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09-05 投稿


puncturing 发音

英:[?p??kt??r??]  美:[?p??kt??r??]

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puncturing 中文意思翻译



puncturing 短语词组

1、puncturing tires ─── 刺穿轮胎

2、puncturing pin ─── 穿刺针

3、puncturing skin ─── 刺破皮肤

4、puncturing def ─── 击穿def

5、puncturing means ─── 穿刺方式

puncturing 词性/词形变化,puncturing变形

动词现在分词: puncturing |动词过去分词: punctured |动词过去式: punctured |动词第三人称单数: punctures |形容词: puncturable |

puncturing 相似词语短语

1、fracturing ─── n.水力压裂;破碎;龟裂;v.使破裂;粉碎(fracture的ing形式)

2、lecturing ─── v.讲演,讲课(lecture的ing形式)

3、punctuating ─── vt.不时打断;强调;加标点于;vi.加标点

4、tincturing ─── n.[药]酊;色泽;迹象;vt.染色

5、culturing ─── n.培植;开化;v.[细胞][微]培养;教化(culture的ing形式)

6、punctulating ─── 刺穿

7、picturing ─── 画

8、denaturing ─── v.变性;使失去本性(denature的ing形式)

9、naturing ─── 自然

puncturing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The issues and countermeasures for nursing patients undergoing coronary arterial intervention through puncturing bilateral arteria cruralis ─── 双侧股动脉穿刺行冠状动脉介入术患者的护理问题及对策

2、Influence of bolster height on both revealing superficial vein of elbow and puncturing achievement ratio of blood sample collection ─── 垫枕高度对肘部浅静脉显露和穿刺采血成功率的影响

3、After starring in a televised police chase in the early '80s, he finally sobered up -- but tumbled off the wagon in 1999, drunkenly wrecking his SUV and puncturing a lung. ─── 他仅仅在美国和英国就发行了450张唱片,而且这还不是最完整的数字,这仅仅是他单独发行的新唱片的数字,不包括以前的精选辑。

4、Comparative observation on small angle puncturing and straightforward puncturing at femoral vein of prematures ─── 早产儿股静脉小角度穿刺法与直刺法的对比观察

5、The experience of abscess of galactophore treated by puncturing and taking out purulence ─── 对乳腺脓肿穿刺抽脓治疗的体会

6、(surgery) the act of puncturing a body cavity or organ with a hollow needle in order to draw out fluid ─── 在外科中用凹针刺破身体的穴位或器官抽出其中的液体的行为

7、Objective To study how to puncture successfully and make less pain to the patients through observing two different kinds of intravenous puncturing on back of hand. ─── 摘要目的:通过观察手背静脉穿刺两种不同方法,研究穿刺成功率和对患者疼痛的影响。

8、puncturing membrane catheter ─── 刺胎膜导管

9、Treatment of Stye with Bloodletting by Point Puncturing with Trigonal Needle ─── 三棱针点刺出血治疗麦粒肿

10、Method: a total of 168 conscious inpatients accepted venipuncture in a new puncturing method and traditional puncturing method as self-control respectively. ─── 对住院接受静脉输液的168例清醒病人,采用新穿刺法和传统穿刺法进行自身对照。

11、Puncturing the ear drum with a cotton swab can lead to everything from a hole in the eardrum to paralysis of the face, to deafness to vertigo. ─── 棉签刺穿耳膜,能导致从耳膜穿孔到面部麻痹,从耳聋到眩晕等等一系列的疾病。

12、The Effective Observation of Reducing the Formation of Debris of a Rubber Cork through Puncturing the Luted Bottles Vertically by the Method of the Oblique Plane of the Needle Top Facing to the Left ─── 左向法垂直穿刺密封瓶减少胶塞碎屑形成的效果观察

13、Keywords Foramen ovale;Potential passageway;Interatrial septum puncturing; ─── 卵圆窝;潜在通道;房间隔穿刺;

14、Mr Taheri is adept at puncturing received wisdoms. ─── 塔赫里擅长打破人们所接受的看法。

15、We are obsessed with puncturing ideals. ─── 我们心中的完美形象被戳穿了。

16、In addition, vitreous hemorrhage occurred in 1 patient postoperatively and hemorrhage occurred in 2 in the operation puncturing the optic disk. ─── 1例手术后出现玻璃体积血,2例手术中穿刺视盘时出血。

