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09-05 投稿


shoemaker 发音

英:[??u?me?k?r]  美:[??u?me?k?(r)]

英:  美:

shoemaker 中文意思翻译




shoemaker 网络释义

n. 鞋匠;补鞋工人n. (Shoemaker)人名;(英)休梅克

shoemaker 词性/词形变化,shoemaker变形


shoemaker 短语词组

1、shoemaker's last ─── [网络] 鞋匠的最后一次

2、carmina shoemaker ─── 卡米娜鞋匠

3、Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 ─── 彗星Shoemaker-Levy9

4、shoemaker custom apparel ─── 鞋匠定制服装

5、shoemaker of dreams ─── 梦想鞋匠

6、shoemaker 903 ─── 鞋匠903

7、shoemaker queen ─── 鞋匠皇后

8、shoemaker 1600 ─── 鞋匠1600

9、shoemaker dance ─── 鞋匠舞

10、shoemaker battery charger ─── 鞋匠电池充电器

11、shoemaker funeral ─── 鞋匠葬礼

12、shoemaker tool crossword ─── 鞋匠工具纵横字谜

13、shoemaker 901 ─── 鞋匠901

14、shoemaker vs knight ─── 鞋匠vs骑士

15、shoemaker's spasm ─── [医] 鞋工痉挛

16、Willie Shoemaker ─── 威利鞋匠

17、good shoemaker ─── 好鞋匠

18、shoemaker in spanish ─── 西班牙语鞋匠

19、shoemaker line ─── 鞋匠生产线

shoemaker 相似词语短语

1、homemakers ─── n.主妇

2、shotmaker ─── 投球手

3、homemaker ─── n.主妇

4、snowmaker ─── 人工造雪机

5、shotmakers ─── 喷丸机

6、shopwalker ─── n.(英)商场巡视员

7、shirtmaker ─── n.衫生产商

8、shoemakers ─── n.鞋匠;补鞋工人;n.(Shoemaker)人名;(英)休梅克

9、shoemaking ─── n.制鞋,修补皮鞋

shoemaker 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Elves and the Shoemaker ─── 小矮人和鞋匠

2、'You are not a shoemaker by trade?' ─── “做鞋不是你的职业吧?”

3、Midnight one, saw only two light body's villain to walk, sat before the shoemaker work table. ─── 午夜一到,只见两个光着身子的小人儿走了进来,坐在鞋匠工作台前。

4、There, bird," said the shoemaker, "now sing me that song again." ─── 给你,小鸟,”鞋匠说,“现在再给我唱那首歌吧。”

5、"Equally the men paraded with the very latest they could afford. A tailor might have secured hints on suit measurements, a shoemaker on proper lasts and colours, a hatter on hats." ─── 同样,男人们也穿着自己所能买得起的最时新的服装招摇过市。在这里,裁缝可以得到裁剪服装的启发,鞋匠可以了解流行的款式和颜色,帽匠可以知道帽子的行情。

6、HOUSTON (AP) -- Houston Rockets guard Steve Francis has signed an endorsement deal with Chinese shoemaker Anta, becoming the company's first international spokesman. ─── 休斯敦火箭队后卫弗朗西斯已经与中国企业安踏签署了合作协议,成为该公司的第一家国际代言人。

7、In the afternoon a customer came in and was so pleased with shoes that he paid more than the shoemaker expected. ─── 下午,一个顾客走进店来,看中了这双鞋。他买下了这双鞋,付的钱比鞋匠想要的还多。

8、REVIEW MODULE Story Time Unit 1 The Elves and the Shoemaker ─── 复习模块

9、Once apon a time a shoemaker and a tailor once met with each other in their travels.The tailor was a handsome little fellow who was always merry and full of enjoyment. ─── 从前,一个鞋匠和一个裁缝在他们的旅途上相会了。

10、“And I'll make them some shoes from the very softest leathther I can buy.”said the shoemaker. ─── “而我会用这些我买到的非常柔软的皮革给他们做些鞋子”鞋匠说。

11、"They were a good pair of shoes," he thought. "I wonder if the shoemaker is still there and still has them. ─── “那是一双好鞋,”他想,“我想知道鞋匠是否还在那儿,是否还有那双鞋。

12、Shoemaker's wife is worst shod ─── 卖油娘子水梳头

13、These teams are headed by Tom Gehrels at the University of Arizona,Helin at J.P.L. and Shoemaker at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff,Arizona. ─── 分别是葛罗斯主持的亚利桑那大学小姐,海琳在喷气推进实验室的小组,以及舒梅克在亚利桑那州旗竿市罗威尔天文台的小组。

