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09-05 投稿



Hispanic 发音

英:[h??sp?n?k]  美:[h??sp?n?k]

英:  美:

Hispanic 中文意思翻译




Hispanic 网络释义

adj. 西班牙的

Hispanic 短语词组

1、Hispanic America ─── 西班牙裔美国人

2、Hispanic American ─── [网络] 裔;美国拉美裔;西裔月

3、pre-hispanic adj. ─── 西班牙征服 ─── 西半球之前时期的

Hispanic 词性/词形变化,Hispanic变形


Hispanic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In both reading and math, African American and Hispanic students are scoring higher and beginning to close the achievement gap with their peers. ─── 在读书和算术,非裔美国人和西班牙学生计分更高和开始缩小成就空白与他们的同辈。

2、A person of Hispanic, especially Latin-American, descent. ─── 具有拉丁血统的人西班牙人和葡萄牙人,尤指具有拉丁美洲人的血统的

3、Hispanic food has become popular throughout the country. You'd be hard pressed to find a town without at least one restaurant serving popular Mexican dishes. ─── (西班牙风味料理风靡了整个国家。你很难找到一个没有任何热门墨西哥菜餐厅的乡镇。

4、For years, Jorge DelPinal's job as assistant chief of the Census Bureau's Population Division was to fit people into neat, distinct racial and ethnic boxes: white, black, Hispanic, Asian or Native American. ─── 多年来,人口普查局(Census bureau)人口处副处长乔治. 德尔皮奈尔(Jorge DelPinal)的工作就是将美国人口按照种族和民族分门别类:白人、黑人、拉美裔、亚裔,或印第安人。

5、Many Democrats want him to choose a Hispanic woman, since the court currently has no Hispanics and only one woman. ─── 很多民主党人想要奥巴马选一个拉美裔的女性,因为最高法院的法官中目前还没有拉美裔法官,而女法官也只有一人。

6、In the mixed company of kissers and shakers, he faces a split-second dilemma: What to do with the cheek of the female head of Nestle's Hispanic ad agency. ─── 在这样一个既有亲吻又有握手礼的公司,希金斯时常面临着突如其来的两难境地:该怎么对待雀巢的西班牙广告代理商里的女老板呢?

7、Hispanic inmates on one side, blacks on the other, they smashed glass to use the shards as knives and ripped off pipes for bludgeons, burning down part of the prison and injuring hundreds. ─── 一方是西班牙裔囚犯,另一方是黑人囚犯。他们使用像刀那样的硬东西砸碎玻璃,扯下管子当成棍棒使用。他们烧毁了监狱的一部分使数百人受伤。

8、Mr Zogby explained his error by saying he had underestimated turnout among Hispanic voters, which was unusually high this year. ─── Zogby先生解释说他之所以会错是因为墨西哥裔的选民这次一反常态地大量出来投票。

9、"My identity has evolved as being Hispanic, although I'm only half-and-half," he explained. ─── 德尔皮奈尔解释说:"我的血统虽然一半一半,可身份最后还是被确定为拉美裔。

10、Far too many kids are fat by preschool, and Hispanic youngsters are most at risk, says new research that's among the first to focus on children growing up in poverty. ─── 太多的脂肪是学龄前的孩子,西班牙裔青少年是最危险的,新研究称这是首个重点贫困儿童成长。

11、Students:307 full-time(140 women); includes73 minority(4 African Americans,2 American Indian/ Alaska Native,60 Asian Americans or Pacific Islanders,7 Hispanic Americans),70 international. ─── 学生:每年招收307名(40名女生)生,包括4名亚裔美籍学生,2名美籍印第安学生或者阿拉斯加人。60名亚裔学生,7名西班牙或葡萄牙裔以及70名外籍学生。

12、Texas and Florida have had large Hispanic populations for a long time. ─── 很早以前,得克萨斯和佛罗里达已拥有众多的西班牙裔人口。

13、Well, the book is a Hispanic book, right? So you mustn't use Asian style! ─── 嗯,这本书是西班牙的故事,对吧?所以你严禁用亚洲的风格来画!

