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09-05 投稿


unworthiness 发音

英:[?n?w??r?in?s]  美:[?n?w???in?s]

英:  美:

unworthiness 中文意思翻译



unworthiness 词性/词形变化,unworthiness变形

副词: unworthily |形容词最高级: unworthiest |名词: unworthiness |形容词比较级: unworthier |

unworthiness 同义词

shame | inappropriateness | contemptibility | disrepute | dishonor | discredit | shamefulness | disgrace | dishonour |worthlessness

unworthiness 短语词组

1、unworthiness syn ─── 不值syn

2、unworthiness meaning ─── 不值义

3、unworthiness synonym ─── 不值同义词

4、unworthiness poems ─── 不值诗

5、unworthiness examples ─── 不值一提的例子

6、unworthiness def ─── 不值定义

unworthiness 反义词


unworthiness 相似词语短语

1、worthiness ─── n.值得;相当;有价值

2、unwariness ─── n.不注意;疏忽

3、airworthiness ─── n.[航]适航性;耐飞性

4、unseaworthiness ─── n.无适航性

5、unworldliness ─── n.超脱性;超凡脱俗的行为

6、unearthliness ─── n.怪异;神秘;可怕;异常

7、unworthiest ─── 无价值的(unworthy的最高级)

8、seaworthiness ─── n.[水运]适航性,船舶适航

9、swarthiness ─── n.黑黝黝

unworthiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Despite his unworthiness and sins he heard the merciful and forgiving voice of God which gave him the courage to carry on. ─── 尽管雅各不配得,又有许多罪,但上帝怜悯和赦免的声音给了他勇气继续前进。

2、Harboring no guilt or unworthiness, he does not protest,“You really don't need to do this,”or“I will carry you tomorrow.”He just lays there and soaks it in. ─── 麦奇对此既不感到内疚,也不觉得是无功受禄。他不会说“你真的没必要这么做”,也不会说“明天换我来抱你吧”,他只是静静蜷在我怀里,充分享受着此刻的温馨和亲密。

3、You must forgive me my unworthiness. ─── 请你原谅我的无知与浅薄。

4、For centuries the Venusians compensated for this fundamental fear of unworthiness by being attentive and responsive to the needs of others. ─── 数世纪以来,金星人藉由注意和负责他人的需要来补偿自己无价值的恐惧。

5、A great part of our worthiness lies in an acknowledgement of our own unworthiness. ─── 我们的价值大部分存在于知道我们自己毫无价值。

6、He himself, on the other hand, with characteristic humility, avowed his belief that if Providence should see fit to remove him, it would be because of his own unworthiness to perform its humblest mission here on earth. ─── 反之,他本人则以他特有的谦逊申明他的信念:如果天意认为他应该离世,那就是因为他没有资格在这人世间执行其最卑微的使命。

7、Lack of dream leads to poverty in all of its expressions upon earth, including a lack of love within and all the feelings of unworthiness that this creates. ─── 缺乏梦想带来了地球上各种各样表达中的贫穷,包括缺乏内在的爱以及这所制造的觉得毫无价值的感受。

8、Our effort serves the purpose of compensating for unworthiness and fear. ─── 作苦功只是对于我们自我的无价值感和恐惧的弥补而已。

9、However, they feared for their lives, for in experiencing the holiness of God so closely, they felt all the more their own sinfulness and unworthiness. ─── 不过,当时的以色列人也为他们的小命担忧,因为与上帝的圣洁如此接近,使他们益发感到自己的罪污和不配。

10、He recognized his unworthiness in the presence of divinity. ─── 他承认,他不配在在场的神。

11、If thy unworthiness raised love in me, ─── 假如你的缺陷也曾激起我的爱泉

12、You are more prone to unworthiness than pride. ─── 骄傲你更多倾向于无价值感。

13、In fact, the repeated examples of their unworthiness served to show all the more the great love, mercy, and faithfulness of God toward them. ─── 事实上,以色列人种种失败的例子更足以说明上帝对他们的大爱、怜悯和信实。

