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09-05 投稿



warps 发音

英:[w??ps]  美:[w??rps]

英:  美:

warps 中文意思翻译




warps 反义词


warps 词性/词形变化,warps变形

动词过去分词: warped |动词过去式: warped |动词现在分词: warping |动词第三人称单数: warps |名词: warper |

warps 同义词

contort | bend | pervert | confuse | heave | deflection | knot | deviation | change | garble | falsify |distort | warping | buckle | damage | alteration | deform | twist | misrepresent | distortion | color

warps 短语词组

1、time warps ─── 时间隧道

warps 常用词组

warp knitting ─── 织经纱,经编

warp knitting machine ─── 经编机

warp yarn ─── 经纱;经线;帆布经线

warps 相似词语短语

1、tarps ─── abbr.战术空中侦察吊舱系统;机载战术侦察舱系统;目标收视点(TargetRatings)

2、parps ─── 聚腺苷二磷酸-核糖聚合酶(poly-ADP-ribosepolymerase);喇叭声;鸣响喇叭声

3、wares ─── n.[贸易]商品;货物;n.(Wares)人名;(英)韦尔斯

4、barps ─── 呕吐物

5、harps ─── n.竖琴(harp的复数);v.用竖琴弹奏;反复诉说;唠叨(harp的三单形式)

6、carps ─── abbr.住宅布置系统中的中国艺术(ChineseArtofResidentialPlacementSystem)

7、jarps ─── v.敲碎

8、warbs ─── n.卑鄙的人;微不足道的人

9、wards ─── n.[医]病房(ward的复数);守卫;受监护的未成年人;监禁;v.守卫;避开(ward的第三人称单数形式);n.(Wards)人名;(英)沃兹

warps 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Level 2 - Warps the Weaver 5 seconds back in time, resetting the HP, mana, and position.Does not affect cooldowns, gold, or XP. ─── 二级-让地穴编织者回到5秒前的状态和位置,不会对技能的冷却时间、经验值和金钱造成影响。

2、This warps the noise function in a concentric fashion about a point defined by the Implode Center. ─── 杂色函数经线在一个同心方式从压碎中心定义一个点。

3、A fleet of Gurista Pirates just came out of warp near here and started to pulverize our defense drones. ─── 一批古斯塔斯海盗刚跃迁到附近,开始摧残我们的防御无人机。

4、When you realspace or warp into a sector with enemy sector fighters you will be asked what you would like to do. ─── 当你进入或被卷入一个含有敌人区域战士的区域时,你可以做出如下选择。

5、Builds: Phoenix, Warp Ray, Mothership, ... ─── 建造单位:凤凰战舰,曲射机,母舰。。。

6、It analyzesthe working stability of the system and the factors that affect the warp tension. ─── 并分析系统工作的稳定性,以及影响经纱张力系统的要素。

7、Amov (Move): The move ability specifies the warp effect that units show when they walk through a warp gate. ─── Amov(移动):该技能可以设置一个单位穿过一扇弯曲的大门时产生的弯曲效果。

8、Selvage design method and side warp drafting &reed-in methods of several fabric normal selvage are enumerated. ─── 列举了几种织物常用布边的设计方法及边经穿综、入筘方法。

9、There is a warp in her nature. ─── 她性情乖戾。

10、It was closer to being a turbulent ocean fomented by the tempestuous warp tides below. ─── 它更接近于由飓风般的亚空间潮汐推动的狂暴洋面。

11、Did not ourselves the cubits warp, for fear to be a king. ─── 不正是我们自己歪曲了度量,不敢称王称霸。

12、This paper analyzed the cause of warp yarn hairiness of T/C fabric and its influence on weaving. ─── 分析了涤棉织物经纱毛羽产生的原因及对织造的影响,介绍了降低纱线毛羽的具体上浆措施。

13、Plain weave: Each wire is woven alternately over and under the warp wires through the cloth at 90 degree angles. ─── 平纹编织:每根径丝交叉地在每根纬丝上下穿过,经线和纬线成90度角的编织方式。

14、she looks in the mirror, though, her face warps out of focus as if the reflection is from a funhouse mirror. ─── 她向镜子望去,可是,她的脸变得弯曲、模糊,就像是照游戏房里的哈哈镜似的。

