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09-05 投稿



vexes 发音

英:[?veks?z]  美:[?veks?z]

英:  美:

vexes 中文意思翻译




vexes 同义词

disturb | gravel | amaze | bewilder | irritate | ruffle | incense | aggravate | puzzle | devil | harass | confuse | shake up | nark | rile | stupefy | raise up | chafe | get | nonplus | irk | bother | pose | rag | mystify | plague | intrude | provoke | beat | perplex | dumbfound | displease | torment | agitate | needle | distress | trouble | stick | flummox | tease | upset | stir up | pester | baffle |annoy | nettle | get at | skin | worry | get to | commove | harry | confound

vexes 词性/词形变化,vexes变形

动词过去式: vexed |动词过去分词: vexed |动词现在分词: vexing |名词: vexer |副词: vexedly |动词第三人称单数: vexes |

vexes 反义词


vexes 相似词语短语

1、exes ─── n.费用

2、vexed ─── adj.生气的,烦恼的,恼怒的;为难的;焦急的

3、vees ─── n.英文字母V,V字形物

4、sexes ─── n.两性(sex的复数);v.确定性别;使具性吸引力(sex的三单形式)

5、vexer ─── 使恼火

6、yexes ─── 期间

7、dexes ─── abbr.电信电话公司电子交换器(DendenkoshaElectronicExchange)

8、kexes ─── 凯克斯

9、hexes ─── 六

vexes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、9.[KJV] Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them? ─── 你的债主(“你的债主”或译:“咬你的”)岂不忽然起来?扰乱你的岂不醒起?你就成了他们的掳物。

2、Prefer loss to the wealth of dishonest gain; the former vexes you for a time; the latter will bring you lasting remorse. ─── 宁可失去以不诚实得到的财富;失去让你懊恼一阵子;不诚实得到的财富会给你带来永恒的自责。

3、WORD OF THE DAY - vex: to annoy; to pester; to confuse. The memory of their conversation still vexed him. ─── 使生气;使痛苦;使烦恼;使困惑他们对话的记忆,仍然让他困惑。

4、for such is disease, and death, and calumny, and treachery, and whatever else delights fools or vexes them. ─── 对那些让傻瓜欢天喜地或惆怅满腹的死亡、诽谤、背叛等等,也是如此。

5、Prefer loss to the wealth of dishonest gain; the former vexes you for a time; the latter will bring you lasting remorse. ─── 宁可失去以不诚实得到的财富;失去让你懊恼一阵子;不诚实得到的财富会给你带来永恒的自责。

6、His silly chatter would vex a saint. ─── 他说的话很无聊,多有涵养的人也得气得发火。

7、And we get on here finely, thank God;nothing to vex us. ─── 我们呆在这儿,谢天谢地,没有委屈。

8、When friends gather round from afar do we not rejoice? Whom lack of fame cannot vex is not be a gentleman? ─── 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?

9、A great sailor,until he run afoul of that which vex all men. ─── 一个很棒的水手,直到他碰上了一个让任何男人都苦恼的东西.

10、It is not right to vex ourselves at things, for they care nought about it. ─── 因事物而使我们自己烦恼是不对的,因为它们与你漠不相关。

11、To vex or annoy. ─── 使烦恼,使生气

12、To provoke the Bees and vex the scorpions ─── 撩蜂剔蝎

13、"You came here to have a good time. Since you don't feel happy, go somewhere else to enjoy yourself. Why vex yourself so? Better take yourself off, quick." ─── "你原是来取乐顽的,既不能取乐,就往别处去寻乐顽去.哭一会子,难道算取乐顽了不成?倒招自己烦恼,不如快去为是."

14、Her silly chatter would vex a saint. ─── 她喋喋不休的话会使圣人恼烦。

15、We ought to be afraid of being afraid, lest we should vex the Holy Spirit by foolish distrust. ─── 我们应该对自己会害怕而害怕,因为我们愚蠢的不信任会让圣灵担忧。

16、I wouldn't vex my darling, for the wide world's riches. ─── 便是把全世界的财富给了我,我也不肯让我的乖乖宝贝生气的。

17、The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim. ─── 13以法莲的嫉妒就必消散,扰害犹大的必被剪除。以法莲必不嫉妒犹大,犹大也不扰害以法莲。

18、Her continuous chatter vex me. ─── 她的喋喋不休使我烦恼。

19、I have no reason to vex myself. ─── 妈妈生命中有太多遗憾,妈妈相信你一定会比妈妈做得更好!

