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09-05 投稿



gravitate 发音

英:['gr?v?te?t]  美:['ɡr?v?tet]

英:  美:

gravitate 中文意思翻译



gravitate 短语词组

1、gravitate jeans ─── 重力牛仔裤

gravitate 词性/词形变化,gravitate变形

动词第三人称单数: gravitates |动词现在分词: gravitating |动词过去分词: gravitated |动词过去式: gravitated |名词: gravitater |

gravitate 相似词语短语

1、to gravitate ─── 吸引

2、gravitates ─── vi.受引力作用;被吸引

3、gravitated ─── vi.受引力作用;被吸引

4、gravitas ─── n.(拉)庄严;庄重;庄严的举止

5、gravitater ─── 引力

6、gravitative ─── adj.受重力作用的;万有引力的

7、gravidae ─── n.孕妇(gravida的变形)

8、gravitating ─── n.用油泵使油舱内的油因油压差而移动的方法;重力吸引;v.受吸引(gravitate的ing形式)

9、cavitate ─── v.在……成穴;形成空洞;成泡

gravitate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At almost every British university, there is an ISOC to which practising Muslim students, seeking soulmates, soon gravitate. ─── 在几乎每座英国的大学都有ISOC,穆斯林学生在其中寻求精神伴侣,并很快为其吸引。

2、When price and all else is perceived as equal however, much of the marketplace seems to gravitate to the Turkish option. ─── 当价格和一切被认为是作为平等的,然而,市场似乎吸引到土耳其的选项。

3、Dark and sensual creatures ghd straighteners gravitate toward the black of night and the pure of heart lust after a pristine white glow. ─── 这张脸在风铃草和百合花的衬托下越发显得洁白、平和、静穆,好像是在长眠中的宁静的水宜生天使。

4、The regional groundwater flow in Taibei depression of Tu-Ha basin is the gravit y-induced cross-formational groundwater flow. ─── 吐哈盆地台北凹陷现今为重力水流盆地。

5、Zhang HM, Fan XL, Zhou JB, et al. Effects of simulated microgravity on immunoreactivity of conjugatedubiquitin of muscle spindles of soleus in rats [J]. J Gravit Physiol, 2000, 7(2):119120. ─── 吴苏娣,樊小力,唐斌,等.模拟失重对大鼠比目鱼肌肌梭超微结构的影响[J].航天医学与医学工程,2002,15(1):3235.

6、Boys gravitate towards girls at that age. ─── 男孩们被大门口的女孩们吸引了。

7、gravitate downwards ─── 重力吸下

8、Don't gravitate to one side, or the boat will upset. ─── 别都移向一边,否则船会翻的。

9、Families with children, for instance, tend to ' gravitate toward families with children. ─── 比如,有小孩的家庭,易于彼此吸引靠拢。

10、Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all, y'all ─── 让你的灵魂趋向于爱

11、" Some SAD sufferers, he says, simply gravitate toward a lifestyle that accommodates the disease. ─── 他说,有些周期性情感失调症患者倾向于一种易于滋生这种病的生活方式。

12、In order to make your opinions known to a wider audience, you may gravitate toward journalism, teaching or politics. ─── 为了令你的意见能让更多的听众知道,你或许会被吸引到新闻工作,教育工作,或是政治方面。

13、If you all gravitate to one side, you will upset the boat ─── 如果大家都移向一边,船就要翻了。

14、"My excuse must be that all Celts gravitate towards each other" (Oscar Wilde) ─── “我的藉口一定是所有的凯尔特人都相互吸引”(奥斯卡·怀尔德)

15、As immutable as the rivers; gravitate downwards ─── 江河行地

16、Over time, the world is likely to gravitate toward one of your four quadrants. ─── 有朝一日,世界的发展将很有可能倾向于你的四种象限之一。

17、However often you mix it up in the water, the mud will gravitate towards the bottom again. ─── 不论你怎样搅水里的泥土,它还会再沉到水底的。

18、In summer people gravitate to the seaside. ─── 夏天的海边吸引人们。

19、46064. He also began to gravitate to an issue that would come to define his postpresidency work. ─── 不知是天生如此还是受到不幸孩提时代的影响,他无法忍受独自一人。

20、Some students move into a related career track as a contract negotiator or mediator, while others gravitate to a more traditional HR track. ─── 有些学生走一些与HR相关的职业道路,例如合同谈判或调停等,而其他学生依然选择传统的HR道路。

21、Grace, it's no accident that you gravitate toward food, working out, and reading. ─── Grace,你喜欢食物、锻炼和阅读这不是巧合。

