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09-05 投稿


palate 发音

英:[?p?l?t]  美:[?p?l?t]

英:  美:

palate 中文意思翻译



palate 短语词组

1、cleft-palate nipple ─── [医] 腭裂哺乳头

2、hard palate ─── [医] 硬腭

3、high palate ─── [医] 高腭

4、palate retractor ─── [医] 腭牵开器

5、premaxillary palate ─── [医] 初腭

6、cleft palate ─── [医] 腭裂

7、palate hoos ─── [医] 软腭拉钩, 提腭钩

8、palate bone ─── [医] 腭骨

9、gothic palate ─── [医] 尖形腭

10、palate ulceration ─── [医] 腭溃疡

11、cleft palate gag ─── [医] 腭裂开口器

12、pendulous palate ─── [医] 悬雍垂

13、cleft palate obturator ─── [医] 腭裂充填器

14、palate post dam ─── [医] 腭后堤

15、palate-hook ─── [医] 软腭拉钩, 提腭钩

16、artificial palate ─── [医] 假腭

17、palate plate ─── [医] 腭板(腭骨), 腭板(牙)

18、palate process ─── [医] 腭突

19、palate falling ─── [医] 垂腭

palate 常用词组

cleft palate ─── 【医】腭裂

soft palate ─── 软腭

hard palate ─── [解]硬腭

palate 词性/词形变化,palate变形


palate 特殊用法

1、secondary palate ─── 次生腭

2、primary palate ─── 原腭

3、artificial palate ─── 假腭dromaeognathous 固腭

4、saurognathous palate ─── 蜥腭

5、aegithognathous palate ─── 雀腭

6、anterior palate ─── 前腭

7、neognathous palate ─── 新腭

palate 相似词语短语

1、Spalato ─── n.斯巴拉多(南斯拉夫)

2、palatine ─── adj.巴拉汀伯爵的;在领地享有王权的;(领地)贵族享有王权的;(与)上腭(有关)的;n.巴拉汀伯爵君主;宫廷官吏;腭骨

3、palace ─── n.宫殿;宅邸;豪华住宅

4、palliate ─── vt.减轻;掩饰;辩解

5、malate ─── n.苹果酸盐;苹果酸酯

6、palates ─── n.味觉;上颚;趣味

7、palpate ─── v.触诊;adj.(有)触须的

8、palmate ─── adj.(叶子)掌状的;(鹿角)掌形的;有蹼的

9、paleate ─── adj.被鳞片的

palate 习惯用语

1、have a delicate palate ─── 爱考究, 挑剔

2、suit sb.'s palate ─── 合某人口味

3、nice to palate ─── 好吃

palate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Palate: Abundant berry and rich plum flavors on the palate. ─── 口感:口中充满了丰富的浆果味和浓郁的李子味;

2、The subtle balance of tannins and palate weight leads into a long, soft finish. ─── 单宁与味蕾的微妙平衡带来悠长柔和的回味。

3、The palate has a silky start and a grainy, mineral-rich finish. ─── 入口时立即感受丝般滑柔,最终有显见大地矿物气味结尾。

4、Palate: The palate is spicy and savoury, with some vanillin oak and a drying finish. ─── 口感:辛香可口,有香草橡木味,后味干而有力。

5、The word palate also means taste or liking. ─── Palate这个词也有“口味”或“嗜好”的意思。

6、Well rounded palate with smooth varietal tannins. ─── 口感非常圆润,单宁柔顺。

7、The concentrated mid palate is complexed by mocha and flavors, in harmony with the youthful tannins and acidity. ─── 上等摩卡咖啡芬芳与香料气息完美结合,并与年轻的单宁及酸度和谐统一。

8、Uvula and palate elevated in the midline. ─── 九,十,悬雍垂腭和高架的中线。

9、Intense palate flavours of blackcurrant cherries and blueberry. Soft tannins with a fine balance that complements the lingering flavours. ─── 流行雪梨和蓝樱桃果香味。柔和的甘柠酸和带有舒适轻盈的平衡。

10、It was a meal to tempt even the most jaded palate. ─── 这顿饭能使最没胃口的人产生食欲。

11、"Because your palate his not yet been attuned to the sublimity of the substances it flavors. ─── “因为您的味觉还没有尝出这东西的真味。