15、The common puzzle of forming large-scale patterns by RP is its warps and distortions. ─── 快速成形方法制造大型零件的一个共同难题是零件的翘曲变形。

16、And this, he believes, "warps the truth-seeking function" of justice. ─── 而这,他认为歪曲了正义的使命:寻求真理。

17、Changzhou Runyuan Warp Knitting Machinery Co., Ltd. ─── 常州市润源经编机械有限公司。

18、Oslash; Nemesis emerges from the time warp. ─── 大黑暗天出扭曲时空。

19、That creates extra costs for business, encourages litigiousness and warps sectors of the economy. ─── 其增加企业额外成本,鼓励诉讼,扰乱经济部门。

20、Weaving processing was optimized to reduce load of loom and warps,warp loom tension was increased to enhance shed sharpness. ─── 优选织造工艺,减轻织机和经纱所承受的负荷,适当加大经纱上机张力,提高梭口清晰度。

21、Apr, 2006, as one of the best company, WUYANG instituted and revise the Profession standards of the Bar Warp Loom. ─── 2006年7月,作为行业精英,五洋参与制定和修正了双针床经编机行业标准。

22、Even twills have the same number of warp and filling yarns on both the face and back and can be considered reversible. ─── 双面斜纹在织物的正反面具有相同数目的经纱和纬纱,织物的两面是可以翻转使用的。

23、To remove the size coated before weaving on warp yarn. ─── 去除织布之前已涂在经纱上的浆。

24、A fine cloth of cotton, silk or linen, commonly of plain weave with colored warp and white weft. ─── 一种由棉布,丝绸或者亚麻布织成的,白线穿过彩色纵向线的精细平坦织物。

25、The agenda of his cultural remedy thus incorporates a variety of paradoxes, warps and decoys and is pessimistic and incomplete. ─── 他的文化疗救宏图,也由此掺杂了种种悖谬、乖离和陷阱,因而是消极的和不彻底的。

26、A twilled woolen fabric, sometimes with a cotton warp, used for coats. ─── 克尔赛手织粗呢一种斜纹的毛料织物,有时有棉纵向线,用于做大衣

27、In daily life we don't notice weird time warps, because the effect becomes dramatic only when the motion occurs at close to the speed of light. ─── 但在日常生活中,我们不会感受到这种奇异的时间扭曲,这是因为此效应只在运动接近光速时才显著。

28、Major engine parts can warp causing oil and water leaks and the oil will boil and become useless. ─── 发动机的主要部件变形从而导致漏水漏油,机油也会沸腾从而失效。

29、Master, Universal Conic Warp Preparation Finished. ─── 主人,二次元曲线扭曲宇宙通道准备完毕。

30、If it is a thin piece(like a knife or blade), cut the cooling solution with the object so it son't warp. ─── 如果是薄片(如刀或刀片),用目标物体切割冷溶液,使其不会翘曲。

31、Interdictor warp disrupt probes will now prevent warp, even if the warp is already initiated. ─── 尸骸,残骸和货柜的属性已经被调整,现在舰船可以穿过它们行驶而不会被阻挡。

32、It is necessary to have a stop motion since a good warp should not contain many broken ends. ─── 在整经机上设置停车机构是必要的,因为合格的经纱不能存有许多断头。

33、However, according to her logs, she would have had to used warp drive to travel the distance required. ─── 但是根据它的航行纪录,它必须使用翘曲飞行才能行进所需要的距离。

34、Be careful of the frigates, as they can warp scramble you. ─── 小心这些护卫舰他们会反跃迁你。

35、Gramophone records warp in very hot weather. ─── 在非常热的天气时,唱片会翘曲。

36、Occasionally during weaving, one of the many warp ends may break. ─── 在织造过程中,有时会产生经纱断头。

37、They won't see lands that are entering the battlefield at the same time (due to Warp World, for example). ─── 它们不会看到与自己同时进战场的地(例如藉由歪曲世相)。

38、A warm, soft napped fabric of rayon or cotton blends or cotton warp which resembles wool. ─── 一种用人造丝或人造丝和棉混合,或类似于羊毛的棉线变形所织成的很软很暖和的绒线织物。