14、Shoemaker sign ─── 休梅克征

15、Six awl make a shoemaker. ─── 六个鞋砧,练出一个鞋匠。

16、How did they sew so beautifully?And how could the Shoemaker and his wife ever repay them? ─── 在常务副市长卿河山的关照下,林小麦调入了当地政府的核心决策部门。

17、Bird," said the shoemaker, "sing me that song again." ─── 小鸟,”鞋匠说,“再给我唱一次那首歌。”

18、His father lent him some money to set him up as a shoemaker. ─── 他父亲借给他一些钱, 让他开业作鞋匠。

19、a shoemaker; a cobbler ─── 制鞋工人

20、” “Certainly, sir,” the shoemaker said. ─── 当然可以,先生。

21、"I wonder if the shoemaker is still there and still has them.I'll go and see. ─── “我想知道鞋匠是否还在并保存有它们,我将会去看看。”

22、Shoemaker D P,Garland C W,Nibler J W.Experiments in Physical Chemistry.6th ed.New York:McGraw Hill,1996 ─── 北京大学化学学院物理化学实验教学组.物理化学实验.第4版.北京:北京大学出版社,2002

23、A father is taking child full street to buy a shoe, had strung together incomputable shoemaker, do not have a pair of shoes of child satisfaction unexpectedly. ─── 一位父亲带着孩子满街买鞋,串过了数不清的鞋店,竟没有一双孩子满足的鞋。

24、and the shoemaker said that they had been made for a count's daughter, but that they had not fitted her. ─── 鞋匠说这是给一个伯爵的女儿做的,但是她不合脚。

25、” The shoemaker's boy liked the idea of getting the four shillings, so he ran very fast and fetched the tinder-box, and gave it to the soldier. ─── 因此,被皇家艺术剧院送进斯拉格尔塞文法学校和赫尔辛欧学校免费就读。历时5年。1828年,升入哥尔哈根大学。毕业后始终无工作,主要靠稿费维持生活。

26、But the shoemaker always had work, and he ang his wife lived happily for the rest of their lives. ─── 但鞋匠总是有工作要做,他和他的妻子快乐地度过他们的余生。

27、'I am not a shoemaker by trade? ─── “做鞋不是我的职业么?

28、Dr. Karen Shoemaker: People pick on me. I dont slice them ear to ear. ─── 人们总是捉弄我。但是我没有把他们大卸八块。

29、When he had stood, for a minute or two, by the side of Defarge, the shoemaker looked up. ─── 他在德伐日身边站了一两分钟,鞋匠才抬起了头。

30、the shoemaker's stock ─── 夹脚的鞋

31、A few all smooth mending shoes the master says, shoemaker come unglued is the commonnest ground is the at present most serious problem in leather shoes quality. ─── 几平所有的修鞋师傅都说,鞋匠脱胶是目前皮鞋质量中最普遍地最严重的问题。

32、His father was a shoemaker and his mother had been a washerwoman in the large houses of the rich before she married Andersen's father. ─── 他父亲是个鞋匠,母亲则在嫁给安徒生的父亲之前曾在富人的大宅子里做洗衣工。

33、As mentioned in the previous chapter, the mass media asserted its power by checking the abuses of the American shoemaker Nike. ─── 如前一个规则中提到,大众传媒利用它们的力量,成功地阻止了美国鞋商耐克公司的不道德行为;

34、By trade he' s a shoemaker, but he has spent most of his life as a sailor ─── 他是鞋匠,但他大半辈子在当水手。

35、His father, a shoemaker, had died, and his mother had married again. ─── 他的修鞋匠的父亲死了,母亲改嫁了。

36、'I am not a shoemaker by trade ? ─── “做鞋不是我的职业么?

37、Adam Smith is a famous shoemaker in town. ─── 亚当·史密斯是镇上有名的鞋匠。

38、Strange is, the boss of mill, it is that shoemaker, look at most ten years old, his hand keeps working, there is undemonstrative and cordial smile on the face. ─── 希奇的是,作坊的老板,就是那个鞋匠,看起来顶多十几岁,他的手不停地忙活着,脸上带着腼腆而诚恳的微笑。

39、"Shoemaker Co., Ltd.," ─── 制鞋有限公司

40、From that day on, the shoemaker and his wife never saw the elves again, ─── 从那天起,鞋匠和他太太再也没见过那两个精灵,

41、In a small town in Germany there once lived a poor shoemaker. ─── 在德国的一个小镇里,曾经住着一个穷苦的鞋匠。

42、Shoemaker, S., "Segmenting the U.S. Travel Market According to Benefits Realized," Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 23, Winter, 1994. ─── 刘锦桂,旅游目的地选择之地点特性及其市场区隔之研究,逢甲大学土地管理研究所硕士论文,民81.

