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09-05 投稿



ecclesiology 发音

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ecclesiology 中文意思翻译



ecclesiology 词性/词形变化,ecclesiology变形

形容词: ecclesiological |

ecclesiology 相似词语短语

1、ecophysiology ─── n.生态生理学

2、ecclesiolater ─── n.教会圣传崇拜者

3、ecclesiological ─── 教会的

4、caliology ─── n.鸟巢学

5、ecclesiologically ─── 教会的

6、ecclesiologic ─── 教会学

7、bacteriology ─── n.细菌学

8、ecclesiolatry ─── n.教会圣传崇拜

9、ecclesiologist ─── n.教会学家;教堂建筑及装饰学家(ecclesiology的变形)

ecclesiology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This is why we need a maximalistic ecclesiology with a maximalistic anthropology -- and even cosmology -- resulting from it. ─── 所以呢,我们需要一个最广阔的教会学,以及一个起因于此的最广阔的人类学 -- 甚至呢,一个宇宙论。

2、In this same spirit, the Second Vatican Council thoroughly re-examined the role of the Church in the modern world and arrived at new concepts in ecclesiology and moral teaching. ─── 梵蒂冈第二次大公会议按照这个精神、就教会 在现代世界的角色作全面反省,衍生新的教会观和伦理认知。

3、He is currently teaching the following courses: "Ecclesiology";"Creation, Anthropology, and Sin";"Grace and Glory";and "Mariology. ─── 他敎授的科目课程包括有:"教会神学旨义"、"创世/人类/罪行"、"天恩/神荣"及"圣母论说"。

4、And this leads us to ecclesiology. ─── 我们于是来到教会学。

5、Here, ecclesiology is born how to be communicated with the client, how to go making quota, how to quote. ─── 在这里,教会学生如何与客户沟通,如何去做配额,如何报价。”

6、Orthodox ecclesiology, by stressing the holiness of the Church, does not and should not lead to triumphalism but to a deep sense of compassion and metanoia. ─── 正教教会的教会学, 由于它重点在于教会的神圣性, 不会也不该引我们到一种耀武扬威的态度,而是该引我们到深厚的谅解心和忏悔。

7、Contribution of John Nelson Darby to Soteriology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology," (Th. D. Dissertation from Dallas Theological Seminary, 1948), p. 85. ─── 达秘在救赎论,教会论和末世论的贡献”,(达拉斯神学院神道学博士论文,1948),第85页。

8、Here, ecclesiology is born how to be communicated with the client, how to go making quota, how to quote. ─── 在这里,教会学生如何与客户沟通,如何去做配额,如何报价。

9、And this leads us to ecclesiology. ─── 我们于是来到教会学。

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