12、The palate exudes tropical fruit flavours with a soft easy-to-quaff finish of citrus acidity. ─── 热带果味徜徉于齿间,以柔顺的酸度收尾,给人意欲畅饮的冲动。

13、Unilateral technique for primary repair of cleft palate: A preliminary report. ─── 单侧手术修复腭裂的初步报告。

14、On the palate it is luscious with intense honey, citrus and marmalade flavours. ─── 口味甘甜尤如蜂蜜,带有明显的金橘味。

15、Palate is divided into two parts: the hard palate and the soft palate. ─── 上颚分为两部分,硬腭和软腭。

16、Palate: Michel Lynch Red is very full-flavoured, chewy with plenty of volume, and round with firm ripe tannins. ─── 口感:果香浓郁,耐人寻味。口感厚实,单宁成熟,结构坚实。

17、On the palate the wine is fresh, crisp and lively with beautiful fruit flavors and a slight savouriness. ─── 口味清新,爽利,果味诱人,十分活泼,风味淡雅。

18、These nuts have been market tested and found to be most suited to the Australian palate. ─── 这些干果已经过了市场试验,结果发现它们最适合澳大利亚人的口味。

19、But then, I discovered that I had a really sharp palate. ─── 但是,我发现我的味觉非常地敏锐。

20、Palate: Fruity palate with fresh acidity and subtle sweetness. Peach and guava flavors notable. ─── 口感:果香味浓,清爽的酸和淡淡的甜味。可以尝到桃子和番石榴味。

21、The palate starts deep with dark elegant spicy flavors. ─── 口感始于深沉,含着典雅的气质,略带辛辣感。

22、He has a refined palate. ─── 他精于品味。

23、Palate: Heraceous、guava、light body 、crispness、fresh clean and balanced. ─── 口感:青草、番石榴为主,酒体轻盈,清脆干净,平衡性好。

24、Even an exquisitely prepared dinner couldn't reviveher jaded palate. ─── 即使是一顿精心准备的晚餐也不能恢复她吃腻了的胃口。

25、Palate: Clean tasting, balanced with mellowed tannins. ─── 口感干净简单,单宁平衡醇香。

26、The concentrated palate provides flavours of passionfruit and grapefruit, with a fine texture and long finish. ─── 口感浓厚,并有百香果和柚子的味道,结构细腻,回味悠长。

27、On the palate feels soft, full bodied, concentrated with velvet texture and mature tannins. ─── 口感圆润,天鹅绒般的细腻,单宁适中。

28、His novels are too sad for my palate. ─── 他的小说以我的口味来说是太悲伤了。

29、Elegant tannins texture, nice berry and cassis fruit in palate. ─── 丹宁优雅,充满浆果和黑醋栗口感。

30、Palate: Syrupy, lingering on the tongue like a liqueur. ─── [口感] 蜜糖般的甘甜,仿若上等利口甜酒的香味在口中弥漫。

31、For the ear tries words As the palate tastes food. ─── 3因为耳朵试验话语,好像上膛尝食物。

32、Medium weight in palate with a fruitiness after taste. ─── 口感充满成熟果实味道,余韵悠长。

33、The palate oozes fruit with balanced tannins and well integrated oak. ─── 口感为渗透出的水果与单宁构成平衡并携带很好的橡木味。

34、Palate: In mouth the wine has lovely fruit, fine tannins and good structure, very long, classic vin de garde. ─── 口感:入口有美味的果香,优质的单宁,结实的骨架,后味悠长而典雅,是适合陈年的佳酿。

35、Palate: Suave, with sweet fruit on the attack, medium body, ripe tannin, and a lush finish. ─── 口感:有温和、甜美的水果香味,中度的酒体,成熟的单宁,后味甘美。

36、The concentrated palate provides flavours of passionfruit and grapefruit, with a fine texture and long finish. ─── 口感浓厚,并有百香果和柚子的味道,结构细腻,回味悠长。

37、Palate: ull body,finishes with a lingering intensity of cigar box. ─── 口感:酒体丰满、厚重,浓郁的雪茄盒味悠长收尾。

38、Palate: Nice on the palate, great freshness and vividness with mirabelle and lemon flavours. ─── 口感:口感很好,带有香醇清新的李子柠檬香味.

