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09-05 投稿


hanger 发音

英:[?h???r]  美:[?h???(r)]

英:  美:

hanger 中文意思翻译




hanger 常用词组

liner hanger ─── 衬管悬挂器

clothes hanger ─── 挂衣服的架子;衣架(等于coat hanger

coat hanger ─── 衣架;挂衣钩

hanger 短语词组

1、cliff hanger ─── 结果,到最后才揭晓的竞赛

2、furnace tube spring hanger ─── [化] 炉管弹簧吊架

3、Hanger's tests ─── [医] 汉格氏试验(检肝病)

4、hanger-on n. ─── 依附他人者, 食客随从, 奉迎者

5、spring hanger ─── [机] 弹簧吊架

6、joist-hanger ─── 搁栅吊件

7、fence-hanger n. ─── 未打定主意的人, 犹豫不定者

8、clothes hanger n. ─── 衣架, 挂 ─── 衣钩

9、seal hanger ─── [化] 封液的悬浮体(浮顶)

10、hanger spring ─── [化] 吊挂弹簧

11、paper hanger ─── [经] 开空头支票的人, 用假钞票的人

12、pipe hanger ─── [机] 挂管架

13、cable hanger ─── [电] 电缆挂钩

14、Hanger's test ─── [医] 汉格氏试验(检肝病)

15、coat hanger n. ─── 衣架, 挂 ─── 衣钩

16、cliff-hanger n. ─── 扣人心弦的惊险故事(或电影) a. 紧张的

17、jointing hanger ─── [机] 震动清箱吊架

18、coat-hanger n. ─── 衣架

19、dress hanger ─── [网络] 裙子衣架;衣夹

hanger 词性/词形变化,hanger变形


hanger 相似词语短语

1、banger ─── n.鞭炮,爆竹;香肠;破旧车

2、Sanger ─── n.桑格(姓氏)

3、Ranger ─── n.突击队员;漫游者;骑警;别动队员;n.(Ranger)人名;(英)兰杰;(法)朗热

4、danger ─── n.危险;危险物,威胁;n.(Danger)人名;(法)当热

5、hangers ─── n.衣架;悬吊管;热效率(hanger的复数)

6、Langer ─── 兰格;n.(Langer)人名;(英)兰格;(法、葡)朗热;(德、俄、罗、匈、捷、波、塞)朗格尔;(瑞典、丹)朗厄

7、changer ─── n.转换开关装置;改变者(change的名词形式)

8、Manger ─── n.(马、牛)食槽;n.(Manger)(美、德、英)曼格(人名)

9、Tanger ─── n.坦吉尔(摩洛哥北部海港)

hanger 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The whole joint angles out horizontally from the neck, like a coat hanger. ─── 整个关节从颈部起,像个衣架一样,横着伸出一个角度。

2、Too manyclothes to be put in the wardrobe? The "Magic Coat Hanger" can absolutely help you out! ─── 太多衣服?衣柜没有更多空间容纳衣服?“神奇衣架”可以帮助你!

3、spring hanger bushing replacer ─── 弹簧挂钩衬套换装器

4、Host: hypertension suspended roller mill process, Roller hanger on securing a high-pressure spring 1000-1500 kg. ─── 工作过程:高压悬辊磨主机内,磨辊吊架上紧固有1000-1500公斤压力的高压弹簧。


6、The range of the products cover double-wire forming machine, double-wire binding machine, automatic punching machine, spiraling binding machine, double wire, spiral wire, calendar hanger and so on. ─── 公司主要产品有双线圈成型机、双线圈装订机、自动冲孔机、单线圈装订机及双线圈、单线圈、挂历钩等。

7、Ten such packs are held on a litho-printed card hanger. ─── 十年如包举行岩性印卡衣架。

8、brake beam hanger chain seat ─── 制动梁吊链座

9、Often accompanied by a hanger an eyelet to which a carabiner can attach. ─── 一种金属器材,通常钉住岩石上预先钻好的洞来作为保护点,上面有洞可以连接快挂、铁锁等。

10、Todays adventure number two thousand seven hundred twelve: Cliff Hanger and the Yodeling Yellow Yak. ─── 今天是第2712的冒险:悬崖吊者和黄牦牛的叫声。

11、Wife: They're over there in the dresser. And your shirt is on a coat hanger. ─── 太太:在衣柜里,还有你的衬衫在衣架上。

12、Liner Hanger Bell Mouth Cleaning Technology and Its Application ─── 尾管悬挂器喇叭口清洗技术及应用

