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09-05 投稿


conifer 发音

英:['k?n?f?; 'k??n-]  美:['kɑn?f?]

英:  美:

conifer 中文意思翻译



conifer 网络释义

n. 针叶树;[植] 松柏科植物

conifer 词性/词形变化,conifer变形

形容词: coniferous |

conifer 短语词组

1、conifer jobs ─── 针叶树作业

2、conifer colorado ─── 科罗拉多针叶树

3、conifer tree ─── 针叶树

4、conifer kingdom ─── 针叶树王国

5、conifer medical portal ─── 针叶树医疗门户

6、conifer hotel ─── 科尼弗酒店

7、conifer health login ─── 针叶树健康登录

8、conifer in frisco ─── 非洲针叶树

9、conifer in a pot ─── 盆栽针叶树

10、conifer garden ─── 松柏园

11、conifer in chinese ─── 针叶树

12、conifer log in ─── 针叶树登录

13、conifer in texas ─── 德克萨斯州的针叶树

14、conifer in patchogue ─── 广藿香针叶树

15、conifer health solutions ─── 针叶树健康解决方案

16、Conifer Wood ─── 小母牛

17、conifer in the news ─── 新闻中的针叶树

18、conifer in french ─── 法国针叶树

19、conifer in russian ─── 俄罗斯针叶树

conifer 相似词语短语

1、coniferin ─── [生化]松柏苷

2、confers ─── 授予;商议

3、coinfer ─── 铸币厂

4、conifers ─── n.松柏类,针叶树;球果植物(conifer复数)

5、conies ─── n.兔子,兔毛皮;《圣经》中说的岩狸;n.(Cony)人名;(英、法)科尼

6、conine ─── 毒芹碱

7、confer ─── vt.授予;给予;vi.协商;n.(Confer)人名;(英)康弗

8、coniform ─── adj.圆锥形的

9、coffer ─── n.围堰;保险箱;金库;资金;vt.把…放进箱柜;用平顶镶板装饰

conifer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Conifer Wood ─── n. 松柏木材 (松柏目,未定)

2、On the similar sites, the growth of three conifer species was Larix gmelini>Pinus sylvestris>Pinus koraiensis, while the lowest death ratio of marginal lines was Pinus koraiensis. ─── 相似立地上,三个针叶树种的生长:落叶松>樟子松>红松,而边缘行的死亡率以红松最低。

3、evergreen timber conifer ─── 四斜木

4、The chemical constituents of conifer needles (Pinus massomana Lamb., P. taiwanensis Hayata, P. densiflora S. et Z., P. thunbergii Parl., P. koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc. and Abies holophylla Maxim.) ─── 测定了我国马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamb.) 黄山松(P.taiwanensis Haya-ta)赤松(P.densiflora S.et Z.)

5、cut through the forest, spread with yellow conifer needles, the paths are moist and resilient. ─── 垫上了一层黄色的松针,松软潮湿而又富有弹性。

6、Efficient system of in vitro culture and plantlet regeneration of conifer is the base of genetically improving and breeding superior genotype through modern biotechnology. ─── 摘要高效的针叶树离体培养植株再生体系是应用现代生物技术进行遗传改良和良种繁育的基础。

7、This paper deals with the growth,survival,fecundity and reproductive isolation of four Oligonychus ununguis (Jacobi)populations from different forest regions on conifer and broadleaf trees. ─── 报道了针叶小爪螨Oligonychusununguis(Jacobi)的4个种群在针叶树和阔叶树上的生长发育和繁殖及其生殖隔离的研究结果。

8、Australian conifer bearing two-inch seeds tasting like roasted chestnuts; ─── 澳洲针叶树,种子长达两英寸,味道类似于烤栗子;

9、Adelgidae; conifer woolly aphids ─── 球蚜科

10、The main type groups of SVS are primitive soil-- conifer, primitive soil-- shrubbery, primitive soil-- shrub grassland. ─── 主要的土壤-植被系统型有石灰土-针叶林、石灰土-灌丛。