39、Palate: Medium body wine, the tannins is soft and well balance. Easy to drink. ─── 口感:酒体适中,所含单宁平衡柔滑,较容易被接受。

40、Palate: It exhibits excellent concentration, depth, and length. Drink it over the next2-3 years. ─── 口感:此酒的香味十分集中,酒体深广,在2-3内饮用更佳。

41、Palate: Soft savour. Balanced and fine tannic. ─── 口感:酒体非常柔和、平衡,单宁很细。

42、A plush fruit profile, light to medium-bodied with a straight palate, good acidity and a simple finish. ─── 一毛绒水果的个人资料,轻至中等健全与直腭,良好的酸度和一个简单的完成。

43、Palate: Mild and crisp. Well balanced between sweetness and acidity. ─── 口感:入口柔和爽脆,甜酸度平衡,容易欣赏。

44、The palate has complex black fruit with a touch of savoury spice and cedar. ─── 口感则是混合有黑色果实味伴有一点怡人的辛辣感和雪松味。

45、Too much sweet food cloys the palate. ─── 吃过多的甜食会使人倒胃口。

46、The palate is a complex blend of blackberry, raspberry and black pepper. ─── 与烤肉搭配特别合适,实时享用或陈年收藏皆相宜。

47、On the palate very elegant black fruits and ripe tannins. ─── 入口带来黑果和成熟单宁的味道。

48、It fills out on the palate, striking a fine balance between blackberry and bilberry fruit and leaving an impression of lush fullness. ─── 入口柔顺而圆润,香味四溢,黑莓和越桔香味之间的均衡极佳,极其饱满。

49、Palate:Citrus, peach and spice notes flood the palate. ─── 口感:有着柑橘、桃子以及香料的辛辣味。

50、Palate: Good structure, with sweet tannins, very soft, easy to drink, with notes of jam of strawberry and blackberry. ─── 口感:酒体结构良好,单宁甜美,非常柔滑,带草莓和黑莓果酱味道,是一款容易欣赏的好酒。

51、It turns out to be quite good, at least to my uneducated palate. ─── 这瓶酒不错,至少以我不太会品酒的味觉来看。

52、Study on serology of congenital cleft lip and cleft palate patients TORCH infection. ─── 先天性唇腭裂病儿TORCH感染的血清学研究

53、The palate is dry and supple with hints of red currant and blueberry overtones. ─── 口感干而丰满,有一抹红加仑和蓝莓的香味。

54、Palate: Round taste with a final aftertaste tending to the mellowness typical of Sardinian wines. ─── 口感:典型的撒丁岛葡萄酒,圆润的口感使收尾愈发芳醇可口。

55、Palate: Refreshing, clean with zippy acidity. ─── 口感:清凉爽快并带有活泼的酸度。

56、Is there any injustice on my tongue? Can my palate not discern calamities? ─── 30我的舌上,岂有不义?我的上膛,岂不能辨别奸恶么?

57、Palate: Intense black fruit flavours give way to a rich, mid-pallet of vanillan oak and hints of molasses. ─── 口感:入口充满浓郁的黑色水果香味,带有香草橡木和丝丝糖蜜味。

58、Doctors removed parts of his upper left jaw and hard palate and considered the operation to be a success, although it left Cleveland's mouth disfigured. ─── 医生切除了他的部分上左颚和硬腭,尽管它使得克利夫兰嘴部变丑,但认为手术是成功的。

59、The part of the pharynx between the soft palate and the epiglottis. ─── 口咽的位于软腭和食道之间的咽的一部分

60、Does not the ear test words, As the palate tastes its food? ─── 伯12:11耳朵岂不试验言语、如上膛尝食物麽。

61、A discriminating collector of rare books; a dish for the discriminating palate. ─── 一位有鉴赏力的稀有书籍收集者; 为美味鉴赏者而备的一道菜

62、Dreamy and romantic, the Fish will please their palate with an assortment of cuisines. ─── 双鱼:恐怕只有最最独特的烹饪手法才能让喜欢浪漫和幻想的鱼儿满意了。

63、Even an exquisitely prepared dinner couldn't revive her jaded palate. ─── 即使是一顿精心准备的晚餐也不能恢复她吃腻了的胃口

64、Palate: Unctuous, long evolution, good balance of tannins. ─── 口感: 入口略带油脂感,丹宁平衡。