14、Here in Nevada, the African-American and Hispanic communities are really the ones that are most victimized by these subprime mortgages. ─── 在内华达州,非裔美国人和西班牙裔社区真的是受次级贷款伤害最深的社区。

15、'It's better to be an Asian bank in California than a Hispanic bank in Texas, ' he said, referring to East West's reach into China itself. ─── 他在谈到华美银行向中国的扩张时说,“身处加利福尼亚洲的亚洲银行比身处得克萨斯州的西班牙银行更有优势。”

16、Hey, man, I'm Hispanic, I can tell, we have this kind of doll. ─── 嘿,女士,我是西班牙人,我能告诉你,我们有这种娃娃。

17、Opposition to the House bill, which could lead to millions of people being deported from the country, prompted protests across the country by Hispanic groups and their supporters. ─── 国会法案将使得几百万人从这个国家中被驱逐,全国的西班牙组织和他们的支持者反对这个国会法案,他们立即开始了抗议。

18、If confirmed, she would be the first Hispanic on the nation's highest court. ─── 如果被确认当选,她将是国家最高法庭里首位拉丁裔人。

19、Today polls showed a significant drop in Hispanic backing for the Republican Party. ─── 如今的民调显示共和党在拉美裔人中的支持率严重下滑。

20、Los Angeles Metropolitan Hispanic Chambers of Commerce ─── 大洛杉矶西裔商会

21、In a Washington speech to a group of Hispanic business leaders, President Bush said he remains committed to bolstering democraciesin the region, and helping them serve the poor. ─── 在华盛顿向西班牙商人所作的演讲上,布什总统说他仍然支持该地区的民主主义,并且正在帮助当地贫穷的人民。

22、She has a duskier complexion than her seven predecessors, with features representing an amalgam of white, Hispanic, Indian, African and Asian ancestry. ─── 与前7任贝蒂相比,最新版的贝蒂肤色更加黝黑,面部特征则是白人、拉美裔、印第安人、非洲裔和亚裔后代的混和。

23、Today polls show a significant drop in Hispanic backing for the Republican Party. Many analysts blame this on the hard-line stance of many prominent Republicans on fighting illegal immigration. ─── 今天,民意调查显示目前拉美人对共和党的支持率有显著的下降,很多分析家责怪这是由于很多顽固的共和党人在非法移民上的强硬标准。

24、Of course. All kinds of people live on Capitol Hill. Look at the people on the street. Asian Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans--all kinds of Americans live here. ─── 当然了。各种各样的人在国会山居住。看看街上的人们。亚裔美国人,美国黑人,西班牙裔美国人,各种各样的美国人住在这儿。

25、But President Bush made significant inroads among Hispanics and his successful presidential bids.He won more than 40 percent of the Hispanic vote in 2004. ─── 但是布什为其成功的总统竞选在拉美裔内部做出了重大的突破,在2004年他获得了40%的拉美裔投票。

26、In Nevada, where there is a large Hispanic population, most back (of that) vote went to Hillary Clinton. ─── 在内华达州,有很多西班牙裔人,其中多数将选票投给了希拉里·克林顿。

27、That makes them a powerful force as demographic changes turn America ever more Hispanic, and increasingly different from secular Europe. ─── 作为人口统计上的变化,这也让他们成为了一股强大的力量使美国比以前更加的拉美化,并且不同于世俗的欧洲。

28、An Hispanic woman, TRINA, their nanny, is with them. ─── 一个西班牙女人,蒂娜,他们的保姆和她们在一起。

29、As the son of an Anglo mother and a Hispanic father, however, he knew all along that the task was not always possible. ─── 然而,他母亲是盎格鲁血统,父亲是拉美裔,他早就知道这种分法不总是切实可行的。

30、In Nevada, where there is a large Hispanic population, most of that vote to Hillary Colinton. ─── 在拥有众多的西班牙人口的那华达州,大多数选票是投给希拉里的。

31、Business executives have been working closely with Hispanic groups, like the National Council of La Raza, in seeking a comprehensive immigration bill. ─── 企业经理主管们为寻求一个全面的移民法案,一直和西班牙团体(如拉美裔全国委员会)密切合作。

32、Hispanic and Asian Americans who are new immigrants. ─── 如:拉丁裔和亚裔新移民。

33、In view of the poverty structure it is evident that the rates of poverty among the Black,Hispanic,female,children and peoples who live in rural areas and central cities are higher than other Americans. ─── 从贫困结构来看 ,黑人、拉丁裔人 ,女性、儿童 ,农村人和居住在中心城市的人的贫困率很高 ,白人的贫困率则较低。

34、One segment of the electorate that has not responded well to Obama's message so far is that of Latinos.In Nevada, where there is a large Hispanic population, most of that vote went to Hillary Clinton. ─── 对奥巴马的竞选没有做出积极反应的群体之一是拉美裔选民,在有大量拉美裔人口的内华达州,拉美裔大多把选票投向希拉里.克林顿。