17、Once again, we are seeing the puncturing of a speculative bubble that was the result of asset prices soaring high above the underlying value of the assets. ─── 再一次,我们目睹了严重脱离固有价值的资产价格飞涨导致的投机性泡沫被戳穿的景象。

18、So the intravenous puncture needle can be reliable protected after clinic using, and can avoid accidentally injury by needle puncturing. ─── 从而使临床使用后的静脉穿刺针得到可靠的保护,避免针刺误伤的发生。

19、puncturing with a red-hot needle ─── 刺法

20、puncturing left to treat right ─── 以左治右

21、Construction designing scheme and research on "dragon for puncturing mud" robot turning device ─── "穿地龙"机器人转向机构方案设计与研究

22、angled on flat membrane puncturing forceps ─── 平角刺膜钳

23、Research on Turing Device and Posing Measure of "Dragon of Puncturing Mud" Robot ─── “穿地龙”机器人转向机构与位姿检测研究

24、Maxillary sinus operate puncturing ─── 上颌窦穿刺术

25、Application of Psychological Nursing Care in Infants Undergoing Superficial Vein Indwelling Needle Puncturing ─── 心理护理在婴幼儿浅静脉留置针置入术中的应用

26、Puncturing is one of the techniques often used in turbo coding, the characteristics of which were used to design a modified ARQ scheme. ─── 删余收缩是turbo码中常用的技术之一,我们利用turbo码的这一特点,提出了一种新的ARQ方案。

27、Methods Select 60 cases of neck tumor and take out living tissue by means of "COOK" needle for puncturing biopsy to perform the pathological diagnosis. ─── 方法选取60例颈部实质性肿块,采用“COOK”针刺活检针穿刺肿块,夹取活体组织,送病理检查。

28、Combined Designs of Interleaver and Puncturing Scheme for Punctured Turbo Codes ─── 删截Turbo码中交织器和删截方案的综合设计

29、Abstract: The "mud puncturing dragon" robot was developed for trenchles laying of underground pipelines. ─── 文章摘要: 为进行非开挖条件下地下管线的铺设,研制了“穿地龙”机器人,该机器人采用气动冲击方式工作。

30、Research on Effect of Body Weight and Behavior Medicine Puncturing Rat with depression After Meaningeal Apoplexy for Nourishing the Brain and Tranquilizing the Mind ─── 健脑安神针刺法对脑卒中后抑郁大鼠体重及行为学影响的研究

31、Effect on Pressure Bandage to Be Used for Local Hemostasis on Puncturing Area After Coronary Arteriography ─── 压力绷带用于冠状动脉造影后穿刺局部止血的效果观察

32、puncturing parallel to lymphatic duct ─── 平行淋巴管进针

33、Using Local Enclosing Puncturing Combined with Distal Point Acupuncture to Cure 85 Patients with Chloasma ─── 局部围刺配合远端穴位针刺法治疗黄褐斑85例

34、puncturing vertically to lymphatic duet ─── 垂直淋巴管进针

35、Color Doppler ultrasound-guided treatment of puncturing injury of peripheral vessels ─── 彩色多普勒超声在指导周围血管穿刺性损伤治疗中的价值

36、Research on Kinematics of "Dragon of Puncturing Mud" Robot Based on Turning Device ─── 基于转向机构的"穿地龙"机器人运动学研究

37、please don't comfort me if you leave me, as you know, every sewing will bring pain by puncturing. ─── 离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛

38、Research on combining designs of interleaving and puncturing for punctured Turbo codes ─── 删余Turbo码的交织删余的综合设计研究

39、A Study on the Approach of the Temporomandibular Joint Cavity Puncturing in Rhesus Monkeys ─── 恒河猴颞下颌关节腔穿刺定位方法的研究

40、Abstract: Objective To evalute the curative effect of nonparasitic hepatic cysts with sonographic guided percutaneous puncturing and washing with ethanol. ─── 文章摘要: 目的总结非寄生虫性肝囊肿超声引导穿刺抽液无水乙醇冲洗治疗的疗效。

41、Impacts of Preserved Skin Without Hair-razing on Puncturing Site Infection in Patients Underwent Cardiac Intervention Therapy ─── 备皮时不剃毛对心脏介入性治疗穿刺口感染的影响

42、A new method for implanting pacemaker lead by puncturing cephalic vein ─── 一种经头静脉穿刺置入起搏器电极导线的新方法

