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09-05 投稿


bivouacked 发音

英:[?b?vu?kt]  美:[?b?vu?kt]

英:  美:

bivouacked 中文意思翻译



bivouacked 短语词组

1、bivouacked define ─── 宿营地定义

2、bivouacked in a sentence ─── 在一句话里露宿

3、bivouacked pronunciation ─── 露营的发音

4、bivouacked definition ─── 露营定义

5、bivouacked meaning ─── 宿营意义

6、bivouacked crossword ─── 野营纵横字谜

7、bivouacked synonym ─── 宿营同义词

bivouacked 词性/词形变化,bivouacked变形

动词第三人称单数: bivouacs/bivouacks |动词过去式: bivouacked |动词过去分词: bivouacked |动词现在分词: bivouacking |

bivouacked 相似词语短语

1、bivouacking ─── n.野营,露营;露营地;v.露宿(bivouac的现在分词)

2、bemocked ─── vt.讥笑

3、barebacked ─── adj.无鞍的

4、beducked ─── 盖满

5、bivouacs ─── n.露营;露营地;vi.露宿;vt.使…露宿;为…安排露营;n.(Bivouac)人名;(法)比瓦克

6、bivouac ─── n.露营;露营地;vi.露宿;vt.使…露宿;为…安排露营;n.(Bivouac)人名;(法)比瓦克

7、backed ─── adj.有背的;有财力支持的;v.支持;使后退(back的过去分词)

8、barracked ─── n.营房;兵舍;vt.使…驻兵营内;向…提供营房;vi.住入营房;n.(Barrack)人名;(英)巴拉克

9、backpacked ─── n.双肩背包,背包;远足用的背包;vt.挑运;把…放入背包;vi.背负简便行李旅行;挑运

bivouacked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We bivouacked for the evening in that area. ─── 我们在那个地区露宿过夜。

2、In the bivouac of life. ─── 人生是到处扎寨安营

3、And I believe, from what I know of him, he was a bit of a rake. We bivouacked together on and off for nearly two years. ─── 另外以我对他的了解,这是个有点浪子气息的家伙,我们偶尔一起出去露营,这种事持续了大概两年。

4、If be to experience bivouac lives, do not forget take the matter such as cause of tent, sleeping bag, moistureproof mat, fire, jug. ─── 去高原,防晒霜和墨镜必不可少。

5、Beyond a line of woods that he could see was a field where the troops had once bivouacked on their march toward the sea ─── 在一带树林后面,他望到一片田野,当年弟兄们朝海边挺进时,曾在那里扎营。

6、1. We bivouacked on the open plain. ─── 我们在开阔的原野上露营.

7、There is a semi-circular bivouac tent on the grass. ─── 草地上有个半圆形的野营帐篷。

8、Fortunately for us, some American troops bivouacked in the area pitied our condition and took us off to their headquarters in Tangku. ─── 我们交了好运,驻扎在那里的一支美军怜悯我们的处境,把我们送到他们在塘沽的司令部。

9、I believe, from what I know of him, he was a bit of a rake. We bivouacked together on and off for nearly two years. ─── 我对他的了解,这是个有点浪子气息的家伙。我们断断续续地在一起露营了近两年。

10、In the bivouac of life , ─── 在人生旅途的露宿营帐,

11、They established their bivouac beyond Rossomme. ─── 他们越过罗松,安营露宿。

12、"Home Steep Home: Far from solid ground the climbers pitched a hanging camp for a final bivouac, bolting tents and gear to the wall. ─── 绝壁而卧:远离地面,登山者为最后的露营建立了个悬挂帐营,螺栓拴紧帐篷于绝壁上。

13、Battalion Kitchen Bivouac ─── 营伙房地区

14、The party established six more camps on the south-east ridge.Camp IX was a bivouac. ─── 探险队在东南山脊建立了6个营地,还建立了露营地9号营。

15、Beyond a line of woods that he could see was a field where the troops had once bivouacked on their march toward the sea. ─── 在一带树林后面,他望到一片田野,当年弟兄们朝海边挺进时,曾在那里扎营。

