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09-05 投稿



entombed 发音

英:[?n?tu?md]  美:[?n?tu?md]

英:  美:

entombed 中文意思翻译



entombed 词性/词形变化,entombed变形

动词过去分词: entombed |动词第三人称单数: entombs |名词: entombment |动词过去式: entombed |动词现在分词: entombing |

entombed 相似词语短语

1、entomb ─── vt.埋葬;成为…的坟墓

2、enwombed ─── vt.使藏于子宫内;使隐藏

3、entombs ─── vt.埋葬;成为…的坟墓

4、entamed ─── vt.使不怕人;使驯服

5、uncombed ─── adj.蓬乱的;未梳理过的

6、untombed ─── vt.揭露;由坟墓中掘出

7、entoiled ─── vt.陷害;使…入圈套

8、enjambed ─── adj.跨行连续的

9、tombed ─── n.坟墓;死亡;vt.埋葬;n.(Tomb)人名;(英)图姆

entombed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To entomb in a wall. ─── 埋在墙内

2、As millions were entombed,an epoch began that affected the entire world. ─── 随着数几百万人被埋葬,一个影响整个世界的时代开始了。

3、Thousands more bodies are believed to be still lying entombed in the ruins of their homes and schools, offices and factories. ─── 据说还有成千上万具尸体被掩埋在曾经是住宅、学校、办公室和厂房的废墟当中。

4、The strongest indications that freshwater dominated the landscape during the Middle Miocene emerged from the abundant fossils entombed in the outcrops. ─── 淡水主宰了中新世时期的地貌,最有力的证明来自于埋藏在露头中的大量化石。

5、When he was finally freed, after eleven days entombed in shattered concrete, he was described by doctors as “stable”. ─── 在碎石堆下被埋11天后,当他最终获得自由的时候,医生形容他“情况稳定”。

6、Today the skeletons of creatures that swam in that ancient sea lie entombed in sandstone. ─── 今天,当年在古代大洋中悠游的动物,骨架都埋藏在砂岩中。

7、Preserved in the Amber, the insects are visible in almost perfect condition, showing the position they were in when they were entombed millions of years ago. ─── 琥珀中猎获的这些昆虫现在看上去几乎仍体态鲜活,还保留着它们几百万年以前被埋葬时的形态。

8、“But hidden within every little peanut you can still find a tiny entombed fish, whispering its story to those who cares to listen.” ─── 许多事物成为它的保护者,世界的保护者。一些人认为,它从来不曾存在过。

9、Some organisms leave behind tough organic molecules that survive the decay of their bodies and become entombed in sedimentary rocks. ─── 有些生物体内坚强的有机分子会在身体腐烂后保留下来,埋在沉积岩里;

10、Many people are entombed in the rubble of the bombe buildings. ─── 很多人被埋在炸毁的建筑物的瓦砾里。

11、And whom have you entombed here, that you have the right to hew out for yourself a tomb here?He hews out a sepulcher for himself on the height!He carves out a dwelling for himself in the rock! ─── 你在这里有什么人,竟在这里为你自己凿坟墓,就是在高处为自己凿坟墓,在磐石中为自己凿出安身之所呢?

12、macready:i dunno, it's like this: thousands of years ago this spaceship crashes, and this thing, whatever it is, jumps out or crawls out and gets entombed in the ice. ─── 麦克里迪:我不知道,大概是这样:几千年前这艘太空船坠毁,而这种东西跳出爬出来,被冰所掩埋。

13、The old lady was entombed in the room when the ceiling fell down. ─── 老太太被埋在掉下的天花板里。

14、Even the heavens turned a blind eye to the angels, inevitables, and guardians serving out their destiny entombed in the earth. ─── 甚至天堂都视而不见这些埋于地下仍忠于宿命的天使,inevitables,和guardians。

15、Neither of them had any idea how long the body had been entombed. ─── 他们两个人都不知道这具尸体被埋了多久了。