11、The Aegean Conifer Suites Resort Sanya is a distinctively contemporary resort on Yalong Bay overlooking the most spectacular pristine beach in China. ─── 爱琴海岸康年套房度假酒店所处地块为亚龙湾一线海滩最后一块可开发用地。享有南中国海的无限魅力的阳光,跨步可达海天相连的纯白粉末沙滩。

12、Evergreen ornamental and timber conifer (Araucaria araucana) of the family Araucariaceae, native to the Andes Mountains of South America. ─── 南洋杉科常绿乔木,学名为Araucaria araucana。可供观赏和材用,原产南美安地斯山脉。

13、Liu Y.Root growth potential and energy sources for new root growth of three conifer species in northern China.Journal of Beijing Forestry University(English Edition),1993,2(1):12-22 ─── 刘勇.中国北方主要针叶造林树种苗木质量的研究:[学位论文].北京:北京林业大学图书馆,1994

14、The results also showed that when they were in mid-age, the water holding ability of the litter in the mixed forest stand of broadleaf and conifer was higher than that of the litter in the pure broadleaf or in the pure conifer forest stand. ─── 研究结果还表明 ,在同为中龄林条件下 ,三峡库区针阔混交林林下枯落物持水能力大于阔叶树纯林或针叶树纯林林下枯落物持水能力 .

15、For soil and humus bryophytes, the species richness is highest in dark conifer forest,Shannon index is highest in Larix olgensis-bogs and dark conifer forest. ─── 地面生苔藓植物的物种丰富度以暗针叶林(dark conifer forest)最高,而多样性以落叶松-沼泽地(Larix olgensis-bogs)和暗针叶林为最高;

16、Drag onto the page to add a conifer tree, such as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, or juniper. ─── 拖到绘图页后,可以添加针叶树,如松树、杉树、云杉、红木或刺柏。

17、Australasian evergreen conifer having a graceful head of celery-like foliage composed of phyllodes borne in the axils of scalelike leaves. ─── 澳大拉西亚常绿针叶树,树冠优美,叶似芹菜叶,鳞状叶腋长有叶状柄。

18、It was a sweltering day and I sank down into the dappled shade of a stunted conifer. ─── 然后继续做几次深呼吸并看会有什么情况发生。

19、Australian conifer bearing two-inch seeds tasting like roasted chestnuts; among the aborigines the tree is hereditary property protected by law. ─── 澳洲针叶树,种子长达两英寸,味道类似于烤栗子;土著把此树作为世袭的财产用法律加以保护。

20、the Wollemi pine found in Australia is a surviving specimen of a conifer thought to have been long extinct and therefore known as a living fossil; the only surviving frontier blockhouse in Pennsylvania. ─── 在澳大利亚发现的沃尼米松树是被认为早已灭绝了的活松标本,因此也被认为是活化石;宾夕法尼亚州现存唯一的前线碉堡。

21、The research progress about well-bred breeding of conifer was summarized in this paper. Some suggestions was put forward according to the research progress and exist problems. ─── 摘要概述了国内外针叶树种良种繁育的研究进展,并提出了存在的主要问题及相关建议。

22、The result provides some basic data for wood property analysis, scientific processing and high-efficiency utilization of conifer wood. ─── 这一结果为木材材性的分析、科学加工和高效利用提供基础数据。

23、Densely branching shrub or small tree having pungent blue berries used to flavor gin,widespread in northern hemisphere,only conifer on coasts of Iceland and Greenland. ─── 有茂密树枝的灌木或有给杜松子酒调味用的蓝色有刺鼻气味的一种小树,广泛分布于北半球,针叶线杉只分布在冰岛和格陵兰岛的海岸。

24、The main cover is the broadleaf forest on red soil of basaltic rock and limestone type, the mixed forest on red soil of metamorphic rock, silt sandstone and Q2 type, and the conifer forest onred soil of granite type in South China. ─── 华南玄武岩型、灰岩型红土上覆植被以阔叶林为主,变质岩、粉砂岩、北海组(Q_2)型红土为针阔叶混交林,花岗岩型红土则以针叶林为主。

25、Research of Conifer Forest Productivity and Light Use Efficiency in Subalpine Region of Western Sichuan ─── 川西亚高山针叶林生产力和光能利用效率研究现状

