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09-05 投稿


bidder 发音

英:['b?d?]  美:['b?d?]

英:  美:

bidder 中文意思翻译



bidder 网络释义

n. 投标人;出价人;命令者n. (Bidder)人名;(英)比德;(俄)比德尔

bidder 短语词组

1、Bidder's ganglion ─── [医] 比德氏神经节(蛙心)

2、invited bidder ─── 特邀投标者

3、Bidder's ganglia ─── [医] 比德氏神经节(蛙心)

4、dumb bidder ─── 愚蠢的投标人

5、lower bidder ─── [经] 较低出价人, 递价较低者

6、Bidder Mailing List ─── 投标人邮寄名单

7、winning bidder ─── [财]中标人

8、Bidder's crgan ─── [医] 比德氏器(雄蟾蜍性腺的前部)

9、highest-bidder ─── [法] 出价最高的投标人

10、by-bidder n. ─── 抬价卖出者, 拍卖者

11、Bidder's organ ─── [医] 比德氏器(蟾蜍)

12、successful bidder ─── [经] 拍卖成交的出价人, 投标中的得标人

13、bidder's ring ─── 投标人集团

14、selected bidder ─── 选定的投标人

15、stalking horse bidder ─── 假马竞拍

16、instructions to bidder ─── 给投标人的指示

17、unsuccessful bidder ─── [经] 未得标者

18、highest bidder ─── [经] 出价最高者

19、lowest bidder ─── [经] 最低价的投标人

bidder 词性/词形变化,bidder变形


bidder 相似词语短语

1、bidders ─── 投标人

2、kidder ─── n.基德尔(姓氏)

3、bidden ─── v.向某人问候,道别;告诉,吩咐;邀请(bid的过去分词)

4、didder ─── 迪德

5、badder ─── 坏蛋

6、bider ─── 联编的

7、budder ─── 芽

8、hidder ─── 隐藏者

9、bedder ─── n.管理床铺的人;供观赏的植物;垫饼

bidder 习惯用语

1、highest bidder ─── 最高价竞买人

bidder 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Called Wang Yuanyuan, who also wants to bid. ─── 叫王渊源的,也想参加。

2、He made a bid to bridge the gap between he and his father. ─── 他为了消除兴父亲的代沟而努力。

3、Beijing would win the Olympic bid this time. ─── 北京这次申奥会获胜。

4、At the auction, we bid on an antique dresser. ─── 在拍卖会上,我们在一张古董梳妆台之上投标。

5、ESPN took the unusual step last night of confirming it had been a losing bidder. ─── 昨晚ESPN采取了不同寻常的步骤,确认他们已经是失败的竞标者。

6、He brings her the tickets, collects the money, and then goes home and has his sockpuppet bidder back out of the deal with her. ─── 他给了她票,收好钱,然后回家,撤销了对她的合约起诉。

7、In a bid to prevent any actual damage. ─── 意思就是為了阻止任何实质性的破坏。

8、Supplier scare japanese bid brisk but shipper quoting 20c levels. ─── 供应商少,然日方出价刻薄,货主报价在20美分的水准。

9、Few men have the virtue to withstand the highest bidder. ─── 很少人有这个德行去抵挡出价最高的人。

10、She bid the teacher goodbye as she passed. ─── 当她走过时,她与老师再见。

11、Remember: your aircraft was made by the lowest bidder. ─── 始终记得,你的飞机是由预算出价最低的人制造的。

12、She bid the teacher goodbye as she passed . ─── 当她走过时,她与老师再见。

13、When is you to be registered as bidder? ─── 什么时候能把你们注册为投标者?

14、Key Words or Key Phrases bid amount ? ─── 如何给关键词和关键句定价?

15、It would be freed of that obligation under certain circumstances, such as if another bidder were to emerge and make a higher offer. ─── 在某些情况下,摩根大通将被免予该义务,比如说如果有另外的买家出现,提出更高的收购价格。

16、All the expenses of the trainee or trainee will be supported by the bidder. ─── 受训人员的全部费用都由投标人支付。

17、We'll try our best to get a bid from the buyers. ─── 我们一定尽力获得买主。

18、He failed in his bid to reach the summit. ─── 他攀登顶峰未能成功.