14、A painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace. ─── 羞耻,羞愧一种由强烈的犯罪感、窘迫感、无价值感或不名誉感引起的痛苦感情。

15、An overwhelming sense of his own unworthiness suddenly bore down upon with crushing force, as he thought of this ─── 他想到这里,一阵觉得自己真是拙劣,这种感觉横冲直撞地扑上他的心头。

16、Release herself from deep feelings of unworthiness of which her eating disorders were merely a symptom ─── 使自己从深深的自卑感中解脱出来,而她饮食方面的紊乱正是这种自卑感的表现

17、Hidden in the unconscious, this feeling of unworthiness generates the fear of needing others.A part of her imagines that she will not be supported. ─── 不知不觉间,没价值的感觉使她惧怕向别人要求,她会想像自己无法得到支持。

18、feelings of unworthiness ─── 自卑感

19、A little pain wouldn't make up for her unworthiness. ─── 一点点疼痛不能补偿她的卑鄙。

20、Jacob confesses his unworthiness in receiving God’s kindness and faithfulness, and the schemer who stole a birthright and blessing now sees himself as God’s servant. ─── 雅各布承认他一点也不配得神的慈爱和信实,这个偷了长子名分和祝福的骗子,现在视自己为神的仆人;

21、If I cannot in honest happiness take the second place (or the twentieth);if I cannot take the first without making a fuss about my unworthiness, then I know nothing of Calvary love. ─── 若我不能真正甘心乐意地接受次要的地位(或甚至最末后的地位);若我不能大方地接受首位而非要装模作样地故示不配,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。

22、Eminent saints have scarcely known to what to compare themselves, their sense of unworthiness has been so clear and keen. ─── 杰出的圣徒极少认为自己可以与什麽作比较,因他们敏感到自己的不配。

23、A lot of people take their mistakes as signs of their unworthiness. ─── 许多人都认为错误是毫无价值的迹象。

24、Despite his unworthiness and sins he heard the merciful and forgiving voice of God which gave him the courage to carry on. ─── 尽管雅各不配得,又有许多罪,但上帝怜悯和赦免的声音给了他勇气继续前进。

25、God looks at his children with love, in spite of their unworthiness, and he has created a way of salvation by giving his most precious Son at a cost of immeasurable pain and suffering. ─── 神始终以爱来看祂的儿女,尽管他们不值得这样的爱。祂为人预备了救恩,就是赐下祂宝贵的儿子,为人担当难以测度的痛苦与磨难。

26、Within life, have one kind of tragedy to be that the valuable thing destroys life being watched by others, but have one kind of comedy to be that life unworthiness thing is opened to person. ─── 在生活,有一种悲剧是,宝贵的东西被摧毁生命看着别人,而是一种搞笑的生命无价值的是开放的人。

27、Second, he confessed his own unworthiness . ─── 其次、他承认自己的不配。

28、Our true work, then, is to build our self-worth, to heal our wounds and our false images of unworthiness so that they no longer bleed. ─── 我们真正要做的是实现自身价值,治愈自己的伤口,杜绝妄自菲薄,这样这些伤口再也不会淌血了。

29、O, though I love what others do abhor,With others thou shouldst not abhor my state: If thy unworthiness raised love in me, More worthy I to be beloved of thee. ─── 哦,尽管我锺爱着人家所嫌弃,你总不该嫌弃我,同人家一条心:既然你越不可爱,越使得我爱,你就该觉得我更值得你喜爱。

30、feel ashamed of one's own unworthiness; have a sense of inferiority or inadequacy ─── 自惭形秽

31、Some of the greatest faith heroes have been people who had the most broken lives and unworthiness. ─── 最伟大的属灵英雄往往是历尽沧桑,不配神重用的人。

32、An overwhelming sense of his own unworthiness suddenly bore down upon with crushing force, as he thought of this. ─── 他想到这里,一阵觉得自己真是拙劣,这种感觉横冲直撞地扑上他的心头。

