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09-05 投稿



dag 发音

英:[d?ɡ]  美:[d?ɡ]

英:  美:

dag 中文意思翻译




dag 词性/词形变化,dag变形


dag 短语词组

1、mg dag ─── 毫克日

2、annoying dag ─── 讨厌的dag

3、blott en dag ─── 只有一天

4、halve dag ─── 半天

5、dag. n. ─── 滑料石墨灰;十克;悬片n.(Dag)人名;(挪、瑞典)达格

6、Aae rial dag ─── 审判日

7、sun dag ─── 星期日

8、dag s n. ─── 羊臀沾粪结块毛簇;(非正式)不善交际的人(dag的复数)v.剪去粪污块毛(dag的第三人称单数)

9、god dag ─── 很好的一天。

10、oil dag ─── [化] 石墨滑油; 石墨润滑剂; 胶体石墨; 黑铅油

11、Dag Hammarskjold ─── [网络] 联合国秘书长哈马舍尔德;汉马斯克德;达格·哈马舍尔德

12、a lucky dag ─── 幸运狗

13、not dag ─── 不是白天

14、per dag ─── 每天

15、ThiS iS dag ─── 我是达格

16、lucky dag ─── 幸运日

17、a iucky dag ─── 关键的一天

18、Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjold ─── [网络] 达格·哈马尔·阿尔·卡尔·哈马舍尔德

19、Dag Hammarskj?ld Library ─── 达格·哈马舍尔德图书馆

dag 相似词语短语

1、Hag ─── n.女巫;丑老太婆;n.(Hag)人名;(阿拉伯)哈吉;(瑞典)哈格;(法)阿格;(匈)豪格

2、dags ─── n.羊臀沾粪结块毛簇;(非正式)不善交际的人(dag的复数);v.剪去粪污块毛(dag的第三人称单数)

3、diag ─── abbr.诊断,判断(diagnostic);特征(diagnosis);对角线的(diagonal);图示(diagram);用图解法表示(diagram);n.矩阵对角元素提取(diag是一种函数,指的是只保留原矩阵的主对角线的元素,其余的元素以零取代);诊断接头

4、dang ─── int.(非正式)倒霉,该死(等于damn);v.(使)受地狱之苦;注定受难;谴责;诅咒(等于damn);adj.(非正式)该死的;十足的(等于damn);adv.(非正式)该死地;十足地(等于damn);n.(Dang)(美)党(人名)

5、darg ─── n.(苏格兰)一天的工作;(澳)规定的任务

6、Dag ─── n.滑料石墨灰;十克;悬片;n.(Dag)人名;(挪、瑞典)达格

7、dago ─── n.外国佬(对意大利人、西班牙人、葡萄牙人的蔑称);n.(Dago)人名;(法、西、不丹)达戈

8、drag ─── v.拖拉,拖曳;硬拉硬拽;强迫;勉强;拖着(受伤的脚或腿)行走;缓慢而吃力地行进;拖累;拖沓;(用网或钩)在水中搜寻;(用鼠标)拖动;(某物)拖地;疲惫地去某处;抓;(船)拖动(锚);(船)走锚;n.拖;拖累;阻碍;讨厌的事;吸入一口烟;(喜剧演员)男扮女装;(作用于行进中的飞行器或车辆的)空气阻力;(横穿城镇的)主干道;n.(Drag)(匈)德劳格(人名)

9、-ag ─── abbr.股份公司(AktienGesellschaft);副官长(adjutantgeneral);总检察长(attorneygeneral);空气间隙(AirGap)

dag 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Under better reaction conditions,the content of TAG is 88.2% and DAG is 6.9%. ─── 在符合产品结构的较优的反应中 ,甘三酯含量为 88.2% ,甘二酯含量为 6 .9%。

2、Efficient Algorithms for Scheduling of Parallel Tasks Based on the DAG Model ─── 基于DAG模型的高效并行任务调度算法研究