35、Contemporary Dynamics of the Hispanic Population in the USA: An Analysis of Its Characteristics and Influence ─── 当代美国西班牙裔人口的变动特点及其影响

36、Most are sold to small Hispanic and Mexican groceries, Padron said. ─── 448个玩具在仓库里等候销出。

37、At that point, in 2043, none expended (Hispanic whites) quite could make up just over half the population. ─── 如果那样的话到2043年,非西班牙白人将占到人口的一半。

38、If confirmed, Sotomayor will become one of only three women to serve on the Supreme Court and its first Hispanic justice. ─── 如果得到确认,她将成为美国最高法院仅有过的叁位女法官之一,也将是最高法院第一位拉美裔法官。

39、In his homily , the pope referred to the changing nature of the catholic church in America as more Hispanic migrants, most of them brought up as Catholics, arrived to find work. ─── 他提到在美国,天主教的性质正在发生变化,因为越来越多的西班牙和葡萄牙人开始移民到美国来找工作,这些人大部分是生长在天主教的环境之下的。

40、Prevalence of age-related macular degeneration in a population-based sample of Hispanic people in Arizona: Proyecto VER ─── 在亚利桑那州西班牙裔人群中进行老年性黄斑变性的患病率调查:VER计划

41、In V, they are the largest Spanish (Nevada, where there is a large Hispanic) population, most backroll won (of that vote went to) Hilary Clinton. ─── 在内华达,那里有一大批西班牙人口,大部分支持希拉里克林顿。

42、That dynamic is now routinely seen among native-born Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans. ─── 如今,这种情况经常出现在美国土生土长的亚裔美国人和拉美裔美国人中。

43、Today they form an important part of the Republican electorate, but George W. Bush is eager to increase the Republican Party's appeal to non-Europeans, especially the growing Hispanic population. ─── 今天,这些人形成了共和党选区的一部分重要群体,但布什总统现在急于提高共和党在非欧洲裔美国人中特别是不断增长的拉美裔人口中的号召力。

44、There was again a racial disparity, howeer, with Hispanic and African-American women being less likely to get 400 mcg of folic acid from itamins. ─── 但是种族差异再一次表现在这项研究当中。西班牙裔和非裔美国人每日从维生素中摄取的叶酸含量更可能低于400毫克。

45、Today, the student body is roughly 60 percent Black and Hispanic, 25 percent Asian, and 15 percent white. ─── 今天,全体学生中大概有60%是黑人和西班牙人,25%是亚洲人,另外15%是白人。

46、Many Hispanics, meanwhile, are keen to see the first Hispanic on the nation's highest court. ─── 与此同时,很多拉美裔民众都渴望看到有首位拉美裔人士担任该国最高级别法院的法官。

47、A small number of black and hispanic student ─── 少数黑人和西班牙语学生

48、Even public schools up in the once lily-white panhandle in the north of the state are seeing their classes fill up with Hispanic children; ─── 即使在该州南部那条纯白的狭长土地上的公立学校里,也开始出现班级里拉美裔学生越来越多的现象;

49、For about a year I freelanced for Hispanic Business part time while I continued my computer consulting as another part time job. ─── 当我继续把计算机顾问作为另一个兼职,大约一年时间,我兼任西班牙企业的自由撰稿人。

50、Still, around 70% of the academy's students come from low-income families, and around 95% are either Hispanic or African-American. ─── 尽管那样,超过70%的学会学校的学生来自于低收入家庭,超过95%都是西裔和非裔美国人。

51、For example, in 1999 Beverly Hills High School, which is 9 percent African-American and Hispanic, offered 45 AP classes. ─── 例如1999年时,比佛利山庄高中提供了45门的先修课程,该校学生有9%为非裔及西班牙裔美籍。

52、Her ties to the state and its Hispanic community date to 1972, when she and her then boyfriend Bill Clinton spent the summer working on George McGovern's presidential campaign in San Antonio. ─── 她与德州及其拉丁裔族群的关系可以追溯到1972年,当时她和她的男友比尔.克林顿在圣安东尼奥为乔治.麦戈文的总统竞选活动做暑期工。

53、The police are trying to recruit more black and Hispanic officers. ─── 警方正试图招收更多的黑人和西班牙裔的警官。

54、A group of 7 Hispanic Christian inmates and 6 unsaved inmates joined their group.All of them have been accused of committing some sexual offence. ─── 一群共7位拉丁裔基督徒受刑人以及6位未信受刑人参加了他们的小组. 他们之前全都曾被控犯有性攻击罪行.

