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09-05 投稿


stooping 发音

英:[?stu?p??]  美:[?stu?p??]

英:  美:

stooping 中文意思翻译





stooping 词性/词形变化,stooping变形

动词第三人称单数: stoops |动词过去分词: stooped |动词现在分词: stooping |动词过去式: stooped |

stooping 短语词组

1、stooping so low ─── 弯得这么低

2、stooping by ─── 俯身而过

3、stooping bird ─── 弯腰鸟

stooping 常用词组

stoop to something ─── ◎委曲以求,曲意迎合

stooping 相似词语短语

1、stooling ─── n.凳子;粪便;厕所;vi.长新枝;分檗;vt.引诱,诱捕

2、stoozing ─── n.利用低息信用卡贷款投资取利

3、scooping ─── n.捞球

4、stopping ─── n.(补牙的)填充料;adj.走走停停的;v.停止,结束;阻止,妨碍;暂停,中断;留下;堵住,填塞(stop的现在分词)

5、stooging ─── n.喜剧里的配角或丑角;助手;傀儡;密探;vi.充当配角;巡航

6、snooping ─── v.窥探(snoop的现在分词);探听

7、stooking ─── n.禾束堆;v.把(禾谷)整理成堆

8、stomping ─── v.跺脚(stomp的ing形式)

9、stoping ─── n.顶蚀作用;v.回采,以梯段法开采(stope的现在分词)

stooping 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He would stoop to anything for profit. ─── 为了赚钱他什么都干得出来。

2、He'd stoop to anything, ie He has no moral standards. ─── 他无论多麽不道德的事都干得出来.

3、Stooping, he stared at him in breathless and frozen ferocity. ─── 他弯下身躯,盯着他,满脸凶相,令人失魂落魄,毛骨悚然。

4、For an official of his rank, this is a stiff-legged stoop, with fingers outstretched to mid-shin. ─── "王第先生对漫不经心的求知的普通人说.对于他领导的单位,这是高峰徒手攀岩.

5、Stooping, butting his head through the weeds and against the wind, Mike got around in front of me, all the time holding on to my arm. ─── 蹲着,在杂草中顶着风,麦克转到我的前面。一直握着我的双臂。

6、He supports himself and his family by odd jobs and stoop labor in the fields. ─── 他靠做零工及在田中里从事需要弯腰的工作来养活自己及家人。

7、Don't stoop to argue with him. ─── 别降低身份去跟他争吵。

8、He had a long, thin body and the scholar's stoop . ─── 他身材瘦长并且象学者一样弯腰驼背。

9、KJV] They stoop, they bow down together; they could not deliver the burden, but themselves are gone into captivity. ─── [新译]它们一同弯腰、伏,不能保护重负,它们自己反倒被掳去了。

10、Stooping, their light lifts the lids upon my eyes. ─── 俯下身来,他们摘下了灯罩让亮光照射在我眼睛上。

11、Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad. ─── 25人心忧虑,屈而不伸。一句良言,使心欢乐。

12、But my clemency is ever prompt to stoop to the vanquished. ─── 但我的仁慈随时准备赐予战败者。

13、The old man glided away, stooping, stealthy, cat-like, and brought the low bench. ─── 老人弯着腰,像猫一样鬼鬼祟祟地走了,把那张矮凳搬了过来。

14、How could anyone stoop so low? ─── 哪有人能弯腰弯那么低的啊?

15、At home, Stoop lapped up some milk. ─── 在家里,stoop舔吃一些奶,

16、He is a man who would stoop to anything . ─── 他是一个自甘堕落,什么事都干的家伙。

17、He used to stoop,but he did exercises to make his shoulders straight. ─── 他过去驼背,但他坚持锻炼,现在已腰板挺直了。

18、Most of my fellow waitresses and I were speechless, except for the one who blurted out, "How could anyone stoop so low? ─── 包括我在内的大部分女服务员都没吭声,只有一个人脱口而出:“谁能弯腰弯到那么低啊?”

19、How can a man of God stoop to such crimes? ─── 一位上帝的圣徒竟会堕落成这样的罪犯?

20、As he said this, he went up to his sister, and stooping over her kissed her on the forehead. ─── 他说话时,站起身来,走到他妹妹面前,弯下腰去,吻了一下她的额头。

21、His stoop avoided him from being discovered. ─── 他弯腰躲过了搜查。

22、I stood there still, glanced at his stooping back and a warm feeling called respect came into being from the bottom of my heart. ─── 我仍呆呆地站着。望着他佝偻着远去的背影,一股莫名的敬意从心底缓缓流过。

23、He's just the kind that would stoop to swindle old people out of a few pence. ─── 他就是这么个家伙,自甘堕落去骗老人们的几文钱。

24、Participants were instructed to use freestyle (a participant's preferred lift style), squat, or stoop lift styles. ─── 参与者们被指导使用自由式(参与者自己选择方式)、蹲式、站立式等抬举方式。