16、When he passed away, his family did a divination which showed that he should not be entombed in the royal cemetery but in the suburban dune which is the auspicious place to him. ─── 当灵公过世时,家人卜了一卦,卦中显示灵公不得葬在皇家墓园,他应该葬在郊外的沙丘里,只有那儿对灵公而言才是吉地。

17、But hidden within every little peanut you can still find a tiny entombed fish ,whispering its story to those who cares of listen. ─── 但在每一粒小小花生里,你仍然可以找到一条被包裹的鱼,对愿意倾听的人诉说着它的故事。

18、Many of the traps set throughout the dungeon had been triggered, and creatures that the celestials had sworn to entomb eternally had escaped. ─── 很多散布在地下城的陷阱被触发,一些被天界居民立誓要永远埋葬的生物也脱逃了。

19、As I told you, good master, the King was entombed three levels below. He's down there, waiting in the putrid darkness for his chance to destroy this land... ─── 我告诉过你的,英雄,国王安葬在下面第三层。他在那随落的黑暗中等待机会毁灭这个国家。

20、Entomb I Buries an undead target preventing it from moving, casting or attacking.Any damage will break the effects of the spell. Only one target may be entombed at once. ─── 埋葬一个不死目标,使其不能移动,施法,攻击,任何伤害均会使这个法术失效,同一时间只能埋葬一个目标。

21、Or missed an appointment because it took so long for your window defroster to thaw through your ice-entombed windshield? ─── 是否有过,因为等待那慢性子的玻璃除霜机除去你风挡玻璃上的冰层,而错过了约会的经验?

22、MacReady:I dunno, it's like this: thousands of years ago this spaceship crashes, and this thing, whatever it is, jumps out or crawls out and gets entombed in the ice. ─── 麦克里迪:我不知道,大概是这样:几千年前这艘太空船坠毁,而这种东西跳出或者爬出来,被冰所掩埋。

23、Even as scientists celebrated these rare fossil finds, a mystery remained: What created the death traps in which the animals were entombed? ─── 就在科学家们庆祝发现了这种罕见的化石的时候,仍有迷团没有解开:是什么造成了这个埋葬动物们的死亡陷阱呢?。

24、D. 1570 long after ash from the Bronze Age explosion entombed a wealthy city at Akrotiri, on what is now the island Thera. ─── 火山喷发在1570年左右开始形成这座岛屿,此前,青铜器时代火山喷发产生的火山灰吞噬了锡拉岛上一座富饶的城市。

25、Egypt will gather you and Memphis entomb you. Nettles will take over your treasures of silver and thorns creep over your tents. ─── 他们珍贵的银器将为蒺藜所承受,他们的帐幕将被荆棘所佔有。

26、They are entombed in the urns and sepulchres of mortality. ─── 一壶浊酒喜相逢。古今多少事,都付笑谈中。

27、Soldiers rescued the miners entombed in the cave ─── 战士们救出了被埋在洞里的那些矿工。

28、The nanobattery might also allow for a more environmentally friendly power source that includes compounds that can entomb the electrolyte. ─── 由于含有能中和电解质的化合物,奈米电池或许还能成为较环保的能源。

29、This one, from a private collection, entombed a fossilized adult male of some kind. ─── 这一块是私人的收藏品,其中保存了某种成年雄性昆虫的化石。

30、entomb trap v. ─── 埋葬;

31、Results:Complete 14 normal cases and operate the gallbladde subtotal entomb for 4 cases. ─── 结果:14例常规LC完成,4例行胆囊次全切除术。

32、Many people were entombed in the rubble of the bombed build ings. ─── 很多人被埋在炸毁的建筑物的瓦砾里.