16、The two climbers went up to 6600 meters and made a bivouac for the night. ─── 这两名登山者曾到达马卡鲁峰海拔6600米处,并晚上在此露营。

17、A Letter from Bivouac ─── 野营来信

18、lodgement area | bivouac ─── 宿营地

19、They have bivouacked behind those trees. ─── 他们在那树后露营

20、Not finding citizens to entertain them, the French everywhere bivouacked as in a camp pitched in a town, instead of quartering themselves on the houses. ─── 到处驻扎着法国人,由于找不到房屋的主人,他们与其说是驻扎在城内的住宅里,还不如说是驻扎在城内的兵营里。

21、We bivouacked on the open plain. ─── 我们在开阔的原野上露营。

22、In the world's broad field of battle, In the bivouac of Life, Be not like dumb, driven cattle! Be a hero in the strife! ─── 人生恰似军营,世界宛如战场;岂能驱役似牛,英雄立马横枪!

23、7. The company was supposed to bivouac overnight and then return to the post the next day. ─── 预期这个连当天在野外露营,次日返回驻地。

24、Like to get the room so that can like country the person of bivouac also find the lamps and lanterns that agrees with room style? ─── 喜欢把房间弄得像乡间野营的人也能找到与房间风格一致的灯具?树枝形吊灯。

25、In regard to which I must humbly submit the report that if the army remains another fortnight in its present bivouac, by spring not a man will be left in health. ─── 我诚惶诚恐地呈上这个表报,并且禀奏,如果军队在目前的野营地再待十五天,来春就连一个健康的人都剩不下来。’

26、The Characteristics of Water Supply Equipment for Bivouac in the Foreign Army and the Inspiration to Our Army ─── 外军野营供水装备的特点及对我军的启示

27、"I reach the place of our bivouac by sunset, and drinking much mate, ─── 我在日落前抵达了我们的营地,并且也喝了很多的玛黛茶,

28、We bivouacked on the outskirts of the city. ─── 我们在市郊宿营。

29、Lately we haven't spent our nights in the apartment;we are bivouacked in a hotel and just come here mornings to continue the work. ─── 近来,我们不住公寓了,我们在一家旅馆宿营,早上返回公寓,继续手中的工作。

30、Your bivouac for the night is the spot where you got tired of marching that day. ─── 你在晚上站哨时的地点,是你在白天行军时的休息点。

31、Bivouac :Or short, bivi. An uncomfortable sleeping place in the middle of a route. ─── 意思是:在行进路线中的一个不合适的睡觉的处所,或者说是一个临时的营地。

32、When the fighters bivouacked in snow-covered ground during combat, their feet, socks, and hands were frozen together in one ice ball. ─── 当战士们于战斗期间在冰雪覆盖的战场上露宿时,他们的脚,袜子还有双手都被冻在了一起变成一个冰球。

33、In the world's broad field of battle, In the bivouac of Life,Be not like dumb,driven cattle!Be a hero in the strife! ─── 在这人生的宿营地,在这辽阔的世界战场,别做无言的牲畜任人驱赶,做一名英雄汉立马横枪!

34、Preparation buys a ticket, to buy a ticket, want the square before bivouac station, want the line with long platoon leader, still do not buy certainly get a bill; ─── 预备买票了,为购票,要露宿车站前广场,要排长长的队,还不一定买得到票;

35、There the bees bivouac while a small percentage of them go searching for new real estate. ─── 蜜蜂群在那里露宿,而一小部分的蜜蜂会出外寻找新的扎根地点。

36、The immense, endless bivouac, which had been full of the sound of crackling fires and men talking, had sunk to rest;the red camp-fires burnt low and dim. ─── 先前,这偌大一片宿营地,无数的火堆噼哩啪啦地燃烧着,人们高声交谈,一片喧闹,现在静了下来,旺盛的篝火渐渐熄灭了,颜色变得苍白。