43、Two sites puncturing ─── 双点穿刺

44、Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching versus puncturing Ashi point for delayed-onset muscle soreness in triceps surae ─── 本体感神经肌肉易化牵伸与斜刺阿是穴治疗小腿三头肌延迟性肌肉酸痛症的效果比较

45、The Japanese soldiers were even enjoying their brutality, chopping old men with swords, puncturing babies with bayonets and competing in killing. ─── 倭卒刀砍老翁,枪挑婴儿,竞相斩杀,以暴为乐。

46、Conclusion Compound lidocaine cream could alleviate the pain during puncturing arteriovenous fistula from hemodialysis significantly. ─── 结论在穿刺点涂抹复方利多卡因乳膏可减轻血液透析病人内瘘穿刺时的疼痛。

47、Objective: To introduce a new method for implanting pacemaker leads by puncturing the cephalic vein. ─── 摘要目的:介绍一种经头静脉穿刺置入起搏器电极导线的新方法。

48、Methods Under microscopy 16 cases(16 eye) of partical iridodialysis were repaired by puncturing tunnels on the scleras. ─── 方法显微镜下对虹膜根部断离的16例(16眼)行巩膜穿刺和嵌顿修复术。

49、Adopting nondestructive blunt puncturing needle to reduce hemorrhage during injection augmentation mammoplasty ─── 无损伤钝头丰乳穿刺针减少隆乳术出血的临床观察

50、Research on Virtual Prototype about "Dragon of Puncturing Mud" Robot Turning Device ─── "穿地龙"机器人转向机构虚拟样机研究

51、Treatment of Stye by Bloodletting with Zhongchong Point Puncturing ─── 中冲穴点刺放血治疗麦粒肿

52、Methods During the use of the Non-PVC Multi-layer Co-polymerized Compound Membrane Infusion Packages to iv gtt, stomas by puncturing were made after the normal iv gtt. ─── 方法在使用非PVC共挤复合膜输液袋静脉输注时,在正常输注完毕状态下对输液袋底部进行穿刺造瘘,分别测量造瘘前后输液器和输液袋内残余液体量进行比较。

53、Conclusion: the new puncturing method could raise the puncturing success rate and obviously... ─── 新穿刺法能提高穿刺的成功率,明显减轻病人疼痛。

54、Treatment of Stye By Puncturing Luo-point Combined with Cupping ─── 刺络拔罐法治疗麦粒肿

55、No matter how the caltrop tire spike was tossed on a roadway or airport runway, it would land with a tire-puncturing prong facing upward. ─── 不管怎么扔,这款铁蒺藜轮胎刺都能用向上的一面扎破汽车或飞机的轮胎。

56、puncturing machine ─── 冲孔压力机

57、membrane puncturing forceps ─── 刺膜钳, 胎膜穿破钳

58、puncturing right to treat left ─── 以右治左

59、Conclusion: This method is better than sclerotherapy or copper needle puncturing using separately. ─── 本方法疗效比单用铜针治疗或单用硬化剂治疗海绵状血管瘤效果更可靠。

60、(surgery) the act of puncturing a body cavity or organ with a hollow needle in order to draw out fluid. ─── 在外科中用凹针刺破身体的穴位或器官抽出其中的液体的行为。

61、Keywords Embolism;Interventional therapy;Two sites puncturing;Obstructing blood flow; ─── 关键词栓塞;介入性治疗;双点穿刺;阻流;

62、Objective: Copper needle puncturing combining sclerotherapy for the treatment of cavernous hemangioma. ─── 应用铜针疗法的基础上配合硬化剂注射治疗海绵状血管瘤。

63、Methods Puncturing and absorbing cytology inspection method. ─── 方法:采用穿刺吸取细胞学检查。

64、SVC Indwelling Catheterization through Subclavian Vein Puncturing under X-ray Guidance ─── X线导引下锁骨下静脉穿刺置管术

65、He takes particular delight in puncturing the free-trade pretensions of the British. ─── 他还饶有兴味地戳穿了当年英国发展自由贸易时抛出的谎言。

66、Methods Microsurgery was performed to get the anastomosis of the posterior branch of auricle.Petechial bloodletting was conducted by means of puncturing in the helix according to the posterior crisis. ─── 方法采用显微外科技术吻合耳后动脉耳后支,术后静脉危象则行针刺耳轮点状放血。

67、Clinical analysis of 18 cases of Chocolate cyst of ovary treated with local puncturing and filling with drug ─── 局部穿刺配合药物治疗卵巢巧克力囊肿18例临床观察

