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09-05 投稿



inexplicably 发音

英:[??n?k?spl?k?bli]  美:[??n?k?spl?k?bli]

英:  美:

inexplicably 中文意思翻译



inexplicably 网络释义

adv. 说不清的;无法说明地;令人难以理解地

inexplicably 短语词组

1、brindled boxer inexplicably ─── 莫名其妙地有斑点的拳击手

inexplicably 相似词语短语

1、inexplicitly ─── adv.不明嘹地;不清楚地

2、inextricably ─── adv.不可分开地,密不可分地;逃不掉地;解不开地,解决不了地

3、inexplainable ─── adj.无法解释的;难解说的

4、inexplicable ─── adj.费解的;无法说明的;不能解释的

5、inexplicability ─── n.无法说明;费解

6、explicably ─── 可以解释

7、inexpiably ─── 不合理的

8、inexplainably ─── 莫名其妙地

9、inapplicably ─── 不能适用地

inexplicably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Must place on trial Wang Daihua fairly, must first be missing the king in the lockup the investigation to be clear inexplicably. ─── 要公正地审判王代华,就首先必须把王在看守所的莫名失踪调查清楚。

2、Serrell suffered from a long headache, but after the headache ended, Orlando inexplicably had the ability to perform calculations of amazing complexity. ─── 瑟雷尔遭受了长期的头痛,但头痛结束后,他莫名其妙地拥有了进行复杂运算的能力。

3、Looked at them still continue to insist on training in an orderly manner, the hearts of inexplicably had a deep admiration for them: they have in the spirit of self-defeating. ─── 望着他们依然有条不紊地继续坚持训练,心中莫名其妙地产生了对他们深深的钦佩:他们已经在精神上战胜了自我。

4、In discussing the recent housing boom and bust, Mr Reynolds inexplicably fails to mention Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-backed lenders that did so much to inflate the bubble. ─── 在讨论近期房地产兴衰时,雷诺兹令人费解地忽略了房利美和房地美这两家政府支持的贷方在经济泡沫的膨胀中所扮演的重要角色。

5、A week before I was supposed to leave, our conversations become inexplicably terse. ─── 我要出发的前一周,我们的对话变得费解的简洁。

6、I saw avocados that looked nearly mummified, and bought jalapenos that tasted like bell peppers, inexplicably lacking any hint of heat. ─── 我看到过几乎干瘪的鳄梨,还买过吃起来像甜椒的墨西哥胡椒,而且匪夷所思地一点辣味都没有。

7、More than 100 red-billed Leiothrix inexplicably swooped down on a glass wall of a building in Huitong County, Hunan, and 20 of the rare birds died, local media reported. ─── 据当地媒体报道,湖南会同县日前出现红嘴相思鸟集体撞玻璃墙自杀现象。

8、Then, inexplicably, Homeboy starts laughing and smiling at me."Okay, you go now.No problem. ─── 这时,莫名其妙地,那家伙向我露出了笑容:“好吧,你可以走了。”

9、These are all joyful moments, but they do not measure up to inexplicably pleasing little things. ─── 这些都是美好的时刻,但是它们还说不上是无法言喻的开心。

10、He falls asleep and when he awakens again, the world is inexplicably different from the one he left behind. ─── 李白禁不住趁这些人没看见时偷偷地尝了一口酒,觉得酒香四溢,因而再偷喝几口。

11、By now I was feeling slightly afraid but inexplicably kept moving towards the sounds. ─── 直到这时,我才稍微有点害怕,但还是继续向发出声音的地方走过去。

12、Inexplicably, Mary said she loved John. ─── 真是不可思议,玛丽说她爱约翰。

13、With the PS3, 12 minutes after opening the box I realized that Sony inexplicably does not include cables to connect the machine to a high-definition television. ─── 在玩PS3时,打开盒子12分钟后,我意识到索尼没有墨汁办法解释这里没有连接这台机器与高清电视的电缆。

14、24, China Eastern has been inexplicably closed at 2,000 million shares trading, many small and medium-sized investors have been speaking Greek. ─── 24日东航莫名其妙地被2000多万股封于涨停,让许多中小投资者摸不着头脑。

15、Worse, the women affected are inexplicably beginning to turn violent. ─── 更糟的是,受影响的女人开始出现严重的暴力倾向。

16、NEW YORK - Chien-Ming Wang, who was otherwise pretty good as a rookie in 2005, was inexplicably bad against the Devil Rays last year. ─── 咱家的小民.2005年的表现好的不像是一位菜鸟.但是当年对抗魔鬼鱼的表现却是不可思议的糟.

