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09-05 投稿



drainer 发音

英:[?dre?n?r]  美:[?dre?n?(r)]

英:  美:

drainer 中文意思翻译



drainer 短语词组

1、brain drainer ─── 外流的人才

2、drainer mat ─── 排水垫

3、drainer urban ─── 市区排水管

4、drainer aesthetic ─── 排水器美学

5、drainer urban dictionary ─── 城市词典

6、cheese drainer ─── 干酪筛

7、floor drainer ─── 地漏

8、drainer boy ─── 排水工

drainer 词性/词形变化,drainer变形


drainer 相似词语短语

1、trainers ─── n.运动鞋;[劳经]训练员;练习器(trainer的复数)

2、drainers ─── n.排水器;下水道装置

3、detainer ─── n.继续监禁令,非法留置;挽留者

4、strainer ─── n.过滤器;松紧扣;用力拉的人,拉紧者

5、trainer ─── n.助理教练;训练员;驯马师;飞行练习器;运动鞋;n.(Trainer)人名;(英、德)特雷纳

6、ordainer ─── 司令官

7、Braine ─── n.(Braine)人名;(英)布雷恩;(法)布雷纳

8、grainer ─── n.刮毛刀;画木纹者;画木纹用的刷子

9、drained ─── v.(使)流干,(使)逐渐流走(drain的过去式和过去分词);喝光,喝干;使(精力、金钱等)耗尽

drainer 习惯用语

1、brain drainer ─── 外流的人才(尤指知识分子)

drainer 特殊用法

1、centripress drainer ─── 离心压榨脱水机

2、pulp drainer ─── 脱水机

3、scraper drainer ─── 刮板脱水机

4、mole drainer ─── 塑孔暗沟排水机

drainer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The grid lip fits over the drainer tray edge. ─── 发车唇适合的漏托盘边缘。

2、She tipped the dirty water down the drain. ─── 她把脏水倒入了下水道。

3、Relief valve must be piped to a suitable drain. ─── 安全阀必须配置通向适当排泄口的排泄管道。

4、To clear a blockage from(a drain, for example). ─── 从(如下水道)中排除障碍

5、The mortgage is a drain on our financial resources. ─── 偿还抵押借款是我们财务上的一大负担.

6、The tiled floor of the kitchen slopes towards the drain. ─── 厨房的瓷砖地向排水沟倾斜。

7、Install drain hose to vent tube at bottom of pump. ─── 在水泵底部安装排放管到排水管。

8、The doctors will perform a drain on the victim. ─── 医生往受害者身上插引流管。

9、On him way to the sweet shop, he dropped his sixpence and it rolled along the pavement and then disappeared down a drain. ─── 他在去糖果店的路上,把钱掉到地上了,硬币沿着人行道滚动,掉进阴沟里去了。

10、The drain will plug up if you let grease settle in it. ─── 如果你让油脂积存,排水管就会堵塞。

11、All shields are provided with grounded drain wire. ─── 屏蔽层均配有接地引流线。

12、Fred left quickly to drain the bilge. ─── 弗雷德急匆匆地跑出去呕吐。

13、Leave the dishes on the board to drain . ─── 将盘碟放在水槽旁边的板上晾干。

14、Don't pour these tea leaves down the drain. ─── 别把这些茶叶往排水管里倒,这样会堵塞下水道的。

15、His extra work was a drain on his strength. ─── 他额外的工作是他精力流失的原因。

16、We have to put in another pipe to let the water drain away. ─── 我们得再安一根管道来排水。

17、The civil war drain the country of its manpower and wealth. ─── 内战耗尽了国家的人力和财富。

18、The company is trying to plug the drain on cash reserve. ─── 公司在设计阻止现金储备外流。

19、Negative pressure sludge drainer used in waste water settling tank ─── 用于排放沉降罐底部污泥的负压排污器

20、In the past decade work has gone from being a source for self-esteem to being a self-esteem drainer. ─── 在过去的10年里,工作正在从一个产生自信的源泉变成一个消磨自信的渠道。

21、Don't drink it all; leave me a drain. ─── 不要把它喝光,给我留一口。

22、She left the dishes to drain. ─── 她把盘子放着晾乾。

23、Close the drain valve and refill the tank, and restore power. ─── 关闭排污阀,重新向内胆注水,重新恢复电源。

24、Drain system and remove valve from piping. ─── 从管道上排放系统和拆卸阀门。

25、Devine and shell prawns.Rinse and drain well. ─── 中虾去肠去壳,洗净,抹乾水份。

26、You should dig trenches to drain away the water. ─── 你应该挖沟以便排水.

27、They were supposed to drain off water. ─── 导游:应该是排水用的。

28、Hope and energy drain away over the years. ─── 岁月逐渐使精力和希望枯竭了。

29、Will food waste disposer block the Drain? ─── 使用垃圾处理机会不会堵塞下水道?

30、Reversible; can be used with the drainer to the right or left. ─── 可以双向安装,可以搭配下水道在左侧或右侧使用。

31、The results of years of work went down the drain. ─── 多年工作的成果全都白费了。

32、Drain and exhaust through the stopper. ─── 冷却器可由螺塞排水或排气。

33、I knew a neat person once who threw away a perfectly good dish drainer because it had mold on it. ─── 我认为一个爱整洁的人,把一个好端端的碗器具扔掉就因为上面长了霉。

34、They are digging trenches to drain the water away. ─── 他们正在掘沟排水。

35、He poured the cold tea down the drain. ─── 他把凉茶倒进下水道。

36、Remove from boiling water and drain. ─── 从水中取出后沥干。

37、Safety standards have gone down the drain. ─── 安全标准根本不管用了。

38、The place where a sewer, drain, or stream discharges. ─── 出水口阴沟、下水道或河流排水的地方

39、Hold the drain open until clean fuel exits the drain. ─── 保持排泄阀打开直至清洁的燃油从排泄管流出。

