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09-05 投稿



healthiness 发音

英:[?helθin?s]  美:[?helθin?s]

英:  美:

healthiness 中文意思翻译



healthiness 短语词组

1、physical healthiness ─── 身体健康

2、healthiness condition ─── [计] 健全条件

healthiness 词性/词形变化,healthiness变形

副词: healthily |形容词比较级: healthier |形容词最高级: healthiest |名词: healthiness |

healthiness 反义词

unhealthy | ill

healthiness 同义词

in the pink | bright-eyed | intelligent | fit | hearty | beneficial | strong | strapping | lusty | nourishing | constitutional | sizable | hefty | vigorous | energizing | sizeable | level-headed |salubrious | trim | salutary | blooming | hardy | buxom | health-giving | levelheaded | sound | respectable | goodly | advantageous | goodish | robust | energetic | well | tidy | nutritious | ruddy | healthful | hale | vital | rugged | wholesome

healthiness 相似词语短语

1、stealthiness ─── n.隐匿性

2、deathiness ─── 死亡

3、wealthiness ─── 富裕

4、healthfulness ─── [n.于健康有益;卫生

5、unhealthiness ─── n.有病;不干净

6、earthiness ─── n.土质,土性;质朴,粗陋

7、heartiness ─── n.热心;诚实

8、healthiest ─── 健康的(healthy的最高级)

9、healthless ─── 不健康的

healthiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The heart disease and stroke are the frequently disease harming the mankind healthiness. ─── 心脑血管疾病是危害人类健康的常见疾病。

2、It can make mine resource exploiture and diggings development make for persistence development healthiness road. ─── 使矿产资源开发和矿区发展走可持续发展的健康之路。

3、PE and Healthiness ─── 体育与健康

4、healthiness conditions ─── 健康条件

5、So all levels governments are making great efforts to change rural-to-urban migrant workers’ survival level in city, lead our society to more and more healthiness, stabilization, and harmonious. ─── 各级政府都在为此努力来改变农民工在城市的生存现状,更加使我们的社会向着更加健康、稳定、和谐的方向发展。

6、Some Basic Techniques of Virtual Reality Body Healthiness Vehicles for Rehabilitation ─── 康复用虚拟现实健身车的技术基础

7、Alternatively (or in addition) it may be that intelligence is one manifestation of an underlying, genetically based healthiness. ─── 另一个理解(或者说另外)则是,智力是一种潜在的以及基因健康状态的表现。

8、With the above approach, methodologies for assessing the healthiness of coastal zone ecosystem are studies in this thesis. ─── 初步探讨了海岸带生态系统健康评价方法。

9、In the traditional mode of industrialization, the continuous growth of GDP is based on the overdraft of the environmental resources and the public healthiness. ─── 摘要在传统工业化模式下,不断增长的GDP总量,是建立在资源环境不断透支的基础之上的。

10、Finally, it gives several advices about the establishment and healthiness of our independent... ─── 最终,提出了建立健全我国独立董事薪酬制度的若干建议。

11、Study on the Self-Maintenance Tactic of the Undergraduate Mentality Healthiness ─── 大学生心理健康自我维护策略探析

12、The Research of Gene sch Effects on Healthiness and Cocoon Weight of the Silkworm ─── 家蚕sch基因对健康性及茧重的影响研究

13、In future, the company will continue to persist in the " Safety, Hygiene & Deliciousness" tenet to make persisting efforts for improving the healthiness level of the customer. ─── 现在,鸭井公司以“安全·安心·营养·平衡”为理念,以多样化发展求进取,为国内外广大客户提供高质量系列食品。

14、According to Soviet concept healthiness was the key point of catering. ─── 按照苏维埃的理念,食堂的核心是保证健康。

15、A social order of stability symbolizes healthiness degree of any society. ─── 稳定的社会秩序是一个社会健全程度的标志。

16、But in building an attitude that has healthiness and constructiveness about it, what kinds of words should we advise ourselves to use? ─── 但要构建健康的和有建设性的看法,我们应当建议自己用什么样的词汇呢?

