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09-05 投稿



hushing 发音

英:[?h????]  美:[?h????]

英:  美:

hushing 中文意思翻译




hushing 常用词组

hush money ─── 堵嘴钱;封口钱

hush puppies ─── (美)油炸玉米饼

hush up ─── 肃静;掩盖,防止…张扬出去

hushing 词性/词形变化,hushing变形

原型:hush 现在分词:hushing

hushing 相似词语短语

1、dushing ─── 杜兴

2、bushing ─── n.(电)套管,轴衬;灌木(bush的另一种拼写)

3、hashing ─── v.将……做成酱;切碎(肉或菜)(hash的现在分词)

4、Cushing ─── n.库欣(姓氏)

5、lushing ─── adj.丰富的,豪华的;苍翠繁茂的;vi.喝酒;n.酒;酒鬼;vt.饮;n.(Lush)人名;(英)勒什

6、husking ─── n.剥玉米壳的工作;v.剥壳,去皮(husk的现在分词)

7、shushing ─── v.告诉(或示意)保持安静;(使)安静;发出沙沙声(shush的现在分词);n.嘘声;沙沙声

8、mushing ─── n.失迷下沉;v.把…碾碎;使…成软糊状(mush的现在分词)

9、gushing ─── adj.过分热情的;过分赞扬的,过分追捧的;夸大其词的;夸张地表现感情的;涌出的;v.涌出;夸张地赞扬(gush的现在分词)

hushing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The current stories about Chinese authorities denying or hushing up the milk scandal only echo the behavior she describes in her book. ─── 而有关当今中国当局否认和掩盖牛奶丑闻的报道仅仅只是验证了她书中所描述的。

2、A hush had fallen on the noisy terrace, as if all the strollers were thinking secrets too precious to be spoken. ─── 嘈杂的走廊上一下变得阒然,就好象所有散步的人都在想着什么极其珍贵的秘密,不肯轻易说出口似的。

3、She spoke of the depravity of the natives in a voice which nothing could hush, but with a vehemently unctuous horror. ─── 她说起土人如何堕落的时候,嗓门高亢,全无掩饰,却带着一种津津乐道而又慷慨激昂的嫌恶神情。

4、This article reports an investigation of how hushing can create moral dilemmas for students at their desks in the classroom. ─── 同时亦分析目前国民小学班级全面品质管理与班级经营效能之一般情形,作为未来努力的参考。

5、China has started to probe dozens of self-claimed "journalists" who asked for hush money from a colliery. ─── 国家已经开始调查数十名真假记者在山西排队领取矿难“封口费”的丑闻。

6、They managed to keep the scandal very hush but then a newspaper reporter found out about it. ─── 他们试图为这件丑闻保密,但后来被一位新闻记者发现了。

7、The color "red" is intensively used in the emblem, hushing the passion up to a new level. ─── 在这个标志中,红色被演绎得格外强烈,激情被张扬得格外奔放。

8、Hush! The performance is about to start. ─── 嘘!演出马上就要开始了。

9、Oh, hush ! You know how I hate people who bawl all the time. ─── 哦,你不要闹啊!我就最恨动不动就哭的人。

10、Summertime,and the living is easy.Fish are jumping,and the cotton is high,Oh,your daddy's rich,and your ma is goodlooking,So hush,little baby,don't you cry. ─── 夏天,生计变得容易鱼在塘里跳着,棉花已经长高你的爸爸是个有钱人,而你的妈妈很漂亮孩子,你又为何哭泣

11、A pause of some seconds succeeded, filled up by the low, vague hum of Numbers; Miss Miller walked from class to class, hushing this indefinite sound. ─── 几秒钟肃静之后,响起了低沉而含糊的嗡嗡声,米勒小姐从—个班兜到另一个班,把这种模糊的喧声压下去。

12、For the following week a deadly hush settled in the Pacific. ─── 在随后的一个星期中,太平洋上如死一般的沉寂。

13、Hush, my baby. Baby, don't you cry. ─── 嘘...我的宝贝,别哭了。

14、Well, speak up.'Still she said nothing, wishing that it was permissible to shake one's father and tell him to hush his mouth. ─── 她仍然没说什么,希望能摇摇父亲,告诉他闭上嘴巴。

15、Hush, be quiet. The monk is reciting sutras! ─── 嘘,小声点儿。佛爷正在念经哪!