25、He would stoop to anything to further his career. ─── 为了进一步向上爬,他什么事都干得出来。

26、He'd stoop to anything,ie He has no moral standards. ─── 他无论多么不道德的事都干得出来。

27、Cadmus gave thanks and, stooping down, kissed the foreign soil, then lifting his eyes greeted the surrounding mountains. ─── 卡德摩斯谢过神明,躬身亲吻这片异乡的土地,然后举目眺望四周的群山。

28、And this was his message:" After me will come one more powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. ─── 他传道说,有一位在我以后来的,能力比我更大,我就是弯腰给他解鞋带,也是不配的。

29、Aah?You, a great astrologer, stoop to question a poor slave! ─── 噢,你是一个伟大的占星家,竟然屈尊询问一个卑微的奴隶!

30、"It is quite finished," he cried at last, and stooping down he wrote his name in long vermilion letters on the left-hand corner of the canvas. ─── “全部完工啦,”他最后叫起来,并且俯下身去,在画布的左角用红色长形字体写下了自己的名字。

31、He is a man who would stoop to anything. ─── 他是一个自甘堕落,什么事都干的家伙。

32、He' s beginning to stoop with age, ie as he gets older. ─── 他年事渐高, 背也开始变驼了.

33、Cadmus gave thanks and, stooping down, kissed the foreign soil, then lifting his eyes, greeted the surrounding mountains. ─── 卡德摩斯谢过神明,躬身亲吻这片异乡的土地,然后举目眺望四周的群山。

34、Stooping over, the two of them searched through the pile of broken pieces for the missing half of the jar. ─── 两个人弯下腰,在河沟里的陶片堆里一块块翻找着,试着把陶片对上罐子的断口。

35、He was surprised when a young girl opened the door and came out onto the lighted stoop. ─── 一个年轻的姑娘推开门走到明亮的阳台上,对此他颇感惊讶。

36、He is a tall man with a slight stoop. ─── 他是个高个子,略微有些驼背。

37、I wanted to make sure that Stoop would always come home. ─── 为了确保让stoop回家,

38、Don't stoop to quarrel with her about it. ─── 别降低身份为这事去跟她争吵。

39、But Stoop was not going to let himself be just an apartment cat. ─── 但stoop并不想使自己成为一只家猫。

40、A kid in his late teens sat on the stoop eating candy. ─── 一个十多岁的男孩坐在门阶上吃糖。

41、He'd stop at nothing (or stoop to anything) to get what he wants. ─── 他为了达到个人目的可以不择手段。

42、Stooping low to investigate a huge conch shell, she is amazed to find a never-ending refelection of herself, as if in a series of mirrors. ─── 她俯身查看一个巨大的海螺,在那里惊讶找到一个永无止境循环的自己,仿佛是经一系列的镜子反射。

43、His age has brought a stoop. ─── 他的年纪使他驼背。

44、And he was preaching, and saying," After me One is coming who is mightier than I, and I am not fit to stoop down and untie the thong of His sandals. ─── 可1:7他传道说、一位在我以后来的、力比我更大、就是弯腰给他解鞋带、是不配的。

45、You give me your shield of victory; you stoop down to make me great. ─── 你把你的救恩给我作盾牌;你的温和使我为大。

46、She began to walk with a stoop not long after Pop died. ─── 在爷爷逝世后不久,她就开始驼着背走路了。

47、I yearn, while stooping, for my homeland more. ─── 低 头 思 故 乡 。

48、a bend in the canal came plodding a solitary horse, stooping forward as if in anxious thought. ─── 在水渠的一个拐弯处,一匹孤独的马拖着沉重的步子走过来,它向前弯着腰,仿佛心事很重。

49、He has to stoop to get through the tunnel. ─── 他得弯下腰走过地道。

50、Why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts? ─── 为什么要向那些会破坏我们心灵美丽的事情而弯腰。

51、He would never stoop to conciliate . ─── 他决不屈就和解。

52、He was loth to believe that one so wise could err, that one so lofty could stoop to deceive. ─── 他不愿相信这么聪明的人会误入歧途,这么高傲的人会坠落到骗人的地步。

53、Replying with a snide remark means stooping to the bully's level, and the problem could escalate. ─── 以卑鄙的话回答意味着把自己降低到欺负者的水准;那么问题可能激化。

54、You surely don't think I'd stoop to that! ─── 你不会认为我会下作到那种地步吧!

55、"Howdy," the man replied. He was very tall and had to stoop slightly to peer into the car. ─── “你好,”那个男人回了一句。他长得很高,要稍微弯下腰来往我们车里瞧。

56、He's just the kind that would stoop to swindle children out of a few pence. ─── 他就是这种货色,会不顾廉耻去从孩子手中骗取几个零钱。

57、And what is it to acknowledge the laws but to stoop down and trace their shadows upon the earth? ─── 什么叫承认法律?岂不就是伏身去屈就于自己地上的影子吗?

