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09-05 投稿



gemsbok 发音

英:[['gemzb?k]]  美:[['gemz?b?k]]

英:  美:

gemsbok 中文意思翻译



gemsbok 词性/词形变化,gemsbok变形

动词过去分词: gemmed |动词过去式: gemmed |动词第三人称单数: gems |动词现在分词: gemming |

gemsbok 相似词语短语

1、gemstone ─── n.(经雕琢的)宝石

2、grysbok ─── n.灰色小羚羊(南非产)

3、gemsbucks ─── n.大羚羊(等于gemsbok)

4、gemsboks ─── n.好望角大羚羊(产于非洲)

5、Lombok ─── n.龙目岛(印度尼西亚南部)

6、gemsbuck ─── n.大羚羊(等于gemsbok)

7、Lesbos ─── n.莱斯博斯岛(即希腊的米蒂利尼岛)

8、grysboks ─── n.灰色小羚羊(南非产)

9、gemshorn ─── n.角埙;羚羊角笛;角笛音栓

gemsbok 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Eventually, their curiosity satisfied, they heed their mother and leave the gemsbok to its fate. ─── 最终,它们的好奇心得到满足,听到妈妈的呼唤并离开这只长角羚,让它等待自己命运的安排。

2、Photo Gallery: Desert Wildlife A gemsbok gallops through the loose sand of Namibia's Namib Desert. ─── 意译:沙漠的野生动物图片。一只大羚羊疾驰通过散沙区域在纳米比亚的纳米比沙漠。

3、Gemsbok horns are deadly weapons. The cow could so easily have killed them. ─── 长角羚的角是致命的武器。母长角羚可以非常轻松地杀死它们。

4、Any of several African antelopes of the genus Oryx, including the gemsbok, having long, straight or slightly curved horns and a hump above the shoulders. ─── 长角羚羊一种非洲长角羚属的羚羊,包括长角羚,长有笔直或略为弧形的长角且背部前方有隆起

5、It consists mainly of fossil pan floors covered with palatable grass species which are a very important source of food to herbivores like impala, zebra gemsbok and springbok. ─── 这里主要是干涸的沼床,上面长满了鲜美的绿草,是黑斑羚、斑马、大羚羊和跳羚等食草动物十分重要的食物来源。

6、Eventually, their curiosity satisfied, they heed their mother, and leave the gemsbok to its fate. ─── 最后,他们的好奇心得到满足,他们注意到自己的母亲,离开了大羚羊。

7、Gemsbok horns are deadly weapons. The cow could so easily have killed them. ─── 长角羚的角是致命的武器。母长角羚可以非常轻松地杀死它们。

8、Gemsbok has a pair of long straight horn,like two swords, also known as “Jian-ling”. ─── 南非长角羚有一对又直又长的角,像两把利剑,又名“剑羚”。

9、The Sanctuary provides excellent viewing opportunities for rhinos and many other types of wildlife including zebra, wildebeest, heartbeest, gemsbok, leopard, brown hyena and jackal. ─── 保护区提供了观赏犀牛,还有斑马、黑尾牛羚、麋羚、大羚羊、美洲豹、棕鬣狗和胡狼等野生动物的绝好机会。

10、Like other species or oryx, Gemsbok hardly ever need to drink, deriving adequate moisture from their food. ─── 向其他羚羊类动物一样,南非剑羚几乎不需要喝水,它们从食物中获得足够的水分。

11、The cheetah cubs have gone out hunting without their mother, and have come across a herd of gemsbok. ─── 猎豹幼崽已经在没有母亲的陪伴下外出打猎,他们遇到了一群大羚羊。

12、The park is the home to thousands of wildebeest, zebra and gemsbok, especially around the nxai pan area. ─── 这里,尤其是纳赛盐沼地区周围,是数以千计的黑尾牛羚、斑马和大羚羊的栖息之地。

13、A gemsbok gallops through the loose sand of Namibia's Namib Desert. Considered one of the world's oldest deserts, the Namib contains sand dunes that reach some1,000 feet(305 meters) in height. ─── 剑羚生长在非洲东部到西南部的干旱地区。这是一群在纳米比亚纳米布沙漠上奔跑的剑羚。纳米布沙漠被认为是世界上最古老的沙漠,这里的沙丘高达305米。

14、Any of several African antelopes of the genus Oryx,including the gemsbok,having long,straight or slightly curved horns and a hump above the shoulders. ─── 长角羚羊,一种非洲长角羚属的羚羊,包括长角羚,长有笔直或略为弧形的长角且背部前方有隆起。

15、The park is the home to thousands of wildebeest, zebra and gemsbok, especially around the Nxai pan area. ─── 这里,尤其是纳赛盐沼地区周围,是数以千计的黑尾牛羚、斑马和大羚羊的栖息之地。

16、Gemsbok has ap air of long straight horn, like two swords, also known as "Ji an-ling" . ─── 南非长角羚有一对又直又长的角,像两把利剑,又名“剑羚”。

17、She calls for them, but they've already gone out exploring. And they've discovered a wounded gemsbok that may have escaped from a lion. ─── 她呼唤它们,但它们已经外出探索世界了。而且它们发现了一只可能逃离狮口的受伤长角羚。

18、But the cheetahs have been fortunate as well. Gemsbok horns are deadly weapons. The cow could so easily have killed them. ─── 但现在猎豹却很幸运,因为大羚羊的角是致命的武器,这些角可以轻而易举将他们置于死地。

19、The Kalahari Gemsbok National Park together with the Gemsbok National Park in Botswana, makes up Africa's first transfrontier game park, known as the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. ─── 喀拉哈里大羚羊国家公园以及剑羚国家公园组成了非洲第一个跨国保护区卡拉哈迪大羚羊国家公园。

20、A gemsbok gallops through the loose sand of Namibia's Namib Desert. Considered one of the world's oldest deserts, the Namib contains sand dunes that reach some 1,000 feet (305 meters) in height. ─── 意译:沙漠的野生动物图片。一只大羚羊疾驰通过散沙区域在纳米比亚的纳米比沙漠。被认为是世界最古老的沙漠,纳米比含有沙丘延伸达到1000英尺(305米)的高度。

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