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09-05 投稿



indwelling 发音

英:[,?n'dwel??]  美:[?n'dw?l??]

英:  美:

indwelling 中文意思翻译



indwelling 网络释义

adj. 内在的,存在于内心中的v. 居住于…中;永存(indwell的ing形式)

indwelling 短语词组

1、dichromatism indwelling ─── 双色差留置术

2、indwelling catheter ─── [医] 留置导管

indwelling 词性/词形变化,indwelling变形

名词: indweller |动词过去分词: indwelt |动词过去式: indwelt |动词第三人称单数: indwells |动词现在分词: indwelling |

indwelling 相似词语短语

1、dwelling ─── n.住处;寓所;v.居住(dwell的现在分词)

2、-nelling ─── -缩进

3、bowelling ─── 鲍林

4、inshelling ─── 缩进

5、outdwelling ─── 外屋

6、-delling ─── 小凹形成

7、windmilling ─── n.螺旋桨自转;风车旋转;v.似风车般的转动;用风力转动;作风车般的传动(windmill的ing形式)

8、pit dwelling ─── 穴居

9、handselling ─── 手推销

indwelling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Method : We accept indwelling needle at vena saphena magna near medial malleolus and cephanus vena at wrist. ─── 方法:选择下肢内踝大隐静脉和上肢腕部头静脉,使用静脉留置针。

2、Keywords bronchiectasis;Indwelling catheter;local injection; ─── 支气管扩张;肺内留置导管;局部注药;

3、Double channel Foley balloon indwelling catheter ─── 双腔气囊导尿管

4、The Comparisons of Indwelling PICC through Superficial Temporal Vein and Basilic Vein in Neonates ─── 新生儿经颞浅静脉与贵要静脉留置PICC导管效果比较

5、Therefore one should pay attention to aseptic manipulation in nur sing care of patients accepted indwelling urinary catheter and keep drai nage tub e unblocked. ─── 所以在留置导尿护理中应注意无菌操作,保持引流管通畅。

6、Objective:To investigate on comfort degree in patients underwent indwelling gastric tube at two different stages, in order to guide clinical nursing and carry out comfort nursing. ─── 对两种不同时机留置胃管病人的舒适度进行研究,以指导临床护理,推行舒适护理。

7、Keywords Child;Enterostomy;Indwelling colon;Enema; ─── 儿童;肠造口术;旷置肠管;灌肠;

8、Application study on King aim implement theory in tumor patients undergoing internal jugular vein catheter indwelling ─── King目标实现理论在肿瘤病人颈内静脉置管中的应用研究

9、Colonization of the lower GI tract and indwelling catheters have been thought to be the primary sources of systemic infection with Candida. ─── 殖民化,降低胃肠道和留置导管一直被认为的主要来源全身感染念珠菌。

10、It is a seeking after God and is the opening of the deepest life of the soul to the indwelling God presence. ─── 这是一个寻求神后,留置上帝存在的灵魂最深的生活开幕。

11、Our guaranty of new identity is the indwelling Spirit. ─── 的圣灵是我们在主里新身份的保证。

12、An investigation on the nursing methods of femoral vein indwelling catheter in large area burns ─── 大面积烧伤股静脉置管护理方法的探讨

13、A Survey of Indwelling Time of Critical Patients Accepted Venous Indwelling Needle Puncture and Its Influencing Factors ─── 危重病人静脉留置针留置时间的调查及其影响因素

14、Secondly, general preventive measures are warranted, as avoiding invasive procedures: indwelling urinary catheters, venous catheters and whatever else, provided that they are not needed, of course. ─── 其次,为了进行全面预防,应避免不必要的侵入性操作,例如留置导管、静脉置管、以及其他任何非必须的操作。

15、It emphasized the importance of closing the tube with proper concentration of heparin, skin disinfection, cotton gauze, improvement of tube materials quality and the suitable indwelling time. ─── 强调选择合适浓度的肝素溶液封管、有效的皮肤消毒方法、棉质纱布的应用、导管材料的改进、合适的置管时间等的重要性。

16、Methods To operate and nurse by scalp venous indwelling needle by operational rules. ─── 方法:按头皮静脉留置针的操作规程进行操作及护理。

17、She had indwelling urine catheter due to urine incontinence. Beside due recurrevy complicated UTI. She used to have oral antibiotics for control. ─── 她因失禁的情况本身有长期导尿管留置,造成反覆性尿道感染,她通常使用口服抗生素以控制感染情况。

