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09-05 投稿



flit 发音

英:[fl?t]  美:[fl?t]

英:  美:

flit 中文意思翻译





flit 网络释义

vi. 掠过;轻快地飞;移居n. 轻快的飞行;搬家n. (Flit)人名;(俄)弗利特

flit 短语词组

1、flit about ─── 飞来 ─── 飞去

2、flit pronunciation ─── 轻快的发音

3、flit defined flit ─── 定义

4、flit gun def ─── 飞枪def

5、flit spray ─── 飞片喷雾

6、flit pt ─── 飞行点

7、flit definition ─── 飞行定义

flit 词性/词形变化,flit变形


flit 习惯用语

1、moonlight flit ─── [flitting] [一般与 make, take连用]夜逃, 乘黑夜搬家

flit 相似词语短语

1、-lit ─── n.文学,文学作品(literature);v.点亮,照亮;点燃,点火;偶然发现,获得(light的过去式和过去分词);n.(Lit)(美、荷、俄)李(人名)

2、flint ─── n.燧石;打火石;极硬的东西;n.(Flint)人名;(德、英、俄、法、瑞典)弗林特

3、alit ─── n.铝铁岩;v.下车(alight的过去分词);n.(Alit)人名;(塞)阿利特

4、flirt ─── vi.调情;玩弄;轻率地对待;摆动;vt.挥动;忽然弹出;n.急扔;调情的人;卖弄风骚的人;n.(Flirt)人名;(法)弗利尔特

5、flits ─── v.掠过,轻快地飞;移居;躲债搬家;不停地移动;很快转变;n.轻快的飞行;移居;躲债搬家;夜间偷偷逃走;n.(Flit)(美、俄、以、德)弗利特(人名)

6、flitt ─── 伟大的

7、fit ─── vt.安装;使……适应;使……合身;与……相符;vi.符合,配合;适合;合身;adj.健康的;合适的;恰当的;准备好的;n.合身;发作;痉挛;n.(Fit)人名;(捷、罗)菲特

8、clit ─── n.阴核,阴蒂;n.(Clit)人名;(罗)克利特

9、flite ─── v.责骂,辱骂;n.辩论,责骂

flit 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Flit MLO ─── 幼蚊油

2、Watch as jungle birds, big cats, primates and butterflies fly, climb, stalk and flit among gently swaying jungle folliage. ─── 作为丛林的鸟,在温和地摇摆丛林的的大猫,蝴蝶,苍蝇。

3、This effervescence made her flit with a birdlike movement, rather than walk by her mother's side. ─── 她兴高采烈得不肯安分地走在她母亲身边,而且象鸟儿一样地蹦跳着。

4、Butterflies flit hither and thither ─── 蝴蝶到处飞来飞去。

5、flit about ─── v. 飞来飞去

6、soon the sails began to draw, and the land and shipping to flit by on either side; ─── 再过了一会儿,船帆被拉了上去,陆地和左右两侧的其它船只飞快地往后退去。

7、You watched the confidential stenographer flit in and out, carelessly turning that mystic portal which, to you, revolved on hinges of fate ─── 你盯着那个机要速记员很快地进进出出,漫不经心地转动那扇神秘的门,对你来说,它可是绕着命运的铰链在转动呢。

8、Thoughts which came of their own accord but seemed totally uninteresting began to flit through his mind. ─── 他的脑海里出现了各种各样的想法,这些想法都是自动出现的,但是完全没有意思。

9、People flit constantly between technologies, yet never devote their undivided attention to any of them, she observes. ─── 她发现,人们总是漫不经心的在科技之间反复转换,却永远不会倾心于其中一种。

10、His eyes flit around and his hand shakes. ─── 他的眼四下飘移,手发著抖。

11、Really of good sad, why the God is total to let we if namely if leave, why does our affection flit? ─── 真的好难过,为何上天总让我们若即若离,我们的感情为何稍纵即逝?

12、Inside, small birds flit in the grass, and there’s an unusual stillness for a place that’s home to the world’s largest land animals. ─── 小鸟在草场上掠过,作为世界上最大的陆地动物家园,这里有着不同寻常的宁静。

13、And then, what can the women like Jing do seemed to flit between crowds of men of vairous characteristics, who can meet the different needs of their own. ─── 于是乎,像景这样的女人,似乎就只能在形形色色的男人堆里来来回回跳跃着。因为,不同的男人可以满足她们各自不同的索求。

14、Now we must flit back to London to see what has become of Miss Amelia ─── 现在我们必须迅速回到伦敦来看看阿米莉亚的情况。