17、It followed a normal course up to first meiotic metaphase when it inexplicably failed. ─── 它按正常减数分裂过程进行到第一次减数分裂中期后就莫名其妙地停止了。

18、One day California wakes up and not a single Latino is left in the state. They have all inexplicably dissappeared, chaos, tragedy, and comedy quickly ensue. ─── 当有一天早晨加利福尼亚州的人们醒来时,发现已经找不到一个拉丁美洲人了。他们都神秘地失踪了,随后混乱、惨剧与喜剧相继上演。

19、Tusken youths using it for target practice inexplicably find their rifles jamming or backfiring. ─── 年轻的塔斯肯人把它作为标靶来练习射击,但却莫名其妙地发现步枪卡壳或爆膛了。

20、inexplicably delayed/absent ─── 令人不解地耽搁/缺席

21、Yet, inexplicably, they do not contain the information about individual loans that is needed to detect default risk. ─── 然而,让人无法理解的是,它们没有包括查明违约风险的个人贷款的信息。

22、In fact, radios failed to work, medical supplies were lacking, some ambulances arrived inexplicably late and traumatised people were left to wander off. ─── 事实上,广播失灵,医疗供给紧缺,救护车晚点,以及把伤者置之不理。

23、Abramovich will be delighted for his friend and will ignore the long periods of tedium and Chelsea only coming into the game after half-time because Valencia, inexplicably, lost their way. ─── 阿布会为他的朋友的胜利感到高兴,而忽略了比赛大部分时间的冗长乏味,也忽略了切尔西只是在瓦仑西亚无缘无故昏了头之后才打了半场好球。

24、Corrections to the document were made shortly before the project was presented to the bank's board, then amended, then inexplicably dropped. ─── 在该项目递交世行董事会前不久对这一文件做了修改,然后进行修正,接着就令人费解地被弃之。

25、wondering why someone inexplicably did something for you, however nice, is a bit unnerving. ─── 疑惑为什么某个人不明不白要做某件事不管有多好总还是会令人感到有些不安。

26、Unfortunately, this reference was inexplicably changed in the film. ─── 不幸的是,上述在电影中被莫名其妙地改动了。

27、Then, inexplicably, he TURNS. Walks away. ─── 然后,他莫名其妙地转身离开。

28、One morning, the B&B’s only guest inexplicably vanishes, leaving behind his personal effects. ─── 怎么结束美国资本集团玩弄世界经济和无偿掠夺世界财富的局面?

29、You and I may think it had something to do with dud mortgages being repackaged as inexplicably exotic financial instruments. Wrong. ─── 你我或许会认为,毫无价值的抵押贷款,被重新打包为难以理解的新奇金融工具,应该难以逃脱牵连。错!

30、Some ten thousand years ago, early human experimenters noted that some of these hybridized Musa bore unexpectedly tasty, seedless fruit with an unheard-of yellowness and inexplicably amusing shape. ─── 几万年前的人类先行者们已经注意到有些杂交芭蕉类植物令人意想不到的美味,看到了香蕉那前所未有的鲜艳的黄和那难以言喻的奇妙外形。

31、Looked up the sky, as if it is still the same blue, but inexplicably, has felt a trace of hollow. ─── 抬头看看天空,好像它还是一样的蔚蓝,可是莫名却感到一丝空洞。

32、Ronaldo's evening was summed up neatly soon after the break when he inexplicably gave the ball straight to Kaka in midfield, who once again charged at Vidic. ─── 罗纳尔多噩梦般的夜晚在中场休息后继续,他在中场不可思议地把球送给卡卡,后者再次直面维迪奇。

33、But nooooo, inexplicably, he thinks that greedy, lustful Ba Jie is more trustworthy than Wu Kong, who proves that he s almost always in the right throughout the story. ─── 你也许会想,经过几次教训他会了解的,但是这个弱点一直没有改变,这导致了无数的苦难和折磨。

34、They have all inexplicably dissappeared, chaos, tragedy, and comedy quickly ensue. ─── 他们都神秘地失踪了,随后混乱、惨剧与喜剧相继上演。

35、There was no one left to identify with, just a series of inexplicably unpleasant events befalling them all. ─── 每一个人都变得难以辨认,只是一系列费解的不愉快的事情不断地发生在她们身上。

36、I am trying to accept having to end my trip in Moulmeingyun, when the local authorities inexplicably change their minds: They will allow me to go to the sea. ─── 我正试着接受旅程将在毛淡棉遵结束,可当地政府莫名其妙地改变了想法:他们允许我一直走到海边。

37、9L:apacolypse. then from the resulting pool of goo that inexplicably got left behind you start over. ─── 启示录示的结局,然后你从最后的一滩腐水中重新开始.

