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09-05 投稿


mortise 发音

英:[?m??rt?s]  美:[?m??t?s]

英:  美:

mortise 中文意思翻译




mortise 网络释义

vt. 榫接,使牢固相接;给…开榫眼n. 榫眼

mortise 词性/词形变化,mortise变形


mortise 常用词组

mortise lock ─── 插锁

mortise and tenon ─── 阴阳榫

tenon and mortise ─── 榫臼;雌雄准

mortise 短语词组

1、mortise-joint ─── [医] 踝关节, 距骨小腿关节

2、haunched mortise-and-tenon joint ─── 加腋榫接

3、mortise-and-tenon joint ─── [网络] 卯榫

4、mortise joint ─── 榫接, ─── 榫接,镶 ─── 榫接头

5、drawbore a mortise-and-tenon joint ─── 开榫

6、mortise gauge ─── 槽用分划规, ─── 槽用划线盘,榫规

7、mortise lockset ─── 插芯锁具

8、mortise projection ─── [医]榫合投照:踝关节的前后位像,患者足内旋15-20度,使胫、腓基底部不在跟前

9、mortise wheel ─── [机] 镶齿轮

10、mortise lock n. ─── 插锁

11、mortise chisel ─── 榫凿,錾 ─── 榫眼

12、mortise and tenon joint ─── 雌雄榫榫头榫孔接合

13、mortise pin ─── 梢子

14、mortise view ─── 榫眼视图

15、mortise joints ─── [医] 踝关节, 距骨小腿关节

16、mortise cylinders ─── 插芯圆筒

17、mortise hole ─── 榫眼

18、mortise and tenon ─── 阴阳榫; 卯榫

mortise 相似词语短语

1、mortice ─── n.[木]榫眼;vt.榫接(等于mortise)

2、mortises ─── n.榫眼;v.榫接,使牢固相接;给……开榫眼

3、mortiser ─── n.作榫接合者;榫眼机

4、amortised ─── 分期偿还(amortise的过去式和过去分词)

5、unmortise ─── vt.使脱榫

6、amortise ─── vt.分期偿还;摊还(债券等);把…转让给教会永久管理

7、amortises ─── vt.分期偿还;摊还(债券等);把…转让给教会永久管理

8、mortalise ─── 凡人化

9、mortised ─── n.榫眼;v.榫接,使牢固相接;给……开榫眼

mortise 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Besides, the main structure is formed by larger parts, connected by traditional mortise and tenon techniques. ─── 咖啡屋的主要结构利用大尺寸木材采用传统榫卯技术构造而成。

2、Keywords rigor mortis;restiffening;scanning electron microscope;sarcomere; ─── 尸僵;再僵直;扫描电镜;肌节;

3、There's a copper hoop on top with wooden pole,and under stalk there's an iron mortise. ─── 上端有铜抱箍与木杆联为一个整体,刃茎下部上一铁铆,不存在折断问题,更长的关刀尚如此。

4、half mortise hinge ─── 半开榫铰接

5、mortise one beam to [into] another ─── 把一根梁榫接于另一根梁

6、mortise machine ─── 凿榫眼机

7、Introduced a measure method to crosswise deformation amount of tenon and mortise place in the high-quality laminate flooring products by means of dynamic signal and analysis apparatus. ─── 摘要介绍一种用动态信号分析仪测定强化木地板榫接部位横向变形量大小的方法。

8、e la morte e l’Ades resero i loro morti, ed essi furon giudicati, ciascuno secondo le sue opere. ─── 于是海把其中的死人交出来,死亡和阴间也把其中的死人交出来,他们都照着各人所行的受审判。

9、Door Lock Mortiser In order to mortise in wooden door, panel and board easily, We introduced advanc... ─── 发布者:蒙海燕所在地:浙江宁波市行业:机械及行业设备职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上

10、shallow mortise ─── 子荫

11、Padlock, door lock, mortise lock, hardware. ─── 挂锁,门锁,锁体,五金件。

12、Description on Mortise Form by Mathematic Method ─── 以数学方法对榫眼形状进行描述

13、The method of least square is adopted to deal with the test data, rendering the rule of the influence by sizes of the tenon and mortise. ─── 利用最小二乘法对试验数据进行处理,得出榫头尺寸及卯孔对刚度影响的规律。