65、Palate: This is a full-bodied wine with a good structure and a lingering finish. ─── 口感:此酒有丰满的酒体,结构良好,余味悠长。

66、Three-dimensional ultrasonography is the first diagnosis method in fetal cleft lip and cleft palate. ─── 三维超声能直观地将胎儿鼻唇部各结构展现在人们面前,准确度高,是诊断唇腭裂的首选方法。

67、Palate: Well balanced between tannin and fruit, the structure and harmony of the wine contribute. ─── 口感:单宁和果味之间平衡得很好,结构紧密。

68、Accoustic impedance was used to assess middle ear funct ion in 30 patients with cleft palate. ─── 功能性腭裂修复术是针对传统手术存在着的问题而设计的改良手术,现作功能检测与效果评定。

69、Palate: A rich wine with sweet fruit and a luscious mid palate. ─── 口感:酒体丰满,带有甜水果香又甘美的中度口感。

70、Does not the ear try words Even as the palate tastes food for itself? ─── 11耳朵岂不试验言语,正如上膛品尝食物么?

71、Palate: This is a full-body wine, possesses tough tannin, amazing presence oak with elegant and balance. ─── 口感:酒体丰厚,有厚实的单宁,味觉宽广,有优雅、平衡的橡木味。

72、Palate:It is a pleasant soft fruity red wine. ─── 味觉:口感柔和,果味浓郁,是一款另人愉悦的红葡萄酒。

73、Also, a competent taster may be said to have a good palate. ─── 同时,一个好的品酒师可能会被认为拥有很好的味觉。

74、The palate is flesh and clean with good weight and a fresh acid finish that is very Sauvignon Blanc. ─── 口感干净清新,厚度适中,新鲜的酸度,可以说是白苏维瓮的代表。

75、Palate: Unctuous in the mouth with undergrowth and fruits notes. ─── 口感:入口柔滑和浓郁的水果香味.

76、Generous, round and long on the palate, it is also full bodied with refreshing vivacity. ─── 口感饱满圆润,但不失活泼清爽,酒香持久。

77、He has a good palate for food. ─── 他善于品尝食物。

78、Median cleft lip: mild and subtle hypotelorism, flat nose, and median cleft lip with or without cleft palate. ─── 中央唇裂:轻度眼距缩短或不明显、扁平鼻、中央唇裂伴或不伴腭裂。

79、He has a good palate for wine. ─── 他善于品尝酒 (的好坏) 。

80、The palate is rich and mouth filling with exceptional length. ─── 口感丰富、饱满且余香持久。

81、Palate: Full-bodied, with well-integrated tannins and a medium finish. Best after 2008. ─── 口感:厚身的酒体,同时拥有完整的单宁和良好的余韵,建议在2008年后饮用。

82、Enjoy the tasting as a way of expanding your wine knowledge and delighting your palate with something new. ─── 享受品尝葡萄酒的乐趣,也是扩大您的葡萄酒知识的一种方式,用一种新的口味来唤起您的味觉。

83、Taste: The palate is dry and supple with hints of red currant and blueberry overtones. ─── 口感:口感干而丰满,有一抹红加仑和蓝莓的香味。

84、The chicken salad (25 yuan) with balsamic dressing surprised our palate agreeably but the watery chicken took away a bit of the enjoyment. ─── 鸡肉色拉(25元)肉滑味美,真是让我们大饱口福,不过就是鸡肉的松软又显得有点美中不足。

85、Would you say that that ravished your inquisitive palate... ─── 你觉得应该说它满足你好奇的味觉?

86、Palate: Sweet berry, damson plum and stewed rhubarb fruits embrace a tight structural core, which is reinforced by integrated French oak. ─── 口感:酒体厚,口感有浓郁的樱桃果香、甘甜的巧克力味。

87、Tasting Notes: Fresh aromas of green fig, kiwi fruit and green pepper with a crisp, fruity palate. ─── 口味:新鲜绿色植物的芳香、夹带着猕猴桃和鲜嫩青椒的果味情趣。

88、Chinese Agape Foundation will have a cleft palate medical mission in Changde this year. ─── 中国爱加倍基金会将于今年,常德举行唇腭裂义诊。

89、For the ear tests words As the palate tastes food. ─── 伯34:3因为耳朵试验话语、像上膛尝食物。

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