3、Dag: I was in your neighborhood, so I thought I'd hand deliver this ─── 我住在你家附近,所以我想我应送给你这个

4、A Grid DAG Scheduling Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Clustering ─── 一种基于模糊聚类的网格DAG任务图调度算法

5、The first two Secretaries-General were Trygve Lie of Norway and Dag Hammarskj?ld of Sweden. ─── 头两任秘书长是挪威的特里格夫·赖伊和瑞典的达格·哈马舍尔德。

6、PI-PLC can hydrolyze phosphatidylinositol 4, 5-bisphosphate ( PIP2 ) into two second messengers, DAG and IP3. About ten isoenzymes of PLC have been found. ─── PI-PLC的作用是水解磷脂酰肌醇4,5-二磷酸(PIP2)生成两个细胞内重要的第二信使DAG和1,4,5-三磷酸肌醇(IP3)。

7、You can be mad as a mad dag at the way things went . ─── 你可以在不顺心的时候像疯狗一样咆哮,你可以破口大骂和诅咒命运,恨你所做过的一切。

8、Fysik_og_Kemi Et alternativ til alle de kedelige undervisningsmidler der findes i dag. ─── 威尼斯梅斯特旅馆符合欧共体对于安全标准的,提供客房预定和有监控的免费停车场。

9、decagram [dag] ─── 公钱

10、DAG (doctor of agriculture) ─── 农学博士

11、Deutsche Angestellten-Gewerkschaft (DAG) ─── 德国雇员工会

12、In time course studies, PMA induced PA accumulation preceded DAG accumulation. ─── 时相研究显示PMA诱导的PA积聚先于DAG积聚。

13、Dag Hammarskjöld Library ─── 德格·哈马舍尔德图书馆(位于纽约市联合国内)

14、Directed acyclic graph support vector (DAG-SVMS) multi-category classification methods, is a new multi-category classification methods. ─── 有向无环图支持向量(DAG-SVMS)多类分类方法,是一种新的多类分类方法。

15、The directed acyclic graph (DAG) is applied to the parallel multiprocessor system to present the dependence relationship between tasks. ─── 摘要在并行多处理器系统中,通常用有向无环图(DAG)表示任务之间的依赖关系。

16、International Dag Hammarskjold Prize ─── 国际哈马舍尔德奖

17、Experimental results on real terrain data show that the algorithm based on one DAG improves the computing performance of an extraction of terrain. ─── 实验表明,基于DAG表示的地形抽取算法利用变化数据间的空间关系提高了计算性能。

18、He looks like amixture of every dag you've ever seen. ─── 他看起来就像你所见过的所有狗的综合体。

19、The DAG scheduling problem has shown to be NP complete in general. ─── 一般情况下,这种DAG调度是个NP完全问题。

20、Ik heb nu sinds een jaar een eigen bedrijf ,Ik werkte vier dagen in de week voor een baas en een dag voor mezelf. ─── 我自从一年前有了自己的公司,我每周4天为老板工作,一天为我自己工作。

21、Dag Otto Lauritzen ─── 劳里森

22、The dependency structure between packages must be a directed acyclic graph (DAG). That is, there must be no cycles in the dependency structure. ─── 包之间的依赖结构必须是一个直接的无环图形(DAG)。也就是说,在依赖结构中不允许出现环(循环依赖)。

23、Each Mailbox server in the DAG can host a copy of a mailbox database from any of the server members of the DAG. ─── 在DAG中的每个邮箱服务器可以承载在DAG成员服务器的任何一个邮箱数据库的副本。

24、awarded to Dag Hammerskjold, and the 1931 Literature Prize was awarded to the Swedish poet Erik Axel Karlfeldt. ─── 授予达格·哈马舍尔和平奖,1931年,授予瑞典诗人埃里克·阿克塞尔·卡尔菲德文学奖。

25、Their dag is too ferocious, so nobody dares to anear it. ─── 他们的狗太凶猛了,所以没有敢靠近它。

26、The results show that enzyme dosage has the most significant effect on the content of DAG and are positively correlated. ─── 实验结果表明,反应体系中酶量是影响甘二酯含量的最大影响因素,且为正相关。

27、A Task Scheduling Algorithm Based on DAG ─── 基于DAG图的任务调度算法

28、The analysis and experimental results show that the second category algorithm can deal with more problems than the traditional DAG. ─── 实验结果表明 ,解决第一类问题的算法在处理赋值语句冗余和二义性方面是有效的 ,解决第二类问题的算法比传统的 DAG算法更具普适性 .