43、So the malicious shoemaker betook himself for the fourth time to the King, and said, "Lord King, the tailor has not given up his arrogance. ─── 卑鄙的鞋匠借此机会第四次在国王面前使坏,说:“国王陛下,裁缝实在是本性难移呀。

44、I'll go and see that the shoemaker was still in the same shop, al thought he was an old man by now. ─── 我要去看看,那个修鞋人依旧在同一个店,虽然他现在已经老了。

45、'I want,' said Defarge, who had not removed his gaze from the shoemaker, 'to let in a little more light here. You can bear a little more?' ─── “我想多放一点光线进来,”德伐日目不转睛地望着鞋匠,“你可以多接受一点么?

46、Henceforth, two villains again have not come, but the shoemaker has been crossing the abundant day, everything is satisfied. ─── 从此,两个小人儿再没有来过,而鞋匠一直过着富足的日子,事事称心如意。

47、"Certainly, sir," the shoemaker said. ─── “当然可以,先生,”鞋匠说。

48、It took hours to cut out and sew such tiny things,but by the next night everything was ready. the shoemaker and his wife laid the clothes and shoes out neatly on the workbench. ─── 剪和缝这些小东西花了几个小时,但第二天晚上之前,一切都准备好了。鞋匠和他们妻子把衣服和鞋整齐地放在工作台上。

49、The shoemaker followed his way and found some bees with the same problem as the ants. ─── 那个鞋匠按照他的方式并且找到一些和蚂蚁有一样难题的蜜蜂;

50、Are you sure you are willing to pay that much money for these shoes?@ the shoemaker asked. ─── “你确定愿意付那么多钱买这双鞋子吗?”鞋匠问。

51、e.g.in a small town in Germany there once lived a poor shoemaker. ─── 在德国的一个小镇里,曾经住着一个穷苦的鞋匠。

52、Roman shoemaker who with his brother Saint Crispinian sought to spread Christianity and was martyred. ─── 克里斯平罗马鞋匠,和他的兄弟圣克里斯皮尼安致力于宣传基督教并成为殉教者。

53、Like fashionable dress inn, devise the type that the style decides to Yu Ling makes work, for example, the female shoemaker of up to the minute styling can be designed very modernly. ─── 像时装店一样,设计风格决定于零售的类型,例如,最新式样的女鞋店可以设计得很时髦。

54、What shoemaker makes shoes without leather, ─── 什么鞋匠不用皮,

55、The Elves and the Shoemaker NEW WORDS ─── 小精灵和鞋匠

56、Christmas day couple days ago one evening, shoemaker before going to bed sleeps said to the wife: “we evening boil now all night, who has a look is helps us like this, is good? ─── 圣诞节前几天的一个晚上,鞋匠在上床睡觉前对妻子说:“咱们今晚上熬个通宵,看看到底是谁这样帮助我们,好不好?”

57、Quick ServiceA man took a pair of shoes to a shoe repair shop and said to the shoemaker, "I'd like you to repair these shoes for me, please. ─── 一个男人拿着一双鞋到一家修鞋店里,对鞋匠说:“我想让你帮我修修这双鞋子。

58、But is it conceivable that the father of us all should have been a weaver, shoemaker,or anthing but a gardener? ─── 但是如果说我们的父辈都不是园丁,而是织工、鞋匠等,这种说法可信吗?

59、She called him a "highly skilled shoemaker." ─── 她称赞他为"技艺高超的鞋匠。"

60、That is how they make the stitches so small,@ thought the shoemaker. ─── “难怪他们能把针线缝得那么密,”鞋匠想道。

61、Even though he jumped inside Hans the shoemaker. ─── 到了鞋匠汉斯的身体也一样

62、Hans Christian Andersen is probably the most famous Dane in literary history, but his rise from poor shoemaker's(鞋匠) son to internationally renowned author was a troubled one. ─── 安徒生可能是文学史上最有名的丹麦人,但是从贫穷鞋匠的儿子崛起成为享誉全球的作家,这段历程极为艰辛。

63、The next day the wife said to the shoemaker. ─── 第二天,妻子对鞋匠说。

64、It would have been difficult by a far brighter light, to recognise in Doctor Manette, intellectual of face and upright of bearing, the shoemaker of the garret in Paris. ─── 即使灯光明亮了许多,要在这位面貌聪颖,腰板挺直的曼内特医生身上辨认出当年巴黎阁楼里的那个老鞋匠也已十分困难。