33、Amanoa was buried in a stone sarcophagus and eventually entombed on Onderon's closest moon, Dxun, near the body of Nadd. ─── 阿玛诺娅的遗体被放置在石棺里,最后被埋葬在昂德朗最近的卫星达克辛上,离纳德的遗体不远。

34、In 1993, Cano worked with Poinar and others to remove DNA from a 125 million-year-old Lebanese weevil entombed in amber. ─── 1993年,卡诺曾与坡因纳尔以及其他人一道,试图从琥珀中一只一亿两千五百万年前的象鼻虫体内提取DNA标本。

35、Although it was Egyptian pharaohs that were entombed in the things, it wasn't the Egyptians that invented that name; that came from Greek. ─── 尽管埋葬在那些石棺中的是埃及的法老,但不是埃及人创造了这个名称,而是来自希腊语。

36、Scientists estimate at least 600 milliontons of ice could be entombed in these craters. ─── 科学家估计环形山内埋藏的冰总量至少达到6亿吨。

37、Many people were entombed in the rubble of the bombed buildings ─── 很多人被埋在炸毁的建物的瓦砾里

38、Entombed as her is, the playwright can count on room service to sustain the slender thread life ─── 尽管那位剧作家已是半截入土的人了,但他仍可依靠旅馆送茶饭到住房的服务维持他那微弱的生命。

39、A strangely lovely phosphorescent light bulb is entombed in a clear acrylic brick, which lounges about by day, quietly soaking up solar energy, then takes centre stage by night. ─── 一个长相奇怪但是又很可爱的磷光灯泡被镶嵌在一块通透的丙烯酸砖块里,白天只是静静的躺在那里吸收太阳能,而到了晚上则成为了主角。

40、Some students were entombed in the ruins of the school house ─── 几个学生被埋在倒塌的校舍中。

41、And elder treant and its elven entourage have made a refuge in the westernmost portion, while the undead have remained entombed at the northernmost point since the dungeon's creation. ─── 年长的treant和它的精灵随从在地城的最西部分建造了一座庇护所,而不死生物自从地城建造的时候起,就一直被埋在最北面。

42、Instead, we sat in church, eulogizing Rosa Parks, reminiscing about past victories, entombed in nostalgia. ─── 反而,我们坐在教堂里,颂扬罗莎.帕克斯,缅怀过去的胜利,投身于怀旧中。

43、The city was entombed in volcanic lava. ─── 那个城市被火山熔岩掩埋了。

44、Music has here entombed a rich treasure, but still fairer hopes. ─── 乐艺于此埋葬一丰富的宝藏,但更珍贵的是希望。

45、Once entombed upon the Golden Throne, the Emperor was able to communicate in speech for some time. ─── 一次在金的王座之上埋葬了, 皇帝能够在演讲沟通一些时间。

46、Inside the house was familiar with states of the Madonna entombed in glass, votive lights flickering redly at their feet. ─── 屋子里的布置使人感到很熟悉:有几尊圣母雕像套在玻璃罩里; 在这些雕像的脚前供着几盏闪烁着红光的还愿灯。

47、Many people are entombed in the rubbles of the bombed buildings ─── 很多人被埋在炸毁的建筑物的瓦砾里

48、The miners were entombed in the cave when the roof fell in. ─── 塌顶时矿工们被埋在坑内。

49、No one knows exactly where Tal Rasha, Keeper of Baal, is entombed, but it is certain to be far out in the desert. ─── 没有人知道塔.拉夏-巴尔的守卫者正确的埋骨所,但是唯一可以肯定的是一定在沙漠的远方。

50、Most of the victims were entombed in the Estonia while they slept. ─── 大部分的受难者在睡眠中死去,埋葬在爱斯托尼亚号中。

51、He never warmed up to the idea of being entombed in his car should it refuse to start. ─── 他从未兴起过当车开动不了时他得被埋葬于内的想法。

52、REYNALDO CHARRIER has explored the fossil history entombed in the Chilean Andes for the past 20 years. Charrier is professor of geology at the University of Chile in Santiago. ─── 沙利尔探索智利安地斯山区的化石历史,至今已逾20年。沙利尔是智利圣地牙哥市的智利大学地质学教授。

53、Workers are still trying to entomb the reactor in concrete ─── 工人们仍然正在设法用混凝土把反应堆埋起来。

