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09-05 投稿



gastronomic 发音

英:[?ɡ?str??nɑ?m?k]  美:[?ɡ?str??n?m?k]

英:  美:

gastronomic 中文意思翻译



gastronomic 词性/词形变化,gastronomic变形

副词: gastronomically |异体字: gastronomical |

gastronomic 相似词语短语

1、gastrocolic ─── adj.[解剖]胃与结肠的;连接胃与结肠的

2、gastrotomic ─── 断胃的

3、gastronome ─── n.爱吃的人;美食家;讲究饮食的人

4、gastronomist ─── n.美食家

5、gastronomer ─── n.考究饮食的人

6、gastrologic ─── 胃学

7、gastronomical ─── adj.美食学的,美食法的

8、gastronomics ─── 美食学

9、astronomic ─── adj.天文学的;星学的

gastronomic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Britons are the worlds biggest fans of fast food, just ahead of Americans, while the famously gastronomic French are the least attracted to quick meals, according to a study published last week. ─── 上周公布的一项调查表明,全世界最爱吃快餐的是英国人,其次是美国人;而以高超烹饪技艺而著称的法国人最不喜爱快餐。

2、Acknowledged as one of the finest white varietals in the world, it is a gastronomic wine par excellence. ─── 全世界最出名的白葡萄酒代表,佐餐最佳。

3、In the cosy bistro, you can enjoy the excellent cuisine.The chef Frederik Desmet will be happy to serve you his gastronomic menu. ─── 酒店的出租自行车服务为客人提供极好的自行车,让您沿着乡村或海岸线骑着自行车,欣赏宁静的美丽环境。

4、Fans, you now have an opportunity to learn the secrets of the Malay gastronomic culture from two guest chefs coming all the way from KL. ─── 加入了独特的香料之后就更为诱人入味,还能向专程前来的泰国厨师请教烹饪心得呢!

5、Christmas brings with it a mountain of mouthwatering, calorific, gastronomic goodness so it's easy to suddenly find you can't slip into your favourite pair of jeans any more. ─── 在圣诞节会有堆积如山的令人垂涎三尺、 高热量的美味佳肴,很容易你会突然发现 自己穿不上那条最喜欢的牛仔裤了。

6、With 5 award-winning restaurants and 3 bars/lounges, indulge yourself with gastronomic temptations ranging from classical Chinese cuisine to modern Western fusion. ─── 五个享有声誉的餐厅和三个酒廊,让您迷情于或传统中式,或摩登西洋的美食诱惑。

7、Think back to the gastronomic example. ─── 回过头再来想想关于美食的例子。

8、The gastronomic restaurant is a feature of the hotel. ─── 美食餐厅是这家饭店的一个特色。

9、Although there was an occasional classic French, or a semblance of Italian, by and large it was a gastronomic desert. ─── 虽然偶尔也有不错的法国菜餐馆,或勉强算是意大利菜的餐馆,但这里基本上还是一个美食荒漠。

10、Established in 1992, RETIGO is the biggest producer of gastronomic equipment in middleEurope. ─── 捷克RETIGO有限公司专业生产各种商用厨房设备,产品性能优越,极具价格竞争优势。

11、Professional experiences and references in Gastronomic Restaurant and International 5 stars Hotels Industry, based on wine and drinks activities, service and training field. ─── 5年以上五星级国际饭店或知名独立西餐厅服务经验(请提供证明信/证明人),主要以葡萄酒及各种酒类服务,培训为主

12、Gastronomic Suggestion: Grilled red meats, lamb, ostrich, wild boar, duck, pork, strong cheese. ─── 佐餐建议:适合搭配各式烤肉,如烤牛肉、烤羊肉、烤鸭,及熏猪肉、味道浓郁的奶酪等等。

13、Blowfish Dinner Is Gastronomic Roulette ─── 河豚我所欲也

14、They are even promoting the home of beer and dumplings as a gastronomic destination. ─── 他们甚至将啤酒和布丁之家推销成美食终点。

15、Eating in our restaurant “Malaysian Delight” is certainly a gastronomic adventure, as the food here ranges from aromatic Malay dishes, delectable Chinese delicacies, to spicy Indian fare. ─── 我们“马来风光”马来西亚特色餐厅将让国内食客能品尝到:香味四溢的马来族菜色、精致的马来华侨佳肴、辛辣的印度美食和特色十足的娘惹佳肴;

16、In the gastronomic sphere too, crisp stir-fry veggies with steaming haaka noodles, melt-in-the-mouth dim-sums washed down with piping hot soup win our vote over greasy Mughlai fare. ─── 在烹饪领域也是,热气腾腾的客家炒面、入口即化的点心、滚热的汤水比油腻的Mughlai菜更合我们的心意。