14、marriage in articulo mortis ─── [法] 临终时的结婚

15、algor mortis ─── 尸冷

16、The utility model relates to a handle clutch device of an electronic mortise lock, and belongs to the field of mortise lock accessories. ─── 本实用新型涉及一种电子插芯锁的执手离合装置,属于插芯锁配件领域。

17、Besides, we bought a power mortise chisel and an electric drill of the latest model as well. ─── 另外我们还买了一架电动榫凿和一个最新式的电钻。

18、fixed unit is a fixed plate with a dovetailed tenon and a dovetailed tenon mortise. ─── 固定构件为带有马牙榫、马牙榫槽的固定板。


20、Besides, we bought a power mortise chisel and an electric drill of the latest model as well. ─── 另外我们还买了一架电动榫凿和一个最新式的电钻。

21、Solid wood blocks--Mortise join specifications ─── GB/T15036.3-1994实木地板块榫接地板块技术条件

22、Because cutting a mortise requires accurately removing a great deal of stock, a drill and dowelling jig are your tools of choice. ─── 因为做榫槽需要精确地挖掉一大块木头,最好选用电钻和圆榫开孔模具来作为工具。

23、livor mortis ─── 尸斑

24、Rigor mortis ─── n. 尸僵; 死后僵硬

25、It looked like a giant carved spider with extra legs that had suffered rigor mortis and had an enormous hoop affixed to all its ankles. ─── 它看起来就像一只巨大的蜘蛛木雕,只是多了不少条腿,而且这些腿上都打了榫眼又被一个巨大的轮圈锁住了脚踝。

26、All the ladies dig rigor mortis. ─── 女人都该去给自己挖坟墓...

27、The limit placed upon torture was citra membri diminutionem et mortis periculum -- ie, it was not to cause the loss of life or limb or imperil life. ─── 不过,这不是更重要的说,酷刑是很少提及,在记录中的宗教裁判所审判-但有一次,例如在636谴责之间的第1309和1323年,这并不能证明酷刑是很少适用。

28、We have grown accustomed to the fact that collective global action is hamstrung by institutional and diplomatic rigor mortis. ─── 我们已习惯了这样的事实:由于制度和外交上的僵化,全球无法采取一致行动;

29、The historic timber structural buildings are composed of beams, columns, dougongs and roof, which are linked by mortise and tenon joints. ─── 中国建筑中的梁、柱、斗棋和屋顶结构是通过榫卯结合在一起的。

30、Rigor mortis had set in, but no injuries or cause of death were immediately apparent, though the empty vial clutched in her hand suggested suicide by poison. ─── 尸体已经开始僵硬了,但并没有导致死亡的伤口和死因随即显现出来,不过她手里握着一个小空瓶,说明她是服毒自杀的。

31、Tears welling in his eyes from the frustration, he made demands from the podium in Phoenix before the 2006-07 season had even begun to develop rigor mortis. ─── 失利后泪水不断流下,2006-07赛季还没有结束,科比还在凤凰城就要求球队做出调整。

32、Guesthouses and unit production managers at various levels with magnetic lock, IC card lock, a variety of ball lock, Mortise lock, knob lock. ─── 公司生产宾馆及各单位用的各级管理磁卡锁、IC卡锁、各种球形锁、插芯门锁、执手锁。

33、The fixed unit is a fixed plate with a dovetailed tenon and a dovetailed tenon mortise. ─── 固定构件为带有马牙榫、马牙榫槽的固定板。

34、cause mortis ─── [法] 考虑死因

35、" he asked the cramped hand that was almost as stiff as rigor mortis. ─── 他问那只抽筋的手,它僵直得几乎跟死尸一般。"

36、a projection at the end of a piece of wood that is shaped to fit into a mortise and form a mortise joint ─── 一块木头末端的一个突起,它可以插进去一个榫,形成一个榫接口

37、If uneven ground, the arrangement of the furniture is inappropriate, extremely easy to cause the shedding of tenon and mortise structure. ─── 如果地面不平,将家具摆放不妥,极易造成榫卯结构的脱落。

38、open mortise ─── 开口榫眼

39、My brain was in final stages of rigor mortis and my body was chanting home! ─── 我的大脑处于最僵硬的状态。我的躯体隐约地反复呼喊着“回家!”

