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09-05 投稿


forgery 发音

英:['f??d?(?)r?]  美:['f?rd??ri]

英:  美:

forgery 中文意思翻译



forgery 词性/词形变化,forgery变形

名词复数: forgeries |

forgery 短语词组

1、forgery of valuable securities ─── [法] 伪造有价证券

2、commercial forgery policy ─── [经] 商业伪造保险单

3、forgery cases ─── 伪造案件

4、forgery definition ─── 伪造定义

5、forgery gem ─── 伪造宝石

6、crime of forgery ─── [法] 伪造罪

7、forgery of negotiable instruments ─── [法] 伪造票据

8、forgery charges ─── 伪造指控

9、forgery of doucment ─── [法] 伪造文件

10、the crude forgery ─── 粗制滥造的赝品

11、forgery bond ─── [经] 防伪造保险

12、forgery felony ─── 伪造重罪

13、forgery insurance ─── [财]防伪造保险

14、forgery attorneys ─── 伪造律师

15、forgery notes ─── 伪造票据

16、forgery orc ─── 伪造兽人

17、depositor's forgery bond ─── [经] 存款人防伪造保险单

18、forgery of money note ─── [法] 伪造货币

19、forgery of public document ─── [法] 伪造公文书

forgery 相似词语短语

1、Margery ─── n.玛杰里(女子名,Margaret的异体)

2、figgery ─── 虚张声势

3、doggery ─── n.贱民;狗群;卑劣行为;下等社会

4、forager ─── n.搜寻(食物)的人;四处寻找的人

5、faggery ─── 装模作样

6、dodgery ─── n.推托;躲避;诡计

7、forger ─── n.铁匠;伪造者;n.(Forger)人名;(英)福杰

8、forgers ─── n.铁匠;伪造者;n.(Forger)人名;(英)福杰

9、froggery ─── n.饲蛙处;蛙多的地方

forgery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Anyone who commits forgery distortion of certificates of country of origin or license for import or export shall be subject to criminal prosecution under Article 167 of the Criminal Law. ─── 伪造、变造进出口原产地证明、进出口许可证,依照刑法第一百六十七条的规定追究刑事责任;

2、Cases of forgery, alteration and transfer of import licences shall be handled by the Customs in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Customs laws and regulations. ─── 伪造涂改、转让进口货物许可证的,海关按照海关法规的有关规定处理。

3、crime of forgery of trade marks and trade names ─── 伪造商标商号罪

4、You may take it in your hand; it's no forgery." ─── 你可以拿过去看,这可不是伪造的。”

5、Provided that nothing in this section shall affect the ratification of an unauthorized signature not amounting to a forgery. ─── 但本条对追认未经授权但不属伪冒之签名,并无影响。

6、In terms of theft and forgery of a currency, similar problems have beset real-world coins and notes since they were invented. ─── 就偷窃和伪造货币而言,自现实世界的硬币和纸币发明以来就一直备受类似问题的困扰。

7、stamp counterfeiting | stamp forgery ─── 伪造邮票

8、The Fourier CGH digital watermarking technique is applied in color image forgery prevention printing.And we also designe an extracting program in the system. ─── 在该系统中我们首次提出将傅立叶计算全息数字水印技术应用于彩色图像印刷防伪,并为之设计了相应的提取程序。

9、This famous painting was thought to be by Van Gogh, but it is in fact a forgery. ─── 人们以为这是凡·高的名画,其实是膺品。

10、Forgery Attack Scheme to Blind Group Signature ─── 对一个盲群签名的伪造攻击方案

11、A careful examination of the antique bronze showed it to be a forgery. ─── 对古董铜像的仔细检查证明它是件赝品。

12、He was sent to prison for forgery. ─── 他因犯伪造罪被关进监狱。

13、He was sentenced to 3 years for forgery. ─── 他因假造文件被判了三年徒刑。

14、Analysis and Forgery Attack to Authorised Group Signature Scheme ─── 对授权群签名方案的分析及伪造攻击

15、Check forgery can be punished with public flogging up to 100 stripes. ─── 伪造支票可处以公开鞭刑,最多打100鞭。

16、A) forgery of the waste-testing certificate ─── (一)伪造废弃物检验单的

17、Technology guidance of Indonesian customer for founding brass alloy forgery plant. ─── 1992年技术辅导印尼客户成立黄铜合金锻造厂。