20、What troubling wave can arrive to vex A spirit like water in a timeless well? ─── 波澜誓不起, 妾心井中水。

21、The Perl 6 grammars are the one feature that is sure to confuse, vex, and inspire programmers. ─── Perl 6语法是一个肯定会让程序员迷惑、烦恼而又会产生灵感的特性。

22、Intended to vex or annoy. ─── 容易烦恼或者恼火的

23、5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. ─── 5那时他要在怒中责备他们,在烈怒中惊吓他们,

24、His continuous chatter vexes me. ─── 他唠叨不休,真烦死我了。

25、KJV] Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them? ─── [新译]你的债主(你的债主”或译:“咬你的”)不忽然起来?扰乱你的岂不醒起?你就成了他们的掳物。

26、And vexes me for reason why. ─── 我也为此而懊恼不停。

27、Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them? ─── 你的债主(“你的债主”或译:“咬你的”)岂不忽然起来?扰乱你的岂不醒起?你就成了他们的掳物。

28、Use prototyping tech such as LEGO MINDSTORMS, VEX, and breadboarding to test out designs. ─── 应用设计模型(乐高头脑风暴、VEX、计算机模拟)来测试你的想法是个不错的选择。

29、Some traditionalists warn that digital reading is the intellectual equivalent of empty calories. Often, they argue, writers on the Internet employ a cryptic argot that vexes teachers and patents. ─── 一些传统主义者警告说,数字阅读就是脑力活动中的空热量食物。他们说,通常情况下,网络写手会使用一种让老师和家长抓狂的晦涩难懂的网络语言。

30、Quick wafting zephers vex bold Jim. ─── 快速飘浮的西风激怒了鲁莽的吉姆。

31、Fathers, do not vex your children, that they may not be disheartened. ─── 21作父亲的,不要惹你们儿女的气,免得他们灰心丧志。

32、secret law" fear that vexes Udall and Wyden. ─── 秘密法”的恐惧使得尤德尔和威登坐立不安。

33、People regards me as being xenocentric, which vexes me a lot, but my life is influenced by this used-to-be colony deeply from their TV, magazines to their culture. ─── 不喜欢被别人说我崇洋媚外,但自己的成长却偏偏跟那个曾经的殖民地的电视、杂志文化所影响。

34、And nation was destroyed of nation, and city of city: for God did vex them with all adversity. ─── 6这国攻击那国,这城攻击那城,互相破坏,因为神用各样灾难扰乱他们。

35、What vexes all men? ─── |什么让任何男人都苦恼?

36、Being vex'd a sea nourish'd with lovers' tears; ─── 伤了心,大海便增添眼泪;

37、LIBRA &SCORPIO: The Scorpions' jealousy vexes the casual, harmonious nature that you possess. ─── 天秤座和天蝎座:善妒的天蝎座会把随意和谐的你惹恼。

38、BAPTISTA. Go, girl, I cannot blame thee now to weep, For such an injury would vex a very saint; Much more a shrew of thy impatient humour. ─── 巴普提斯塔:去吧,孩子,我现在可不怪你伤心;受到这样的欺侮,就是圣人也会发怒,何况是你这样一个脾气暴躁的泼妇。

39、I vex my heart alone, ─── 我独自心痛,

40、tease: make fun of a person playfully or unkindly; harass; vex (动) ─── 在学校里,其他的小孩老是因为我胖而嘲弄。

41、You know, it vexes me that somehow I'm made out to be the bad guy in the room. ─── 你们知道吗,使我十分不爽的就是不知何故我成为了这房间里的大坏蛋。

42、To irritate; vex. ─── 刺激使烦恼;激怒

43、Smoking, tears in your eyes Why you crying? Who's hurt you? Don't you just vex oneself Who's leaves you? ─── 抽着烟,眼泪在你的眼中为什么你在哭?谁伤害了你?难道只是独自烦恼?谁离开了你?