40、Except the advantages of “outstanding materials and processes ” ,the actual soul of “Full Wooden” Series is scientific and proper, beautiful as well as various complex mortise and tenon structure. ─── “全木坊”系列家具除具有“材优工巧”优势之外,真正成为“全木坊”家具灵魂的正是科学合理、美观含蓄、复杂多变的榫卯结构。

41、reversible mortise lock ─── 反向插锁

42、Work "Right" principal use of the bones fit (mortise and tenon structure) between the things of the form of a state of interdependence, "and different. ─── 作品“对了”主要运用骨头契合(卯榫结构)的形式表现事物之间一种相互依存的状态,“和而不同”。

43、If sound hair is dumb, have break off li of bang murmur, explain mortise union is not close, the structure is not firm. ─── 假如声音发哑,有劈里啪啦的杂音,说明榫眼结合不严密,结构不牢。

44、Come quando si ara e si rompe la terra, le nostre ossa sono sparse all’ingresso del soggiorno dei morti. ─── 他们说:“我们的骨头被抛散在墓旁,好像人犁田锄地时掘起的土块。”

45、Efforts to take mortise lock into the time which with emergency exit function, and offer our customers with the high quality products and the satisfied services. ─── 如圆筒式球形门锁、浴室锁等都具有逃生功能,不仅可在紧急情况下为用户快速逃离赢得时间,更多的是为用户平时使用带来方便。

46、if the sound made dumb, noise, that is not combined with tight mortise, Structure is not strong. ─── 如果声音发哑,有杂音,说明榫眼结合不严密,结构不牢。

47、mortise joint ─── n. 镶榫接头, 榫接

48、negotia mortis causa ─── [法] 临死行为, 死因行为

49、Rigor mortis had already set in. ─── 尸体已经僵硬。

50、Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus.Nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. ─── 天主圣母玛利亚,求你现在和我们临终时,为我们罪人祈求天主。

51、Experimental study of restiffening of the rigor mortis ─── 尸僵再形成的实验性研究

52、My foothold is tenon'd and mortis'd in graneite , ─── 我的立足点与花岗岩相连接,

53、It works with most mortise and rim applications and provides flexible access control and alarm notifications. ─── 它使用于大多数的卯眼和轮缘应用,并且能够提供灵活的访问控制和报警通知。

54、socket lock mortise chisel ─── 圆曲巧头凿

55、mortise (-ice) ─── 凿榫

56、If be of timberwork cloth art sofa, part of main body frame uses structure of mortise and tenon commonly, if discover those who assemble to in-house frame is nail completely, cannot buy absolutely. ─── 假如是木结构的布艺沙发,主体框架部分一般采用卯榫结构,若是发现内部框架全是钉子组装成的,绝不能购买。

57、"How do you feel, hand?" he asked the cramped hand that was almost as stiff as rigor mortis. ─── “手啊,你觉得怎样呢?”他问那只僵硬得几乎跟死尸一样的抽筋的手。

58、blind mortise ─── 凹榫暗榫眼

59、mortise lock ─── n. 插锁

60、mortise joints ─── [医] 踝关节, 距骨小腿关节

61、forked mortise and tenon joint ─── 叉形榫接头

62、This might not matter to a sophisticated economist, who would a mortise the battery cost over the life of the vehicle. ─── 这也许不会令那些顽固老练的经济学家感冒,因为他们懂得把电池的成本分摊到汽车的寿命上。

63、a projection at the end of a piece of wood that is shaped to fit into a mortise and form a mortise joint. ─── 一块木头的末端的一个突起,它可以插进去一个榫,形成一个榫接口。

64、mortise wheel ─── 嵌齿轮

65、To fit into a socket or mortise. ─── 插入插座或与榫眼接合

66、An experimental study on the length change of the sarcomere in rat during the rigor mortis ─── 大鼠尸僵发展过程中肌节长度的变化及其长度测定

