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09-05 投稿



electrolysis 发音

英:[,?lek'tr?l?s?s; ,el-]  美:[?,l?k'trɑl?s?s]

英:  美:

electrolysis 中文意思翻译



electrolysis 网络释义

n. [化学] 电解,[化学] 电解作用;以电针除痣

electrolysis 短语词组

1、faraday's law of electrolysis ─── [电] 法拉第电解定律

2、cadmium electrolysis ─── 镉电解

3、cupric electrolysis ─── [医] 铜电解

4、electrolysis bath ─── [医] 电解槽

5、Faraday's laws of electrolysis ─── [机] 法拉第电解定律

6、electrolysis vessel ─── [医]电解容器

7、electrolysis needle ─── [医] 电解针

8、fused-salt electrolysis ─── [化] 熔盐电解

9、constant-potential electrolysis ─── [机] 恒压电解

10、capillary electrolysis ─── 渗透电解

11、molten-salt electrolysis ─── [化] 熔盐电解

12、constant-current electrolysis ─── [机] 恒流电解

13、brine electrolysis ─── [化] 电解食盐法

14、Faraday's laws (of electrolysis) ─── [化] 法拉第定律; 法拉第电解定律

15、controlled potential electrolysis ─── [化] 控制电位电解法

16、copper electrolysis ─── 铜电解

17、electrolysis of aqueous solution ─── [化] 水溶液电解

18、constant current electrolysis ─── [化] 恒电流电解法

19、internal electrolysis ─── [化] 内电解法

electrolysis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、APPLICATION: Suitable for heavy machinery plant, chemical storagetank water through electrolysis pool roof and floor against cracking. ─── 合用范围:重型机器厂、化工储罐、水槽、电解池、屋顶、楼板、防皲裂地面等。

2、LIU Ye-xiang.Update of Inert Anode and Wettable Cathode for Aluminum Electrolysis [J].Light Metals, 2001, (5): 26 -29. ─── [2]刘业翔.铝电解惰性阳极与可湿润性阴极的研究与开发进展[J].轻金属,2001,(5):26-29.

3、Place Electrolytic Bar into water sample, energize for electrolysis and claim that the tap-water is not clean. ─── 以电解棒,插入水样中,通电电解,声称自来水不乾净。

4、Mi- cro- electrolysis is to reduce NO2-- N and TN in waste water and finally to realize denitrification by means of galvanic battery principle. ─── 微电解法是根据原电池的原理,对废水中NO2--N和TN进行还原,最终实现脱氮。

5、The Asani Water Activation Purifiers generated reduction Water by a patented ceramic device that carries a natural electrical polarity for electrolysis of tap water . ─── 其制造过程是将自来水等在一定条件下实施电解分离而产生。

6、The chemist reduced water by electrolysis. ─── 化学家用电解法把水还原为氢。

7、In this paper,the wirier introduced a methed of using sulphuril as electrolyte to deal with the hard alloy scrap by electrolysis,and retrice cobalt metal and Tungsten Carbide. ─── 介绍了以硫酸为电解质,用电溶法处理废硬质合金,回收金属钴和碳化钨的方法。

8、This paper introduces that working principles of the soft starter,and its practical application of results in rotary agency of multifunctional crane for Aluminium electrolysis. ─── 本文介绍了软起动器的工作原理,以及在铝电解多功能天车回转机构上的实际应用和效果。

9、The technology of recovering certified molten salt and RE oxide from scrapped molten salt in fluoride electrolysis has been studied in this paper. ─── 主要研究了从氟化体系熔盐电解过程产生的废熔盐回收合格熔盐和氧化稀土的工艺条件;

10、The achievements on disposal of NO x containing gas from silver electrolysis with the technology of condensation-DBS dry adsorption in Shaoguan Smelter are described. ─── 介绍采用冷凝-稀释-DBS干法吸附技术治理韶关冶炼厂银电解高浓度氮氧化物烟气的效果。

11、This article describes the various additives used in aluminium electrolysis and the reasons for studying MgF 2 as an additive to the cryolite aluminium molten salts. ─── 介绍了铝电解质中各种添加剂的应用,以及研究氟化镁的起因和氟化镁对于铝电解过程的影响。