19、Those buyers bid for the right to use the land. ─── 买主们竞价购买这块土地的使用权。

20、Never forget that the lowes bidder made your weapon. ─── 别忘了你手上的武器是由最低价的承包商得标制造的。

21、He kicked the bid up another thousand. ─── 他把出价又抬高了一千元。

22、Is it true you sold the right to run prison industries to the highest bidder. ─── 你将监狱工厂管理权卖给出价最高的人是不是真的?

23、They staged a management buyout to pre- empt a takeover bid. ─── 他们筹划买下资方的全部产权以便抢先得到兼并出价的好处。

24、sale will be made to the highest bidder subject to a reserve price being attained. ─── 在保证底价的条件下,出售给出价最高者。

25、She made a bid for the votes of the women. ─── 她积极地争取妇女的选票。

26、The process of selling property to the highest bidder. ─── 将物业卖给出价最高者的过程。

27、To increase the bid of (one's bridge partner). ─── 加叫:增加(某人的桥牌对家)的叫牌。

28、He makes the lowest bid for the job. ─── 他做此事的投标价为最低。

29、To increase a poker bet or a bridge bid. ─── 加大赌注增加扑克赌注或桥牌叫牌

30、Smith signaled the auctioneer quietly and kicked the bid up another thousand. ─── 史密斯悄悄地向地向拍卖人做手势,然后把出价又抬高了1,000元。

31、He made a strong bid for the championship. ─── 他尽了最大的努力试图夺取冠军。

32、A refusal to bid, draw, bet, or play. ─── 弃权拒绝叫牌、抽牌、下赌或玩

33、Never forget that the lowest bidder made you weapon. ─── 别忘了你手上的武器是由最低价的承包商中标制造的。

34、Foreign companies were invited to bid for the new subway. ─── 一些外国公司应邀参加了承建该地下铁路的投标。

35、Egan: We sold our shields off to the highest bidder. ─── 吉米.伊根:我们把我们的保护者卖给了出价最高的那个人。

36、Jimmy Egan: We sold our shields off to the highest bidder. ─── 吉米。伊根:我们把我们的保护者卖给了出价最高的那个人。

37、We will try to get a bid from the buyers. ─── 我们将试图从买主那里获得一个递价。

38、Never forget that the lowest bidder made your weapon. ─── 别忘了你手上的武器。

39、Decision on the successful bidder has not yet been made. ─── 哪家厂商得标还未确定。

40、He bid $300 for the oil painting. ─── 他出价三百元买那幅油画。

41、What can Beijing citizens do for Beijing's Bid? ─── 北京市民能为申办奥运会做些什么?

42、Preliminary Analysis of Bid Lotting for. ─── 小湾水电站施工分标浅析。

43、She bid 500 (for the painting). ─── 她喊价500英镑(买这幅画).

44、Bid farewell to guilt and regret. ─── 下面找答案。

45、They made a takeover bid for the company. ─── 他们出价收购这家公司。

46、Have they put in a bid for the contract? ─── 他们有没有投标争取承包合同?

47、Huizhou City Olympic bid Electric Co. Ltd. ─── 惠州市奥申电器有限公司。

48、bidder view table is therefore decoupled and not always consistent with the state of the bid table. ─── 出价人视图数据表因此而解耦,但不总是与出价表的状态保持一致。

49、Never forget that the lowest bidder made yohkyume. ─── 别忘记你手上的武器是由报价最低的承包商所制造.

50、The prisoner made a bid for freedom,but was caught. ─── 囚犯企图越狱,但被抓住了。

51、Your bid is the lowest evaluate bid. ─── 你方投标属最代审查合格标。

52、Congratulations ! your bid has won. ─── 恭喜!你得标了。

53、No bidder shall be permitted to alter his bid after the bid has been open. ─── 开标以后,任何投标人都不准再修改投标。

54、The auction process run by Goldman Sachs has so far failed to produce a bidder in spite of six banks entering discussions. ─── 尽管有6家银行参与谈判,可由高盛(GoldmanSachs)主持的拍卖过程,至今仍未产生一位投标者。