65、It always went well with the shoemaker as long as he lived. ─── 但是鞋匠后来终其一生都过得幸福美满。

66、Dr. Karen Shoemaker: Refresh my memory. ─── 存在我的脑海里呢。

67、Once upon a time there lived an honest, hard-working shoemaker. ─── 从前有一个诚实、勤奋的鞋匠,

68、“A good idea!”said the old shoemaker. ─── “想得好!”老鞋匠说。

69、One example is the case of the American shoemaker Nike, which received criticism because of its inhumane working conditions in developing countries, including Indonesia and China. ─── 以美国鞋商耐克公司为例,因为它在中国和印度尼西亚等发展中国家的工厂里的恶劣工作环境,而备受指责。

70、But is it conceivable that the father of us all should have been a weaver, shoemaker, or anything but a gardener?Of course not. ─── 但它是可以想像的,父亲我们全部应该是织布工,鞋匠,或任何事除了花匠?当然不是。

71、By the end of the meal the shoemaker was in love. ─── 吃到最后这个鞋匠坠入情网。

72、He grows from an everyday long shoemaker the prominent leader that is battlefront of north farming carry and organizer, its grow the process has legend color extremely. ─── 他从一个普普通通的修鞋匠成长为北方农运战线的杰出领导者与组织者,其成长过程极具传奇色彩。

73、As mentioned in the previous chapter, the mass.media asserted its power by checking the abuses of the American shoemaker Nike. ─── 如前一个规则中提到,大众传媒利用它们的力量,成功地阻止了美国鞋商耐克公司的不道德行为

74、When flay shoemaker and boss speak of this thing after, he takes off the shoe, showed tiptoe part to taking the white sock of ferruginous red likewise. ─── 后去皮鞋店与老板说起这件事时,他把鞋一脱,同样露出了脚尖部分带着铁锈红色的白袜子。

75、shoemaker's spasm ─── [医] 鞋工痉挛

76、He was pleased to see that the shoemaker was still in the same shop , although he was an old man by now. ─── 他很高兴看到鞋匠还在那家店里,虽然他已很老了。

77、"This is strikingly similar to the comet Shoemaker Levy 9 that impactedJupiter in July 1994," said team member Keith Noll of the SpaceTelescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md. ─── 团队成员、马里兰州巴尔的摩市太空望远镜科研所的基恩.诺尔说:“本次撞击的引入注目之处在于与1994.7苏梅克.列维9彗星撞击木星极为相似”。

78、Can you recommend me a good shoemaker? ─── 你能给我推荐一个好鞋匠吗?

79、For, going to the door of the Doctor's room and looking in, he perceived that the shoemaker's bench and tools were put aside again, and that the Doctor himself sat reading at the window. ─── 因为,他走到医生寝室往里看时,发现鞋匠的凳子和工具又已经收拾好,医生也坐在窗前读书了。

80、A tailor might have secured hints on suit measurements, a shoemaker on proper lasts and colours, a hatter on hats. ─── 在这里,裁缝可以得到裁剪服装的启发,鞋匠可以了解流行的款式和颜色,帽匠可以知道帽子的行情。

81、“I wonder if the shoemaker is still there and still has them. ─── 他思索道,那还是以双名牌鞋呢,不知道那家修鞋店还在不在?

82、" Market demand to expand the system had to hastily recruit shoemaker, Tucker in just a few days will employ 100 new workers. ─── 市场需求的扩大不得不令这位制鞋匠急忙招兵买马,图克在短短几天便新聘了100名工人。

83、Dr. Karen Shoemaker: How did you pick your victims? ─── 你是怎么挑选你的牺牲品的?

84、They never returned, but the shoemaker prospered, succeeding in everything that he did. ─── 但是鞋匠仍然生意兴隆,万事如意。

85、His father, a poor shoemaker, died in 1816. ─── 他的父亲,一个贫困的鞋匠,在1816年去世。

86、"It is a gray day." "Yes, but dinna ye see the patch of blue?" --- Scotch Shoemaker. ─── “这是个阴天”“不错,但你难道没有看见也有补丁似的几片蔚蓝的天空吗”?

87、But is it conceivable that the father of us all should have been a weaver, shoemaker, or anything but a gardener? ─── 但它是可以想像的,父亲我们全部应该是织布工,鞋匠,或任何事除了花匠?

88、Dr. Karen Shoemaker: How did you feel when you killed them? ─── 当你杀他们的时候,感觉如何?

89、A shoemaker, through no fault of his own, had become so poor that he had only leather enough for a single pair of shoes. ─── 从前有个平凡的鞋匠,家里穷得只剩做一双鞋子用的皮革了。

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