12、Abstract: This paper describes the practice in technical condition c ontrol and electrolyte purification for high-nickel copper anode electrolysis. ─── 文摘:介绍了高镍铜阳极板电解的技术条件控制和电解液净化的实践。

13、In printing, the creation of duplicate plate by electrolysis. ─── 在印刷技术中,用电解法生产的复制板的方法。

14、Methods Measuring the electrolysis aluminium worker s skeleton density by dual energy X-ray absorptionary (DEXA). ─── 方法用骨密度测量仪对电解铝工人进行骨密度测量。

15、Abstract: The principle and method for the industrial controlling of copper electrolysis by means of the cathodic overpotential were described. ─── 摘 要: 研究了铜电解精炼过程中添加剂工业监控的原理和方法。

16、LIU Ye-xiang.Advance on the research and development of inert anode and wettable cathode in the aluminum electrolysis[J].Light Metals,2001(5):26-29. ─── [1]刘业翔.铝电解惰性阳极与可湿润性阴极的研究与开发进展[J].轻金属,2001(5):26-29.

17、Another source of industrial oxygen is obtained by the electrolysis of water. ─── 工业用氧的另一来源是由水的电解制

18、The iron-carbon internal electrolysis method has been used to treat the acid red GR simulant dyeing wastewater. ─── 采用铁炭内电解法处理酸性大红GR模拟染料废水。

19、There is a perfect cycle -- electrolysis produces hydrogen from water, and the hydrogen recombines with oxygen to create water and power in a fuel cell. ─── 在理想状态下,人们可以通过电解水从而获得氢气,当氢气燃烧后,氢与氧结合又生成水和能量。在这个循环中不会产生任何温室气体。

20、So far, from the above charts you can see that electrolysis is the only clinically-proven method. ─── 到目前为止,从以上的图表你可以看到电解是唯一临床证实法。

21、The nickel net was settled down on the surface of mSA membrane to realize zero polar distance electrolysis in the cathode room. ─── 将阴极镍网预埋在阳离子交换膜的表面上,以实现阴极室中的零极距电解。

22、Such as: IGBT, Darlington, thyristor, rectifier, rectifier tube, Short Machine and all kinds of smart modules and a variety of high-low-voltage electrolysis, capacitance. ─── 如:IGBT、达林顿、可控硅、整流桥、整流管、肖特机及各种智能模块和各种高低压电解、电容等。

23、The product of ion-exchange membrane electrolysis from Bayer liquor is Bayerite according to the pattern of X-ray diffraction. ─── X射线衍射分析表明,离子膜电解种分的产品为拜耳型氢氧化铝。

24、Any artifact that has been plated with a thin coat of metal by electrolysis. ─── 一种被镀上一层薄的电解的金属人造物品。

25、Obviously there was little probability that they would succeed in electrolysis. ─── 很明显,他们在电解方面成功的可能性是极小的。

26、Ultrafine metal powder can be prepared successfully by means of an ultrasonic electrolysis process. ─── 利用超声电解法能够制备出超细金属粉。

27、In particular, the potential developments and the application on the cathode of the high temperature steam electrolysis are put forward. ─── 对阳极材料在高温电解制氢领域阴极上的应用前景进行了展望。

28、Electrodeposited coating is compact and smooth in general that is maken by controlling the processor of electrolysis on surface of pure copper. ─── 控制电解沉积过程在纯铜的表面制得宏观上致密、光滑的铜镀层,以此镀层来消除叠轧金属层间的复合界面;

29、Based on the theory and practice,the feasibility of leachate treatment by recirculation and electrolysis of iron promoting was demonstrated and initial experiment was conducted. ─── 文章在现有的理论和实践基础上论证了矿化垃圾回灌+铁促电解工艺,处理垃圾渗滤液的可行性,并进行了初步试验。

30、In addition, nuclear plants could generate hydrogen without electrolysis: the intense heat of the reactors can split water in a thermochemical reaction. ─── 不过,核能发电厂还有另外一种不需电解就能产生氢的方法,就是利用反应炉的高热,使水因热化学反应而分解。

31、Electrolysis or relief valve seat or first check seats. ─── 安全阀阀座或第一止回阀阀座产生电蚀。