18、It can avoid the complication of indwelling t tube, decrease patients' pain and improve life quality. ─── 它可避免放置T管引起的并发症,减轻病人的痛苦,提高生活质量。

19、Objective: To summarize clinical result of vacuum aspiration with indwelling needle in the treatment of scalp hematoma. ─── 目的:总结留置针接负压吸引治疗头皮血肿的临床效果。

20、Methods From January 1996 to December 2004,33 cases with ureteral steinstrasse after ESWL were managed by means of ureteroscope with lithoclast and double-J tubes indwelling. ─── 我院自1996年1月至2004年12月方法对33例ESWL后输尿管石街并梗阻、经保守治疗无效的患者采用输尿管镜配合气压弹道碎石技术,并留置双J管内引流处理。

21、Safety venous indwelling needle ─── 安全型静脉留置针

22、Clinical Use of Chuangketie to Fix up Intravenous Indwelling Needle ─── 创可贴固定静脉留置针的临床应用

23、Biliary leakage happened in 1 case and was cured with indwelling abdominal drainage.No patients were complicated with postoperative hemorrhage, bile injuries.All patients were cured. ─── 1例术后出现胆漏,经腹腔引流管引流治愈,无术后出血、胆道损伤等严重并发症,所有病例均痊愈出院。

24、Keywords Gynaecological tumour;Chemotherapy;Venous indwelling needle;Nursing; ─── 妇科肿瘤;化疗;静脉留置针;护理;

25、The Spirit is a gift of the last days, and his presence and indwelling among the Galatians shows that the final days have begun. ─── 圣灵是末日的恩赐,祂的同在,住在加拉太人当中,说明末后的日子已经开始。

26、At the end of IAT, DSA was repeated with the indwelling catheter to assess the effect of the intervention and the degree of recanalization. ─── 动脉溶栓治疗的最后,留置导管、再次行数字减影脑血管造影检查,评估疗效及血管再通程度。

27、Probe into heparin concentration of sealing fluid for adult patients accepted intravenous indwelling needle ─── 成年病人静脉留置针肝素液封管浓度的探讨

28、Clinical Applications of indwelling of Femoral Venous Puncture in the Emergent Serious Patients ─── 急诊危重患者股静脉穿刺置管的临床应用

29、Application of improved Vacuum blood collecting needle and Venous indwelling needle in first-aid of patients ─── 改良真空采血针与静脉留置针在急救中的应用

30、The CVC RI incidence was higher in the patients with the factors of distant site infection, more than 7 days indwelling time and injecting TPN via CVC. ─── 存在远位感染、CVC留置时间 >7天、经CVC输注TPN的患者、CVC -RI发生率较高 ;

31、Analysis on Factors of Affecting the Retaining Time of the Scalp Venous Indwelling Needle ─── 影响头皮静脉留置针留置时间的因素分析

32、Keywords infant;indwelling needle at vein;direct sealing;transfusion course; ─── 小儿;静脉留置针;直接封管方法;输液疗程;

33、Indwelling catheterization and anti-inflammation were performed in 13 cases of urethral contusion. ─── 尿道挫伤13例,作保留导尿管+抗炎治疗;

34、Keywords pericardial effusion/drug therapy;punctures;catheters;indwelling; ─── 心包积液药物疗法;穿刺术;导管;留置;

35、Observation on therapeutic effect of indwelling needle and injection therapy to treat cervical syndrome patients ─── 利用留置针结合注射疗法治疗颈椎病的疗效观察

36、Indwelling hepatoma after MTC treatment could activize the anti tumor immunity of the patients. ─── 微波固化后留置可以刺激宿主的抗肿瘤免疫力。

37、Related Factors Analysis on Central Venous Indwelling Catheter Infection and Tube Obstruction ─── 中心静脉置管感染与导管阻塞相关因素分析

38、Application of Psychological Nursing Care in Infants Undergoing Superficial Vein Indwelling Needle Puncturing ─── 心理护理在婴幼儿浅静脉留置针置入术中的应用

39、Cystitis and urethritis are complications of prolonged use of indwelling catheters. ─── 膀胱炎和尿道炎是长期应用留置导尿管的并发症。

40、Abstract Objective:To investigate the safety and superiority of blood drawing through an indwelling vein needle on in oral glucose tolerance test . ─── 摘要目的:观察静脉留置针采血应用在口服葡萄糖耐量试验中的安全性和优越性。