33、Eminent saints have scarcely known to what to compare themselves, their sense of unworthiness has been so clear and keen. ─── 杰出的圣徒极少认为自己可以与什麽作比较,因他们敏感到自己的不配。

34、I confess, therefore, my unworthiness . I acknowledge Your goodness. I praise Your mercy, and give thanks for Your immense love. ─── 所以我承认我的卑贱,承认祢的良善,赞美祢的仁慈,感谢祢极大的爱情。

35、Victims of neglect will have to learn to see themselves as other than victims.To accomplish this, the chart and childhood circumstances must be chosen carefully be balance feelings of unworthiness. ─── 受害人必须学习不把自己看作是受害人,为了完成这样的课题,必须小心选择出生星盘与童年环境,来平衡自己没有价值(自己没有用)的感觉。

36、Assurance like that remains deeply rooted no matter what troubles come, no matter how often our doubts try to talk us out of faith, no matter how much we are bothered by our unworthiness. ─── 故此,不管面对任何困难,不管我们的疑窦如何试图夺去我们的信心,不管我们认为自己多麽不配,这份确据依然会根深蒂固。

37、7. If we do want to learn Buddha-dharma, initially and most essentially, we need to understand the futility and unworthiness of samsara. ─── 我们若想学佛法,首先,而且是绝对必要的就是,视轮回为一不具结果和价值的东西。

38、The process of mourning helps us deal with these natural feelings which also include sadness, loss, undeservingness, unworthiness, guilt, and more. ─── 哀悼的过程会帮助我们处理这些自然感受,它们还包括:悲伤、茫然、不应该有这样的结果、不配有这样的结果、愧疚及更多。

39、In transcending to channeling only soul, many initiates within SSOA have discovered that any sense of lack, of unworthiness, or of a sense of being better than or less than also disappeared. ─── 在改为只与灵魂通讯中,SSOA内许多提升者发现了匮乏的感觉、无价值的感觉和比较好还是不好的感觉也消失了。

40、David humbly recognized God's sovereignty, majesty, and transcendence, as well as his own unworthiness for such a great blessing to be bestowed upon him. ─── 大卫卑微地承认上帝的崇高、尊贵、与超卓,还有祂把如此巨大的祝福赐给他,使他深觉不配。

41、Jesus, save me despite my unworthiness! ─── 耶稣永恒者,罪人的救援。

42、But many feel that they lack faith, and therefore they remain away from Christ.Let these souls, in their helpless unworthiness, cast themselves upon the mercy of their compassionate Saviour. ─── 但许多人自觉缺少信心,故离基督很远,但要让这些自知不配,无能为力的人,投靠慈悲救主,相信他的怜爱。

43、unworthiness activities ─── 无价值活动

44、Perhaps the most important lesson of all for us to learn is that, even though we’re made for the kingdom, the kingdom will never be ours until the day we honestly confess to God our unworthiness. ─── 或许我们要学习的最重要功课是,虽然我们是为天国而造,但天国不会变成我们的,除非我们诚实的向上帝承认我们的不配。

45、David was overcome with a feeling of unworthiness and inferiority before the majesty of God. ─── 在威严的上帝面前,大卫深感自己的不配。

46、Hidden in the unconscious, this feeling of unworthiness generates the fear of needing others. ─── 她的绝望与不信任等于自动放弃了正当且必要的需求,传达出去的讯息是她不信任他会支持她。

47、It propagated the general presumption of landlord superiority and peasant unworthiness. ─── 它宣扬地主富有而农民贫困是天定的。

48、A painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt , embarrassment , unworthiness , or disgrace . ─── 羞耻,羞愧一种由强烈的犯罪感、窘迫感、无价值感或不名誉感引起的痛苦感情。

49、Two patterns are seen in people who feel unlovable.Some give in to their deep feeling of unworthiness, while others hide behind arrogance, seeking public recognition and adulation. ─── 感到”不可爱“的人们来说有两个规律---有些人屈从地接受深度”没价值“感,另有些人将自己隐藏在傲慢、对公开认可和奉承上的寻求的背后。

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