18、But victims' groups were outraged that he was convicted of only two murders and a minor case of forgery, when he was known to have taken part in massacres. ─── 在人们知道他曾多次参加大屠杀之后,他还只是因犯了两件谋杀案和一件很小的伪造案被获罪,这让受害者们感到很愤怒。

19、It has the lower cost compared with the forgery prevention of case skin. ─── 与盒皮防伪相比,成本更低。

20、A senior defector, one of Saddam's former intelligence chiefs in Europe, says Saddam sent his agents to Afghanistan sometime in the mid-1990s to provide training to Al Qaida members on document forgery. ─── 伊拉克的一名高级的叛逃人员、萨达姆前欧洲情报头目说,萨达姆派他的情报人员在90年代中期前往阿富汗,培训基地组织成员伪造文件。

21、However, the dark side of the Force allows a malicious user to install these tools for nefarious purposes such as forgery, data modification and eavesdropping. ─── 但是,它的弊端就在于很难防止恶意用户利用它来达到自己不可告人的目的,比如伪造,数据篡改,窃听。

22、forgery of valuable securities ─── [法] 伪造有价证券

23、If these two addresses do not belong to the same person, then this could be an attempt at forgery. ─── 如果这两个电子邮件地址不属于同一个人,说明存在试图伪造的可能。

24、Using anyone of the forgery attacks,original signer can produce a valid proxy signature. ─── 利用这两种伪造攻击的任何一种,原始签名者都能够伪造出一个有效的代理数字签名。

25、forgery and fraudulent use of private writing ─── [经] 伪造私人笔述进行欺骗

26、Technical export the Taiwanese trade in Tungkwan and assisted to found local hinge body parts forgery division for swower door hinge and forgery mold division. ─── 2000年技术输出东莞台商,并协助在当地成立卫浴玻璃门铰链本体零件锻造部门、锻造模具部门。

27、He is send to prison for forgery. ─── 因伪造罪他被下牢。

28、A television profile aired on August 3rd hardly helped: by chance, the cameras were in his office the day the forgery was exposed. ─── 8月3日电视上播出的录像并没能改变这个状况:赝品被揭穿的时候,恰有一架相机在他的办公室里。

29、The expert pronounced the picture to be a forgery. ─── 专家断言这张图是赝品。

30、When Obama's birth certificate in Hawaii was digitally scanned for all to see, it was denounced as a forgery. ─── 当奥巴马在夏威夷出生证明书的数字扫描被所有人亲眼目睹,它被指责为是伪造的。

31、It is forgery even if the document is incomplete or ineffective in law. ─── 即使此伪造的文件在法律上是不完整的或失效的,其行为也构成了伪造罪。

32、When a letter from UCLA arrived casting doubt on his claim, he intercepted it in the mailroom, steaming it open and substituting its contents with a forgery. ─── 他的家庭并不富裕,但母亲向他灌输了工作观念,并总喜欢引用谚语,例如:“如果什么事看上去好的令人难以置信,那么你最好别信。”

33、Yet he is accused of forgery and of having embezzled more than 11m Taiwanese dollars ($333,000) from a special allowance for public relations during his stint as Taipei's mayor from 1998 to 2006. ─── 但是他被指控犯有仿造罪,并在1998至2006年任台北市市长期间挪用特别津贴1100万新台币,相当于33万美元,这些津贴本应用于处理公共关系。

34、If this facilitates forgery it is the bank which will lose, not the customer . ─── 如果这种做法有助于伪造的话,受损失的将不是客户而是银行。

35、The expert pronounced the pictrue to be a forgery. ─── 专家断言这幅画是赝品。

36、The difference between forgery and alternation is whether documents' essential content has been changed. ─── 伪造与变造的区别在于所制作出来的东西与以前文书是否具备同一性。

37、He confessed the letter a forgery. ─── 他承认那封信是伪造的。

38、The security of elliptic curve proxy digital signature scheme by reference [4] is analyzed,the original signature scheme can not resist the two forgery attacks. ─── 对文献[4]提出的椭圆曲线代理数字签名方案进行了安全性分析,发现原签名方案不能够抵抗文中提出的两种伪造攻击。