26、In the shrubs, alm and steppe communities, the shrubs and herbs pollen percentages are more than 70%, the conifer are less than 20% while the broadleaf are less than 20%. ─── 在灌丛、高山草甸和草原植被中,灌丛和草本花粉百分比高于70%,针叶树种花粉百分比低于20%,阔叶树种花粉百分比也低于20%。

27、a dwarfed evergreen conifer or shrub shaped to have flat-topped asymmetrical branches and grown in a container. ─── 一种矮的常青针叶树或灌木,有平冠的不对称的枝,通常在一容器中生长。

28、They are large evergreen conifer trees, ranging from 23m to 32m high. ─── 它们是 23 米到 32 米高的大型的常绿针叶树。

29、A jumping spider species new to science, Tabuina varirata was found on a conifer tree in a rainforest clearing. ─── 新发现动物物种之一的一种雨滨蛙,能发出一种响亮如铃声般的“歌声”来吸引异性。

30、Diprionidae; diprionids, conifer sawflies ─── 松叶蜂科

31、Study on the Main Site Factors of Natural Mixed Stands of Conifer and Broad-leaved Trees ─── 天然针阔混交林立地质量的主要影响因子研究

32、evergreen conifer woods ─── 常绿针叶林

33、Australian conifer bearing two-inch seeds tasting like roasted chestnuts; among the aborigines the tree is hereditary property protected by law ─── 澳洲针叶树,种子长达两英寸,味道类似于烤栗子;土著把此树作为世袭的财产用法律加以保护

34、A Research on Extracting the Conifer leaf Glue from the Cedar Conifer Leaf ─── 从雪松针叶中提取针叶胶的研究

35、conifer and broad-leaved natural mixed stand ─── 天然针阔混交林

36、Dense, predominantly conifer forests cover these steep hills of the Coast Range of Oregon, fed by abundant rainfall in the winter and dry, moderate summers. ─── 密集的,以针叶类为主的森林覆盖了俄勒冈州沿海岸延伸的陡峭的山岗,它们被冬天丰富的降雨和夏天干燥适中的气候所滋养。

37、endemic conifer species ─── 特有针叶树种

38、The paleovegetation was mainly conifer and broadleaf mixed forest, however, with conifer dominated forests and broadleaf dominated forests alternative from time to time. ─── 古植被主要为以针叶树为主的针阔混交林,但存在针叶林和阔叶林面积来回摆动的情况。

39、Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Sanya - Aegean Conifer KA (E-Ticket). ─── 港龙航空公司客机来回香港至三亚-爱琴海岸经济客位机票(电子机票)。

40、Australasian evergreen conifer having a graceful head of celery-like foliage composed of phyllodes borne in the axils of scalelike leaves ─── 澳大拉西亚常绿针叶树,树冠优美,叶似芹菜叶,鳞状叶腋长有叶状柄

41、6.In the conifer forest communities, the conifer pollen percentages are more than 60%, broadleaf are less than 10% while shrubs and herbs are less than 30%. ─── 在针叶林植被中,针叶树种花粉百分比高于60%,阔叶树种花粉百分比低于10%,灌丛和草本花粉百分比低于30%。

42、Study on Remodelling of Southern Pure Conifer Forset and Reconstruction of Ecological Complex Forest ─── 浅谈南方针叶纯林的改造与生态复合林重建

43、Boreal Europe blanchs conifer sulfate the price of law wood pulp, 1998 first quarter, namely from 580 dollar / ton fall for 500 dollar / ton. ─── 北欧漂白针叶树硫酸盐法木浆的价格,在1998年第一季度,即从580美元/吨降为500美元/吨。

44、Drag onto the page to add a conifer tree, such as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, or arborvitae. ─── 拖到绘图页后,可以添加针叶树,如松树、杉树、云杉、红木或柏树。

45、In the broadleaf forest communities, the broadleaf pollen percentages are near 40%, the conifer are less than 15% while the shrubs and herbs are less than 50%. ─── 在阔叶林植被中,阔叶树种花粉百分比约40%,针叶树种花粉百分比低于15%,灌丛和草本花粉百分比小于50%。