55、A 55-year-old Hispanic woman was found to have multiple darkly pigmented lesions on her left eye.Excisional biopsy and adjuvant cryotherapy were performed. ─── 1名55岁西班牙女性左眼发生多个黑色病变,给予活组织检查和辅助冷冻治疗。

56、Attending his reading, he said, were large numbers of Hispanic people, 40,000 of whom lived in the same city. ─── 他说,该城共住有4万西班牙裔美国人,其中许多人前来参加了他的诗歌朗诵会。

57、“He's got words that can reach to every corner of the world,” marvelled another Hispanic lady, “and the world is waiting for him. ─── “他的话可以触及世界的每个角落”另一位拉丁裔的女士惊叹的说,“这个世界都在等待他。”

58、Through sobs and stammers, she reported that she had been kidnapped and raped by a Hispanic man with a gun, along with a Caucasian woman. ─── 她边哭边结结巴巴的诉说,她被一个西班牙男人用枪抵着绑架并强奸,而同案犯还有一名高加索女子。

59、is appropriate that Hispanic names dominate the list. ─── 西班牙人的名字在这个名单中占主导地位是适当的。

60、One organization that carries out research on such issues is the Pew Hispanic Center. ─── 一个叫“普优西语裔研究中心”的组织专门就这个问题进行研究。

61、On November first, the Pew Hispanic Center released three reports about Hispanics and United States education system. ─── 在11月1日,该中心发布了关于这些西班牙裔和美国教育系统的三份研究报告。

62、The Senate vote expected by mid-afternoon Thursday, Judge Sonia Sotomayor is on track to be the nation's first Hispanic Supreme Court justice. ─── 参议员投票预期在周四中午举行,索托马约尔成为美国最高法院首位拉美裔法官的事情将正式走上轨道。

63、Not long after I arrived I found a Hispanic man in a camouflage jacket complaining about Obama to a small crowd of onlookers. ─── 刚到华尔街不久,我就发现一个身穿迷彩夹克衫的西班牙男子,他正向一小群围观者抱怨着奥巴马的不是。

64、Late last year came a significant but little-noticed announcement: probably for the first time, half of all Hispanic children in America were born out of wedlock. ─── 去年年底,一份重要却未被注意的公告显示,在美国出生的西班牙婴儿中,大概首次有一半是属于私生子。

65、About 80 percent of the women were white, 10 percent were black and 10 percent were Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islanders. ─── 80%是白人妇女,10%是黑人,另有10%是西班牙人、亚洲人、太平洋沿岸岛民。

66、In the past year the unemployment rate among Hispanic Americans has risen from 5.7% to 8.6%.That is a steeper increase than for whites or blacks. ─── 去年,西班牙裔美国人的失业率从5.7%上升到8.6%,高于白人或黑人的失业率增长幅度。

67、11。three major Hispanic groups historically have had the greatest influence on the United States.They are Mexico-Americans of Chicanos the Puerto Ricans and the Cuban-Americans. ─── 三大对美国影响最大的讲西班牙语的群体为:墨西哥后裔美国人,波多黎各人,古巴裔美国人。

68、Compared with Hispanic, Caucasian, African American and Japanese women, Chinese women were more likely to report early morning awakening. ─── 和西班牙人,白种人,非洲人、美洲人和日本妇女相比,中国妇女更容易在凌晨早醒。

69、In contrast to the early days of the epidemic, which struck gay men the hardest, many of those now infected are black or Hispanic, are teenagers and were infected by heterosexual sex. ─── 与早期的感染主要存在于同性恋者之间不同,现在的感染者多为黑人,拉美人和青少年,且传染渠道为异性间的性接触。

70、The Hispanic unemployment rate was the highest riser of any racial and ethnic group over that period, reported the Wall Street Journal. ─── 华尔街时报报道:在这段时间里,西班牙裔失业率为各种族群众最高的。

71、It has not invested enough in education, and many experts rightly worry about a “lost generation” of mostly Hispanic Texans with insufficient skills for the demands of the knowledge economy. ─── 其对教育的投资尚不足,并且学多专家正担心多为拉裔德州人的“迷惘的一代”,在现在这种知识经济下面对市场技能挑战“供不应求”。

