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09-05 投稿



recapitulated 发音

英:[?ri?k??p?t?ule?t?d]  美:[?ri?k??p?t?ule?t?d]

英:  美:

recapitulated 中文意思翻译




recapitulated 词性/词形变化,recapitulated变形

动词第三人称单数: recapitulates |动词过去分词: recapitulated |动词过去式: recapitulated |形容词: recapitulative |动词现在分词: recapitulating |

recapitulated 相似词语短语

1、recapitulation ─── n.概括,重述要点;(生育、生长中对进化等过程的)重演;(尤指奏鸣曲形式中的)再现部

2、capitulates ─── vi.认输,屈服;屈从,停止反抗;有条件投降;让步

3、recapitulate ─── vi.概括;重述要点;摘要;vt.概括;重述要点;摘要

4、recapitulative ─── adj.概括性的;着重阐述要点的

5、capitulate ─── vi.认输,屈服;屈从,停止反抗;有条件投降;让步

6、capitulated ─── vi.认输,屈服;屈从,停止反抗;有条件投降;让步

7、recapitulating ─── vi.概括;重述要点;摘要;vt.概括;重述要点;摘要

8、recapitulates ─── vi.概括;重述要点;摘要;vt.概括;重述要点;摘要

9、recapitulatory ─── adj.概括性的;着重阐述要点的

recapitulated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Siddhartha is the primary figure in Buddhism, and the accounts of his life, teachings, and monastic rules were recapitulated after his death and memorized by his followers. ─── 悉达多是佛教中的第一人物。他的生平记述,教导,和清规戒律在去世后由他的追随者们回忆并记录了下来。

2、By studying and analyzing the narration mode and trait of southern minority subject movies in period of seventeen years, narrative structure of southern minority subject movies was recapitulated. ─── 并针对其不同的叙事方式和特点进行分析和讨论,总结这一时期南方少数民族题材电影的叙事结构。

3、Theoretical base can be recapitulated as the theory of peoples sovereignty, the theory of powers separation and the theory of due process. ─── 弹劾制度的理论基础可以概括为人民主权理论、权力分立和制衡理论及正当程序理论三部分。

4、The thesis mainly contained three parts. The first part recapitulated wilde's theory. ─── 论文由三部分构成:第一部分是唯美理论概述,提炼王尔德的文论观点。

5、At the climax of the movement the "fixed idea" is recapitulated by full orchestra ff. ─── 在这个乐章的高潮处,整个乐队以ff的力度重现“固定乐思”。

6、Topic Learning for the first term will be recapitulated from 12/1/2009 to 16/1/2009 and January 8th and 9th are revision days. Please also encourage your child to revise at home. ─── 本年度上学期终期主题学习总结将于一月十二日至一月十六日举行,一月八日及九日为温习日,烦请家长鼓励子女在家重温已授课程。

7、Real-life events are recapitulated within MUDs and TinyMUDs. ─── 真实世界中的事件会被重新体现在MUD类或者TinyMUD类游戏中。

8、Abstract: The industry trends, including company trends, recompose, financing and the standard alteration of daily chemical industry in 2008 were recapitulated and summarized here. ─── 摘要: 对2008年以来我国日用化学品行业的发展情况,包括公司状况,公司动向、公司重组、融资动态以及一些标准和法规的变更等进行了概括和总结。

9、He recapitulated the main points of the speech. ─── 他把讲话的重点扼要重述了一遍。

10、The debate between Jefferson and Madison has often been recapitulated in the discussions of the relationship between constitutionalism and democracy. ─── 杰佛逊与麦迪逊之间的辩论,一再地出现在有关宪政主义与民主之关系的讨论中。

11、He recapitulated the resolution demanding better conditions which had been passed in the conference. ─── 他简单扼要地说明了会议中通过的改善环境的决议。

12、Ltd.are recapitulated in this paper. ─── 重点论述了现场总线网络的组成及优点;

13、Topic Learning for the first term will be recapitulated from 24/4/2009 to 30/4/2009 and April 22nd and 23rd are revision days. Please encourage your child to revise at home. ─── 本年度下学期中期主题学习总结将于四月二十四日至四月三十日举行,四月二十二日及二十三日为温习周,烦请家长鼓励子女在家重温已授课程。

14、Methods: The literatures about this lesion were reviewed, its clinical presentation, radiographic appearance, histologic features, differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis were recapitulated. ─── 方法:通过对与该肿瘤有关的文献回顾,归纳总结髓内高分化骨肉瘤的临床、影像和病理学特点,以及诊断、治疗要点和患者预后。

15、main research content of the thesis has been recapitulated; ─── 概括本论文研究的主要内容和特色;

16、At the climax of the movement the "fixed idea" is recapitulated by full orchestra ff. ─── 在这个乐章的高潮处,整个乐队以ff的力度重现“固定乐思”。

17、It has characters such as fastness, strongly comparing, rough batized , satiety compact and strongly recapitulated etc. ─── 具有久不褪色、对比强烈、古拙粗犷、饱满紧凑、概括性强等特征;

18、The evolution of Oplopanax elatus vessel perforation in ontogeny recapitulated the process in phylogeny. ─── 两端都具单穿孔的导管.在东北刺人参的个体发育中重演了系统发育过程中导管分子穿孔板的演化过程.

19、There will be more money for development.’ Even with brains mangled by recapitulated value and value potential, everyone knew what that meant. ─── 林西这句话犹如当头一棒把我们击醒,即使是塞满了资本重整和价值潜力的大脑也能迅速意识到,他的长篇大论结束了。

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