17、School physical education baa already been as effective method of promoting students' psychological healthiness in university But at present, the research focuses mainly on the function of P. ─── 摘要学校体育已经成为促进大学生心理健康的有效途径之一,但目前的研究主要集中在体育课的作用上。

18、that end, on March 22nd she unveiled a series of targets to improve the healthiness of Pepsi's wares. ─── 因此,她于3月22日披露了提升百事产品健康性的系列目标。

19、In order to resolve the three agricultural problems effectively, it is necessary to go with agricultural logistics of healthiness. ─── 农业物流的健康良性发展,能够有效促进“三农”问题的解决。

20、This type of massage can facilitate the lymph system to expel endotoxin and help to balance physical enginery, relax nerves, remove fatigue, and enhance healthiness. ─── 促进淋巴系统排除体内毒素。平衡生理机能,松弛神经,消除疲劳,增进健康。

21、And the revival of interest in studying Southeast Asia in the region itself is the best pointer to the healthiness of the discipline. ─── 东南亚研究在东南亚区域内再度复苏的现象,即是此学科健全发展的最佳指标。

22、10. life's greatest wealth is healthiness. ─── 十,人生最大的财富是健康。

23、mentality healthiness education ─── 心理健康教育

24、Healthiness and the reasonableness of a company's accounting system relate its quality of accounting work and profit of information users. ─── 对于单位而言,其会计制度是否健全、合理,直接关系到单位会计工作的质量和会计信息使用者的利益。

25、Perfectly viable human embryos have been destroyed in order to create sperm over which there will be huge questions of their healthiness and viability. ─── 他们破坏了健康的人类卵子来制造一些健康和存活存在极大问题的精子。他们用一个生命去制造另一个生命。虽然我非常赞成治疗人类的不育症,但是我不认为你可以为所欲为。

26、The ratio of household debt to financial assets also gave a misleadingly good impression of the healthiness of the underlying debt. ─── 家庭债务相对金融资产的比例,也误导我们相信,基础债务的状况良好。

27、The Analyses and Countermeasure Research about the Psychology Healthiness Problem of Undergraduates ─── 大学生心理健康问题分析及对策研究

28、The Personal Consciousness and the Mental Healthiness Of the Undergraduates ─── 学生干部角色意识与大学生心理健康

29、So He focuses in again on God’s commitment to the healthiness, or holiness, of man and his need for rest and recreation. ─── 耶稣再次强调上帝重视的是人健康、圣洁、和休息、更新的需要。

30、occupation healthiness ─── 职业健康

31、constitutional healthiness ─── 体质健康

32、Analyzing this can help avoid damage and lead to profit, and has great significance in a company's self-development and regulation and in the perfection and healthiness of the stock market. ─── 分析这种行为,趋利避害,对上市公司的自我发展与调节,以及证券市场的完善与健全,有着重要意义。

33、One concern that most older Chinese customers (above teen-age) have regarding KFC food is the healthiness of fried products. ─── 一个关注中国最年长的顾客(以上青少年的年龄)有关于肯德基食品是健康的油炸产品。

34、Healthiness system ─── 健全制度

35、As an important part of the wetland ecosystem,the wetland vegetation biomass is a key index to weigh the healthiness of the wetland ecosystem. ─── 湿地植被生物量是衡量湿地生态系统健康状况的重要指标。

36、psychological healthiness ─── 心理健康

37、Discussion on Sports Prescription of Promoting Undergraduates'Psychological Healthiness ─── 浅谈促进大学生心理健康的课外体育活动运动处方

38、Atria fibrillation is one of durative arrhythmia of the most familiar,it is harmful to healthiness of the people. ─── 心房颤动是最常见的持续性心律失常之一,危害着人们的生命健康。

39、19. People oriented trend has been an important characteristic of physical education reform, which demonstrates that healthiness of the students were regarded as the foremost thing. ─── 摘要人本化教育趋势是新体育课程改革的重要特性,“健康第一,以学生为本”是体育教育人本化的本质体现。

40、Wish your baby healthiness and prettiness and all the happiness for your family! ─── 祝你的宝宝健康漂亮,你们全家永远幸福。

41、The nonmetal products have the advantages of healthiness, environmental protection . chemical stability and being acidproof and acidoxidation. ─── 健康环保,自然美观。产品属于非金属类产品,耐酸耐氧化,化学稳定性好。

42、People spend more than 80% of their time indoors. Building environment has great effect on people's healthiness and work efficiency. ─── 人的一生中至少有80%以上的时间是在室内环境中度过的,室内环境对人们的身体健康及工作效率有极大影响。