15、In the air, some birds flit down to take scraps from the teeth of crocodiles while others sit comfortably on the backs of huge mammals from buffaloes to elephants. ─── 在空中,鸟吃鳄鱼牙齿边的碎食,有一些鸟舒服地站在大型动物从野牛到大象的背上。在陆地上,视力敏锐的斑马和听力超人的驼鸟肩并肩地进食,彼此警告危险。

16、Light as a bird I flit about from one quarter to another. It's as though I had been released from prison. ─── 我像小鸟一样轻松地由一条街飞奔到另一条街,仿佛刚从牢房里放出来。

17、Now they tell me that first of the tenants are to flit tomorrow. ─── 刚才他们告诉我,第一批的佃户们明天就得搬走。

18、The boys gazed awhile, half expecting to see a blue light flit past a window; ─── 两个孩子瞪大眼睛看了一会,想见一见窗户边有蓝幽幽的火光飘过;

19、What thoughts flit across your mind? ─── 你心里有甚么念头掠过?

20、do a moonlight flit ─── 夜间潜逃

21、When I called to get the money she owed me, I found she'd done a moonlight flit. ─── 我打电话向她催债时,发现她已经逃走了。

22、Pay no attention to the movement of your feet, and they flit over the steps with never a sign of hesitancy or faltering. ─── 这就好像你在飞速的下楼梯的时候,如果你不关注脚下,可能你能够毫不犹豫的健步如飞;

23、At times he saw shadows flit across them, and his heart began to beat. ─── 有时见到人影在窗子里走动,他的心便跳个不停。

24、If Pitt could somehow flit from place to place as easily as he does in conversation, life would be a lot simpler. ─── 如果他讲话也像他搬家一样轻松容易的话,生活就会简单得很多。

25、curves of daily mean value of flit ─── 日均值曲线

26、Lightning floodlights gnarled trees and a giant iron bell. Monks with umbrellas flit about in robes and slippers. ─── 闪电泛光灯照亮了盘根错节的古树和一具庞大的铁钟。和尚们打着伞,穿着僧衣和拖鞋四处走动。

27、Every so often something would flit like a golden spasm from pine to pine. ─── 松树间不时地掠过金色的光。

28、Originally the person living with dead true of just for an instant, flit, on doing not reply to return, why can still have so would many people want not to open? ─── 原来人的生与死真的只是在一瞬间,稍纵即逝,一去不复返,可为什么还是有那么多人会想不开呢 ?

29、How many regrets flit through our thoughts? ─── 有多少遗憾从我们的思绪中掠过呢?

30、One morning his creditors discovered he had done a moonlight flit and vanished. ─── 一天早晨,他的债主们发现他已连夜逃走,不知去向。

31、In competing Europe, after all, Columbus was able to flit from court to court until he finally found a backer for his expedition of 1492. ─── 在充满竞争的欧洲,哥伦布可以在各个王朝中周旋游说,并最终找到一个支持者,让他得以在1942年开始他的探险之旅。

32、Sometimes iridescent butterflies flit about, beautiful to look at while stopped, deadly while riding. ─── 有时道路途中会有五彩斑斓的蝴蝶从身旁飞过,停下来休息的时候欣赏觉得很美,但在行进途中欣赏对骑车人来说却是致命的行为。

33、The words of the first flit across my vision, producing no effect save a mild sinking of the heart. ─── 第一份文件上的单词迅速掠过我的视野,却没有产生任何打动人心的效果。

34、Around 250,000 cod flit around five floating inner-tubes held to the ocean floor by cement moorings. ─── 约有25万条鳕鱼在5条浮动的内管周围嬉戏,这些管道通过水泥停泊处固定在海底。

35、With the originals, volunteers' eyes tended to stay longer on certain places in the image, but with the altered versions they would flit across a piece more rapidly. ─── 对于原作,志愿者的目光往往会在图画的特定区域停留较长时间,但是对于改动过的作品,他们会以更快的速度掠过。

36、love,family or kind,produce or give birth,fly or flit. ─── 也是缺了什么吗?哪里有心?哪里有生产过程?哪里又有翅膀?

37、The motions of her mind were as incalculable as the flit of a bird(Edith Wharton) ─── 她心思的流转就象鸟儿飞过一样无法捉摸(伊迪丝 华顿)

38、Flit through thy chamber in and out, ─── 掠过你的房间,进进出出

39、flit from tree to tree ─── 在树间飞来飞去

40、The motions of her mind were as incalculaBle as the flit of a Bird ─── 她心思的流转就象鸟儿飞过一样无法捉摸

41、The construction of social security integration in the South Jiangsu is the necessary requirement flit the integration of urban and countryside as well as economy. ─── 摘要三苏南地区社会保障一体化的构建是城乡一体化和经济一体化的必需要求。

42、In these lengthened vigils, his brain often reeled, and visions seemed to flit before him; ─── 在长夜不眠的祝祷之中,他的头脑时常晕眩,似乎有许多幻想在他眼前飞舞;

43、"This effervescence made her flit with a birdlike movement, rather than walk by her mother's side." ─── 她兴高采烈得不肯安分地走在她母亲身边,而且象鸟儿一样地蹦跳着。

44、But what about those who do not click, the many millions of others whose eyes merely flit across the screen? ─── 可是你知道有多少人一下不按,数百万人中有多少人只是眼睛匆匆掠过屏幕?