55、We regret to say you have failed to win the bid. ─── 很遗憾,贵公司没有中标。

56、He made a bid for middle class support. ─── 他努力试图得到中产阶级的支持。

57、The takeover bid put a $2m price tag on the company. ─── 为兼并那家公司的投标价为2,000,000美元。

58、A number of cities bid to stage the games. ─── 很多城市竞争奥运会举办权。

59、The disclosure of the takeover bid raised share price. ─── 合并递价的披露使股价上扬。

60、He bid 120, 000 pounds for the portrait. ─── 他出价12万英镑竞买那幅画像。

61、She bid a good price for the table. ─── 她出高价购买那张桌子。

62、They lost the contract because their bid was too high. ─── 他们因索价太高而失去了那张合同

63、He went to Mr. Perkins to bid him good-bye. ─── 他去同珀金斯先生告别。

64、I will not enter negotiations with a bid that low. ─── 像那样低的价我无法谈判。

65、They bid too little for the ancient clock. ─── 他们给这只古钟出价太低了。

66、He bid£1,000 for the jewel. ─── 他出价1,000英镑购买首饰。

67、They asked for bid for the supply of spare parts. ─── 他们要求卖方给供给的备件出价。

68、Smith left his partner's bid in. ─── 史密斯对他搭挡的叫牌不予回叫。

69、Your weapon was made by the lowest bidder. ─── 你的武器是由最低价得标厂商所制造的。

70、There is the problem of illegal excavation, resulting in museum-quality pieces being sold to the highest bidder. ─── 存在非法挖掘的问题,这导致博物馆级别的作品被卖给出价最高的人。

71、Winning bidder will be required to work on at least 6 other videos (similar sort of duration) over the next 8 weeks. ─── 中标人须在至少6(类似的时间排序)其他影片的工作,在未来8周。

72、Politicians bid for popular favour around election time. ─── 在选举前后政客们总要许愿讨好民众。

73、Her bid for re-election was unsuccessful. ─── 她再次竞选的努力没有成功。

74、She bid frantically for the old chair. ─── 她发狂地喊出高价要买那把古老的椅子。

75、BID WITHOUT PAY WILL BE BAD APPRAISED! ─── 另外,请注意:拍下不买将投以差评!

76、They lost the bid for leaking out the plot. ─── 因为泄露了秘密, 他们没有中标。

77、Never forget the lowest bidder made the bulletproof glass in front of you. ─── 别忘了你面前的防弹玻璃是由出价最低的承包商制造的。

78、Before the fall of the auctioneer's hammer, any bidder may retract his bid. ─── 在拍卖人未击锤之前,任何竞买者可撤回其出价。

79、He shut the opposition out with a bid of five hearts. ─── 他叫五红桃,使对方无法再叫。

80、I now bid you a welcome adieu. ─── 我且向你说声该欢迎的再会。

81、A bid in bridge indicating strength to one's partner; a request for a bid. ─── 叫双倍桥牌中向搭档表明自己力量的叫牌; 叫牌

82、Do not hasten to bid me adieu. ─── 不要告别得那样匆忙。

83、An additional hand of cards dealt face down in some card games, to be used by the highest bidder. ─── 守寡牌某些扑克游戏中反扣在桌上的多余的一把牌,供数值最大的叫牌者用

84、Sales where gift are given to purchaser or where only certain purchaser are allowed to make bid. ─── 一种向购买者发礼品的销售或者只允许某些购买者出价的销售。

85、What is the emblem of Beijing's bid? ─── 北京申奥的会徽是什么组成?

86、Learning that you were donor conceived by a woman who sold her eggs to the highest bidder is surely not a tale that any child would relish. ─── 得知自己是出价最高者与卵子售卖者的结晶,一定是任何一个孩子都不乐意听到的故事。

87、The last and highest bid of one hand in bridge. ─── 叫牌一盘桥牌中最后也是最高的竞叫

88、Can Supply Soybean 1,000 M/T Please Bid. ─── 可以提供大豆1,000公吨请递盘。

89、Extension of validity of bid shall normally not be requested. ─── 一般来说不应要求延长投标有效期限。

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