32、A new "iron adsorption-microwave radiation-inner electrolysis combined method" was developed to treat reactive light yellow dye wastewater. ─── 摘要以活性嫩黄为模型化合物,提出了一种新的“铁屑吸附-微波辐照-内电解”协同处理染料废水的方法。

33、The electrolysis of nitrobenzene wastewater is investigated with three-dimensional electrode which is packed with membrane active carbon and active carbon. ─── 以涂膜活性炭-活性炭为填充粒子,对三维电极电解硝基苯废水进行了研究。

34、The commercial test for enrichment indium in B# tower bottom led by electrolysis was proceeded. ─── 为了有效富集B#塔底铅中的铟,进行了底铅电解富集铟工业试验。

35、The pretreatment of high sulphur coal by electrolysis reduction, can reduce oxygen-containing functional groups on coal surface, and increase the hydrophobicity. ─── 摘要采用电解还原法对高硫煤预处理后,使煤表面的含氧官能团减少,疏水性增强;

36、Hamer suggested that the electrolysis of an aqueous solution containing lead nitrate and concentrated nitric acid, maintained at 93oC with use of a platinum gauze anode, produced the most consistent potential values. ─── 哈默认为,在93°C,使用铂网作阳极,电解含有PbNO3和浓硝酸的水溶液能产生最稳定的电动势。

37、Cyanide reductions to only 695-750 mg/l have been reported, before heavy scaling at the anode prevented further electrolysis. ─── 据报道,在阴极大量结垢妨碍进一步电解之前,氰化物仅降到695-750毫克/升。

38、For marine installations, consult your dealer for information regarding an adequate grounding system and prevention of electrolysis. ─── 对于船舶安装,要请教你的经销商关于合适的接地系统的信息,防止意外发生。

39、In the electrolytic products, high-frequency low-impedance, patch electrolysis, long-life products, small size products and so has advantages. ─── 公司在大电解产品、高频低阻抗、贴片电解、长寿命产品、小尺寸产品等都具有优势。

40、The influence of temperature on the anodic process of seawater electrolysis are discussed. ─── 主要讨论海水温度的变化对海水电解用阳极过程的影响。

41、The research and application of inert anode for aluminum electrolysis have great effects on environment, energy sources and national economy. ─── 摘要铝电解惰性阳极的研究和应用时环境、能源和国民经济有着深远的影响。

42、In the toaster, it changes to heat; in a tiny wrist watch or a subway train or a 75,000 horse-power industrial motor, it changes to mechanical energy. In an industrial process called electrolysis, it changes to chemical energy. ─── 对烤面包机来说,电能转化成热能,在一个小小的手表里或者地铁列车里或者一台75000马力的工业电动机里,电能转化成机械能。在所谓的电解工业的过程中,它转化成化学能。

43、Products containing piperonal have been obtained by electrolysis. ─── 分析结果表明,电解产物中含有胡椒醛。

44、North Carolina state archaeologists have already used an electrolysis method to remove the mineral buildup from the pestle, hence its more uniform finish. ─── 北卡罗来纳州的考古学家已经用电解的方法移除了集聚在捣锤上的矿物质,因此它看起来更为均匀一致。

45、In this test, two new processes are studied on preparation strontium by the vacuum aluminothermy reduction and Al-Sr alloys by molten salt electrolysis. ─── 本文研究了真空铝热还原法生产金属锶和熔盐电解法生产铝锶合金的两种新工艺。

46、Unibrow" is the most common reason young men get electrolysis. ─── 年轻的男士们普遍因为“连心眉”的缘故而选择电蚀除毛。

47、The anode material of aluminum electrolysis is present in the odiously working environment of high temperature and strong corrosiveness medium, so it is very difficult for modern material science to select inert anode material. ─── 摘要铝电解阳极材料处在高温、强腐蚀性介质的恶劣工作环境中,所以惰性阳极材料的选择是现代材料科学难度很大的课题之一。

48、Using Volta's electric pile Davy discovered how to use electric current to break down various materials into their separate elements, a process known as electrolysis. ─── 戴维用伏打电池发现,通电可将各种物质分解成单质元素,这一过程称作电解。