43、Moreover, Hotel will closely monitor the healthiness of staff and ensure they are fit for work. ─── 此外,酒店亦密切留意员工的健康状况,以确保他们适合上班工作。

44、The establishment and healthiness of disabled sports organizations provide organizational assurance for the development of the sports cause for handicapped people. ─── 残疾人体育组织的建立和健全,为残疾人体育事业的发展提供了组织保证。

45、Keywords Nursing morality;Communication between paramedic and patients;Nursing abilities;Physical and psychological healthiness; ─── 护理工作;护理道德;护患关系;心理沟通;心身健康;

46、The color of candle and light can be red, blue, yellow, and green;It is a flameless, healthiness, long-lasting candle that can be used in all votive applications. ─── 颜色的蜡烛和轻,可为红色,蓝色,黄色和绿色,它是一种无焰,健康,持久的蜡烛,可用于所有votive申请。

47、healthiness condition ─── [计] 健全条件

48、A policy is applied to this measurement to determine the level of healthiness. ─── 将某策略应用于这一测量来确定健康级别。

49、And now the framework has been in healthiness, functioning perfectly. ─── 机构逐步健全,功能趋于完善;

50、Subhealth is a state between healthiness and disease. ─── 亚健康状态是一种介于健康和疾病之间的状态。

51、It was found in this study that the teaching goals in those countries were developing in the direction of healthiness, life-long and multi-element. ─── 研究发现:中、日、美、英体育教学目标向着健康化、终身化、多元化的方向发展;

52、Construction of the Integrated Mode about the Mental Healthiness in Middle Vocational School ─── 中等职校心理健康教育整合模式的建构

53、Healthiness of East Liaoning Migrants in Qing Dynasty: A Comparison of Household Booklets and Pedigrees ─── 从户口册与家谱的比较看清代辽东移民的身体素质

54、In the author's opinions, developing economy, adding health outlay and expending medical enterprises are economic basis in realizing healthiness rights; ─── 笔者认为,积极发展经济,增加卫生经费投入,发展医疗卫生事业是实现健康权利的经济基础;

55、Reforms are hoped to be made rapidly to healthiness the capital market. To figure a good corporate governance system is becoming an international tide of 21 century. ─── 人们希望能迅速做出改革,以健全资本市场,塑造良好的公司治理机制成为二十一世纪初的国际潮流。

56、As a new kind of textile material and thanks to its healthiness and environmental protection,the paper yarn and its production will have a good future. ─── 介绍了新型纺织材料和纸纱的分类、服用特性、织造特点,以及国内外和纸纱相关产品的开发情况。

57、E courses, while in fact, it's really not enough to promote students' psychological healthiness only through two P.E lessons each week, whether from time or pertinency. ─── 实际上,仅仅通过每周两节的体育课来促进学生的心理健康无论在时间上还是针对性上都是不够全面的。

58、Finally, it gives several advices about the establishment and healthiness of our independent director's salary system. ─── 最终,提出了建立健全我国独立董事薪酬制度的若干建议。

59、* Avoid blaming, never say "you this, you that" and always voice it with "I" statements and talk about goals, healthiness and not about things that are going wrong between the two of you. ─── * 别责备对方,别说你怎么这样、你应该那样。用第一人称,陈述你的目标,说你认为怎样做是健康的,而别说你们两个关系出了问题。

60、The disease had taken their health but the society do not forget them.The people with the healthiness and affluence should help them at spirit, substance and financial. ─── 我们肢体健全、过着富足生活的健康人,应该从精神上到物质上去关心、援助他们。

61、As the market mechanism increasingly become healthiness, consumers increasingly grown up and the market competition increasingly turned to furious,that put forwards higher demand for land agent. ─── 市场机制的日益健全,消费者的日益成熟,市场竞争的日益激烈都对房地产开发商提出了更高要求。

62、Healthiness and safety ─── 健康与安全

63、The somatic cell counts (SCC) of the foremilk from each quarter of dairy cows were measured at the day before and after of the field tests as the criterion to identify the healthiness of the udder. ─── 实地试验开始前及结束后采样待测泌乳牛分房前乳量测体细胞数以作为健康分房及乳房炎分房的依据。

64、The heart disease and stroke are the frequently disease harming the mankind healthiness . ─── 心脑血管疾病是危害人类健康的常见疾病。

