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09-05 投稿



diffluent 发音

英:[['d?fl??nt]]  美:[['d?fl?rnt]]

英:  美:

diffluent 中文意思翻译



diffluent 短语词组

1、diffluent meaning ─── 分流意义

2、diffluent spleen ─── 脾分流

3、diffluent flow ─── 分流

4、diffluent definition ─── 分流定义

5、diffluent brain ─── 分流脑

6、diffluent flow meteorology ─── 分流气象学

7、diffluent river ─── 扩散的河流

8、diffluent stream ─── 扩散流

9、diffluent gas ─── 分流气体

diffluent 相似词语短语

1、different ─── adj.不同的;个别的,与众不同的

2、diffident ─── adj.羞怯的;缺乏自信的;谦虚谨慎的

3、influent ─── adj.流入的;n.支流

4、disfluent ─── 不流畅

5、disfluency ─── n.不流利

6、diluent ─── n.稀释液;冲淡剂;adj.稀释的;冲淡的

7、effluent ─── n.污水;流出物;废气;adj.流出的,发出的

8、affluent ─── adj.富裕的;丰富的;流畅的;n.支流;富人

9、defluent ─── n.向下流的部分;adj.向下流的

diffluent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The number of diffluent ants is adjusted by simulated annealing for expediting convergence. ─── 为加快收敛,结合模拟退火思想动态调节分流蚁的个数。

2、diffluent river ─── 分流河

3、Design diffluent environment-box with inner moisturizing machine ─── 分流式内加湿型环境箱设计

4、Drainage: CADA implements rain and dirt diffluent discharge. ─── 排水:实行雨污管道分流排放。

5、The results show that diffluent sericin powder mainly offers random coil structure in its molecular conformation while high polymer amorphous structure of aggregating state. ─── 研究结果表明,易溶性丝胶粉的分子构象以无规卷曲结构为主,高聚物的聚集态结构主要是无定形结构。

6、Design diffluent environment-box with inner moisturizing machine ─── 分流式内加湿型环境箱设计

7、The diffluent ant chooses the path which has the less pheromone to enable the searching to be variety. ─── 算法引入分流蚁,以选择信息素较少的路径行走,从而增强了搜索多样性。

8、Studies on the Microstructure and Physico-Chemical Properties of Diffluent Sericin Powder ─── 易溶性丝胶粉的微细结构及理化性能研究

9、Keywords die of large extrusion section;diffluent hole design;metal flow;design and manufacture technology; ─── 大型挤压模具;分流孔;金属流动;设计与制造工艺;

10、Research on Peculiarity of Wave in the Downstream of Diffluent Piers with Low Ridge ─── 低坎分流墩消能工下游水流波动特性研究

11、Liquid that is insulative, good diffluent, and strong in heat transfer through phase change. ─── 具有绝缘强度高、流动性能好和相变传热能力强的液体。

12、The numerical results showed that dentiform element had strong diffluent and distributivity-mixed ability, but its dispersity mixing ability was weak. ─── 计算结果表明:齿型元件具有较强的分流能力和分布性混合能力,但分散性混合能力较弱。

13、Wireless Sensor Networks; Real-time; Data Diffluent Gathering; Mobile Cooperation; Green Channel. ─── 无线传感器网络;实时性;数据分流收集;移动协作;绿色通道。

14、Fluidized Bed Opposed Jet Mill, Cyclonic Jet Mill, Mechanical Pulverizer, Self-diffluent Micro-poder Classifier ─── 流化床气流粉碎机、气旋式气流粉碎机、机械式粉碎机、自分流式微粉分收机

15、Optimal Research about the Type of Diffluent Piers with Low Ridge ─── 低坎分流墩体型的优化研究

16、The Hunhe river in Shenyang was rehabilitated by the construction of wastewater treatment plant, the implementation of diffluent rain and wastewater and ecological recover measures. ─── 通过采用污水处理厂建设,实施雨污分流及生态恢复等措施,达到浑河沈阳城区段水体“休养生息的”的目的。

17、Optimization research on the energy dissipater of diffluent piers with low ridge ─── 低坎分流墩消能工的优化研究

18、the flow ratio of diffluent and conflux increases, the head loss I... ─── 分流情况下的水头损失比汇流情况下的水头损失要大。

19、Both tartaric acid and citric acid grafted compounds were diffluent in organic solvent and insoluble in water. ─── 酸性强弱顺序与接枝的小分子酸酸性强弱相同,接枝酒石酸和柠檬酸化合物在有机溶剂中易溶,水中难溶。

20、wastewater treatment plant,up-to-standard reconstruction,inverted A/A/O process with step feed, diffluent treatment; ─── 污水处理厂,达标改造,分点进水倒置A/A/O,分流处理

21、diffluent ratio ─── 分流比

22、diffluent block ─── 分流块

23、Keywords aluminium type material;diffluent die;structure;process; ─── 铝型材;分流模;结构;工艺;


25、structure and machining process of plane diffluent compound die are introduced. ─── 介绍了平面分流组合模的结构和加工工艺。

26、Studies on the Microstructure and Physico-Chemical Properties of Diffluent Sericin Powder ─── 易溶性丝胶粉的微细结构及理化性能研究

27、Optimization research on the energy dissipater of diffluent piers with low ridge ─── 低坎分流墩消能工的优化研究

28、great diffluent utensil ─── 大电流分流器

29、A Study on Diffluent Mechanism Genetic Algorithm ─── 分流机制遗传算法研究

30、It has a particular smell which can make people feel headadche and sick.It is diffluent in organic solvent and has high moisture-absorbing ability. ─── 苯基二氯化磷具有不愉快的臭味,吸入人体会使人感到头痛、恶心;

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