45、Though they are uniformly young, white and Aryan, somehow they flit past the keepers of political correctness. ─── 尽管他们都毫无二致地年轻、白皙和长着印欧人的面容,他们还是不时掠过政治卫道者们的视线。

46、The yellow beacon continued to flit past the window and the rain still drummed ─── 灯塔的黄光又继续从窗前掠过;雨,还在淅沥地下着。

47、A confusing welter of factions and mercenary figures flit through a complex of allegiances and relationships, but as the title translate - echoing the rioters' cries - "What the hell!" ─── 今村以画绢式的技巧,对事件涉及的各个阶层都有钜细无遗的描写。

48、Other gestures shift and change and flit, this is the ultimate and enduring revelation of personality. ─── 其他姿态都可以是变动不定,了无痕迹的,风格却是性格的最终极最经久的表露。

49、To move about or to and fro rapidly and gracefully; flit. ─── 快速优雅地来回移动;轻快地动。

50、moonlight flit ─── n. (为躲债)夜间潜逃

51、He's prone to flit between subjects with amazing ease. ─── 他能轻而易举地在各学科之间换来换去。

52、Fireflies flit in the bush near the dried-up pond, and bamboo branches fling their shadows on the grass-grown path. ─── 萤虫在涸池边的草里闪烁,竹影在荒芜的小径上摇曳。

53、Fireflies flit in the bush near the dried-up pond, and bamboo branches fling their shadows on the grass-grown path. ─── 萤虫在涸池边的草里闪烁,竹影在荒芜的小径上摇曳。

54、do a (moonlight) flit ─── 夜逃; (趁夜) 悄悄搬家

55、At 2:04 p.m.Eastern time, Messenger will flit past the planet 124 miles above its surface at a blink-and-you-miss-it speed of 141,000 miles an hour. ─── 东部时间下午2点04分,“信使号”将在距离水星表面124英里的高空、以令人惊诧的每小时141,000英里的速度掠过该星球。

56、Innocently between, sea blue brought Mediterranean tepid sea wind, flit white fine beach, make the person ases if nose the breath of the sea. ─── 无意之间,海蓝色带来了地中海的温热的海风,擦过白细的沙滩,使人仿佛嗅到了大海的气息。

57、Bats flit about in the twilight. ─── 蝙蝠在暮色中四处飞翔。

58、When it comes to complex scenes, for example, Westerners focus on central objects but East Asians also flit their eyes across the backgrounds. ─── 比如,当人们遇到复杂的场景,西方人会专注核心的物体,而东方亚洲人的目光还是会掠过那些背景信息。

59、A few colourful dragon-flies even carne to flit over the puddles in the tenement yard. ─── 连大杂院里的水坑上也来了几个各色的蜻蜓。

60、"This effervescence made her flit with a birdlike movement, rather than walk by her mother's side. ─── 动过手术,他能够走路了。穿上特制的鞋,使他的步态很平稳。

61、But the days continued to flit by, bearing her pain with them. Nothing new ever came her way, not even a new hope. ─── 然而日子不停地带着她的痛苦过去了,并不曾给她带回来一点新的东西,甚至新的希望也没有。

62、Fireflies flit in the bush near the dried-up pond,and bamboo branches fling their shadows on the grass-grown path. ─── 萤火虫飞进干涸的池塘附近的草丛里闪烁,竹影在青草蔓生的小径上摇曳。

63、Light as a bird I flit about from one quarter to another.It's as though I had been released from prison. ─── 我像小鸟一样轻松地由一条街飞奔到另一条街,仿佛刚从牢房里放出来。

64、Occasionally, when the sunset colours were reflected on the water, I would stroll along a quiet sector of the lakeside green grass aster the rain and watch the twittering birds flit among the branches of the trees. ─── 有时在夕阳明灭、返映着湖水的时候,我却常常一个人跑到湖边僻静处去乘凉。 一边散步,一边听着青蛙在草中奏着雨后之歌,看看小鸟啁啾着向柳枝上飞跳,还觉有些兴致。

65、The slave flit -flop is being set or reset. ─── 从动触发器正在进行置位和复位。

66、By random chance, a particle-antiparticle pair can flit into existence straddling the event horizon. ─── 跨越事件视界时,一对粒子-反粒子对能够以某种随机性产生。

67、But what about those who do not click, the many millions of others whose eyes merely flit across the screen? ─── 可是你知道有多少人一下不按,数百万人中有多少人只是眼睛匆匆掠过屏幕?