13、That a coat hanger,in a pinch,makes a good rack for an intravenous bag. ─── 例如,必要时一个挂衣架就能当静脉输液支架用。

14、longitudinal wall hanger bearing ─── 墙托架轴承

15、This paper, collective structural static analysis of Jinghang Cannel Bridge is introduced after the final hanger force is obtained. ─── 在得到合理成桥索力后,本文对全桥进行了静力分析。

16、Wife: They' re over there in the dresser. And your shirt is on a coat hanger. ─── 太太:在衣柜里,还有你的衬衫在衣架上。

17、A dress that looks boring on a hanger may transform your figure when worn. ─── 可能一件挂在衣架上看着并不令人喜欢的婚纱穿上了却能改变你的身材。

18、At the same time, it also provides various titanium pump, valve, centrifugal machine, electro-plating basket, hanger and sepecial titanium castings and titanium forgings. ─── 并提供各类钛制泵、阀、离心机、网蓝、挂具及特殊用途的钛铸件、钛锻件。

19、When the bus broke down, she and her husband were able to fix it with a coat hanger and a piece of wood. ─── 有一次她开着她的大众车深入俄勒冈州的森林,中途车出了故障,但她和她丈夫仅仅用了一个衣架和一块木板就修好了。

20、method of lead screw coupling hanger ─── 丝杆吊钩法

21、adjustable steel band hanger ─── 可调式钢带管吊

22、The Design and Construction of the Clothes Hanger inside Balcony ─── 住宅阳台内置式晾衣架的设计与施工

23、Flying off the shelf once again, its the continuing daring and dangling adventures of....Cliff Hanger! ─── 再次从架子上起飞,这是继续勇敢和危险的吊崖冒险!

24、Of course, his birthdays were never exactly fun - last year, the Dursleys had given him a coat hanger and a pair of Uncle Vernon's old socks. ─── 当然,他的生日从来没有一点意思,去年德思礼夫妇送给他一个挂上衣的挂衣钩和弗农姨父的一双旧袜子。

25、The wellhead cable penetrator is a kind of device for penetrating the tubing hanger and upper flange to connect the electric submersible pump and surface power at the production wellhead of ESP. ─── 井口电缆穿越器是电潜泵采油井口上用于贯穿油管挂和上法兰,并连接电潜泵和井上电源的一种装置。

26、If the pipe needs shock absorption or shockproof, shockproof hanger or support should be selected.The load should be equal to the loading capacity and rigidity of the shockproof spring hanger or rubber hanger. ─── 3管道需要减震防震时,应选用防震吊挂或支座,支承的荷载应与防震用弹簧或橡胶的支承能力和刚度相匹配。

27、If you don't have one available, use a man's old shirt fixed on a hanger. Button it up and stitch the bottom together. ─── 如果你还没有这样的篮子,只需要把一个男士的旧衬衫固定在衣撑上,将扣子扣上,缝合衬衣的底端就可以diy一个了。

28、Jungers pulls his office chair over to an assembled human skeleton hanging like a suit from a hanger. ─── 容格斯把他的办公椅拉近了一副像西装一样挂在衣架上的组装人骨骼。

29、The range of the products includes double-wire forming machine, double-wire binding punching machine, spiraling binding machine ,as well as double wire ,spiral wire, calendar hanger and so on. ─── 公司主要产品:双线圈成型机、双线圈装订机、自动冲孔机、单线圈装订机、电动打孔机、压圈机及双线圈、单线圈、装订扣、挂历钩、挂历夹条等。

30、Design of the Multi-Position Progressive Die for the Spring Hanger ─── 弹簧挂钩零件多工位级进模设计

31、The surroundings wouldn't flatter anyone.It was gloomy in the high-ceilinged conference hall that could double as an aircraft hanger. ─── 会场的布景也很难让人心生惬意,高穹顶的会议厅略显阴森,活脱脱大半座飞机棚。

32、There are three types of casing leakage including top casing leakage, extension hanger leakage and sidetracking casing leakage/outside sidetracking casing channeling. ─── 侧钻井套管漏失可分为上部套管漏失、尾管顶悬挂器处漏失、小套管漏失或管外窜3种类型。

33、On The Tension Plan of The Hanger of Qin Bridge in Ningbo ─── 宁波琴桥吊杆张拉方案的探讨

34、She took the little girl in her arms ,and they flew upward in brightness and joy ,far above the earth ,where there was neither cold ,nor hanger nor pain . ─── 奶奶比以前更美丽,她抱着小女孩,在光明与快乐中飞走了,越飞越高,一直飞到没有寒冷,没有饥饿,也没有痛苦的地方去了。