39、It's already been proven that the sun's mass warps time, bends light waves and accounts for mutation of species on Earth. ─── 已经证明太阳本身能改变时间,弯曲光波,并引起地球物种的突变。

40、By the time the Primarchs had enough craft ready for pursuit, Night Haunter had already entered the warp. ─── 在基因原体们能够来得及追赶时,他已经消失在亚空间。

41、Do not warp , not crack , do not discolour , do not fade , it is durable and durable , maintenance is simple. ─── 不变形,不开裂、不变色、不退色,经久耐用,维护简单。

42、A weave in which warp threads never come together,leaving interstices in the fabric. ─── 弯曲的线从不交织的编法,离开在织品内的间隙。

43、Applies a warp transform, defined by a rectangle and a parallelogram, to this GraphicsPath. ─── 对此GraphicsPath应用由一个矩形和一个平行四边形定义的扭曲变换。

44、In order to deal with a Battlecruiser squadron of this size, we'll need to bring in our Warp Rays. ─── 为了分割"战役巡洋舰"战斗群,我们将需要我们的"曲线激光".

45、I will not stop until that daemon is cast back into the warp! ─── 在恶魔被送回亚空间前我决不停歇!

46、The yarns running in the lengthwise direction are called warp yarns and the yarns running crosswise are called weft. ─── 在纵长的方向的纱称为经;和之交叉的称为纬。

47、Prejudice warps the judgment. ─── 偏见歪曲了判断

48、The compaction behavior of multi-axial warp knit reinforcement is investigated. ─── 在湿态压缩中讨论了树脂的润湿作用以及润湿后一些织物的反弹行为。

49、Although this mechanism is called the warp protector motion, it also protects the fabric, the reed and the shuttle. ─── 尽管该机构被称之为护经机构,它对织物、钢筘、梭子也有保护作用。

50、Various types of warp are due to discontinuities such as knots as well as the annual ring orientations. ─── 各种类型的翘曲除了受木纹方向影响外,还受到如木节等的影响。

51、It features various courses, a course editor, water hazards, slopes, sand traps, and black holes (warps). ─── 它有各种的球场,一个球场编辑器,水池,草坡,沙地和(歪曲的)黑洞。

52、Some issues regarding disconnects/emergency warps and Siege/Triage/industrial core modules have been resolved. ─── 一些关于下线/紧急跃迁以及会战/后勤/工业模块的错误的修正。

53、However, DMLS process is in the laboratory, warp distortion is a universal problem in sintered par. ─── DMLS工艺还处在实验室研究阶段,目前烧结件普遍存在翘曲变形严重等缺陷,本文将围绕此问题开展研究。

54、Prejudice warps our judgment. ─── 偏见歪曲了我们的判断。

55、The Photoshop warp tool is very useful when creating any sort of twisting and bending graphic effects. ─── 当你需要创建任何扭曲或者弯曲图片效果的时候,弯曲工具应用很广泛。

56、A steel tube or wooden roller on which the warp is wound in a loom. ─── 卷轴织机上的铁管或木轮,供经线缠绕之用

57、At the time the two sheets of warp become level, the shed is said to be closed. ─── 在两页综框平齐时,梭口被认为是闭合了。

58、Ground of schoolchild armour terrified answers: "Not be my warp!"Not be my warp!! ─── 学童甲惶恐地答道:“不是我弄歪的!”

59、Because of this, some friction will exist between the shuttle and the warp yarns near the selvages. ─── 因此在布边附近,梭子和经纱之间会存在磨擦。

60、Oh, dem Eldar we fightin got a Warp Spider at dere ‘ead. I want his tellyporter, I do. ─── 哦!跟我们打的豆芽当头的是个次元蜘蛛!我要他的传送器!