54、MacReady:I dunno it's like this: thousands of years ago this spaceship crashes and this thing whatever it is jumps out or crawls out and gets entombed in the ice. ─── 麦克里迪:我不知道大概是这样:几千年前这艘太空船坠毁而这种东西跳出或者爬出来被冰所掩埋。

55、After previous "survivor" finds, it was determined that the dinosaurs in question, initially entombed in sand or mud, had their bones exposed again later by natural forces such as river erosion. ─── 在此之前 “恐龙幸存者”的发现,那些存在争议的恐龙被认为是最初埋葬在砂岩或者泥岩中,其后由于自然作用(如河流侵蚀作用)将其尸骨再次暴露。

56、Lenin remains entombed on Red Square as Russia's most distinguished corpse; ─── 列宁仍然以伟人的身份埋葬在俄罗斯红场;

57、Amid the remains of Dongqi Middle School are strewn poignant reminders - textbooks, satchels, a blackboard - of the pupils entombed beneath the rubble, he says. ─── 东庆中学的废墟中留下了许多令人悲痛的遗物,课本,小书包,黑板,许多学生被掩埋在了碎石下。

58、By investigating ten Masterworks, the author demonstrates different artist's ideas and knowledge across time, ranging from Holbein's Christ Entombed, to Edward Hopper's Hotel Room. ─── 这本极具想象力的现代参考书适合于各个层次的艺术家,为他们素描和绘画的技巧指点迷津”;

59、Once at the summit, the children-two girls and a boy, between eight and 15 years old-would be ritually sacrificed and entombed beneath 5 ft. of rocky rubble. ─── 一到山顶,这些孩子---两个女孩和一个男孩,年龄在8到15岁之间---就会成为献祭仪式的极品并会被埋葬在5英尺深的石块下面。

60、Use youth to entomb youth ─── 用青春埋葬青春

61、Buries an undead target preventing it from moving, casting or attacking.Any damage will break the effects of the spell. Only one target may be entombed at once. ─── 埋葬一个不死目标,使其不能移动,施法,攻击,任何伤害均会使这个法术失效,同一时间只能埋葬一个目标

62、Many miners were entombed in the cave when there was an accident at the mine. ─── 矿井发生事故时许多矿工葬身于坑内。

63、Like royalty that rules the black void, entombed in the night infinite. ─── 像统治黑空隙的皇族,埋葬在无限的夜。

64、Once out of reach owing to the blanket of ice that entombed them, these resources look temptingly grabbable as climate change shrinks the ice shelf. ─── 这些资源曾因为覆盖它们的冰层而显然遥不可及,但由于气候变化令冰架收缩,这些资源看上去唾手可得,非常迷人。

65、Thousands of bodies remain entombed in the rubble of Beichuan. ─── 数万尸体仍掩埋在北川的废砾中。

66、The sludge would at this point be added to the extracted cesium, and the mixture would be vitrified (turned into stable borosilicate glass logs) encased in stainless-steel canisters and then entombed. ─── 这时,已经萃取出来的锶可以加到剩下的泥状物中,然后将混合物加热变成玻璃质(形成稳定的硼矽酸玻璃块),封装在不锈钢筒里,再埋入地下。

67、Almost half the Japanese garrison was entombed alive or killed in a labyrinth of underground fighting positions and shelters. ─── 几乎有一半的日本守军是被活埋或战死在迷宫般的地下阵地和坑道里。

68、His pallor was so peculiar, that it seemed to pertain to one who had been long entombed, and who was incapable of resuming the healthy glow and hue of life. ─── 但那种苍白的脸色是很显眼的,仿佛他曾被长期囚禁在一座坟墓里,以致无法再恢复常人那种健康的肤色了。

69、To bury or entomb; inter. ─── 埋葬埋葬或掩埋;埋葬

70、Some students were entombed in the ruins of the school house. ─── 一些学生被埋在倒塌的校舍里。

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