40、The physician put a wick in the wound to drain it. ─── 医生把一个纱布条放在伤口中吸血。

41、Wash leek and slice it. Soak in water for 2 hrs. Drain. ─── 制法:1.大蒜洗净切片,用清水浸约2小时,沥乾水分。

42、Infection can spread retrograde down a drain from the exterior. ─── 感染能从外界经引流管逆行播散。

43、After the compressed air passes to run 10 ~ 20 minutes to check whether there are drainage automatic drainer. ─── 通入压缩空气后运行10~20分钟检查自动排水器是否有排水。

44、Man, the drainer, the tiller, the builder, has settled here. ─── 人,这个消耗者,耕耘者,建设者已经在此定居了。”

45、Plane Drain Frequent flying is definitely a downside of modeling. ─── 乘飞机的疲惫频繁乘飞机旅行无疑是当模特儿的一大苦恼。

46、Remove fish fillet from marinate liquid, drain excessive liquid. ─── 将鱼片从鱼子酱中捞起,去除多余的水分。

47、A single mistake and all that time and money would go down the drain. ─── 只要发生一个错误,全部的时间和金钱就将尽付东流。

48、The drain should be soft and pliable . ─── 引流物应是软而易弯的。

49、If you leave college, all that money has gone down the drain! ─── 你要是中断大学的学习,你花的钱就会都付诸东流了。

50、Don't dig trenches to drain the water away here. ─── 不要在这里挖沟排水。

51、Oh, no, the drain just swallowed him. ─── 哦,不,排水沟刚刚把蜻蜓吞没了。

52、Reversible sink; can be used with the drainer to the right or left. ─── 水槽可双向安装;滤干板可在左侧或右侧使用。

53、Our plans to go swimming went down the drain when it rained. ─── 天一下雨,我们去游泳的计划就全落空了。

54、He scrubbed out the pans and left them to drain. ─── 他把锅刷干净,放在那儿晾着。

55、We have to call a plumber to unblock the drain. ─── 我们得叫管工来通一通下水道。

56、She advised a "grooved dish drainer" for the sink, an ingenious idea at the time. ─── 她建议给洗涤槽安装一个“开槽的碟形排水道”,这在当时可算是很巧妙的思路。

57、The chemical that we poured down the drain unclogged it. ─── 我们在困难面前扫除障碍。

58、Military spending is a huge drain on the country's resources. ─── 军费开支是国家资源的一大消耗。

59、It's just money down the drain, you know. ─── 你要知道,这是白白丢钱。

60、Urine may drain through one or more skin sinuses to the exterior. ─── 尿液可通过一个或几个皮肤窦而流到体外。

61、The drainer was too much trouble to wash. ─── 碗器具洗起来太费劲了。

62、They drain the swamp and turn it into fertile land. ─── 他们排干沼泽地的水,将它变成了肥沃的土地。

63、We had to call in a plumber to unblock the drain. ─── 我们只得叫个管子工来疏通下水道。

64、The cost of his children's education is a great drain on his money. ─── 他孩子的教育费用造成他极大的负担。

65、I don't like to throw my money down the drain. ─── 我不愿把我的钱白扔掉。

66、Shut off supply pressure and drain valve. ─── 关闭供应压力和排泄阀门。

67、What he has spent is a drain on the savings of his parents. ─── 他所花费的会耗尽他父母的积蓄。

68、I am sorry to bother you, but the lavatory drain be block. ─── 对不起打扰您,但是盥洗室的排水管堵塞了。

69、Well, that's another five dollars down the drain. ─── 嗨,又白白浪费了5美元。

70、The crankcase has to drain before you put on the new filter. ─── 在安放新过滤器之前,曲轴箱必须滴干。

71、It is money down the drain if you spend it all on candy. ─── 如果把钱都花来买糖吃,那就浪费了。

72、We dug trenches to drain away the dirty water. ─── 我们开沟排去污水。

73、Don't rinse the leaves out into the sink: you'll clog the drain. ─── 不要将叶子冲洗掉进污水槽,会堵塞阴沟的。


75、This month has been quite a drain on his wallet. ─── 他这个月的花费真不少。

76、Drain in a colander, reserving 1 cup cooking water. ─── 取出面条,过滤水分,留下一杯煮面条的水。

77、The coffee grains plugged up the kitchen drain. ─── 咖啡渣堵塞了厨房的排水道。

78、A small, flat absorbent pad used to medicate, drain, or protect a wound or sore. ─── 小拭子,小垫子用于加药物、排干或保护伤口或痛处的吸收性的小扁块

79、The company was still going down the drain. ─── 公司仍是每况愈下。

80、We must dig trenches to drain the water away. ─── 我们必须开沟排水。

81、Drain lubricant to the correct level. ─── 将润滑剂排放到正确的高度。

82、Reversible; can be used with the drainer to the right or left. ─── 可以双向安装,可以搭配下水道在左侧或右侧使用。

83、Shut off the supply pressure and drain the valve. ─── 切断供应管线的压力,将阀门内残余流体排放出来。

84、A layer of coarse gravel is often placed around the drain tile. ─── 常常在排水瓦管周围铺一层粗石砾。

85、They want to drain the land to make crops grow better on it. ─── 为了使作物能更好地生长,他们准备先把那片地的水排干。

86、You'd better ask a doctor to the absess and drain off the pus. ─── 你最好去请医生切开这个脓胞把脓放掉。

87、Your kitchen drain has become blocked by tea leaves. ─── 你家厨房的排水管被茶叶堵上了。

88、Drain orzo and toss with tomato mixture. ─── 将面中的水排出,加入西红柿等混合物搅拌。

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