37、bivouac sack ─── 帐篷袋

38、Can we make a bivouac, Mr. Bates?@asked Russell. ─── “我们能搭一个帐篷吗,贝茨先生?”拉塞尔问。

39、bivouac site ─── 露营地

40、Mr. Bates asked Nathan to explain to the class how to build a bivouac for shelter. ─── 贝茨先生要内森告诉大家怎样做帐篷。

41、He had bivouacked at Dion-le-Mont, and had set out at daybreak; ─── 他在狄翁山露宿了一夜,天一亮又开动。

42、Balmat was also the first persion to bivouac high on Mont Blanc when he earlier had been left behind by his fellow climbers! ─── 巴尔玛特也是在勃朗峰上露营的第一人,那时候他被他的同伴落在了后面。

43、He found a means to traverse the throng and to pass the bivouac of the troops, he shunned the patrols,he avoided the sentinels. ─── 他想尽办法,穿过那人群,穿过露宿的士兵,避开巡逻队,避开岗哨。

44、to bivouac in the forest ─── 在森林里露宿

45、The soldiers were bivouacked in the woods. ─── 战士们被安排在树林里宿营。

46、We bivouacked on the open plain. ─── 我们在开阔的原野上露营。

47、5. We could make a bivouac . ─── 我们可以做个露营地。”

48、No.5 In the world's broad field of battle,in the bivouac of life,be not like dumb,driven cattle!Be a hero in the strife. ─── 在世界辽阔的战场,在生命露营的营房,别作任人驱逐的沉默羔羊,要在战斗中当一名闯将。

49、go into bivouac ─── 扎野营

50、To clean out an area from snipers was time consuming and sometimes it took a whole day before a bivouac area was secured. ─── 清扫一个地区的狙击手是一项耗时的差事,有时甚至要花上一天才能清理出一块露营地。

51、Two or three of these columns had disappeared in these bivouac fires, and had warmed the large hands of the Imperial troops. ─── 其中的两三根已被那些露营部队当作柴火烧掉了,并还烘过日耳曼皇军的巨掌。

52、scurried about outside the bivouac. ─── 在帐篷外面轻快的走着。

53、This was impossible in the dark and the blizzard and so Bonatti and Mahdi were forced to bivouac out in the open, without bivouac gear or sleeping bags. ─── 很不可思议,博纳提没受任何伤幸存下来了,而马赫迪手脚却受了冻伤。翌日清晨,马赫迪开始返回8号营,博纳提留下氧气瓶后不久也跟着返回了。

54、The boat was moored to the shore, and they advanced a few paces to find a comfortable bivouac; but, doubtless, the spot they chose did not suit the smuggler who filled the post of sentinel, for he cried out, "Not that way, if you please." ─── 小船已系在岸边,他们向前走了几步,找到了一块舒适的露宿地点,但他们所选择的地点显然不合那个当哨兵的走私贩子的心意,因为他大声喊道:“请你们别在那儿。”

55、Bivouac - Also called "Bivvie". ─── 也称为"BIVVIE"。

56、They were blackened here and there with the scorches of the bivouac of Austrians encamped near Gros-Caillou ─── 驻扎在大石头附近的奥地利军队的露营部队已把它们烧得遍体焦痕了。

57、In the bivouac of Life ─── 在这人生的露天营地上

58、Even more gaily than on the previous night the bivouac fires crackled, and the soldiers sang their songs. ─── 这时分人人觉得比前夕更加开心,营火发出噼啪的响声,传来士兵的歌声。

59、112. Your bivouac for the night is the spot where you got tired of marching that day. ─── 你夜间的宿营地是你白天行军累了的地方。

60、The bivouac finished, ─── 帐篷做好了,

61、Discussion on Application of Potassium Ferrate in Disinfection of Drinking Water and Improvement of Sanitary Quality of Drinking Water Supply for Bivouac ─── 高铁酸钾在饮用水消毒及野营给水水质保障上的应用探讨

62、8. While in bivouac, we spent the night in our sleeping bags under the stars. ─── 在临时宿营地,我们就头顶星星,躺在睡袋里过夜。

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