44、And vex the unhappy dust thou wouldst not save. ─── 你扬起的悲伤的尘土丝毫无助。

45、Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud. ─── 女神,轻快的华尔兹激怒了巴德。

46、Her continuous chatter vexes me. ─── 她喋喋不休的闲谈使我烦恼。

47、For I know that your transgressions are many And that your sins are mighty, You who vex the righteous and take ransom payment And turn aside justice for the needy in the gate. ─── 12因为我知道你们的过犯甚多,你们的罪极大;你们苦待义人,收受赎金,在城门口屈枉穷乏人。

48、Let us not vex the question. ─── 我们不要细论这个问题了。

49、"Vex! What brings you here?" ─── 是什么把你带到这里来的?

50、I confess it does vex me ─── 不瞒你说,我确实感到恼火。

51、I see a better state to me belongs Than that which on thy humour doth depend;Thou canst not vex me with inconstant mind, Since that my life on thy revolt doth lie. ─── 我想见一个更美好的境遇, 胜过追随你的喜怒摇摆不定, 你的反复也再不能叫我神伤, 因为我的生命将在你厌弃我的那一刻终了。

52、Don't vex this problem again. ─── 别再反复讨论这个问题了。

53、The desolate, deserted trees, The faded earth, the heavy sky, The beauties she so truly sees, She thinks I have no eye for these, And vexes me for reason why. ─── 一片苍凉而落寞的树林,凋谢的大地阴沉的天空,她真切目睹这苍凉之美,她认为我缺乏欣赏眼光,还懊恼我为什么看不见。

54、Fathers, do not vex your children, that they may not be disheartened. Hai bapa-bapa, janganlah sakiti hati anakmu, supaya jangan tawar hatinya. ─── 作父亲的,不要惹你们儿女的气,免得他们灰心丧志。

55、Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. ─── 不可亏负寄居的,也不可欺压他,因为你们在埃及地也作过寄居的。

56、Waltz nymph,for quickj igs vex Bud. ─── 女神轻快的华尔滋舞步激怒了巴德。

57、and thus, as she thought, he spoke: [013] "Lisabetta, thou dost nought but call me, and vex thyself for my long tarrying, and bitterly upbraid me with thy tears; ─── 流着泪,苦苦地埋怨我。可是别再痴心了吧,我再也不能回来和你相见了,因为就在你最后看见我的那一天,你的三个哥哥把我谋杀了。”

58、I didn't vex my mind with the questions. ─── 我也不去为这些问题多烦神。

59、LIBRA & SCORPIO: The Scorpions' jealousy vexes the casual, harmonious nature that you possess. ─── 善妒的天蝎座会把随意和谐的你惹恼。

60、The Scorpion's jealousy vexes the casual, harmonious nature that you possess. This is certainly not an alliance made in heaven and usually quite difficult for you to balance. ─── 天秤-蝎:嫉妒心极强的蝎子让追求和谐生活的你烦恼不堪。这当然不会是一对神仙眷侣,你们很难平衡彼此的关系。

61、vex oneself ─── v. 独自烦恼

62、Defining sustainability vexes hydrologists too, particularly with ancient fossil aquifers that will inevitably run dry eventually. ─── 对可持续性的定义同样让水文学家很苦恼,尤其是那些最终将不可避免干涸的古化石含水层。

63、I hope not, else he will vex my father. ─── 我希望不是,否则他要惹恼我父亲了。

64、doesn't know what he's like when anything vexes him. ─── 不知道有什么事惹他生气时,他是什么样子。

65、LIBRA &SCORPI The Scorpions' jealousy vexes the casual, harmonious nature that you possess. This is certainly not an alliance made in heaven and usually quite difficult for you to balance. ─── 善妒的天蝎座会把随意和谐的你惹恼。你们的组合并不怎么样,你通常会感到难以保持平衡。

