | unlax | unwind | slack | diminish

relaxation 反义词

tense | tighten

relaxation 相似词语短语

1、relegation ─── n.贬谪;驱逐;移交;归属

2、relocation ─── n.重新安置;再布置;变换布置

3、relaxatives ─── 松弛剂

4、prelibation ─── n.试尝;预尝

5、relaxations ─── n.放松;缓和;消遣

6、relaxative ─── adj.缓和的;有缓和作用的

7、malaxation ─── n.揉捏法

8、relation ─── n.关系;叙述;故事;亲属关系

9、laxation ─── n.松弛;松懈;轻泻;排粪

relaxation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mr. Sieppe immediately threw off his previous air of relaxation. ─── 席伯先生马上一反刚才那副悠闲的态度。

2、Relaxation therapy may also be beneficial. ─── 另外,放松治疗也有益处。

3、You should relax and not be so tense. ─── 你要放松不要太紧张。

4、The trance state is caused by deep physical and mental relaxation. ─── 恍惚状态是由深度生理和心理放松引起的。

5、His confidence was enough to let Elizabeth relax. ─── 他的信心足以使伊丽莎白放宽心了。

6、Nor does it fall on relaxation. ─── 也不落在缓和。

7、Happy times and glad moments, relax yourself! ─── 开心时间,放松你自已!

8、The mind is always turning. It gets its relaxation only by variety. ─── 人脑的思维活动总是不停的,它只能依靠思维的转换去得到松弛。

9、People go to spas for relaxation. ─── 人们到温泉浴池去放松自己。

10、You must not relax your control for a moment. ─── 你一刻也不可放松控制。

11、She listens to classical music for relaxation. ─── 她听古典音乐放松。

12、We go there to relax as well as to keep fit. ─── 我们去那儿让自己放松心情以及保持健康。

13、For relaxation he go jogging in the park. ─── 他去公园慢跑来放松一下。

14、He likes to watch farces at weekends to relax himself. ─── 他喜欢在周末看滑稽剧来放松自己。

15、I listen to music for relaxation. ─── 我听音乐放松心情。

16、I hope you get a chance to relax. ─── 希望你有机会松弛一下。

17、So schedule your lunch break for a little cooking relaxation, even if you're only doing it once a week. ─── 所以,为一次小小的烹饪消遣规划出你的午餐时间,哪怕一周只有一次。

18、Fishing is his favourite relaxation. ─── 钓鱼是他最喜欢的消遣活动。

19、The other team, holding the whip hand, seemed to relax midway through the first half. ─── 另一支球队控制了场面,所以整个上半场的比赛显得很轻松。

20、Subtle lighting helps people relax. ─── 光线暗淡有助於人们松弛精神。

21、The essential purpose of a vacations is to relax. ─── 假期的根本目的是放松。

22、Let's stop working and relax for an hour. ─── 我们停工休息一小时吧。

23、He added that she is the relaxation of the warrior. ─── 他又补充了一句,说战士也把她当作消遣品哪。

24、With only two days to go we can't afford to relax. ─── 只有两天时间了,我们可不能松懈.

25、Stress can be managed and treated. If self-help relaxation methods don't seem to work, see your health care professional. ─── 压力是可以缓解和对付的。如果自我放松的方法不能起作用,请向医生咨询。

26、Gd?DTPA and FAC have simillar relaxation property. ─── Gd?DTPA与FAC的驰豫增强规律十分相似。

27、How much stress or relaxation a traveler experienced on the trip appeared to influence post-vacation happiness. ─── 旅行中经历到的压力或者娱乐看来影响着假期后的快乐。

28、The doctor told him to relax and not to clench his hands like that. ─── 医生告诉他放松自己,别像那样握紧拳头。

29、Everyone needs time just to relax and recharge. ─── 人人都需要时间放松、休整。

30、What do you do for relaxation in your spare time? ─── 在空闲时你有什么消遣?

31、If you relax your hold on the thief he will escape. ─── 你若把那个窃贼抓得不紧,他会逃跑的。

32、Fishing is his favorite relaxation. ─── 他最喜爱的消遣是钓鱼。

33、We must not relax in our efforts. ─── 我们决不能松劲。

34、She suggested holding a tea party for relaxation. ─── 她建议举行一个茶会来散散心。

35、You must not relax in your efforts. ─── 你不要松懈。

36、For relaxation he turns to tennis. ─── 他开始以打网球作为消遣。

37、Causing looseness or relaxation, especially of the bowels. ─── 导致宽松或松弛的,尤指肠的

38、His muscle did not relax in the least. ─── 他的肌肉一点也没放松。

39、Why don't we go to Mt. Songlan to relax? ─── 我们为什么不去松兰山放松一下呢?