17、The hotel has a gastronomic restaurant with terrace. ─── 值得一提的是美食餐厅及其露台。

18、Guest facilities and services include 235 guestrooms including 55 suites, three superb gastronomic choices, wedding facilities, recreation options and luxury retail shops. ─── 客用服务和设施包括235间房间,其中包括55间套间。三家供应精典美馔美食的餐厅、婚宴服务、休闲娱乐知名品牌商店。

19、gastronomic plaza ─── 美食广场

20、a gastronomic(al)emporium ─── [美俚]餐馆;公寓

21、“Gastronomic Exchange” takes place each Saturdays, from 9:30am to 12:00pm, at Cafeteria. Welcome to join this ─── 期待。欢迎提供您的意见及想法,请洽傅家辉理事(310-542-6488)。

22、AS THE recession bites, a gastronomic indignity is nibbling its way through the land of fine dining: the humble sandwich. ─── 经济萧条袭来,这个饮食讲究的国家也无处不能感受美食的侮辱——寒酸的三明治。

23、Paris is the gastronomic capital of the world. ─── 巴黎是全世界的美食之都。

24、The hotel offers you to enjoy the gastronomic cuisine of one of the two dining rooms, the grill room... ─── 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。

25、In addition, the basket will contain many tempting gastronomic delights that are traditionally found in French kitchens. ─── 此外,野餐餐篮内更提供不少传统法式精彩美点,令人垂涎三尺。

26、Analysis in ventilating system of gastronomic plaza ─── 美食广场通风系统的技术分析

27、Having a kitchen with state-of-the-art appliances may not indicate that you are a professional chef but it definitely shows that you are a connoisseur who is willing to roll up your sleeves in order to prepare a gastronomic delight. ─── 拥有一个安装有先进家电、厨具的厨房,不一定代表你是一位专业大厨,倒显示你必定是位元美食鉴赏家,喜欢自己动手料理餐点。

28、The Renaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel has invested heavily in its Food and Beverage service, emphasizing in particular local gastronomic culture. ─── 上海扬子江万丽大酒店在餐饮方面投入了很大的心血,其中的餐厅非常强调本土的餐饮文化。

29、Restaurant: Brasserie "Arc en Bleu" is the gastronomic meeting point of the area. ─── 预定订您的酒店是很简单的. 在以下填报您的入住时间段. 选择一个或多个房间. 然后点击现预订键。

30、world's biggest fans of fast food, just ahead of Americans, while the famously gastronomic French are the least attracted to quick meals, according to a study published last week. ─── 上周公布的一项调查表明,全世界最爱吃快餐的是英国人,其次是美国人,而以高超烹饪技艺著称的法国人最不喜爱快餐。

31、He was entertaining also in the gastronomic aspect that he liked very much," Carreras said. ─── 然而现在,喜欢和崇拜他的歌迷必须要面对一个可怕的事情,帕瓦罗蒂已刚刚离开这个世界,离开他钟爱的歌剧舞台,71年的完美人生被迫画上一个句号。

32、It's an event for a chef to earn a better GaultMillau grade or an extra Michelin star, especially the third star, which means that one is ranked among the gastronomic Olympians. ─── 对于厨师来说,在果米耀上获得比较高的分数或是在米其林上增加一颗星,可是件大事,尤其是米其林上获得三颗星,那就相当于跻身于烹饪奥林匹克竞赛的选手中了。

33、The restaurant offers a special gastronomic menu. ─── 这家餐馆备有一份特别的美食菜单。

34、gastronomic restaurant ─── 美食餐厅

35、Make your meals a gastronomic pleasure, not a thing you do rushed, between stressful events. ─── 让您三餐感受到美食的快乐,而不是匆忙做事,在有压力的事情之间做事。

36、Kemp considered the title La Bella Milanese, but decided it sounded more like the name of an Italian gastronomic delight than a work of art. ─── Kemp曾考虑将其命名为《美丽的米兰姑娘》,但又觉得那听起来更像一种意大利美食的名字,而不是艺术作品。

37、Although there was an occasional classic French, or a semblance of Italian, by and large it was a gastronomic desert. ─── 虽然偶尔也有不错的法国菜餐馆,或勉强算是意大利菜的餐馆,但这里基本上还是一个美食荒漠。

38、From a gastronomic perspective, we believe that our product is perfectly compatible with traditional Chinese Cuisine.Hence , we are delighted to be here at SIAL China/2007. ─── 从烹饪的角度来看,我们坚信本公司的产品能够与中国的传统烹饪完美融合。

39、She is sampling gastronomic delights along the Riviera. ─── 她正在里维埃拉一带体验美食之乐。

40、Beijing is a city of gastronomic contradictions. The traditional everyday diet of local people is a simple affair: noodles, breads and dumplings, with pork and mutton, beancurd and vegetables. ─── 北京是一个美食矛盾体。当地人的日常传统饮食是一件简单的事:面条、面包和饺子,饺子馅有猪肉、羊肉、豆腐和蔬菜。