61、Sizing materials are applied to yarns, particularly warp yarns, before they are woven into cloth. ─── 在织造之前,必须给纱线(特别是经纱)上浆。

62、The shedding and beating- up cause cycle tension variations in the warp yarns. ─── 开口运动和打纬运动会引起在一个织造循环内的经纱张力波动。

63、This paper analyges the principle of warp let-out motion in DORNIER rapier loom. ─── 分析了DORNIER剑杆织机送经机构的送经原理;

64、If it is a thin piece(like a knife or blade), cut the cooling solution with the object so it won't warp. ─── 如果是一个很薄的工件(像小刀或叶片)。淬火时要把工件切入冷却液使之不致翘曲。

65、It's moving at the sort of warp speed that straightens out those flags rimming the stadium. ─── 它改变以扭曲的行动在类调直在那些旗子之外为体育场装边的经线速度。

66、Technology doesn’t improve productivity, it warps it. ─── 科技不是促进生产力,而是极大提高了生产力。

67、The furniture should be of smooth, hard material not liable to warp or corrode. ─── 家具应使用光滑、坚硬、不易变形和腐蚀的材料制作。

68、The Warp Rays are very vulnerable to small units. ─── "曲线激光"却非常容易受到小型单位的攻击.

69、After taking out a couple probes, the protoss player warps in a stalker, chasing the hellions into a freshly-built colossus. ─── 地狱战车带有范围伤害效果的火焰攻击对付小型单位非常有效。

70、And this, he believes, "warps the truth-seeking function" of justice. ─── 而这,他认为歪曲了正义的使命:寻求真理。

71、Also to use warp editors it helps to have an excess amount of energy. ─── 同样,使用偏离编辑器将有助于产生超额能量。

72、In this system, the warp yarns are fed to the loom. ─── 在该系统中,经纱被送入织机。

73、This paper introduces the configuration and technological parameters of the Superpol terry warp knitting machine. ─── 介绍了Superpol毛圈经编机的机器配置和工艺参数。

74、Any attempt to unwind the warp at this stage is likely to lead to entanglement. ─── 在这种情况下,任何从经轴上退绕纱线的做法都会导致纱线的纠缠。

75、Desire and fear are the weft and warp of living, and both are made of pain. ─── 人生为欲望恐惧的纵横交错编织而成,而两者都是痛苦。

76、His judgment was warp by his self-interest. ─── 他的判断因私利而扭曲变形。

77、In a satin fabric it is the warp ends that float on the surface. ─── 在经面缎纹中经纱浮在织物表面。

78、How to create pdnr products at warp speed! ─── 如何创造产品经线速度!

79、Protoss can use Warp in to teleport units anywhere they want into pylon power. ─── 另外,神族可以运用“心灵运输”将它的单位送到任何他想要的地方(能量场照的所有地方)

80、Info: warp knitting fabrics,tricot,plain,brushed,any weight,any width,any colours Our company is a profe ...... ─── 主要材质:涤纶次要材质:涤纶克重:其它幅宽:其它用途:服装用织物

81、A rare map crash issue occuring when the warp animation has stopped/aborted has been resolved. ─── 当多个玩家同时打开军团成员机库的时候出现的图像错误问题得到了解决。

82、Earth's gravity warps spacetime the same way a bowling ball weighs down the middle of a trampoline. ─── 地球的重力包裹着时空,就如同碗状球体把蹦床的中部压得下沉了一般。

83、The people trachea,the bronchial tube warp value is small,and has the very big individual difference. ─── 国人气管、支气管经线值偏小 ,并有很大的个体差异。

84、Never throw anchor and warp over side together. ─── 不要将锚和标绳一起放下。

85、A record warps if it gets too hot. ─── 唱片过热会翘曲变形。

86、Applies a warp transform, defined by a rectangle and a parallelogram, to this. ─── 应用由一个矩形和一个平行四边形定义的扭曲变换。

87、The Warp called us, but we return to the fight. ─── 异空间呼唤着我们,但我们得回到战斗中。

88、Therefore, the irreducible warp of the brane acts like a cosmological constant, which speeds up cosmic expansion. ─── 因此,这膜上无法消除的时空弯曲就表现的如同宇宙常数,导致了宇宙的加速膨胀。

89、Did Einstein prove that the reason light bends when it passes the earth is a warp in the space-time continuum? ─── 但是,爱因斯坦是否证明太阳光经过地球时确实存在着太空时空连续的弯曲?

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