41、Factors and countermeasures of influencing service life of central vein indwelling tube for patients with hemodialysis ─── 影响血液透析患者中心静脉置管使用寿命的因素及对策

42、Complications after intravenous indwelling catheter ─── 导管并发症

43、Feasibility Discussion on Collecting Blood Sample From Indwelling Catheter Using Poly-tube Bidirectional Needle ─── 应用多管采集双向针从留置针内采集血标本的可行性探讨

44、central vein tube indwelling via periphery ─── 外周中心静脉置管

45、Methods: All cases were confirmed by bladder affusion and bladder radiography.All 11 patients subjected to bladder repairing, among whom 3 had cystostomy and other 8 used indwelling catheter. ─── 方法:根据病史,通过膀胱注水试验和膀胱造影确诊,11例均行膀胱修补术,其中3例同时行膀胱造瘘术,其余8例应用粗管径尿管引流。

46、Keywords chemotherapy;peripherally inserted central catheter;indwelling time; ─── 化学治疗;经外周静脉穿刺中心静脉导管;留置时间;

47、Keywords catheters;indwelling;infusions;intravenous/nursing;time factors; ─── 导管;留置;输注;静脉内/护理;时间因素;

48、The indwelling percutaneous radial artery catheter is used worldwide especially during major operations or with critical patients in the intensive care units. ─── 摘要周边动脉导管插入是呼吸加护病房最常用来血压侦测及动脉血气体分析的一种侵入性处置。

49、By the indwelling of the Holy Spirit all believers are vitally united to Christ, who is the Head, are thus united one to another in the Church, which is his body. ─── 圣灵住在所有信徒里,因此信徒与基督在生命上联合。基督是他们的头;信徒们也因此在教会里彼此联合,教会乃是基督的身体。

50、Applying of Different Ways of Sealing-up in Patients Accepting Peripheral Venous Indwelling Trocar ─── 不同封管方法在外周静脉留置针中的应用

51、Keywords tumor of bladder;catheter;indwelling;douching;uroschesis; ─── 关键词膀胱肿瘤;导管;留置;冲洗法;尿潴留;

52、Lord, we do trust in You. You are not only with us; You are now indwelling us as the Word and as the Spirit. ─── 主阿,我们信靠你。你不仅与我们同在;你如今更活在我们里面,作为话也作为灵。哦,赞美你是活人的神!

53、Methods 91 patients(96 eyes) with obstruction of lacrimal passage were treated with combination of Nd:YAG laser and indwelling silicone tube,function of lacrimal passage was followed up. ─── 方法91例(96眼)泪道阻塞行泪道激光成型联合泪道硅胶管留置治疗,术后随访,观察泪道引流泪液功能的恢复情况。

54、Methods: The indwelling venipuncture needle which matched laser device was used to give Heliu-Neon laser blood vessel internal irradiation in median antebrachial vein or basilic vein. ─── 方法:选择与激光针规格相匹配的静脉穿刺留置针,取前臂肘正中静脉或贵要静脉进行氦-氖激光治疗。

55、The optimal indwelling time of an urethral catheter after interlocking sound urethroplasty ─── 尿道会师术后导尿管留置时间的探

56、Van den Toora LM,Schaap E,Surmont VF.Management of recurrent malignant pleural effusions with a chronic indwelling pleural catheter[J].Lung Cancer,2005,50(1):123-127. ─── 吴月明.胸腔内留置中心静脉导管局部加静脉化疗治疗恶性胸腔积液32例分析[J].中国误诊学杂志,2006,6(20):3991.

57、The defect is closed with two or three layers of absorbable suture, and an indwelling catheter is left in place for 1 week. ─── 该缺陷是封闭的两个或三个层次的吸收缝线,并留置导尿管留在地方一周。

58、SVC Indwelling Catheterization through Subclavian Vein Puncturing under X-ray Guidance ─── X线导引下锁骨下静脉穿刺置管术

59、Balthazar brought a gold box of frankincense. The gift of frankincense symbolizes the Godhead of Christ and our own gifts of honor and reverence to our indwelling Divinity. ─── 巴尔萨扎带来了装有乳香的黄金盒子。乳香的礼物是象征基督的神性,是我们自己荣耀的礼物,对我们内在的神性表示敬重。

60、Hospital Infection of Inpatients with Indwelling Catheter: Objective Monitoring and Analysis ─── 住院患者留置尿管目标性监测与分析

61、Corelation between detaining area and time of venous indwelling needle for neonates ─── 新生儿静脉留置针留置部位与时间的关系

62、Comparisons of cephalic vein and veins in back of hand on indwelling needle ─── 手背静脉与前臂头静脉留置针的比较

63、Probe into indwelling time of gastric tube in patients before operation ─── 手术前留置胃管时间的探讨

64、Lord, You are the One who gives the Spirit, the bountiful Spirit, life-giving Spirit, the indwelling Spirit, not by measure. ─── 主阿,我们再颂扬你,我们承认你是神所差来说祂话语的,并且你赐那灵,就是全备的灵,包罗万有的灵,赐生命的灵!这实在应付了我们的需要!