68、Jan owed her landlord so much rent that she did a moonlight flit and got a new job up north somewhere. ─── 简欠了房东很多房租,她突然出走,在北京某个地方找了个新工作。

69、they did a moonlight flit. ─── 他们夜间秘密搬家计划被发觉了。

70、Indeed, I said as much - I couldn't resist saying it - and it sounded stupid, perhaps, for I noticed a shade flit across her face. ─── 我忍不住,甚至说了出来,结果,看起来也许显得很愚蠢,因为我发现她脸上迅速出现了皱纹。

71、Flit is what butterflies do. ─── 蝴蝶就是那样的。

72、Highway of center of development of edge of our drive car advances, road both sides differ, style builds a model disparately from flit at the moment. ─── 我们驱车沿开发区中心大道行进,道路两旁一座座式样不一、风格迥异的建筑从眼前掠过。

73、It is known to be home to tiny neebrays that flit among the coral trees. ─── 目前已知这颗星球上栖息着微小的尼布雷鸟,它们在珊瑚林里飞来飞去。

74、Jan owed her landlord so much rent that she DID a moonlight flit and got a new job up north somewhere. ─── 简欠了房东很多房租,她突然出走,在北京某个地方找了个新工作。

75、When he discovered the police were after him, he did a moonlight flit. ─── 当他发现警察正在找他,他....怎样了?

76、He turned round and saw a shadow flit by. ─── 他一回头, 只见有个黑影儿一晃而过。

77、Instead they are confusing entities that seem to flit between one world and another to suit their own purposes. ─── 相反,它们是一种模糊的实体,似乎在国有与私有间飞跃,以达到他们自己的目的。

78、do a flit ─── 逃走

79、Elizabeth Bennet and her beau flit from dancing at balls to employing Asian martial arts, a sort of Fred Astaire and Ninja Rogers. ─── 书中,伊丽莎白?班内特与情郎在舞会上跳舞的情景演变成了她使用了亚洲武术的动作场面,正如弗瑞?亚斯德和宁加?罗杰斯一样。

80、you flit about like the hurriedly wind, ─── 你像匆匆掠过的风儿,

81、If the dead can come back to this earth and flit unseen around those they love, I shall always be with you in the brightest days and in the darkest nights. ─── 如果人死后可以重回人间,无形的在他们心爱的人身边萦绕,那我要和你在一起,陪你在阳光明媚的白昼,陪你在暮色深沉的夜晚。

82、to move about or to and fro rapidly and gracefully; flit ─── 快速优雅地来回移动;轻快地动

83、But particularly when we are lying, "microexpressions" of powerfully-felt emotions will invariably flit across our faces before we get a chance to stop them. ─── 特别是当我们说谎时,强烈情绪引起的微表情总是会飞快地从脸上掠过,我们根本来不及阻止它。

84、The yellow beacon continued to flit past the window and the rain still drummed. ─── 灯塔的黄光又继续从窗前掠过;雨,还在淅沥地下着。

85、And when 3, 4 or 5 bats flit onto the display, hang in for a real trip - there's the possibility of up to 100 times winnings and admission to the second screen bonus feature called Fat Bat Bonus. ─── 当3 , 4或5蝙蝠自家飞走上显示,在杭为真正之旅-存在的可能性高达1 00倍的奖金和被接纳为第二屏幕奖金功能叫做蝙蝠发奖金。

86、"The motions of her mind were as incalculable as the flit of a bird" (Edith Wharton) ─── “她心思的流转就象鸟儿飞过一样无法捉摸”(伊迪丝·华顿)

87、and when you wake up and look round startled, like a twinkling firefly I shall flit out into the darkness. ─── 当你醒来吃惊地四望时,我便如闪耀的萤火似地熠熠地向暗中飞去了。

88、and, if he had meant to flit to Thrushcross Grange, as soon as he heard of a good tenant he could not have borne to miss the chance of getting a few hundreds more. ─── 而且,假使他有意搬到画眉田庄的话,他一听见有个好房客,他就绝不会放弃这个多拿几百的机会。

89、I would sit beside her, looking at the moon, watching the bats flit through its rays, like big triangular water-chestnuts flashing across beams of silver then quickly dropping into the darkness again. ─── 我坐在她旁边,看着月牙,蝙蝠专会在那条光儿底下穿过来穿过去,像银线上穿着个大菱角,极快的又掉到暗处去。

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