49、The theoretical non-linear models for calculating electrolysis voltage of dye wastewater purified by electrocoagulation with DC power supply are established in this paper. ─── 基于电化学原理建立了电凝聚法净化染色工业废水中计算电解电压的理论非线性模型。

50、The movement of ions between electrodes during electrolysis. ─── 原子移动,电离子移动在电解的过程中离子在电极之间的移动

51、In an industrial process called electrolysis, it changes to chemical energy. ─── 在所谓的电解工业的过程中,它转化成化学能。

52、This paper introduces the production practice for copper electrolysis by raising current density in Jinchang Smelter and effects thus achieved. ─── 介绍了金昌冶炼厂高电流密度生产阴极铜的实践及取得的成果。

53、The process of decoppering through insoluble anode electrolysis in the solution produced by leaching high grade matte nickel using chlorine is intro-duced in this paper. ─── 本文介绍了氯化浸出高冰镍溶液采用不溶阳极电解脱铜的方法。

54、Its water solubility is not affected by electrolysis, while it is not soluble in alkaline solution. ─── 对水的溶解性不受电解的影响,但不溶于碱性水溶液。

55、Diluted chromating solutions for Zn deposit are presented. Regeneration of the effluent by diaphragm electrolysis is suggested. ─── 介绍了镀锌低铬钝化工艺,采用隔膜电解法再生钝化废液。

56、Quantitative comparison of hypochlorite agent suggests that catalytic electrolysis disinfection has a better effect and a much lower cost. ─── 定量杀菌的对比结果表明,油田回注水催化电解杀菌比次氯酸钠杀菌效果好,且不须投加任何药剂,只消耗电能,运行成本低。

57、The PSR Digital Control System, used for control of the commutation equipment in an aluminum electrolysis plant, is described in the paper. ─── 介绍一种用于铝电解整流设备过程控制的数字控制系统(PSR)。

58、The obvious quality backwardness of pre-baking anode in our country compared with foreign advanced level has become major factor which restrain aluminium electrolysis industry development of our country . ─── 我国预焙阳极的质量明显落后于国外先进水平,已成为制约我国铝电解工业发展的重要因素。

59、We call such a process electrolysis. ─── 我们把这样一个过程叫做电解。

60、Results showed that internal electrolysis pre-treatment of yeast-producing wastewater were effective on the removal of COD and colority.What is more important is that the biod... ─── 在确定条件下试验,内电解对色度、COD的去除有一定的效果,重要的是提高了废水的可生化性,有利于生物处理。

61、Electrolysis of relief valve seat or first check seats. ─── 安全阀阀座或第一止回阀阀座被电解或电蚀。

62、Copper plate as cathode could guarantee the smooth electrolysis process which had high current efficiency with low cell voltage and lo. . . ─── 铜作阴极是可行的,既有高的电流效率又有低的溶解性和槽电压,可以保证电解的顺利进行。

63、The factors that have influences on current efficiency and cell voltage in electrolysis of sodium sulfate are studied so as to find out the optimal operating conditions. ─── 文章研究了在电渗析硫酸钠过程中,影响电流效率和槽电压的各因素对它们的影响规律,从而找到较好的电渗析条件。

64、The paper introduced the flow sheet of gold electrolysis and solvent extraction refining process. ─── 介绍了金电解与溶剂萃取两种工艺的原则流程;

65、In the process of copper electrolysis by the traditional method, good stating sheet product is a major premise and basis for producing copper cathode of high quality. ─── 在传统法铜电解工艺中,种板系统生产出好的始极片是生产高品质阴极铜的重要前提和基础。

66、A patent was recently issued, for a system which will remove color from a textile waste stream by electrolysis. ─── 最近发表的专利就是用电解法去除纺织废水中色度的系统。

67、So far we have only demonstrated that the mean charge in electrolysis is quantized. ─── 到目前为止,我们只验证了电解中的平均电行是量子化的。

68、The anti-corrosive property,the light resistance and the service life of electrolysis coloration film are all better than those of dying film. ─── 大量实践证明铝合金表面电解着色膜的耐腐蚀性、耐候性、耐旋光性和使用寿命都比染色膜要好的多。