39、Sender ID combats a specific type of e-mail forgery known as domain spoofing, which falsifies header information to make a message appear to be from a legitimate sender. ─── “发件人 ID”主要是打击一种特殊类型的电子邮件伪造品,也称为域名欺骗,这种邮件可以伪造标头信息,使消息看起来就像合法的发件人发过来一样。

40、From the point of view of many skeptics, it is one of the strongest pieces of evidence that the shroud is a forgery . ─── 从很多怀疑论者的观点来看,这是证明裹尸布是假的强而有力证据。

41、Forge and forgery bill crime prescribed by Criminal Law should be comprehended from both formalism and substantially. ─── 对我国刑法所规定的票据伪造、造应从形式主义和实质主义两方面来理解。

42、She pleaded guilty to forgery, but denied charges of money laundering, embezzlement and bribery. ─── 她承认犯了伪造文书罪,但对于洗钱案、盗用公款及收贿案的指控仍旧否认。

43、The BOPP cigarette packing film is the main product of our company, such as the shrinkable cigarette and forgery prevention cigarette film with high transparency, low haze and low static electricity. ─── 其中BOPP烟用包装薄膜是公司的核心产品,如:高透明、低雾度、低静电的收缩型烟膜及防伪烟膜等。

44、Forgery be the copy of a real document, so that it be accept as genuine to someone 's prejudice . ─── 伪造是仿造真文件以便在侵害某人利益情况下被当成真文件而被接受。

45、forgery and fraudulent use of money ─── [经] 假造货币进行欺骗

46、He spent 5 years in prison for forgery . ─── 他因伪造罪而坐了5年牢.

47、Forgery or copy make for criminal purpose ─── 为犯罪目的制造出来的复印本

48、case of forgery of national currency ─── 伪造国家货币案

49、AT first he believed the painting was an original by Harris, but by careful observATion he found out thAT it was a forgery. ─── 起初他认为那幅油画是哈利斯的真迹,可是仔细一看他发现那是一件赝品。

50、If this facilitates forgery, it is the bank which will lose, not the customer. ─── 如果因这种作法出现了伪造的话,受损失的将不是储户,而是银行。

51、The agency soon moved him from forgery to disguises - like mustaches and wigs, which were fairly crude back then in the 1960s. ─── 不久,中央情报局不再让他造假,而改搞化装,如假胡子、假发,早在20世纪60年代这些东西的制作相当粗糙。

52、forgery of official documentations ─── 伪造官方文件

53、The rights and duties of forging person, forged person, payer and bill holder etc, related parties should take different changes because of the bill forgery recognition. ─── 伪造人、被伪造人、付款人、持票人等相关当事人的权利义务亦会因票据伪造追认而发生程度不同的变化。

54、No rent, lend, misuse, transfer, forgery, manufacture, buy and sell. ─── 中华人民共和国组织机构代码证》不得出租、借、用、让、造、造、法买卖。

55、"Genuine" means free of forgery or counterfeiting. ─── “真正的”指不是伪造的或假冒的。

56、Firefox 3 will also let you know if the site you are visiting appears to be a forgery of a legitimate site. ─── Firefox3同样让你知道你是否访问了一个合法网站的赝品。

57、Forgery is an interpretation of authenticity and is contributable to an aesthetic interpretation and research of the work of art. ─── 复制是一种对原作的解释,它的出现有利于对艺术作品进行审美解读和研究。

58、He was as anxious as anyone else in the Department that the forgery should be perfect. ─── 他像司里的每一个人一样,竭力想把谎话圆得很完美。

59、Mr Menzies and his followers are naturally extremely keen to establish that the 1763 copy is not a forgery and that it faithfully represents the 1418 original. ─── 孟席斯及其支持者们自然是极力地希望确立起这样的事实: 1763年副本不是一份伪造品,而且它忠实于1418年的原图。

60、Experts are dismissing claims that the painting is a forgery. ─── 专家排除了这幅画是赝品的说法。

61、Two counts of forgery and one of fraud ─── 两项伪造罪和一项诈骗罪

62、customer's name on his cheques. If this facilitates forgery, it is the bank which will lose, not the customer. ─── 为如果出现伪造签名,也是银行承受损失而不是客户。