38、She inexplicably withdrew the offer. ─── 她不可思议地撤回了提议。

39、Inexplicably, he stepped forward and asked them why the elderly are all broken. ─── 他不解地走上前去,问老人为何将它们全都打碎了。

40、" Miss Yuan said, but the vehicle just startedstands soon, in front of her this girl suddenly inexplicably loudlyshouted: "I can sit on anyone of you leg? ─── 袁小姐说,但是车刚开出站不久,她面前的这名女孩突然莫名其妙地大声喊了一句:“我能坐你们谁腿上?”

41、Ahead Wednesday's European showdown with Barcelona, Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho has inexplicably caused quite an uproar in the scientific community. ─── 在周三与巴塞罗那的欧洲冠军联赛决斗即将来临之时,切尔西主帅穆里尼奥莫名其妙地在科学界掀起了波澜。

42、It was most obvious this wasn't Yao's night in the fourth quarter, when he was inexplicably called for a technical foul- apparently for hanging too long on the rim- following a dunk in Eddie Griffin's face. ─── 很明显,今晚第四节并不掌握在姚手里.他还被吹了一次技术犯规--看上去像是在格立芬头上暴扣之后挂在篮圈上的时间太长了.

43、In contrast, some people have felt inexplicably cold. ─── 对照之下,一些人觉得到无法说明的程度寒冷。

44、Carbon dioxide is inexplicably a mere trace gas when it should be the bulk of the air, as it is on other planets. ─── 令人费解的是,二氧化碳理应像在其他行星那样成为大气的主要成分,却仅仅是一种示踪气体。

45、A passer-by are surprised to watch this beautiful garden, inexplicably blind Road question: "Are you doing so what? ─── 一个过路人非常惊奇地观赏着这漂亮的花园,不解地问盲人道:"你这样做为的是什么?

46、His calm, intense look, his deliberate walk and his soft Austrian accent were somehow both scary and reassuring, just right for footage of night windows banging and curtains inexplicably blowing. ─── 他冷峻的神色,沉稳的步履,软绵绵的奥地利口音教人噤若寒蝉却又隐隐心安,对于午夜下窗户“梆梆”敲响,窗帘无故飘起的桥段实在很相衬。

47、She stood on the balcony,inexplicably mimicing him hiccuping,and amicably welcoming him in. ─── 她站在阳台上,莫名其妙地学他打起嗝来并热情地欢迎他进来.

48、Strangely enough, she finds herself inexplicably drawn to Franck as she tries to get over the loss of her son, much to the distress of those around her. ─── 她哀痛欲绝,然而奇怪得很,她为了摆脱丧子之痛,却愈来愈接近法兰克,这令到她身边的亲友大感不解。

49、Always liked quiet, but today the quiet office has inexplicably made me want to go crazy. ─── 一向喜欢安静,可是今天办公室的安静却莫名的让我想发疯。

50、A few days ago you inexplicably angry with me, I do not know why. ─── 前几天你莫名其妙地生我的气,我不知道为什么

51、Neighbors turn inexplicably noisy or unfriendly at inconvenient times, such as a meal or bed time, and especially when trying to nap ─── 邻居发出莫名其妙的喧嚣,或在表现不友好,例如在吃饭时或睡觉时,特别当试图打盹时。

52、Despite his nonchalance, however, he is inexplicably fixated on his own past, an obsession which makes him blind to things and at times even hysterical. ─── 然而如此潇洒的人,却对自己的身世有无可理喻的偏执,在自己的执著里变得盲目和歇斯底理。

53、They will spend their days and nights in the same neighborhood for months on end, then disappear as inexplicably as they came. ─── 她们会一连数月在同一街坊度过她们的日日夜夜,然后便像突然出现一样突然消失不见。

54、But it's perhaps the almost inexplicably deep love that we're able to share with creatures that explains what a magnificent symphony we can be. ─── 不过也许正是那种人类能与生物分享的最无法说明的深爱才解释了大家能成为多么美妙的交响乐。

55、S. shooter Matt Emmons, who, for the second Olympics in a row, lost a gold medal with an inexplicably errant last shot. ─── 名不见经传的美国射击运动员埃蒙斯的失利让罗格难忘。

56、The reader feels protective of Astrid, but can neither save her from mistreatment nor keep her from inexplicably making the decisions that place her in these situations. ─── 读者萌发出一种想要保护阿斯特里德的情愫,然而却既不能保护她免受虐待,也不能阻止那些将她置于这些处境的荒唐的决定。

57、The train carrying Selak in 1962 inexplicably jumped the tracks and plunged into an icy river, killing 17 passengers. ─── 1962年,载着西拉克的火车不知何故脱轨冲进一条冰河,死了17名乘客。