67、tenon-and-slot mortise ─── 凸榫狭槽榫接

68、Measure Crosswise Deformation Amount of Tenon and Mortise Place on the High-quality Laminate Flooring Products by Means of Dynamic Signal Technology ─── 利用动态信号技术检测强化木地板榫接部位横向变形量

69、Uses mortise lock that is inserted inside the door for maximum safety. ─── 使用插锁,插入到门框里面,最大限度保证安全。

70、lock mortise ─── 固定缺口

71、in articulo mortis ─── [医] 濒死

72、And there are any metallic connectives on this bed, joggle is between bed leg and bedplate, craftsman certains ably good mortise, this bed combination is together. ─── 并且这个床上没有任何金属连接物,床腿和床板之间都是榫接的,工匠巧妙地凿好榫眼,将这个床组合在一起。

73、solid shallow mortise milling cutter ─── 整体浅榫槽铣刀

74、In contrary to rigor mortis, tenderization was promoted by increasing of aging temperature. ─── 故可得知,嫩化作用本质是随储藏温度的上升而被促进,与僵直作用刚好相反。

75、47. "How do you feel, hand?" he asked the cramped hand that was almost as stiff as rigor mortis. ─── “手啊,你觉得怎样呢?”他问那只僵硬得几乎跟死尸一样的抽筋的手。

76、act mortis causa ─── [法] 死因行为

77、The treatment for metastasis of malignant tumor is a tough problem to the clinical oncology,because tumor metastasis is the causa mortis of majority of cancer patients. ─── 恶性肿瘤转移的治疗是临床肿瘤学的一大难题,也是大多数癌症患者的死亡原因。近代中西医学者已从不同的角度,以不同的方式研究了肿瘤转移的成因以及治疗方法。

78、*Li tre juna mortis. ─── 他年轻轻的死了.

79、Rigor mortis gave the heartsick survivor convincing evidence for burial. ─── 尸体僵硬之后,伤心欲绝的艾斯特洛便?{为死亡确凿,可以埋葬了。

80、Cut through by the great River Mortis, the ancient, dusty realm of Nehekkarha lies not-as-silent as it should be, duly earning its title as the Land of the Dead. ─── 我更坚信我们西漳理事分会在无锡公司领导的支持、在优秀员工胡建军的带领下,以及在5位年轻员工的共同努力下,在更多爱心善使的帮助下。

81、My foothold is temon'd and mortis'd in granite, ─── 我的立足点与花岗岩相连接

82、The half mortise lock itself is a rare double strike lock, which required a much higher level of skill to manufacture. ─── 半插芯锁本身是一种罕见的双重打击锁,这需要更高的技术水平,生产。

83、Our company is one big hardware factory in china, our main products are Mortise lock, Door lock, Pad... ─── 发布者:王优优所在地:山东济南市行业:五金、工具职位:经理工作年限:


85、3) mortise trough: the larger plastic deformation can be used washer used in the corrosive medium more extensive and better sealing. ─── 3)榫槽式:可用塑性变形较大的垫圈,在腐蚀性介质中使用较广泛,密封效果较好。

86、Experts at the coroner's office also reportedly believe Jackson was moved after his heart attack as they discovered disruptions in the pattern of "livor mortis" on his body. ─── 据报道,在发现mj尸体上的尸斑形式有被破坏的迹象时,法医办公室的专家就相信mj在心脏病突发后尸体被移动过。

87、While reflecting the skill of Chinese craftsmen in using hardwoods,the Chinese furniture industry is richer and has many more types of mortise and tenons. ─── 中国传统家具品类众多,又兼具独树一帜的"硬木"文化情结,因此,不仅中国家具榫结构的类型比日本的多,结构形式也复杂;

88、For example: Profile mortise lock or double bolt rim lock, the cylinder can operate the square bolt, while the lever can operate the spring latch only. ─── 如:弹子插芯门锁或外装双舌门锁,锁头为开、关方舌,执手为开、关斜舌,但有联动机构的,既可开、关方舌,同时又开、关斜舌,而执手仍保持单独开、关执手;

89、inciampiamo in pien mezzogiorno come nel crepuscolo, in mezzo all’abbondanza sembriamo de’ morti. ─── 我们在肥壮的人中,好像死人一般。

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