22、Teach everyone to play facing the basket, or back to the basket.Teach them how to be basketball players, and then let them gravitate to what they are best suited to do. ─── 也许我们可以不分身材的差异,教所有人运球、传球和投篮,教他们面对和背对篮框的技巧,教他们如何成为真正的篮球运动员,然后让他们趋向自己最适合的位置。

23、Some people overindulge in an attempt to nurture themselves, while others become the caretaker they never had, and may gravitate to careers in which they help others, like social work or nursing. ─── 另些人成为了自己过去没有获得的”照顾者",也许会对例如:社会工作、护理等帮助别人成为了具有吸引力的职业。

24、Both gay and straight men, for example, tend to prefer younger partners, in contrast to women, who gravitate toward older partners. ─── 比如说,男同性恋和男异性恋都喜欢比自己年龄小的伴侣,而女性则喜欢年长的伴侣。

25、'Really understanding why consumers gravitate towards one product category or another will be important in 2009,' he adds. ─── 他补充说,切实理解消费者为什么偏好这样或那样的产品,这一点在2009年尤其重要。

26、gravitate toward ─── 倾向于

27、Some men believe that women gravitate toward men who are aggressive when it comes to putting their bid in. ─── 有些男人相信:当他们求爱时,女人会被那些快速推进的男人所吸引。

28、Anyone looking for a dynamic doer who likes to run the show will gravitate to your side. ─── 任何寻找积极实干家的人都会投你一票。

29、When this beautiful girl arrive, all the men in the room gravitate towards her. ─── 这美貌的姑娘一到,全屋的男人都让她吸引住了。

30、It is separating those who will go into the Fifth Dimension from those who would gravitate to other worlds in the Third. ─── 它是从受三维其它世界吸引那些人中分离出将进入第五维那些人。

31、Boys tend to gravitate toward balls or toy cars, whereas girls more typically reach for a doll. ─── 男孩往往选球或玩具车,女孩比较喜爱洋娃娃。

32、Young people in the country districts seem to gravitate towards the cities ─── 乡村的青年有向都市移动的趋势。

33、However often you mix it up in the water, the mud will gravitate towards the bottom again. ─── 不论你怎样搅水里的泥土,它还会再沉到水底的。

34、12. Both beginners and experts tend over time to gravitate towards intermediacy. ─── 新手的变化更快,新手和专家随着时间推移都会倾向于成为中间用户。

35、Developers, on the other hand, gravitate towards agile techniques such as XP and AM due to their perceived focus on what is important to developers: building software. ─── 另一方面,开发人员却喜欢敏捷技术,比如,XP和AM,因为它们强调对开发人员的重要的事情:构建软件。

36、From now on, the rewards will gravitate to those who make mistakes and learn from them, as the president said. ─── 你可以真真切切地看到,父母也以送孩子上这所大学为荣。

37、People naturally gravitate toward that quality like moths to a flame. ─── 人天生就被热情(的人)所吸引,就像飞蛾总是被火焰吸引一样。

38、Let your soul gravitate, to the love ya'll . ─── 让你的灵魂指引你怎样去爱.

39、'Reaching somebody in the bathroom, that's not the image that most search professionals would gravitate toward,' he says. ─── “在盥洗室内跟人接近,大多数职业猎头人员都不会对这种工作形象有好感。”

40、" Guys would say, ' I work for this company, this is how much money I'm making, this is what I'm driving' and that's what the girls would gravitate to. ─── 小伙们会说,“我为这家公司工作,我赚这么多钱,我开这样的车--这就是吸引姑娘们的东西”。

41、At almost every British university, there is an ISOC to which practising Muslim students, seeking soulmates, soon gravitate. ─── 在几乎每座英国的大学都有ISOC,穆斯林学生在其中寻求精神伴侣,并很快为其吸引。

42、Let your soul gravitate to the love ya'll. ─── 人人都需要爱,爱会指引我们回到正途.