65、The New Testament is the dispensation of the indwelling God in the heart of His people. ─── 新约乃是神内住在祂子民心里的时代。

66、The Effect of Static Inflation of Lung on Indwelling Period of Tracheal Tube in Extracorporeal Circulation ─── 体外循环中静态膨肺对术后气管导管带管时间的影响

67、Keywords Medical gloves;Indwelling trocar;One-time success rate of puncture; ─── 关键词手套;留置套管针;一次穿刺成功率;

68、Familial nursing care of children with indwelling canula after underwent tracheotomy ─── 小儿气管切开术后留置套管的家庭护理

69、Do we believe in the indwelling Holy Spirit? ─── 我们是否相信圣灵住在我们里面?

70、Causes of influencing detaining time of intravenous indwelling needle in newborns and its strategy ─── 影响新生儿静脉留置针留置时间的原因及对策

71、Indwelling needle in peripheral vein ─── 外周静脉留置针

72、The other 10 fistulas required definite surgery after a period of indwelling PCN drainage (range 0.2 to 7 months, mean 2.8). ─── 其他10例接受经皮穿肾引流术后仍须进一步手术的病人中,经皮穿肾引流导管放置的时间从0.2至7个月(平均2.8个月)。

73、Causative Analysis on Phlebitis Developed in Patients Used Intravenous Indwelling Needle and Its Prophylaxis ─── 应用静脉留置针病人发生静脉炎的原因分析及预防

74、Methods:118 patients with stone in ureter were treated with the above-mentioned lithotriptor routine indwelling double J tube. ─── 方法:应用输尿管镜气压弹道碎石技术治疗输尿管结石118例,常规放置双J管。

75、catheter for infant feeding, indwelling ─── 小儿饲管, 小儿供液留置导管

76、A Survey of Indwelling Time of Trocar and Bacterial Culture of the Tube ─── 套管针留置时间及细菌培养观察

77、Application of the new fixation method for scalp intravenous indwelling needle in children patients ─── 患儿头皮静脉留置针固定方法的改进与应用

78、Intravenous administration of antibiotics and insertion of indwelling catheter were the two most common predisposing factors. ─── 19例有念珠菌心内膜炎,11例有念珠菌心肌炎,仅1例有念珠菌心包炎。

79、The indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which you will directly experience when you come to faith, confirms both the existence and the power of God to the believer. ─── 圣神的同在可以在接受信仰,承认天主的存在和全能的时候感受得到。通过这种关系,我们就进入了与主同在的喜乐和基督徒生活的美满。

80、Bacteriological detection and nursing of severely burned patients with indwelling catheter ─── 严重烧伤病人尿管留置的细菌学检测和护理

81、He always pays attention to exploiting his indwelling vitality and spurning greed, fame and gain. ─── 圣人追求最大限度地发挥创造的动力,而不伸展任何占有的冲动。

82、Central - vein indwelling catheter ─── 中心静脉置管

83、Objective To evaluate the factors which influence the result of urethral realignment and to assess the opitmal duration of indwelling catheter. ─── 摘要目的探讨影响尿道会师术成功的因素,明确置管时间。

84、scalp intravenous indwelling needle ─── 头皮静脉留置针

85、an indwelling divinity; an indwelling goodness. ─── 内心的神;内心的仁慈。

86、Use venous indwelling needle of small key ─── 成功使用静脉留置针的小窍门

87、We strongly recommend performing the block with an indwelling catheter under ultrasound guidance for higher accuracy and safety. ─── 为了准确性及安全我们建议在超音波引导下进行导管的置放来达到神经阻断的目的。

88、Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration analyzer ─── 心内血氧基血红素浓度分析仪

89、Observation of the effect of exhalation method on indwelling gastric tube of patients with strait nasal cavity ─── 呼气法对鼻腔狭窄病人留置胃管效果观察

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