58、You give me your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains me; you stoop down to make me great. ─── 你把你的救恩给我作盾牌;你的右手扶持我;你的温和使我为大。

59、round a bend in the canal came plodding a solitary horse , stooping forward as if in anxious thought. ─── 绕过一个河湾,只见走过来一匹孤零零的马,那马向前佝偻着身子,像在焦虑地思考什么。

60、He would not stoop to do anything dishonorable . ─── 他不会屈尊去做任何不名誉的事情。

61、He tends to stoop because he's so tall. ─── 他个子太高了,所以时常弓着背。

62、Howdy,” the man replied. He was very tall and had to stoop slightly to peer into the car. ─── 你好,”那个男人回了一句。他长得很高,要稍微弯下腰来往我们车里瞧。

63、There is no folly to which he would not stoop. ─── 他已堕落到了甘愿做任何蠢事的地步。

64、He's beginning to stoop with age,ie as he gets older. ─── 他年事渐高,背也开始变驼了。

65、He would rarely stoop down to explain things to Alex. ─── 他几乎从不屈尊给亚历克斯解释什么。

66、He reddened his face and gave himself headaches with stooping to pick up gloves, handkerchiefs for her. ─── 为了俯身给她捡手套和手帕,他的脸涨红了还有些头疼。

67、Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad. ─── 人心忧虑,屈而不伸.一句良言,使心欢乐.

68、It degrades to stoop--it is glorious to look up. ─── 卑躬屈膝是卑鄙的,--敢于趾高气扬才是光荣。

69、It was an obstinate pair of shoulders; they could not seem to learn the trick of stooping with any sort of deceptive naturalness. ─── 无奈那只肩膀儿一拗到底,怎么学那种拱肩缩背的样子,看上去也有点儿不大自然。

70、The rest were all somewhat stooping , as though watching the manoeuvres of this last. ─── 其余几个微微俯身向前,像是在看他做什么。

71、He's beginning to stoop with age. ─── 他年事渐高,背也开始驼了。

72、Nodding, the king noticed the silent dwarf stooping behind him, almost out of sight."Who is this little man? ─── 国王点了点头,注意到小矮人弓着身子站在魅惑者身后,一声不吭,几乎瞧不见,便问:“这个小矮人是谁?

73、He had to stoop to go through the door. ─── 他必须俯身才能通过那道门。

74、Stop stooping and stand up, man. ─── 站起来,男人!

75、He's beginning to stoop with age, ie as he gets older. ─── 他年事渐高,背也开始变驼了.

76、The next Monday Charlie was waiting at the stop, stooping a bit more, a little bit more grey, and without a tie. ─── 下个周一,查理在车站等车。他看上去腰弯得更厉害,头发愈加苍白,也没有系领带。

77、God, whose wrath no man can resist, and under whom they stoop that bear up the world. ─── 天主一愤怒,决不收回。为老虎作伥的,必屈伏在他以下。

78、Harvardprofessor Samantha Power had called Sen.Clinton "amonster...stooping to anything," to win the nomination. ─── 之后因此被迫辞职,奥巴马竞选阵营奋斗的周五遭到了来自这一新一轮的论战的损伤。

79、He tried to make me accept a bribe I hope I would never stoop so low. ─── 他想让我接受贿赂--我但愿我决不至於做出这种低级的事。

80、And every time a look, I thought you were there,But is was just my imaginationI don’t see it anymore cause I see thru you nowWhat’s stooping me? ─── 后来看电视里的怀旧音乐突然再次听到,听着听着心里就有有了一些隐约而莫名的伤感。

81、Peter Crouch scored a deserved winner with a stooping header late in the second half to record Liverpool's third victory against Chelsea since Benitez took over two years ago. ─── 克劳齐在下半时的头球锁定了胜利,这是贝尼特斯2年来第三次击败蓝军。

82、And stooping to look in, he saw the linen cloths lying there, but he did not go in. ─── 低头往里看,就见细麻布还放在那里,只是没有进去。

83、He used to stoop , but he did exercises to make his shoulders straight . ─── 他过去驼背,但他坚持锻炼,现在已腰板挺直了。

84、You can fix the mop cloth without your stoop, use two sides, easy to be handled. ─── 不用弯腰就可把拖布粘贴牢固,双面使用,操作简单方便;

85、He wouldn't stoop to begging and stealing. ─── 他不会屈尊乞讨和偷盗。

86、Stoop to Surely he wouldn't stoop to cheating. ─── 他决不至于堕落到欺诈行骗。

87、In some cases you have to stoop to conquer. But does it mean that you have to sacrifice your integrity? Certainly not. ─── 在有些情况下,你不得不屈尊忍辱以达到目的。但这是否意味着你必须牺牲自己的诚实正值呢?当然不是。

88、He was very tall and had to stoop slightly to peer into the car. ─── 他非常高,必须弯身才能凝视入我们的汽车。

89、He is too lofty to stoop to vulgar intrigue. ─── 他的清高使他还不至于屈就卑俗的勾当。

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