43、Gravitate gradually towards the people you find most interesting. ─── 慢慢的接近那些你最感兴趣的人。

44、You are not an iconoclast but you do become bored with dry, repetitive studies and you gravitate to areas that are stimulating and require fast responsiveness to changing circumstances. ─── 你会被吸引到那种需要快速反应能力来应对不断变化的环境的刺激性工作领域中。

45、Most visitors to New York gravitate to Times Square. ─── 大多数来纽约的游客都被吸引到时代广场。

46、He also urged graduates not to lay out a rigid path for themselves. Rewards will gravitate to those who make mistakes and learn from them, Schmidt said. ─── 他还呼吁毕业生不要对自己的未来道路太苛求。他说,犯错误后能从错误中吸取经验的人必将获得回报。

47、You become increasingly sensitive to the ways in which you miss the true reality, and you gravitate towards the simple objective perspective which does not add to or subtract from what is. ─── 你对于自己是如何错过真实变得越来越敏感,你开始迈向那个简单的认知目标,以本来面目认知,既不增加也不减少。

48、Even then, they still tend to view themselves as doubtlessly superior to their associates, and gravitate towards positions of authority. ─── 即使这样,他们仍然倾向于把自己视为远远高出于其合作者的优越种族,并且是自贬身份来领导这群废物的。

49、Naturally artistic, these folks also gravitate toward jobs involving design, music, or dance. ─── 优雅世艺术的气质使他们很适合从事设计、音乐和舞蹈方面的工作。

50、A fearful public has a tendency to gravitate towards gold. ─── 心存恐惧的公众将会有转向黄金的趋势。

51、“The best of our young gravitate toward Wall Street, instead of Washington, our statehouses or our courthouses. ─── 或者,可能更准确地说,他们中很多人最后还是去了华盛顿,去搞游说或者去代表客户”。

52、"So it would be natural for narcissists to gravitate toward the spotlight, where other people will also think highly of them. ─── 而且,女明星比男明星更加自恋。

53、It’s interesting to think about the way certain categories gravitate to various emotions. ─── 想想各种行业如何归入不同的情感也是件有趣的事情。

54、Eventually, the risky-stock rally will fade. When it does, investors seeking better deals likely will gravitate to more-plodding value stocks such as Berkshire, said Mr. Howard. ─── 最终,高风险股票带来的上涨将退去。霍华德说,这一时刻到来时,寻找更好交易的投资者很可能将倾向于伯克希尔哈撒韦这样更稳当的价值股。

55、'People gravitate to this city to find or to be part of the 'best and brightest. ' ─── 人们慕名纷纷来到纽约,为的是发现“出类拔萃之辈”或成为其中一员。

56、Many beginner poker players naturally gravitate toward a level of game where they feel most comfortable. ─── 很多初学扑克的玩家自然被他们感到最舒服的一个级别的游戏所吸引。

57、Occasionally these beings will gravitate to the energy of a live person, one of those people who are not in control of their beings totally and who are not in rapport with their gatekeeper. ─── 有时候这些生命将受一个活人能量的吸引,同样这些人不是完全在控制他们的人并且不是跟他们的看门人友好。

58、I won't accept a blanket demonization of either the left or the right that both sides tend to gravitate towards. ─── 我看到了它到底有多棒,所有我认识的最好的演员,所有我在纽约认识好几年的戏剧界的朋友都赶来了。

59、the agencies, seeking to avoid reversals, would inevitably gravitate towards using highly adversarial procedures in every case. ─── 试图避免撤销裁定的机关将必然受吸引倾向于在每一个案件里利用高度对抗性的程序。

60、For me, my passion is writing, so I've made an effort to gravitate towards it by working on The Simple Dollar in my spare time. ─── 所以在我有空的时候借机写出了简单赚钱的小文。

61、Our main competitors already have their own Asian distribution centers, and some of our customers may gravitate to them if we don't act quickly. ─── 我们的主要竞争对手都已经在亚洲建立起了物流中心。再不及时反应的话,我们的一部分客户就会被他们吸引走。

62、The planets gravitate to (towards) the sun ─── 行星绕着太阳运行。

63、Should plans offer different funds based on age of participants, allowing young workers to select aggressive, stock-rich portfolios of funds and older employees to gravitate toward fixed-income funds? ─── 是否应该对不同年龄的参加者提供不同种类的基金,比如让年轻职工选择股权基金占多数的投资组合,而让年长的职工选择固定收入证券基金呢?

64、’ ” And in order to know the right people artists and designers inevitably gravitate to New York, because it’s where previous generations of artists and designers, now powerful, gravitated to. ─── 为了认识正确的人,艺术家和设计师不可避免地涌向纽约,因为这里是上一代艺术家和设计师的聚居地,现在他们都已经是有头有脸的人物。

65、As such, while military conquest is certainly an option, it's certainly understandable if you gravitate toward the other two victory conditions. ─── 在这样的前提下,军事胜利法虽然是个选项,但是如果玩家被其它两个胜利条件所吸引,这也是很可以理解的。