69、They take this as a result of electrolysis. ─── 他们把这当作电解的一种结果。

70、The main causes leading to electrolysis in WEDM are anodic dis solutionand dielectric dissociation. ─── 导致电解锈蚀放电状态的主要原因是阳极金属溶解和工作液电解现象。

71、The effect of electrolysis sediment of waster water in EMM,under the best productive condition,will reach 62. ─── 在最佳工艺条件下,电解锰废水锰的电沉积效率达到62.44%。

72、The quantity of electricity that is capable of depositing or liberating1 gram equivalent weight of a substance in electrolysis, approximately9.6494?04 coulombs. ─── 感应电流的一定量的电流能释放1克同等重量的电解物质,接近于9。6494?04库仑

73、The author utilized electrolysis to retrieve polycrystal from on an artificial diamond bit and made them reused, which could reduce actual cost of the bit. ─── 应用电解法回收钻头中的人造金刚石聚晶,使其重复使用,可以降低钻头的实际成本。

74、A description is made of new technology for producing starter sh eets of copper electrolysis by continuous casting and rolling. ─── 介绍了连铸连轧法生产电解铜始极片的新工艺。

75、A coating or crust left on a surface, as by evaporation or electrolysis. ─── 外壳覆盖在表面上的外壳,如通过蒸发或电解而形成的

76、Aluminum and magnesium are both made by ionic liquid electrolysis, just as I showed you last day. ─── 铝和镁都是,由离子液体电解而成,就像我昨天讲的。

77、The article introduces an effective way of treating wastewater in removing bitterness from almonds:flocculating settling,internal electrolysis process and catalytic oxidation. ─── 提出处理杏仁脱苦废水的一种有效方法:絮凝沉淀-内电解-催化氧化法。

78、So far, from the above charts you can see that electrolysis is the only clinically-proven method. ─── 到目前为止,从以上的图表你可以看到电解是唯一临床证实法。

79、The results show that available chlorine produced during electrolysis process is the main agent of catalytic electrolysis disinfection. ─── 催化电解产生的有效氯质量浓度与电解时间呈线性关系,杀菌率随著有效氯质量浓度的增大而增大。

80、Abstract: The performance of sodium hypochlorite solution produced by electrolysis of table salt solution in Bailu-brand miniature water disinfector was observed experimentally. ─── 摘 要: 对白鹭牌小型消毒水发生器电解食盐水产生的次氯酸钠溶液性能进行了试验观察。

81、The chemist reduced the water by electrolysis collecting the oxygen in one flask the hydrogen in another. ─── 化学家以电解的方法分解水,把氧收集在一个烧瓶里,把氢装在另一只烧瓶里。

82、In 1886 the electrolytic process was invented. In the same year it was discovered that aluminium can be obtained by electrolysis of aluminium oxide. Shortly after that aluminium began to be produced in actually useful quantities. ─── 1886年,电解法发明了。同年,人们发现通过电解氧化铝可以生产铝。之后不久,铝才开始大量生产出来以供实际应用。

83、At the same time, the C/C composites electrolysis plank was tested in electrobath. ─── 同时,经过了在电解槽中的上槽运行实验。

84、Hydroquinone, p-benzosemiquinone, maleic, and oxalic acid have been detected as soluble products during the electrolysis of 4-nitrophenol. ─── 在电解过程中检测到多种可溶性产物如对苯二酚、对苯醌、草酸等。

85、It has been found that improving the conditions ofconcoct between p&rticles in a biPOlar electrolyser isa key to promoting its electrolysis efficiency. ─── 改善粒子的接触状态是提高复极性电解槽电解效率的关键。

86、To cause to decompose by electrolysis. ─── 使电解用电解来引起分解

87、Practical applications show that the PSR system can completely meet the requirements of aluminum electrolysis for thyristor-based commutation equipment. ─── 实际应用表明,PSR系统完全可以满足铝电解生产对可控硅整流设备的要求。

88、Electrode selection for oxidation of cerium by cation ion-exchange membran electrolysis in sulfuric acid solution was reported in this paper. ─── 报导了硫酸介质中电解氧化铈的阴阳极选择。

89、Abstract: The most pollution sources in Hubei province alu minium electrolysis enterprises are the electrobaths in their electrolysis works hops. ─── 文摘:湖北铝电解企业的主要污染源是电解车间的电解槽。

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