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09-05 投稿



edh 发音

英:[[e?]]  美:[[e?]]

英:  美:

edh 中文意思翻译



edh 短语词组

1、archenemy edh ─── 宿敌埃德

2、morphon edh ─── 吗啉edh

3、bolas citadel edh deck ─── 球城EDH甲板

edh 相似词语短语

1、Adah ─── n.艾达(女子名)

2、ed. ─── abbr.编辑(editor);浮肿(edema)

3、Bede ─── n.比得(姓氏)

4、eth ─── abbr.ETH,以太坊(Ethereum);abbr.ETH,埃塞俄比亚全国运动联合会(NationalEthiopianSportsConfederation)

5、edhs ─── n.古日耳曼语字母之一;电火花强化

6、eds ─── abbr.英语方言学会(EnglishDialectSociety);电子数据转换(ElectronicDataSwitching);环境资料局(EnvironmentalDataService)

7、edu ─── abbr.电子显示器(electronicdisplayunit);教育机构域名(education);实验发展处(ExperimentalDevelopmentUnit);n.(Edu)人名;(罗、赤几、尼日利)埃杜

8、Beth ─── n.贝丝(女子名,等于Elizabeth)

9、-eth ─── abbr.ETH,以太坊(Ethereum);abbr.ETH,埃塞俄比亚全国运动联合会(NationalEthiopianSportsConfederation)

edh 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Equivalent unit derated hours EDH ─── 降低出力等效停运小时

2、EDH was being over-optimistic. ─── 环保防卫基金过于乐观了嘛。

3、Result shows that cone-headed and sphere-headed honeycomb carrier can improve the flow diametral distribution, especially for the cone-headed honeycomb carrier coupling to EDH. ─── 通过数值模拟和试验台测试,分析了载体前端面型式、扩张管型式及其匹配关系等对气流径向分布特性的影响。

4、EDH has brought both indoor and outdoor tracking to Peking, for show visitors to use in its booth and at the Hitting Area. ─── 为实现这一目标,EDH公司提供由绝佳软件控制、适用于室内、室外场地的球体跟踪传感器。

5、Image retrival based on EDH complete source code can be used directly. ─── (译):图像检索的基础上EDH完整的源代码可以直接使用。

6、Conclusion Dye affinity chromatography can be used as a refine purification method for purification of EDH and G-6-PDH from baker's yeast. ─── 结论染料配基亲和层析可作为面包酵母乙醇脱氢酶和葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶的精制纯化方法。

7、EDH's Golf systems are becoming the sought after standard for off course experience, just like its on court Tennis systems at the Davis Cup. ─── EDH采用专利相控阵跟踪传感器及世界领先的软件与制图法。

8、Butch Harmon Laser Trainer, Opti-Putt?, SNAG, Whippy TempoMaster, EDH FlightScope, Full Swing Golf and Dead Solid Golf Simulations ─── 高尔夫训练辅助器材和高尔夫模拟器的著名品牌,如

9、The case of EDH seen in conjunct with SDH, thickened crescentic or wave shape appeared, accompanied with local skull fracture but no mass effect and the hematoma was crossing the suturae cranii. ─── 结论:颅板下薄层出血的内、外缘形态,有否占位效应,与外伤部位的相互关系是不同性质出血的鉴别诊断要点;

10、EDH uses a patented Phased array flight tracking sensor and world beating software and graphics. ─── EDH将于北京向来宾们在其展台及击球区展示室内、室外跟踪系统的使用方法。

11、Equivalent unit derated hours EDH ─── 降低出力等效停运小时

12、Methods All of 47 patients with severe multiple trauma, some of them also with extradural hematoma (EDH) or subdural hematoma (SDH), were studied. ─── 方法选择外伤性硬膜外和硬膜下血肿合并严重多发伤患者47例,23例行微创颅内血肿清除术,24例行开颅血肿清除术,对比两种血肿清除术在严重多发伤救治中的差异。

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