16、Across the hush a fluting thrush, Sings evensong alone. ─── 唱歌的画眉打破了寂静,孤独地唱着晚祷。

17、He was part of the speech of life, of the articulation; and they were the harkers, saying hush forever on the threshold of the sound he made. ─── 在生活中他是高谈阔论者,而她们则是洗耳恭听者,他一开口讲话,她们就立即保持肃静。

18、"Hush now," Gabby said in Auris' voice. "I'm listening." He added in llf's voice, sounding crestfallen, "Caught me again!" then chuckled nastily. ─── “安静,”饶舌头用奥瑞丝的声音说,"我正在听呢。"然后它又用里夫的声音,垂头丧气地说,“我又出丑了。”接着不怀好意地吃吃笑起来。

19、Characterized by a hissing or hushing sound (as's'and'sh'). ─── 以嘶嘶声或者咝音为特点(例如“s”和“sh”)。

20、A sudden hush fell on the crowd both at the mention of the sum and at the name. ─── 人群一听到那个金额和那个名字顿时鸦雀无声了。

21、"Oh, do hush, Auntie! ─── "唔,别说了,姑妈。

22、"Hush," said Rhett curtly, not missing the shining light in Wade's eyes when he spoke of the father he had never known. ─── "嘘,"瑞德不让她说下去,因为他发现韦德说起他那们从未见过的父亲时眼睛里闪烁着光辉。

23、Application of Self-defines Dynamic Hushing Algorithm in the E-commerce Website ─── 自定义动态散列算法在电子商务网站中的应用研究

24、There was an instant hush;then, after a moment or two of silence, several voices spoke at once: 'All right, Tertius.What are you trying to tell us? ─── 众人立时静了下来,跟着几个人同时问道:“祁老三,你说这话是什么意思?”

25、"You hush up your mouth!" howled the mighty King Yertle. "You've no right to talk to the world's highest turtle. ─── “闭上你的嘴!”庄严的乌龟大王亚特尔怒吼道。“你没有权利与世界上最伟大的乌龟说话。

26、He let her not to hush up the news about Lincoln's death to his father. ─── 他让她不要向他的父亲隐瞒林肯去世的消息。

27、He traversed the dark unseen, leaving the track of his song across the hush of the evening. ─── 他穿越看不见的黑暗,留下他的歌声回荡在静谧的黄昏里。

28、At night under the moon, or in a quiet room, hush now, the secret music of the Unborn goes on and on, beyond conception, awake beyond existence. ─── 在夜晚的月亮下,或在静室中,沉寂的现在,未生者秘密的音乐持续再持续,超越概念,超越存在而醒来。

29、The hush of the library and the unwelcoming examination of his grease-stained clothes by the lady librarian made him ill at ease. ─── 图书馆里雅雀无声,女管理员打量着他一身油腻,样子不很欢迎,他觉得很不自在。

30、Hush! The kids have just gone to bed. ─── 嘘! 轻一点儿,孩子们刚睡下。

31、Give me your hand, and hush a while, and turn those limpid eyes on mine, and let me read there, love, your inmost soul. ─── 交给我你的手,安静一会儿,用你明澈的双眸凝视我,让我在那里读到,爱人,你深藏的心。

32、A deep hush fell on the entire field. ─── 于是全个广场马上变得非常肃静了。

33、She would write her memoirs and include in them faithful records of her association with every noble lord who failed to pay hush money to the tune of two hundred pounds. ─── 她准备写回忆录,并且把她同每位贵族老爷的关系如实地写在里面,假如该贵族老爷不肯付给她200英镑的封嘴钱的话。

34、They managed to keep the scandal very hush hush but then a newspaper reporter found out about it. ─── 他们试图保守这件丑闻使不外泄,但后来被一位新闻记者发现了。