35、They're over there in the dresser. And your shirt is on a coat hanger. ─── 在那边衣柜里。你的衬衣在衣架上。

36、In a world that aims to eliminate hanger and disparities in wealth global. ─── 在一个想要消灭饥饿和贫富差距的世界里,全球平衡是至关重要的。

37、slip suspending tubing hanger ─── 卡瓦式油管悬挂器

38、The selection of Shuanglongsheng Pipe Hanger System ─── 双龙盛吊配管系列产品的选择

39、Steel frame or special hanger frame should be strengthened for installation of lighting on ceiling. Lighting fixtures should be installed without gap at joint and they will be kept clean. ─── 吊顶上的灯具安装应加强龙骨框架或专用吊架。灯具安装无缝隙,内外清洁。

40、Excuse me! Excuse me! -We find Cliff Hanger where we left him last, hanging from a cliff! ─── 喂!喂!-我们在上次抛下悬崖吊者的地方找到了他,他正悬挂在悬崖上。

41、Our company supplies kinds of home products,such as trolley, shoe rack ,overdoor hanger,etc. I am su... ─── 发布者:王家科所在地:浙江宁波市行业:家居用品职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上

42、A Muslim stall keeper applies a cloth to a hanger in Kuala Lumpur. Muslims in Malaysia will celebrate New Year on Dec. 16, after their fasting for the month of Ramadan. ─── 吉隆坡一名回教小贩把衣服挂到衣架上。斋戒月结束后,马来西亚的回教徒将于十二月十六日庆祝新年。

43、The cementing technique of using liner hanger is very helpful for solving the problems exist in drilling and completion of the difficult wells. ─── 尾管悬挂固井技术在解决复杂井钻井作业问题中发挥了巨大的作用。

44、She crossed the room and opened a door to the clothes-closet. She reached for a clothes hanger. ─── 她走过房间打开衣柜的一扇门,想取一个衣架。

45、The Corporate Hanger Arrays of ships now display the volume of items in all sections. ─── 军团舰船机库阵列将在所有段落标注物品体积。

46、That a coat hanger, in a pinch, makes a good rack for an intravenous bag. ─── 例如,必要时一个挂衣架就能当静脉输液支架用;

47、Grey: If it was towed here, it would be in the military hanger. ─── 如果它被拖到了这里,那么可能会在军用停机棚。

48、A velcro tab at the nape of the neck passes through the hanger loop and secures the hood when it's rolled up. ─── 在颈后的搭扣可作为挂钩使用,也可以在帽子卷起来后,把帽子藏进领子里。

49、The load should be equal to the loading capacity and rigidity of the shockproof spring hanger or rubber hanger. ─── 一个有适合比率的弹簧安装在其上的减震,在空载下应该有足够的能力达到顶端。

50、For the socks and smaller items, like underwear and bras, she has a circle hanger containing several clothes pins. She clips the socks onto it to let them air-dry. ─── 他有一个圆形的晾衣架有吊衣服的夹子,用来吊袜子或是其他比较小的项目,像是内衣裤和胸罩。他把袜子夹到吊衣服的夹子上让袜子晾乾。

51、The speed reducer upper on the main machine makes central axis rotate through shaft coupling, and roller hanger rotates with central axis, and rollers on the hanger roll around the inside of ring. ─── 安装在主机顶部的减速机,通过联轴器连接中心轴旋转,中心轴带动磨辊吊架旋转,磨辊装在吊架上沿磨环内周一起滚动。

52、outside swing hanger suspension ─── 外侧吊架悬挂

53、Father seems to be aware dozen is won't work, he won't like before with a hanger to hit me, critically I. ─── 父亲似乎意识到打是不会起什么作用的,他不会再像以前那样拿着衣架来打我,一味地批评我。

54、Development and Application of DYX-C Hydraulic Liner Hanger ─── DYX-C型液压尾管悬挂器的研制与应用

55、Bolt (n.) metal secured into a drilled hole in the rock as means of protection.Often accompanied by a hanger, an eyelet to which a carabiner can attach. ─── 一种金属器材,通常钉在岩石上作为保护点,上面有洞可以连接钩环。

56、The System of Intelligent Hanger Design Based on KBE ─── 基于KBE的管道支吊架设计系统


58、generator accessoreis box hanger ─── 发电机附属品箱吊

59、A freakishly thin date with a hanger for a head? ─── |头像挂衣架,瘦巴巴的伴?

60、Main Applications: Suitable for hanger, hang, communication cable, overhead power line and fixing subject etc. ─── 主要用途:适用于吊架、悬挂、通讯电缆、架空电力线以及固定物件等.