29、Een Volkswagen kost 20 euro per dag. ─── 一辆大众牌汽车每天租金20欧元。

30、A Scheduling Algorithm for DAG Task Graphs ─── DAG任务图的一种调度算法

31、Welke dag komt voor zondag? ─── 星期天之前是哪一天?

32、Keywords diacylglycerol(DAG);nutrient characteristic;safety; ─── 关键词双甘酯;营养特性;安全性;

33、Methods: Protectiveness of the MPG was studied by using liver injury induced by D amino galactose(DAG)and ethanol(Eth)in mice. ─── 方法:采用D-氨基半乳糖(DAG)和乙醇(Eth)所致动物肝损伤的方法来研究MPG的保肝作用。

34、DAG graph ─── DAG

35、A Real-Time Task Schedule Algorithm Based on DAG ─── 一种基于有向无环图的实时任务调度算法

36、A Static Scheduling Algorithm on DAG Partition-Reconfiguration in the Network of Workstations ─── 基于DAG图解-重构的机群系统静态调度算法

37、Expanded stochastic DAG ─── 扩展的随机DAG

38、6. Under better reaction conditions,the content of TAG is 88.2% and DAG is 6.9%. ─── 在符合产品结构的较优的反应中,甘三酯含量为88.2%,甘二酯含量为6.9%。收藏指正

39、It was found that:(1) the activation of 5 HT 2 receptor coupled to IAP insensitive G proteins increases intracellular DAG formation through the activation of phospholipase C(PLC). ─── 发现:(1)5-HT激活与非胰岛激活蛋白(IAP)敏感型G蛋白偶联的5-HT2受体亚型,激活磷脂酶C(PLC),增加甘油二酯(DAG)的生成。

40、The accumulation of DAG increases the Ca 2+ independent or novel PKC(nPKC) activity, resulting in the potentiation of I Gly ; ─── DAG增强不依赖Ca2+的新型PKC(nPKC)的活性,从而增强IGly;

41、I respectfully beseech all of these assembled deities - Please grant your blessings. CHOG THUN NGODRUB DOD GUI PAL THA DAG ─── 恭敬祈请汝赐予加持

42、GO(Gene Ontology) is a set of dynamic controlled vocabulary, its structure is DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph). ─── 基因本体(GO)是一套具有动态形式的控制词汇,其结构为有向无环图。

43、Five methods for multi-class classification are introduced based on widely used SVMs. They are one versus rest(OVR),one versus one(OVO),binary tree(BT),error correcting output codes(ECOC) and directed acyclic graph(DAG). ─── 当前针对多类问题的支持向量机分类方法主要有5种:一类对余类法(OVR),一对一法(OVO),二叉树法(BT),纠错输出编码法和有向非循环图法。

44、How can I dag away from your arms. ─── 我怎么能离开你的怀抱。

45、PSO schedule algorithm for DAG task model ─── DAG任务模型的粒子群优化调度算法

46、Een dag in Pasir Ris Park, geheel in het Oosten van Singapore. ─── 一天在巴西立公园,在新加坡的东部。

47、DAG regimen ─── DAG方案

48、The Simplified Interpretative Structural Modeling method(SISM) for the DAG is proposed and an algorithm is presented. ─── 提出了面向DAG的简化解释结构建模法(SISM),并给出其算法。

49、Open dag, our Fair Trde Fashion Show! ─── 我们的公平贸易时装秀!