35、Carol: Hush, now that's the top secret. No body knows this except Bob and me and 12 of you. ─── 卡罗尔:嘘,这可是绝密的,除了你们12个人,还有鲍比和我,任何人都不知道。

36、Strengthening moral education, hushing up deeper contradictions and fostering modern civic moral quality means much to harmonious society construction. ─── 加强道德教育,化解深层次矛盾,构建具有现代意义的公民道德素质,对于促进和谐社会的实现具有重大的意义。

37、"Well, push Randa off you, Betsy, and hush. ─── "唔,贝特西,把兰达推开,别嚷嚷。

38、Wade adored "Auntee" who had a gentle voice, who always smiled and who never said: "Hush, Wade! ─── 他敬重"姑姑",因为她声音温柔,笑容满面,从来不说:"别闹,韦德!

39、In another part of the city, residents tried to hush the wailing of grief to try to pinpoint the sound of a crying baby. ─── 一位居民站在一座只有成年人那么高的公寓楼旁边,说:“这栋楼本来有四层。”

40、Three tumbrils faring away with their dread loads over the hushing snow. ─── 三部死囚车载着可怕的货物在寂寂的雪地上走掉了。

41、Hush up.; Don't breathe a word about it. ─── 不要声张。

42、He was part of the speech of life, of the articulation; and they were the harkeners, staying hush forever on the threshold of the sound he made. ─── 在生活中他是高谈阔论者,而她们则是洗耳恭听者,他一开口讲话,她们就立即保持肃静。

43、Li Hush! (smiles) Don't let my any Englishmen hear that! ─── 嘘!(微笑)可别让英国人听见我说这话!

44、A deathly hush fell over the room as he walked in. ─── 他进去时,房间里变得死一般的寂静。

45、She spoke of the depravity of the natives in a voice which nothing could hush, but with a vehemently uncutous horror. ─── 她说起土人如何堕落的时候,嗓门高亢,全无掩饰,却带着一种津津乐道而又慷慨激昂的嫌恶神情。

46、Stop hushing. ─── 停止嘘声!

47、"Hush! Hush!" said the rabbit in a low hurried tone. ─── “嘘!嘘:”兔子连忙低声说。

48、Three tumbrils faring away with their dread loads over the hushing snow. ─── 三部死囚车载着可怕的货物在寂寂的雪地上走掉了。

49、Oh, do hush up! ─── 哦,可别出声!

50、A hush fell in anticipation of the world's greatest swordsman. ─── 人们便开始安静的期待起冠军的表演来。

51、Leaned out, leaning, hushing the room enclosed. ─── 倾斜着,唏嘘着使关闭的屋子默无声响。

52、They tried to hush up the scandal, but it spread all over the school. ─── 他们努力不让丑闻为人所知,可还是传遍了整个学校。

53、She doesn't know and she--you must hush! ─── 她不知道啊,而且她----你千万别说!

54、A hush fell over the meeting-room. ─── 会议室里一下子安静了下来。

55、Instead, the two wings in the still-weak, especially by left-wing Molinaro hush for a long time, has to make way for out Nathalie Dechy. ─── 奈何两翼传中依旧贫弱,尤其左翼莫利纳罗被嘘多时,已让位给德切列。

56、They waited a time that seemed an age, and then the same muffled boom troubled the solemn hush. ─── 他们等了仿佛好多年似的,这时划破寂空才又传来一阵沉闷的隆隆响声。

57、Afternoon and hush and the far-off sound of the wagons coming in from the spiraling red fields. ─── 午后的寂静和远处那些从红土地里归来的大车的声音,更使人悠然神往。

58、Oh, hush your mouth, Mammy. Who wants a boy? ─── 噢,不用说了,谁要个男孩子了?

59、We know!" said Hermione, hushing him. ─── 我们知道!”赫敏说,示意他安静。

60、"Darling, for God's sake! Stop! Hush! Don't yell. ─── "乖乖,看在上帝面上,别再叫唤,别嚷嚷了!