65、Objective To know healthiness status about midlife in-service cadre forward and prevent from sub-health actively and enhance physical diathesis. ─── 目的进一步了解中年在职干部身体情况,积极预防亚健康,提高干部身体素质。

66、The selection of belief should be based on rationality,reality,loftiness and healthiness. ─── 人们应当依据某种信仰是否理智、是否现实、是否崇高、是否健全等标准进行信仰选择。

67、The Inspiration of Campus Mentality Healthiness Education in Foreign Countries ─── 欧美国家学校心理健康教育对我们的启示

68、Keywords Experiment capability;Healthiness system;Strengthening examine;Aggrandizement practice; ─── 实验能力;健全制度;加强考核;强化实习;

69、Peggy: Nowadays, safety and healthiness is most important for us. ─── 如今,安全与健康对于我们是最重要的。

70、Sub-health is a state between healthiness and disease, its symptoms present on every aspect of somatology, psychology, affection, mentation and behavior. ─── 摘要亚健康状态是介于健康和疾病之间的状态。

71、Principal Component Analysis of Students'Constitutional Healthiness ─── 学生体质健康的主分量分析

72、Because the right of the bearing has its own meaning, content and standard of realization, disservicing fetus is a behavior trenching the right of life healthiness instead of the right of the hearing. ─── 摘要鉴于生育权具有其特定的涵义、内容和实现标准,伤害胎儿不是对生育权而是对生命健康权的侵犯。

73、During the scans, the subjects pored over 50 photos of foods.They rated the foods according to taste and healthiness. ─── 在扫描过程中,受试者仔细研究五十幅食物照片,根据其味道和健康程度将其分类。

74、Tranquility and easiness of mind, Safety and healthiness of body ─── 精神的宁静和从容身体的安全和健康

75、Alternatively (or in addition) it may be that intelligence is one manifestation of an underlying, genetically based healthiness. ─── 另一个理解(或者说另外)则是,智力是一种潜在的以及基因健康状态的表现。

76、And the revival of interest in studying Southeast Asia in the region itself is the best pointer to the healthiness of the discipline. ─── 东南亚研究在东南亚区域内再度复苏的现象,即是此学科健全发展的最佳指标。

77、The Application of Psychological Healthiness Education In School Physical Education ─── 略论学校体育中的心理健康教育

78、A policy is applied to this measurement to determine the level of healthiness. ─── 策略应用于这一测量来确定健康级别。

79、The nonmetal products have the advantages of healthiness, environmental protection. Chemical stability and being acidproof and acidoxidation. ─── 健康环保,自然美观。产品属于非金属类产品,耐酸耐氧化,化学稳定性好。

80、The research and practice of making healthiness system in teaching supervising ─── 建立健全教学督导体系的研究与实践

81、Harmonious development of social economy and cause of medicine has significance in improving national healthiness, and it also is the duty of every member of... ─── 促进社会经济与医药卫生事业协调发展,对提高全民族的健康素质具有重要意义,也是每一位卫生工作者的职责。

82、river healthiness ─── 河流健康

83、The Knorr division of Unilever is offering a line of aseptic soups whose packaging graphics reinforce the healthiness of colorful vegetables. ─── 司的克诺尔联合利华推出了系列的无菌包装图形汤类加强其健全的彩色蔬菜。

84、level of healthiness and constitution ─── 体质健康水平

85、The aim of communicate between doctors and patients is for healthiness and blessedness of patients. ─── 医患沟通的目的是为了促进病人的健康和幸福。

86、His dusky skin is a sign of healthiness. ─── 他黑黝黝的皮肤是健康的标志。

87、Continuously implement national "soybean proceeding program" normatively to improve the healthiness of all people ─── 继续规范实施国家"大豆行动计划",提高全民身体素质

88、Profusion blood and vigor are the base of female physiological activities.A female looking is bad or well that reflect truth human body healthiness or unhealthiness. ─── 中医认为女子以血为本,气血充盈是女性生理活动的基本,气色的好坏与否是人体是否健康的一个真实反映。

89、Objective: To Study the AST activity in gingival crevicular fluid(GCF) and to evaluate the influence of periodontal healthiness between adult and adolescent during the fixed orthodontic treatment. ─── 目的:通过检测龈沟液中天冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)的活性来评价固定正畸对成人和青少年牙周健康的影响。

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