66、LIBRA & SCORPIO: The Scorpion's jealousy vexes the casual, harmonious nature that you possess. This is certainly not an alliance made in heaven and usually quite difficult for you to balance. ─── 天秤-天蝎:嫉妒心极强的蝎子让追求和谐生活的你烦恼不堪。这当然不会是一对神仙眷侣,你们很难平衡彼此的关系。

67、scrubbed exhaust ( VEX ) ─── 有机排气

68、I am glad it is so still a night, a moaning wind or rushing rain would vex me to fever just now. ─── 今夜这么寂静我真高兴;如果这会儿有一阵呜咽的风儿和急泻的雨声,那准会使我恼得发狂。

69、How then is he not a fool who is puffed up with such things or plagued about them and makes himself miserable? for they vex him only for a time, and a short time. ─── 因为这些事物仅仅烦扰他一段时间,一段短暂的时间。

70、Everything which happens is as familiar and well known as the rose in spring and the fruit in summer; for such is disease, and death, and calumny, and treachery, and whatever else delights fools or vexes them. ─── 我们熟悉发生的每一件事情,就如熟悉春天的玫瑰,秋天的果实;对那些让傻瓜欢天喜地或惆怅满腹的死亡、谤、叛等等,也是如此。

71、My eye is wasted because of grief; It has aged because of all those who vex me. ─── 7我因忧愁眼睛干瘪;又因我一切敌人的缘故,眼睛昏花。

72、How long will ye vex my soul, and break me in pieces with words? ─── 你们搅扰我的心,用言语压碎我,要到几时呢。

73、His silly chatter would vex you. ─── 他那无聊的闲扯会使你烦恼。

74、He who peeps through a hole may see what will vex him. ─── 从洞中偷看的人会看到令他气恼的事。

75、Still another is that strident, frustrated and impatient shoppers vex shop owners and make them even less hospitable-especially at busier times of the year like Christmas. ─── 此外,一些吵闹的、失望的、没有耐心的购买者经常惹恼店主并使其变得更加不友好,尤其是在像圣诞节这样一年之中比较繁忙的时节。

76、Xmas wrecks perplex and vex. Xmas wrecks perplex and vex. ─── 圣诞节使人困惑又使人恼火.

77、Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them? ─── 7咬伤你的岂不忽然起来,扰害你的岂不兴起,你就作他们的掳物吗。

78、Being vex'd a sea nourish'd with lovers' tears: What is it else? ─── 烦恼时,爱是情侣泪水横流的海洋。爱还是什么?

79、why do ye vex and insult me, though ye know that I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you? ─── 你们既知道我是真主派来教化你们的使者,你们为什麽诽谤我呢?”

80、In Illinois, as is true everywhere, abortion vexes. ─── 在伊州,极为普遍的堕胎问题非常难处理。

81、For Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, the enemy of all the Jews, had plotted against the Jews to destroy them and had cast Pur, that is, the lot, to vex them and destroy them; ─── 24原本所有犹大人的仇敌,亚甲族哈米大他的儿子哈曼,设谋害犹大人,要灭绝他们,并且掣了普珥,就是掣了签,要击溃灭绝他们;

82、He whom the thought of love vexes eats and sleeps very little. ─── 沉浸于爱的人,食不甘味,寝不安眠。

83、I didn't think to vex you by such a trifle. ─── 我根本没想用这种小事折磨你。

84、" Then he would vex and fret himself because they did not laugh at the right time, or because they laughed in the wrong places; ─── 然后他会恼怒而且烦恼他自己因为他们不笑正确的时间,或因为他们在错误的地方中笑;

85、To annoy or pester;vex. ─── 使烦恼:打搅或纠缠;

86、Often, they argue, writers on the Internet employ a cryptic argot that vexes teachers and parents. ─── 他们表示,在大多数情况下,网络作者有自己的潜规则,这一点让老师和家长们担忧。

87、Waltz,nymph,for quick jigs vex Bud. ─── 华尔兹旋律式快速的吉格与巴的变的焦虑。

88、The problem vexes me much more recently when I got my classes. ─── 在我开始上课之后,吃饭就越发成为负担。

89、To disturb or vex with unimportant matters. ─── 使烦恼使为小事烦恼,烦扰

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