72、In a Washington speech to a group of Spanish(Hispanic) business leaders, President Bush said that committed bolstering democracies in the region and helping them serve the poor. ─── 布什总统在华盛顿的一次演讲中对西班牙的商界精英说,他对这个地区仍然支持民主主义 , 并且帮助他们为穷人服务。

73、Not a single black or Hispanic is to be found among the nation's sitting governors. ─── 在美国的现任州长中,没有一位是黑人或西班牙后裔。

74、Electioneering: an effort to win more votes from Hispanic citizens this November and, in future decades, from newly naturalized Americans who are, at the moment, unlawful sojourners in the country. ─── 意在大选:要在今年11月赢得更多的西班牙裔美国公民的选票,并在今后的几十年中,能从新归化的美国人也就是今天的非法移民中获得更多的选票。

75、At that point in 2043, none Hispanic quiets non-Hispanic whites could make up just over a half the population. ─── 在2043年,非西班牙裔白人可能会超过总人口的一半。

76、In a Washington speech to a group of Hispanic business leaders, President Bush said he remains committed to bolstering democracies in the region, and helping them serve the poor. ─── 在华盛顿对一组西班牙商业领导人所做的演讲中,布什总统说他继续支持该区域的民主并帮助他们解决贫穷问题。

77、Fresh Ink targets 18- to 39-year-old women, Hallmark En Espanol targets Hispanic card givers, and Out of the Blue targets those who want inexpensive cards that can be sent for no reason. ─── “墨迹未干”面对18到39岁的妇女,“西班牙的豪马克”面对西班牙使用者,“告别蓝色”面对那些需要不太贵的,送出时不需理由的卡片的顾客。

78、S-born whites and blacks."By the third generation, one third of Hispanic women are married to non-Hispanics, and 41 percent of Asian-American women are married to non-Asians. ─── 出生于S的白色和黑色。"第三世代之前,西班牙的女人一第三和非西语裔结婚,而且41%的亚洲人-美国的女人和非亚洲人结婚。

79、Diversity targeted. 9 percent plan to recruit black employees; 8 percent will target women; one in 10 will target Hispanic workers. ─── 多样化的目标.9%的的表示将雇傭黑人,8%的表示主要雇员将是女性,10%的希望雇到西班牙工人.

80、For years,Jorge DelPinal's job as assistant chief of the Census Bureau's Population Division was to fit people into neat,distinct racial and ethnic boxes: white,black,Hispanic,Asian or Native American. ─── 多年来,人口普查局(Census Bureau)人口处副处长乔治.德尔皮奈尔(Jorge DelPinal)的工作就是将美国人口按照种族和民族分门别类: 白人、黑人、拉美裔、亚裔,或印第安人。

81、A small Hispanic grocery store, sometimes combined with a wineshop. ─── 小杂货店,酒店经常有一酒吧的西班牙小杂货铺

82、Marketing centre is seted up in Nanjing,American office has been founded,Germanic,Hispanic and Korean offices are under construction. ─── 公司营销中心设在南京,美国办事处已设立,德国、西班牙、韩国办事处正在筹建中。

83、Are they a mixture of black and white, black and Asian, Hispanic and white? ─── 他们都不是纯白种人,那么他们是黑白混血,黑人与亚裔混血,还是拉美裔与白人混血?

84、Nobody except Mr Bush seemed to have a good word to say for America's first Hispanic attorney-general. ─── 对这位美国历史上首位西班牙裔司法部长,除了布什,似乎再也没有人说他好话。

85、BB;Hispanic Business Student Association (HBSA); ─── 俱乐部: Ambassador, Micro-Credit Program;

86、In Nevada, where there is a large Hispanic population, most of that vote went to Hillary Clinton. ─── 在内华达州,有许多西班牙裔的人,绝大多数支持希拉里·克林顿。

87、The firm has also dumped a number of its underperforming operations and made acquisitions in promising areas such as Hispanic media and clean technology. ─── GE还抛售了一些业绩不佳的部门,并且在西班牙语媒体和清洁能源等前景光明的领域加大了投资。

88、But when Hispanic employees wanted to speak Spanish to one another, they say it was forbidden ??? even on lunch breaks. ─── 但她们说,来自西班牙或其他西班牙语国家的雇员们被禁止用西班牙语相互交谈????哪怕是在午餐休息时。

89、That way, they hope, Democrats will gain a long-term lock on the swelling Hispanic vote. ─── 他们希望,这样做可以使他们今后长期得到那些日益壮大的西班牙裔选民的选票。

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