63、He was unjustly convicted of a forgery charge ─── 他被不公正地判有伪造罪。

64、Patented technology, remarkable rampart, protection by law, more reliable forgery prevention. ─── 专利技术,壁垒显著,法律保护,防伪更可靠。

65、He was found guilty of forgery. ─── 他被判有伪造罪。

66、They prevent the forgery of immigration papers. ─── 他们防止伪造移民证件。

67、Anderson previously was convicted of the crime of forgery of official documents, and later because of fraud and false convictions by Oslo. He was sentenced to one year probation. ─── 安德森此前曾因伪造官方文件被判罪,后来又因为欺诈和诬告被奥斯陆法庭定罪。他被处以一年缓刑。

68、Any forgery, alteration, lease, lend, and transfer is prohibited to the Business License. ─── 3营业执照不得伪造、涂改、出租、出借、转让。

69、He is sent to prison for forgery ─── 因伪造罪他被下牢

70、The letter was a forgery. ─── 这封信是伪造品。

71、In law, "fraud" generally involves an act of deception, bribery, forgery, extortion, theft, misappropriation, false representation, conspiracy, corruption, collusion, embezzlement, or concealment of material facts. ─── 从法律意义上,“欺诈”通常包括以下行为:欺骗、贿赂、伪造、勒索、偷窃、挪用、错误陈述、共谋、贪污、盗用或故意隐藏事实等。

72、forgery of negotiable instrument ─── 伪造票证(罪)

73、If it's a forgery, then it's spam or fraud, and it can be dropped without impact to the user. ─── 如果是伪造的,那就邮件或欺诈行为,而且可以减少对用户没有影响。

74、So I invented this injury in order that I might not commit a forgery, that I might not introduce a flaw into the marriage documents, in order that I might escape from signing. ─── 冉阿让继续说:“你们的婚礼我不到比较恰当,我尽量做到不在场,我假装受了伤,为了避免作假,避免在婚书上加上无效的东西,为了避免签字。”

75、Since a self-signed digital certificate might be a forgery, users will receive a security warning when they open a file that contains a macro project with a self-signed signature. ─── 因为自行签署式数字证书有可能是伪造的,所以当用户打开包含自签名的宏的文件时将会收到安全警告。

76、crime of forgery of documents and seals ─── 伪造文书印章罪

77、He made a fortune with the forgery of picture. ─── 他随著伪造的画而发财。

78、Russia's embattled head of Yukos Oil, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, went to jail on charges of fraud and forgery and saw his fortune plunge. ─── 俄罗斯尤科斯石油公司负责人霍多尔科夫斯基因为诈骗和伪造的罪名入狱,财富也急速缩水。

79、We provide solutions to your company's brand protection (To prevent imitation, forgery, copyright &patented products). ─── 可为客户提供设计、制版、模压、转印、综合防伪及各种软硬镭射包装等综合服务。

80、He confessed the letter (to be) a forgery. ─── 他供认这封信是伪造的。

81、The first one is how to ensure private of information transmired in network and avoid non-filching, tamper, forgery. ─── 在现有的加密、认证、防火墙技术的基础上,针对零售业的自身具体需求,构造一种端到端的实用的具有加密、认证功能的防火墙,实现了零售业的多个门店数据向总部的安全传输;

82、He spent three years in prison for forgery. ─── 他为了伪造而坐了三年牢。

83、If this facilitates forgery it is the bank which will lose, not the customer. ─── 如果这使得伪造签名更加容易,那也是银行的损失,而不是储户的。

84、case of forgery of national curency ─── [法] 伪造货币案

85、From the point of view of many skeptics, it is one of the strongest pieces of evidence that the shroud is a forgery. ─── 从很多怀疑论者的观点来看,这是证明裹尸布是假的强而有力证据。

86、Therefore, the appearance of forgery embodies intellectual democracy which enables all people to share and acquire knowledge equally. ─── 复制的出现其实就是一种知识民主,让众人可以平等地分享与获取知识。

87、if it is a fake it will be a disgusting cultural forgery. ─── 如果它是假的 ,那这就是一个令人不齿的文化造假事件。

88、forgery of negotiable instruments ─── [法] 伪造票据

89、It makes no difference that the forgery may have been a very skilful one: the bank must recognize its customer's signature. ─── 即使伪造的十分巧妙的也不能付款:银行必须能够辨认客户的签字。

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