61、His companion looked round affecting an alarmed gaze, and said, "Hush, hush, Sir Varlet with the Velvet Pouch! ─── 他的同伴环顾四周,装出惊恐的神情说道:“小声点,小声点,带天鹅绒袋的浪子先生!

62、In the absolute hush I could hear plainly its thin murmurs of life. ─── 在万籁俱寂中,我已经可以清清楚楚地听出细微的生活的嗡嗡声了。

63、Hush! The boss is quite mad. He said he's going to fire any juiceless player. ─── 嘘!老板在大发雷霆呢。他说要把表现得无精打采的球员撵走。

64、You can not hush a thing like that up . ─── 你不能把这种事隐瞒起来。

65、"Hush," said Eustace and lurched as if he were going to fall. ─── “嘘!”尤斯达斯赶紧止住他。他摇晃着身体好象要摔倒。

66、They won't be able to hush up their crime any more. ─── 他们再也不能掩饰他们的罪行了。

67、Hush, now. I see a light in your eyes. All in the eyes of a boy. I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love. ─── 嘘,现在。我在你眼中看见光亮。全在一个男孩的眼中。我真不敢相信我被一个爱的天使触摸。

68、The sight of sawdust, even pencil shavings, made him wince, his own kind being known to use it for hushing sick transmissions. ─── 他一看到锯屑,甚至连削铅笔的木屑,立即退缩,因为据说他的同行专用这种东西封住出毛病的传播。

69、Hush !Stop talking! ─── 嘘,别说话!

70、You were a man of grace and polish who never spoke above a hush. ─── 她会好好听着,然后对你全不遵照。

71、Hush, you inhabitants of the coastland, You, whom the merchants of Sidon, Who cross the sea, have replenished. ─── 2沿海的居民,就是素来靠航海的西顿商家得丰盛的,你们当静默无言。

72、The solemn hush continued. ─── 周围还是一片肃静。

73、"Hush! He'll hear. Shall I call mother?" said Meg, much troubled. ─── “嘘!他会听见的。我去叫母亲好吗?”麦格很难堪地说道。

74、Here she comes! Everyone hush up! ─── 她来了!请大家安静!

75、And as Scarlett broke into renewed indignant commands: "Hush, you fool! ─── "看见思嘉又来愤愤不起地插嘴时,他伸申斥说:"别说了,你这笨蛋!

76、Mr.Big told Bruno to hush up Max. ─── “大先生”叫布鲁诺把马克斯干掉。

77、We hush our voices for fear of being heard. ─── 因为害怕隔墙有耳,我们连说话也得放低声音。

78、His young and fair features were almost as deathlike as those of the form beside him, and almost as fixed: but his was the hush of exhausted anguish, and hers of perfect peace. ─── 他那年轻漂亮的面貌几乎跟他旁边的人的姿容一样,如同死去一般,也差不多一样地纹丝不动:可是他的脸是极端悲痛之后的安静,而她的确是真正的宁静。

79、That was smart of you, to hush up the affair before you heard about it. ─── 听到此事之前能保持缄默,你是很聪明的。

80、He got a large sum of hush money. ─── 他拿到了一大笔封口费。

81、Hush! The English teacher is coming! ─── 嘘,英语老师来了。

82、Hush!And shush.For the beldam might be listening. ─── |嘘!

83、Aunt Juley broke the hush again. ─── 又是裘丽姑姑打破这种沉寂的局面。

84、He told you to hush your mouth. ─── 他让你闭嘴。

85、Ender heard the hushing sound of the toilet clearing; ─── 安德听见洗手间冲水的声音;

86、Leaned out, leaning, hushing the room enclosed. ─── 探出身来,斜倚着,使紧闭的房间一片静寂。

87、They tried to hush up the matter they hijacked a lorry driver. ─── 他们想尽各种方法掩盖他们曾抢劫过一名卡车司机的事实。

88、Hush! I'm listening to the birds' conversation. ─── 嘘!我在听小鸟在说话。

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