46、The results indicated that the average water consumption rate of broadleaf trees was more than conifer trees. ─── 结果表明,针叶树种耗水速率低于阔叶树种。

47、four Conifer Species ─── 4种针叶树

48、It is classified in the family Taxaceae, which is now classified as a conifer in the order Pinales. ─── 它被归为红豆杉科,而红豆杉现在被归为松类针叶树。

49、Drag onto the page to add a conifer hedge, such as yew, juniper, or redwood. ─── 拖到绘图页后,可以添加针叶树篱,如紫杉、刺柏或红木。

50、Comprehensive control techniques of stand-up kraurosis disease of conifer in arid deserted area ─── 干旱荒漠区针叶树立枯病的综合防治技术

51、And buyer requires that wooden packing should be made of non-conifer if cargo comes from Japan. ─── 如果货物来自于日本,买方要求非针叶木的木箱包装。

52、Drag onto the page to add a conifer tree such as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, or cedar. ─── 拖到绘图页后,可以添加针叶树,如松树、杉树、云杉、红木或雪松。


54、Chinese evergreen conifer discovered in 1955; ─── 1955年发现的一种常绿针叶树;

55、Retrieving effective leaf area index of conifer forests using Landsat TM images ─── 应用遥感数据反演针叶林有效叶面积指数研究

56、The unison of standards, goals and purists in Conifer creates synergy that benefits its customers, suppliers, members and people. ─── 康年集团的成员均为银行、上市公司、商业集团等当地极具实力的龙头企业,整个组织是强强相连的实体。

57、Recent Advances in Conifer Somatic Embryogenesis ─── 松柏类植物体细胞胚胎发生的研究进展

58、Chinese evergreen conifer discovered in 1955; not yet cultivated elsewhere ─── 1955年发现的一种常绿针叶树;中国的特有种

59、Entirely by "mixed conifer,qiao guan combination of eco-efficiency and coordination of cultural construction" of ideas, to reach a sufficient amount of green, the level of a forest site. ─── 全线以“针阔混交、乔灌结合、生态效益与人文景观建设相协调”的思路,达到了充足绿量、立地成林的水平。

60、large Chilean evergreen conifer having intertwined branches and bearing edible nuts. ─── 智利一种大型的常绿针叶树,树枝相互缠绕,坚果可食。

61、2. Australasian evergreen conifer having a graceful head of celery-like foliage composed of phyllodes borne in the axils of scalelike leaves. ─── 澳大拉西亚常绿针叶树,树冠优美,叶似芹菜叶,鳞状叶腋长有叶状柄。收藏指正

62、Chinese evergreen conifer discovered in 1955; not yet cultivated elsewhere. ─── 1955年发现的一种常绿针叶树;中国的特有种。

63、densely branching shrub or small tree having pungent blue berries used to flavor gin; widespread in northern hemisphere; only conifer on coasts of Iceland and Greenland. ─── 有茂密树枝的灌木或有给杜松子酒调味用的蓝色有刺鼻气味的一种小树;广泛分布于北半球;针叶线杉只分布在冰岛和格陵兰岛的海岸。

64、Clearing the massive conifer forests of Minnesota continued into the first decades of the 20th century, when production peaked in 1905. ─── 明尼苏达州大片针叶树森林的采伐一直持续到20世纪的最初数十年,木材产量在1905年时达到最高峰。

65、large Chilean evergreen conifer having intertwined branches and bearing edible nuts ─── 智利一种大型的常绿针叶树,树枝相互缠绕,坚果可食

66、From the leaf anatomic stucture, the ability of controlling water transpiration in conifer trees species withdeveloping cutin layer and deep stomia was stronger than in broadleaf. ─── 从叶片解剖构造的主要特点看,针叶树种的角质层发达,气孔下陷,控制水分散失的能力强于阔叶树种。

67、Automatically Classifying and Identifying the TM Remote Sensing Images of Forest Mixed with Conifer and Broadleaves Using Improved BP ANN ─── 基于BP神经网络的针阔混交林TM遥感图像自动分类技术研究

68、Huaan Conifer International Hotel : Great Deals Available Now! ─── 上艺龙订酒店机票,享三重好礼、四大保障!