50、1961 Dag Hammarskjold, Swedish Secretary-General of the United Nations and Nobel Prize winner, was killed in a plane crash near Ndola in Northern Rhodesia. ─── 哈马舍尔德,即瑞典籍联合国秘书长和诺贝尔奖获得者,在津巴布韦北部,靠近恩多拉的一次飞机失事中丧生。

51、A New Kind of Algorithm Containing the Topological Sort Based on DAG and its Application To BOM ─── 基于DAG的拓扑排序改进算法及在BOM中的运用

52、Protein kinase C (PKC) is a family of calcium- dependent, activated by diacylglycerol (DAG), phorbol esters, and phospholipids serine/threonine protein kinases. ─── PKC是依赖Ca~(2+)、由磷脂(phospholipid,PL)和二酰基甘油(diacylglycerol,DAG)激活的丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶的多基因超家族。

53、What kind of dag never bite? ─── 哪种狗从来不咬人?

54、Methods Rat myocardial diacylglycerol (DAG) content, protein kinase C (PKC) activity were determined with change of heart function and stomach feeding of vanadate. ─── 方法检测糖尿病大鼠心肌二酞基甘油(DAG)含量、蛋白激酶C(PKC)活性和心功能变化及胃饲钒酸钠(SV)的影响。

55、The Simple Algorithm of Finding Shortest Path of Weighted DAG ─── DAG中最短路径简单算法

56、Delegation graph search algorithms based DAG in distributed trust management ─── 信任委托证书图搜索研究

57、Maandag is de eerste dag. ─── 星期一是一周的第一天。


59、A Study of DAG Graph Optimal Path Problem on Time Constrained ─── 基于时间约束的DAG图上的最短路径算法研究

60、GLB 7 increased the production of IP 3 and DAG in mice. ─── GLB7引起小鼠T细胞中IP3和DAG浓度升高。

61、What's the toy dag made of? It's made of cotton and cloth. ─── 这只玩具狗是什么做成的?它是由棉花和布料做成的。

62、Indeed, the more progressive wing of the Church has encouraged the informal veneration of both Catholics and non-Catholics such as Gandhi, Dag Hammerskjold and Martin hither King. ─── 实际上,天主教会中更为进步的一派已经鼓励对天主教徒和诸如甘地、达·哈马斯基奥德和马

63、April 7, 1953 Dag Hammarskjold of Sweden was elected Secretary General of the United Nations, a post he retained until 1961 when he died in a plane accident in Congo. ─── 1953年4月7日瑞典达格哈玛绍于本日当选联合国秘书长,直至一九六一年,搭乘飞机在刚果失事身亡为止。

64、one dag trained could be a guide for a blind person. ─── 一条经过训练的狗可以给盲人当向导。

65、GLB 7 didn?t influence the production of IP 3 and DAG in active T cells. ─── GLB7对活化的T细胞中IP3 和DAG未产生明显影响。

66、When PKC pathway was blocked by PKC inhibitor GF-109203X, cAMP level and PKA activity were increased by 78. 8% and 33. 5% as against that of the control,while the DAG content and PKC activity were decreased by 40.3% and 56.3% respectively. ─── 如用GF-109203X阻断PKC通路时发现cAMP水平与PKA活性分别升高78.9%和33.5%,而DAG含量与PKC活性则降低40.3%和56.3%;

67、directed acyelic graph(DAG) ─── DAG

68、I want to buy a dag. ─── 我想买只狗。

69、The directed acyclic graph (DAG) is applied to the parallel multiprocessor system to present the dependence relationship between tasks. ─── 在并行多处理器系统中,通常用有向无环图(DAG)表示任务之间的依赖关系。

70、A Scheduling Algorithm Based on DAG Graph ─── 一个基于DAG图的指令调度优化算法

71、Keywords Bifidobacterium;DAG;signal transduction.; ─── 双歧杆菌;二酯酰甘油;信号转导;

72、who is the male lead? a real dag! ─── 抢阅版已经发行啰!