61、Loads and Strength Analysis of a Hanger ─── 外挂物吊挂的载荷与强度分析

62、He roared aloud, and his hanger went up above his head, flashing in the sunlight. ─── 他大吼一声,将他的弯刀举过头顶,刀子在阳光下闪闪发光。

63、Keywords casing pipe;milling;hanger;centralizer; ─── 套管;磨铣;悬挂器;扶正器;

64、He called it a narrow escape. But it was really a cliff-hanger . ─── 他称之为侥幸逃脱,但那确实让他胆战心惊。


66、Intruduction:1)Beam clamp is a equipment that can quick form hanger or connecting point in I-beam monorail. ─── ( 1)螺旋夹持器是一种能在工字钢轨道上快速形成悬挂点或连接点的装置;

67、Advances in Liner Hanger Techniques in Deep Wells Outside China ─── 国外深井尾管悬挂器技术研究新进展

68、Putting generator stator onto location by hanger frame ─── 利用吊装架吊装发电机定子

69、Study on Field Application Method of Drilling Liner Hanger ─── 尾管悬挂器现场使用方法探讨

70、you one of those people who use a treadmill as a fancy clothes hanger? ─── 你是不是像有些人一样把跑步机当作漂亮衣服的挂衣架?

71、It makes eyes water or the battery tends to run out on the edge of a cliff-hanger moment. ─── 它使眼睛水或电池往往运行在悬崖边缘衣架的时刻了

72、NINGBO DA SHENG HANGER CO., LTD. ─── 宁波大胜衣架有限公司。

73、leading truck equalizer hanger ─── 导轮均衡梁吊杆

74、bottom side door hanger chain ─── 下侧门钩链

75、Julia Taylor Girl Hanger Picture Frame ─── 女婴服像框

76、Your logo or trade mark can be added to the wooden hanger in a number of ways. ─── 你的公司徽号或标志,可以透过以下的方法加在木衣架上。

77、Improvement of the Safety Hanger for Brake Beams ─── 制动梁安全吊的改进

78、SAPA brand, it has designed and developed patent Arc clothes hanger which have be part to international production . ─── “萨帕”品牌,设计开发国际产品专利弧形展示架;

79、Then she set me on a table, where I showed her my hanger all bloody, and wiping it on the lappet of my coat, returned it to the scabbard. ─── 即使这样,那畜生狰狞的面相还是让我感到十分不安。可是碰巧倒也并没有危险,我的主人把我放到离它不足三码的地方,它连理都没理我一下。

80、Double hanger type plate drying kiln(patented product) ─── 双挂式极板干燥窑(专利产品)

81、Although it was hanged on a hanger between shoddy weatherproof military coat and a great variety of shabby overcoat, it liked a rose in a thorn bush. ─── 它就挂在衣架上,夹在劣质的军用风雨衣和各式各样寒酸的羊毛大衣当中,然而它却像荆棘丛中的一朵玫瑰。

82、"We wanted to provide something more than just a simple neck hanger," says Jeff Billingsley, George Killian's brand manager. ─── “我们希望提供一些不仅仅是一个简单的衣架脖子说: ”杰夫比林斯利,乔治基利安的品牌经理。

83、He had used a coat hanger to break a seal on the catch. ─── 他用衣架砸断了封住的锁环。

84、adjustable split ring hanger ─── 可调拼环式管吊

85、Drywall Screws, chipboard screws, tapping crews. wood screws, machine crews, special screws. Hanger bolt, nuts, roofing nail, nails, washer, stamping, auto lathes cutting parts, etc. ─── 干墙螺丝,纤维板螺丝,自攻螺丝,木螺丝,双头螺栓,螺栓,螺母,钉子,垫片,冲压件,车削零件等。

86、The application condition and design principle of a C-type electrical sheet steel hanger are introduced. Its safety is analysed. Its safety measures are pointed out. ─── 介绍了一种C型电工钢片吊具的使用状况及设计原理,对其安全性做了分析,提出了应采取的安全措施。

87、A J-10 prototype parking outside the hanger of the CAC test site ─── 停在成飞试飞基地挂架外的J-10原型机

88、The wind-resistant performance of H-shaped hanger has been the important control factor in the design of the Long span arch bridges. ─── 因此,H型吊杆的风致振动性能已成为控制大跨度中承式拱桥设计的重要因素。

89、You’ll have to walk out on that hanger every day knowing that one of your men is in the brig because you couldn’t keep your fly zipped. ─── 你将不得不每天走在停靠港上,知道一个手下因为你惹上是非而被关了禁闭。

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