69、Forest Service spokeswoman Norma Bailey says the 900-acre blaze began Sunday afternoon and is burning out of control through oak and conifer woodlands. ─── 森林保护发言人诺玛贝利说,900英亩的火焰在星期天下午开始,现在正在这难以控制火情的橡树林和针树林里燃烧。

70、Atrazine is a selective triazine herbicide used to control broadleaf and grassy weeds in corn, sorghum, sugarcane, pineapple, christmas trees, and other crops, and in conifer reforestation plantings. ─── 本品是优良的高效安全内吸型除草剂,主要防除由种子繁殖的一年生和越年生阔叶杂草,对由根茎或根芽繁殖的多年生杂草有抑制作用。

71、And under conifer forest, the air-anion concentration and ability of air was higher than broadleaf forest. ─── 而且针叶林下的空气负离子浓度和空气质量要好于阔叶林。

72、What is a conifer? ─── 什么是针叶树?

73、However, the influence of seasonal precipitation was important to some of the conifer species.Model performance criteria suggested the models for Taiwan fir and Taiwan hemlock had a good performance. ─── 相反地,没有任何模式选入了年总降雨量,可能是因为台湾降雨量丰沛的原因。

74、The utility model can be suitable for picking nut fruits and conifer ball fruits in the forest production. ─── 本实用新型可广泛应用于林业生产中采摘坚果和针叶树球果。

75、"Most softwood trees are evergreen, which means that they do not lose their leaves each autumn. One of them--the larch--is an exception. It is a needle-leaf conifer that does lose all its leaves every year. " ─── 大部份软木是常绿树,也就是说,每年到了秋季它们的叶也不会脱落。但其中有一个例外,即落叶松,每年其树叶全部要脱落一次。

76、subtropical conifer plantation ─── 亚热带人工针叶林

77、Keywords Aqueous extract;Pine;Spruce;Conifer; ─── 水溶性物质;松树;云杉;嫩枝叶;

78、it lived on prairies filled with ferns, bennettites and horsetails, and it moved through vast conifer forests and groves of cycads, seed ferns and ginkgos. ─── 牠生活于充满蕨类、苏铁目及木贼属的草场,并穿越大量松科、苏铁科及银杏的树林。

79、The Aegean Conifer Resort Sanya is a distinctively contemporary resort on Yalong Bay overlooking the most spectacular pristine beach in China. ─── 一线海滩最后一块可开发用地。享有南中国海的无限魅力的阳光,跨步可达海天相连的纯白粉末沙滩。

80、Drag onto the page to add a conifer shrub, such as juniper, pine, or yew. ─── 拖到绘图页后,可以添加针叶灌木,如刺柏、松树或紫杉。

81、conifer garden ─── 松柏园

82、A Protocol for extracting total RNA from mature conifer needles and conifer phloem tissue ─── 成熟针叶林针叶和针叶树韧皮组织总RNA提取

83、According to our investigation, tree sparrows roost in conifer trees in winter. ─── 据调查,越冬期麻雀在针叶树上夜宿。

84、Wooden sticks and chew toys are also good options, but conifer woods (especially cedar) should be avoided because of the high content of resins that are toxic for chinchillas. ─── 木棍和咀嚼玩具也是很好的选择,但针叶木(特别是雪松)应避免,因为这些树含量高的树脂,对龙猫来说是有毒的。

85、Chinese larchlike deciduous conifer with golden yellow leaves. ─── 中国一种类似于落叶松的每年落叶的针叶树,金黄色叶子。

86、The Wollemi pine found in Australia is a surviving specimen of a conifer thought to have been long extinct and therefore known as a living fossil. ─── 在澳大利亚发现的沃尼米松树是被认为早已灭绝了的活松标本,因此也被认为是活化石。

87、In conifer orchards new stumps should be removed ─── 在针叶树的种子园,新的伐桩应予除掉。

88、subalpine conifer forest ─── 亚高山针叶林

89、secondary conifer and broadleaf mixed forest ─── 次生针阔混交林

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