40、We must never relax our vigilance. ─── 我们决不可放松警惕。

41、And exercise seems to work better than relaxation, meditation, stress education and music therapy, Landers says. ─── 兰德斯说,相比放松,冥想,压力教育和音乐治疗,锻炼似乎更有效果。

42、You can relax and watch the magnificent landscapes glide by. ─── 你可以悠然自得,观赏眼前掠过的美景。

43、People drink to relax,unwind and enjoy themselves. ─── 人们以喝酒来放松自己,轻轻松松地自我享受一下。

44、You had better take a day or two off and relax. ─── 你最好休假一两天轻松一下。

45、Relax with the family and then look for some work. ─── 与家人轻松一段时间 ,然后找个工作。

46、After a week's work I like to retreat to the country to relax. ─── 工作一周之後,我喜欢躲到乡下松弛一下。


48、Do not relax your vigilance. ─── 不要放松警惕。

49、Make this a day of relaxation,or of physical work. ─── 不管你今天是放松身心,还是拼命苦干。

50、But once you come in here, you can relax. ─── 但一旦进来小中心,你们可以放轻松。

51、One should alternate work and relaxation. ─── 工作和休息应交替进行。

52、He stretched and flexed his knees to relax himself. ─── 他伸屈膝关节使自己放松一下。

53、Hands on knees in Jnan mudra, shoulders relax. ─── 两手放在两膝上,结成智慧手印,两肩放松。

54、Was furniture adequate for relaxation? ─── 家具是否令人感觉轻松愉悦?

55、Don't worry about it, just try to relax. ─── 不要为这事担心,放松些。

56、What do you do for relaxation? ─── 你做什么消遣。

57、Singing is a good way of relaxation. ─── 唱歌是一种好的娱乐方式。

58、Sam :I should teach you some relaxation exercises. ─── 山姆:我应该教你一些放松运动。

59、His day is evenly divided between work and relaxation. ─── 他一天的时间一半花在工作上,一半用在娱乐上。

60、It is so necessary for you to have some rest and relaxation. ─── 你特别需要休息和娱乐。

61、Oh! Is time for relax, let's listen to the music. ─── 喔!到了休息时间,让我们听听音乐吧!

62、He wanted to stretch his legs to relax a little. ─── 他想去遛遛腿,休息一会儿。

63、I go bowling for relaxation. ─── 我玩保龄球放松自己。

64、One should not be too severe on English novels; they are the only relaxation of the intellectually unemployed. ─── 不要过分严格看待英国小说,它们只是一班失了业的知识分子(作出来)的聊以解闷的东西罢了。

65、The only thing he should do is just to relax. ─── 他需要做的就是放松。

66、What do you usually do for relaxation? ─── 你通常做什么消遣?

67、You're taking it a bit seriously, are't you? Holidays are only relaxation. ─── 您太当真的,是吧?度假也就是放松一下而已。

68、A bit of music will help you relax. ─── 听会儿音乐会帮你放松。

69、Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation. ─── 尽量保持工作与休闲均衡。

70、At high speeds, falling cats have time to relax. ─── 在高速下落中,猫有时间放松自己。

71、A park is usually used for rest and relaxation. ─── 公园通常是用来休息和放松的地方。

72、A joyous warmth began to relax his body. ─── 一股可人的暖流渐渐熏得全身舒畅了。

73、Why not take up some outdoor sport as a relaxation from office work? ─── 为何不从事某种户外活动来轻松轻松,摆脱一下公务呢?

74、An executive with a medium-sized state-owned bank said he saw no evidence of any relaxation in the clampdown. ─── 某家中等规模国有银行的一名高管称,他看不到任何证据显示收紧措施将会放松。

75、We could relax the procedure slightly in your case. ─── 我们可以根据你的情况通融一些。

76、For relaxation he golfed, swam, and walked. ─── 为了放松,他打高尔夫,游泳,散步。

77、A secluded room for study or relaxation. ─── 书斋一个用于学习或放松的僻静房间

78、For me,the best thing is to relax at home. ─── 对我来说,最好是在家里休息。

79、Enhance breathing, relax cough. Dispel phlegm. ─── 增强呼吸,缓解咳嗽,祛痰,放松呼吸肌,改善支气管,哮喘,黏膜炎,鼻窦炎。

80、They incline to rest and relaxation these days. ─── 他们想在这几天里好好休息一下。

81、Relaxation in a hot bath after work can be very pleasant. ─── 工作后洗个热水澡放松一下很惬意。

82、You can relax on my bed if you like. ─── 如果你愿意,可以到我的床上休息一下。

83、You need more rest and relaxation. ─── 你需要多休息,松弛一下。

84、It's nice to just sit down and relax. ─── 坐下来放松一下好。

85、Hope you can have two weeks of total relaxation. ─── 希望你能在这两个星期里得到好好的休息。

86、Let's just relax and enjoy ourselves. ─── 咱们轻松一下,好好享受享受。

87、You must not relax your efforts for a moment . ─── 你一会儿也不要松劲。

88、If you want to relax, you can push the seat-recliner button in the armrest. ─── 如果想舒展一下,您可以按扶手里的那个座位倾斜按钮。

89、You must not relax your efforts. ─── 你不可以松懈你的努力。

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