58、Indications are that Scorponok succeeded in conquering Mandalor, but before he had the opportunity, unknown circumstances intervened, and the Mandalorian civilization inexplicably fell. ─── 这种武器要比所有曾经出现过的武器更加强大,强大到可以征服马达洛人自己。

59、For those of you who neglected your literature studies in college, "Equus" is the story of a young man who undergoes psychiatric analysis after inexplicably blinding six horses with a metal spike. ─── 另一方面,“马”的制作人艺术性的选择模糊裸体这个可能引起反感的段落,而把重心放在了情感上。

60、Inexplicably afraid that the time will come back to the past. ─── 莫名的害怕,害怕过去的时光还会在回来。

61、Living in bustling urban cities, people often feel unknown pressure. B: Living in bustling cities, people often feel inexplicably depressed. ─── 生活在都市的喧嚣之中,人们常常感到慕名的压抑。

62、She inexplicably withdrew the offer. ─── 她不可思议地撤回了提议。

63、The paradox is that a country that thinks of itself as acting in the name of universal values is seen by too many others as acting arbitrarily, or inexplicably, or arrogantly. ─── 矛盾在于,美国自以为是在人类普遍价值的名义下所做的一切,在太多的其他国家看来,却是武断的、师出无名的、和专横跋扈的。

64、You will somewhat feel ( inexplicably) confused and dizzy, when you occasionally look up at the pure white snow from a busy clamorous market in Xiaguan. ─── 在下关城喧闹的集市中,偶以抬头,看到那晶莹洁白的雪时,常会让人有一种说不出来的眩晕和迷惑。

65、Kinglake and Marysville, two picturesque towns popular with tourists, were almost completely wiped out, save for a handful of old buildings the flames inexplicably spared. ─── Kinglake和Marysville这两个风景如画的著名旅游景区已几乎被大火夷为平地,只剩为数不多的几幢老房子奇迹般地火口逃生。

66、She suddenly and inexplicably announced her retirement. ─── 她突然令人费解地宣布退休。

67、But as it passed south of Cleveland, Ohio, it took a sudden, violent left turn and headed inexplicably back into Pennsylvania. ─── 但刚刚飞过俄亥俄州克利夫兰南郊,飞机突然左转,出人意料地猛折回宾夕法尼亚州。

68、Knows very well that he could not send text messages to their own, but inexplicably has been looking forward to. ─── 明明知道他不可能给自己发短信,却一直莫名其妙地期待着。

69、However these day of old people actually suddenly inexplicably felt that the mood is agitated, is so worried one cannot eat nor sleep. ─── 然而这几天老人却突然莫名其妙地感到心情烦躁、寝食不安。

70、The endodontist usually used a written consent form which adised patients of the risk of nere injury but inexplicably neer gae that form to the patient. ─── 根管治疗专家常规是会让病人签署一份包括告之手术中有造成神经损伤的风险,但实际上这次不知道什么原因,恰恰没有。

71、Inexplicably, the Yuuzhan Vong are not part of the Force. ─── 不可思议的是,遇战疯人并不是原力的一部分。

72、Edward inexplicably moves from some feet away and stops the vehicle with his hand. ─── “不得不”将贝拉“送还”给父亲。

73、Admiral Kirk defeat of Khan and the creation of the Genesis planet are empty victories.Spock is dead and McCoy is inexplicably being... ─── 寇克决定盗用企业号去突破创世星的封锁区,跟敌军展开殊死之战!

74、When she was 86, she inexplicably sent me a photograph in which she was semi-naked posing for David in stockings and suspender belt. ─── 她在86岁那年莫名其妙地寄给我一张照片,照片中半裸、长筒袜、吊带,她为大卫摆弄着姿势。

75、A few days ago you inexplicably angry with me, I do not know why. ─── 前几天你莫名其妙地生我的气,我不知道为什么。

76、She woke up dizzy on the day of the quake and felt inexplicably drawn to the monastery's biggest structure, one of the few religious buildings to escape complete destruction. ─── 她起来时感觉到天昏地暗并感觉到寺庙里最大的柱子被拔出,其中的一间禅房并没有被完全的损坏。

77、After all, seeing that a stranger, friend, or colleague is acting out of concern for you is cheering; wondering why someone inexplicably did something for you, however nice, is a bit unnerving. ─── 毕竟,看到某个陌生人、朋友或同事处于关心而做出帮助的行为你是令人愉快的;疑惑为什么某个人不明不白要做某件事不管有多好总还是会令人感到有些不安。

78、CSI: MIAMI -- When Horatio (David Caruso) captures a suspected criminal and must fly him to a different jurisdiction to stand trial, their plane inexplicably loses control and crashes in the Everglades. ─── 老何必须押送一个嫌犯到另一行署去出庭,结果他们的飞机途中坠毁在沼泽地里了。。。。

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