66、Let your soul gravitate to the love y'all ─── 让你的心灵靠近爱

67、We analyzed the Germen Duff Mitchell in the sights of organization construction, gravitate mechanism, financing model and person cultivation in this paper. ─── 从组织结构、运行机制、资金支持和人才培养四个方面对德国产学研联合的弗朗霍夫模式进行了分析。

68、elderly gravitate there, shuffling in cheerful pairs along Marine Parade or jogging in slow motion past the Sea Gull Café, intent on some distant goal. ─── 吸引到那里的老人们,或是成对欢愉地沿着马林百列缓步慢行,或是不紧不慢地经过海鸥咖啡店,要去往远处的某个地方。

69、If you all gravitate to one side, you'll upset the boat. ─── 如果你们都移向一边,船就要翻了。

70、"Two things happen when authoritarian governments fall in Muslim countries," says the Western diplomat. "People gravitate toward Islamic fundamentalism, and Islamic extremists gravitate toward the country." ─── 如果强权政府倒台了,只有两种后果,一是人们会向伊斯兰教原教旨主义堕落,以及伊斯兰教极端分子使国家堕落。

71、Google is also betting customers will gravitate toward online software that requires an Internet connection, as opposed to conventional PC programs that are downloaded and installed. ─── 谷歌还认为,客户将越来越倾向于需要互联网连接的在线软件,而不是传统的下载后安装的电脑程序。

72、The spinners gravitate most readily towards the television networks and the most important American newspapers ─── 这些智囊团非常乐意到电视网或美国最重要的报社去走走瞧瞧。

73、Again it will not be imposed upon people, and we accept that they must be allowed to gravitate towards it in their own time. ─── 再次,它也不会强加在任何人身上,我们承认对于那些人必须给予足够的时间来消化。

74、But they used the same joint research service to gravitate positions that were based on better evidence and more objective analysis. ─── 但是这些议员使用同样的研究服务,并根据更有说服力的证据和更加客观的分析改变立场。

75、Many young people gravitate to the cities in search of work. ─── 许多年轻人被吸引到城里找工作。

76、Children gravitate toward home at dusk. ─── 黄昏时,小孩就自然地回家。

77、Most users,come from outaside Unite Sates, gravitate toward the subjects MIT is best-known for: computer science, physics and mathematics, Margulies said. ─── 马古列斯认为大部分非美国用户会被计算机科学、物理和数学等学校知名的学科所吸引。

78、In the area of health and healing, most 1s gravitate toward dense foods that include concentrated protein and even fats. ─── 在健康和保健的领域,大多数1偏向于浓/重的食品,其中包括浓缩蛋白质和甚至是脂肪。

79、You naturally gravitate toward people with shared values. ─── 你自然而然地被具有共同价值观的人吸引。

80、My excuse must be that all Celts gravitate towards each other(Oscar Wilde) ─── 我的藉口一定是所有的凯尔特人都相互吸引(奥斯卡·怀尔德)

81、This arrangement rewards students who gravitate to courses where high marks are generously given and punishes those who seek out math and science courses, where far fewer students get the top grade. ─── 这样的安排使那些选修易得高分课程的学生受益,而惩罚了那些选择数学和理科课程的学生,因为这些课程中只有很少的学生能得到最高分。

82、He believes that investment and water will continue to gravitate towards the bigger, more professionally managed farms. ─── 他相信,水和投资将会继续被规模更大、管理更专业化的农场吸引走。

83、Artists gravitate toward one another. ─── 艺术家常彼此互相吸引。

84、There are many satanic gimmicks, which deceptively present only part of the truth, and they are always bestsellers, because Satan knows that undiscerning people always gravitate toward evil. ─── 撒旦的诡计有很多,其手法是只讲出部分真理,并且他们往往是最畅销的,因为撒旦知道没有辨别能力的人们总是容易堕向邪恶。

85、That's what single males the world over gravitate towards, and our best hope is that virtual reality and internet cafes full of first-person shooting games does the trick. ─── 这就是单一性别带给世界的,我们最好的愿望是在虚拟世界里和网吧里满是第一人称视角的射击游戏来解决这个问题。

86、Teach them how to be basketball players, and then let them gravitate to what they are best suited to do. ─── 去教他们如何作为一名篮球运动员,然后让他们找到适合自己的最佳位置。

87、Their hatchlings, which gravitate toward the brighter, more reflective sea horizon, find themselves confused by artificial lighting behind the beach. ─── 它们孵化时本应朝着光亮的方向,因为那正反映了海平线的方向,但是它们却被沙滩后面的人造灯光搞得晕头转向。

88、In summer people gravitate toward the seaside. ─── 夏天,人们纷纷涌向海边。

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