73、The combined effect of 1,2:5,6-dianhydrogalactitol (DAG) and vincristine (VCR) on L_(1210) leukemia was studied. ─── 去水卫矛醇(DAG)与长春新碱(VCR)联合使用,对小鼠淋巴细胞白血病L_(1210)有协同疗效,疗效强度决定于给药方案和剂量。

74、And/or Dag Method in Dynamic Design and Maintenance of Data Warehouse ─── 数据仓库动态设计与维护中与/或有向图方法

75、Filmed during the Nazi occupation of Denmark, Carl Dreyer's Day of Wrath (Vredens dag) is a harrowing account of individual helplessness in the face of growing social repression and paranoia. ─── 一位被当作女巫而即将被烧死的老妇女逃到了修道院,因为她母亲也曾经被当作女巫烧死,是一位教士救了她。

76、In this packetization scheme, we firstly construct a non-redundant directed acyclic graph (DAG) encoding the dependencies among the entire vertex split operations of the progressive mesh. ─── 摘要提出一种快速有效的非冗余依赖图构建算法,记录所有网格顶点分裂操作之间的依赖关系,并删除其中的冗余依赖。

77、The biological effect of activated PLD is performed through thetwo ways below: 1) Direct or indirect products of PLD (PA, DAG and LPA) act as key second messengers. ─── PLD激活后可通过以下机制表现它的生物效应:1)PLD的直接或间接产物PA、DAG、LPA是重要的第二信使物质;

78、To my sweethearts: Happy Valentine's Day Also To my dutch friends: Gelukkige dag Valentine's ─── 亲爱的们情人节快乐

79、Development Assistance Group (DAG) ─── 发展援助集团

80、PIP_2 is a pivotal regulator in cell signaling pathway. DAG and IP_3, which are generated from PIP_2 hydrolysis by PLC, act as second messengers to activate PKC and induce intracellular Ca release, respectively. ─── PIP_2是细胞信号转导通路中的关键调节因子,经磷脂酶C(PLC)水解后可生成DAG及IP_3,二者可作为第二信使,分别激活PKC与促使细胞内钙库释钙。

81、TSA-OT: An Algorithm Scheduling An Out-Tree DAG ─── TSA-OT:一个调度Out-Tree任务图的算法

82、In this paper, we use directed-acyclic graph (DAG) to represent a query processing, then define a cost model and a query efficiency model, and finally put forward an algorithm for materialized views selection. ─── 在考虑空间约束的基础上,提出一种物化视图选择方法,并给出了切实可行的算法步骤。

83、Keywords embedded system;reconfigurable computing;tasks scheduling;task grain;DAG; ─── 嵌入式系统;可重构计算;任务调度;任务粒度;有向无环图;

84、Welke dag komt eerst: vrijdag of zaterdag? ─── 哪一天先到,星期五还是星期六?

85、A scheme based on DAG combining with DT is presented according to the characteristic of tongue manifestation. ─── 摘要本文针对舌色苔色的分类与识别,提出了一种DAG和决策树结合的方法。

86、Keywords 1;3-diacylglycerol (DAG);triacylglycerol (TAG);blood fat;obesity; ─── 关键词1;3-甘油二酯;甘油三酯;减肥;血脂;

87、Dag Hammerskjold, the UN's third secretary-general, wisely noted, "The UN was not created to take humanity to heaven, but to save it from hell." ─── 联合国第三任秘书长 Dag Hammerskjold 智慧地指出:“创设联合国,并非为了将人类带往天堂,而是将其救出地狱。”

88、weighted DAG ─── 加权DAG

89、Furthermore,an algorithm of certificate chain processing is presented,which searches the DAGs,and a DAG by depth-first-algorithm,and inter-DAGs by breadth-first-algor... ─── 在证书链的搜索算法中,通过对多重边的有向无环图用深度优先和广度优先算法结合实现对证书链的搜索,避免证书图中产生的环形链而导致低搜索效率问题。

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