41、Gastronomic Suggestion: As aperitif or with sea food as cooked fish with soft sauces. ─── 佐餐建议:适合作餐前开胃酒或搭配配有味道清爽的酱汁的海鲜或鱼类。

42、The city of Cadiz is currently a well-established tourist destination, where congress, leisure and beach, cultural, cruise and gastronomic tourism has opened up new ways of development. ─── 当前,加的斯城是一个旅游圣地,它以在那里的国会,海滨休闲,文化,游船及美食而久负盛名,旅游业打开了它发展的新途径。

43、a gastronomic delight ─── 美食的乐趣

44、Chef Merrilees Parker ventures into the beautiful towns and countryside of Lebanon to discover what gastronomic treats are to be found. ─── 2006年7月12日以色列与黎巴嫩发生冲突,以军炮火轰炸首都贝鲁特和多个真主党据点,刚巧在战事爆发前两星期完成拍摄。

45、The "EntrepBus" is actually a culinary school that dispenses gastronomic skills in the form of short courses in cooking and baking to the unemployed in Manila's poor communities. ─── 事实上,这台“事业巴士”是一个烹饪学校,它以短期的烹调和烘焙课程的形式,传授烹饪学的技术给马尼拉贫穷社区失业的人们。

46、In an elegant dining room, seven of us had a gastronomic adventure for less than $100. ─── 在优雅的餐厅中,我们七个人享受了一餐美食,花费还不到100美元。

47、This is a big challenge for Christophe, who, clear about the importance of balance, releases the tension through sports, spa and gastronomic delights, as well as watching TV. ─── 这也给科里带来了不小的压力。但他深谙平衡之道,工作之余会通过运动、水疗、美食等来释放工作压力。

48、Microorganisms can be used to transform raw foods into gastronomic delights, including cheeses, pickles, sausages, and soy sauce. ─── 微生物可以将各种食品原料转化成易于消化的制品,包括干酪、泡菜、腊肠和酱油。

49、a gastronomic(al) emporium ─── [美俚]餐馆; 公寓

50、This group says it is the most special gastronomic club in the world. ─── 这些人号称自己的组织为世界上最特别的美食俱乐部。

51、Microorganisms can be used to transform raw foods into gastronomic delights, including cheeses, pickles, sausages, and soy sauce. ─── 微生物可以将各种食品原料转化成易于消化的制品,包括干酪、泡菜、腊肠和酱油。

52、Lyons, the gastronomic capital of France ─── 里昂, 法国的美食之都.

53、But while his fame was launched with Italian food, it was in Spain that Batali spent what he calls his "formative gastronomic years" . ─── 虽然使他声名大噪的是意大利美食,但巴塔利表示他的“烹饪启蒙岁月”是在西班牙度过的。

54、The fresh new German cuisine served at the Parkrestaurant Kieler Kaufmann has been praised, and awarded various honours, by a number of gastronomic guide publications. ─── 酒店可应要求提供额外的床铺和幼儿床,但要求必须由酒店确认。额外的费用将不会自动计算在预订总价中。客人必须在酒店另外付款。

55、Two guest chefs from Sheraton Subang Hotel &Towers, Kuala Lumpur, will bring you the best of Malaysian cuisine and bring you for a tour into Malaysian kitchen, revealing the secrets of their gastronomic heritage. ─── 2名从泰国吉隆坡梳邦喜来登酒店专程而来的大厨,将带您畅游马来西亚的美食厨房,探索烹饪传统的秘密。

56、Anything beyond the fifth course is increasingly transformed from gastronomic delight to palate and stomach workout. ─── 第五道菜以后的菜就开始由烹饪的喜悦转变为上腭和胃部的锻炼。

57、Gastronomic Suggestion: Very versatile, from aperitif to digestif, cheese, hams, pates, white meat, fish and seafood, pasta with light sauces, dessets. ─── 佐餐建议:非常适合作餐前开胃酒或餐后的消化酒来饮用。是奶酪、火腿、肉酱、鱼或海鲜、通心粉、甜点的绝佳伙伴。

58、5 years managerial experience and reference in gastronomic bar/ lounge restaurant or 5 stars international hotel or relevant industries. ─── 5年以上五星级国际饭店或知名独立西餐厅管理经验,以及证明信/证明人.

59、Game is a strong part of the Barossa 's gastronomic heritage. ─── 狩猎是巴罗莎传统烹饪的一个重要的部分。

60、From the simplest Indo-Pakistani workers cafe in Karama to the gastronomic delights and decor of eateries at the swanky five-star hotels, Dubai offers a huge range of dining experiences. ─── 你可以到卡尔玛最简陋的印巴平民咖啡馆,也可以光顾豪华的五星级酒店享受美食和装潢给你带来的快乐。迪拜能给你带来不同的就餐体验。

61、Yalong Bay Riverside Bars Gastronomic Show ─── 亚龙湾湖滨酒吧美食展

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