68、Keywords B Ultrasound Renal cyst Sclerotherapy Puncturing and reserving the catheter; ─── 关键词B型超声;肾囊肿;硬化疗法;穿刺置管;

69、Abscess of galactophore in 20 cases treated by puncturing, taking out purulence, washing and injecting medicament from October 1999 to October 2002. The curative effect is satisfactory. ─── 我站自1999年10月至2002年10月对20例乳腺脓肿患者采用了穿刺抽脓冲洗、注药治疗,疗效比较满意。

70、The clinical practice showed that the blood - letting puncturing and cupping can ameliorate the disturbance in microcirculation. ─── 实践也证明,刺络拨罐改善了微循环障碍。

71、Methods Twenty-two cases with mandibular condylar fractures were treated with transcutaneous puncturing and internal rigid fixation with miniature titanium plate under endoscope. ─── 方法在内窥镜下对22例下颌骨髁突骨折患者进行骨折复位,经皮穿刺行微型钛板坚固内固定治疗。

72、He blood-letting puncturing established by academician ShiXuemin has the effective result in treatment of asthma, facial paralysis, erysipelas and all kinds of pain syndromes. ─── 创立刺络疗法治疗支气管哮喘、面瘫、丹毒及各种痛症有很好的疗效。

73、During a surgical termination, inserting the suction device may risk puncturing a hole in the uterus. ─── 在人工流产中,插入的抽吸设备有可能会导致子宫壁穿孔。

74、Keywords newborn;artery blood sample;puncturing site;research; ─── 新生儿;动脉采血;穿刺部位;

75、I have seen animals with six to eight ribs broken from the spine and at times puncturing the lungs. ─── 我曾经见过有的动物6 - 8根肋骨都从脊柱上断裂下来,有时候甚至刺穿了肺。

76、Let the part ready for vein puncturing,then antisepsis it.Remove the colorful acus s coverand expose the head of bi-direction acus,then puncture veins stanting on15unit of measure. ─── 准备静脉穿刺部位,并予以消毒。拔除彩色针套,暴露双向针前端,以15度角斜向上进行静脉血管穿刺。

77、Clinical analysis of the pericardial effusion drainage by puncturing pericardium of cardiac apex detaining central venous catheter into pericardial cavity ─── 心尖区穿刺留置中心静脉导管引流心包积液的临床分析

78、The results also showed that the needle puncturing method was better than the others for the inoculation of apple fruit anthracnose . ─── 结果还表明,苹果果实炭疽病的人工接种以针刺法效果较好。

79、Keywords nondestructive blunt puncturing needle;polyacrylamide aquagel;augmentation mammoplasty;hemorrhage; ─── 无损伤钝头丰乳穿刺针;聚丙烯酰胺凝胶隆乳术;出血;

80、The study of recent curative effect of injecting tumor body with chinese herbs preparation via puncturing skin and liver through color ultrasonic induction ─── 彩超引导下经皮肝穿刺瘤体内注射中药制剂治疗肝癌的近期疗效观察

81、Puncturing Wounds increases your critical strike chance with Backstab by 10/20/30%, and the critical strike chance with your Mutilate ability by 5/10/15%. ─── “强化背刺”现在改名为“刺伤”,它增加“背刺”的致命一击率10/20/30%,同时增加“毁伤”的致命一击率5/10/15%。

82、The installation and use methods of the inner tube with an anti-puncturing cavity are the same as those of the common inner tube. ─── 上述带防扎仓的内胎与普通内胎的安装和使用方法一样。

83、Method of Reducing of Debris of a Rubber Cork Puncturing the Lutation Bottles Vertically by Big needle ─── 大针头垂直穿刺密封瓶时减少胶塞碎屑形成的方法

84、pus-draining puncturing ─── 大泻刺

85、puncturing by bilateral arteria eruralis ─── 双侧股动脉穿刺

86、Effect of infusing oxygen into maxillary sinus by puncturing in children with chronic maxillary sinusitis ─── 上颌窦穿刺窦内注氧治疗儿童慢性上颌窦炎的疗效观察

87、"Dragon of Puncturing Mud" robot ─── “穿地龙”机器人

88、the act of puncturing or perforating. ─── 一种穿洞或者打孔的行为。

89、is also designed for extremely strong anti-puncturing resistance. ─── 还设计有极强的防击穿阻力。

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