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09-05 投稿


bracteate 发音

英:[[br?kt?':e?t]]  美:[[br?kt?':e?t]]

英:  美:

bracteate 中文意思翻译



bracteate 词性/词形变化,bracteate变形

形容词: bracteal |

bracteate 反义词


bracteate 同义词


bracteate 相似词语短语

1、brachiate ─── v.(猴)用双臂吊荡树枝前进;adj.有交互对枝的;有臂的

2、tracheate ─── 气管

3、bracteolate ─── 小苞片

4、ebracteate ─── adj.[植]无苞的

5、braccate ─── 羽脚

6、bracteole ─── n.[植]小苞片

7、bracteates ─── adj.(植物)有苞的;n.苞状饰片(尤指原形黄金饰片);由贵重金属打造的精美盘、碟

8、bracteal ─── adj.苞的

9、tractate ─── n.论文;小册子

bracteate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Corymbs several to many flowered, bracteate or ebracteate, simple or compound, not elongated in fruit. ─── 伞房花序数枚到多数开花,具苞片或者无苞片,简单或者化合物,不在果期拉长。

2、Racemes bracteate or ebracteate, elongated in fruit. ─── 总状花序具苞片的或无苞片,在果期拉长。

3、Inflorescences axillary, male flowers in few-flowered clusters in proximal axils, sometimes in small bracteate racemes, female flowers solitary in distal axils. ─── 花序腋生,雄花生于下部,为少花簇束,有时为具小苞片的总状花序,雌花单生于上部。

4、Pedicels ca. 1 cm, slender, bracteate at middle; ─── 花梗约1厘米,在中间细长,具苞片;

5、Racemes ebracteate or rarely bracteate, often elongated considerably in fruit. ─── 总状花序无苞片的或很少具苞片,经常在果期相当大地拉长。

6、Pedicels 2-4 cm, bracteate at base; ─── 花梗2-4厘米,具苞片在基部;

7、Racemes axillary, 6-8 mm long, velutinous, bracteate. ─── 总状花序腋生,长6-8毫米,被短绒毛,有苞片;

8、Racemes ebracteate or only lowermost flowers bracteate, elongated or not in fruit. ─── 在果期没有的总状花序无苞片的或只最下的花具苞片,拉长的或。

9、Racemes ebracteate or rarely bracteate throughout, elongated considerably or not elongated in fruit. ─── 全部总状花序无苞片的或很少具苞片,相当大地拉长在果期不拉长的或。

10、Inflorescences axillary or terminal, racemose or densely spicate, bracteate. ─── 花序腋生或顶生,总状或密被,具苞片。

11、Nutlets with adaxial bottom surfaces and abaxial ones usually arcuate-convex, adaxial bottom surface smaller, 2 lateral surfaces equal in size; inflorescences bracteate at least basally. ─── 小坚果与通常弧曲凸的正面底部表面和背轴一起,小的正面底部表面,2侧面大小相等;具苞片的花序至少基部。(24

12、Fully bracteate racemes, though very rare, appear sporadically in populations that otherwise have racemes only basally bracteate. ─── 上述同义只到中国属于,并且它大约总数的一半描述本种的同义。

13、Pedicels spreading, 1-1.7 cm, slender, bracteate at base; ─── 花梗平展的,1-1.7厘米,纤细,基部具苞片;

14、Racemes few to many flowered, ebracteate or rarely bracteate throughout. ─── 总状花序具数花至多花,具苞片的无苞片的或很少全部。

15、Pedicels ca. 1 cm, elongate at fruiting, bracteate at middle; ─── 花梗约1厘米,拉长在果期,具苞片在中间;

16、Flowers 2- or 3-merous, bracteate, with both sexes usually in same head. ─── 花2-3数,具苞片,在同一头状花序内通常有两种性别的花。

17、Cymes terminal, rarely axillary, unilateral, scorpion, bracteate or not. ─── 聚伞花序顶生,与否很少腋生,单方,蝎尾状,具苞片。

18、Inflorescences umbellate, corymbose, paniculate, or a solitary flower, bracteate and bracteolate. ─── 花序伞形,伞房状,圆锥状,或者单生花,具苞片和小苞片。

19、Inflorescence erect, few-flowered, bracteate. ─── 花序直立,少数花,。

20、peduncles 4-10 cm.Pedicels ca. 2 cm, slender, bracteate at base; ─── 花序梗4-10厘米花梗约2厘米,纤细,基部具苞片;

21、Cymes terminal, rarely axillary, unilateral, scorpioid, bracteate or not. ─── 聚伞花序顶生,与否很少腋生,单方,蝎尾状,具苞片。

22、Inflorescences terminal or axillary, borne on leafy shoots or occasionally on separate, leafless shoots from rhizomes, compound, headlike, spicate, or diffuse and much branched, bracteate; ─── 花序顶生或者腋生,着生于有叶的枝上,有时生于独立的无叶的小枝上,复合花序,头状,穗状,或分支多,有苞片;

23、Racemes few to several flowered, ebracteate or rarely bracteate. ─── 总状花序很少到数枚花,无苞片的或很少具苞片。

24、Inflorescences axillary or terminal, capitate or racemose, bracteate; ─── 花序腋生或顶生,头状或总状,具苞片;

25、Inflorescences (more correctlysynflorescences) aggregations of sessile florets in spikelets or pseudospikelets, branching absent to compound, bracteate or ebracteate; ─── 花序(更多的correctlysynflorescences)集中的无梗小穗或复合的分枝无到,pseudospikelets小花,或无苞片;

26、Pedicels 5-7 mm, swollen at apex, bracteate at base; ─── 花梗5-7毫米,肿胀在先端,基部具苞片;

27、Pedicels short, bracteate at middle or above; ─── 花梗短,在上面的中间或具苞片;

28、Flowers generally bisexual, actinomorphic or more rarely zygomorphic, bracteate; ─── 更很少左右对称的一般花两性,辐射对称或,;

29、Pedicels 1-2 cm, bracteate at base or basally; ─── 花梗1-2厘米,基部具苞片或者基生;

30、Inflorescences axillary, simple or branched spikes crowded toward branchlet apex and forming a large, often dense, bracteate panicle. ─── 花序腋生,单生或分枝穗状花序在小枝先端密集和形成一大的、通常紧密的,具苞片圆锥花序。

31、Pedicel slender, bracteate at middle; ─── 花梗纤细,在中间具苞片;

32、Racemes few to many flowered, ebracteate or rarely lowermost flowers bracteate, elongated in fruit. ─── 具数花至多花总状花序,最下的无苞片或很少开花,在果期拉长。

33、Pedicels shortly bracteate at base or above; ─── 花梗基部或上部具短苞片;

34、Inflorescence fully bracteate, partially iterauctant, lateral, racemose, sessile, prophyllate. ─── 足有具苞片的花序,部分iterauctant,侧,总状,无梗,先出叶。

35、Racemes several flowered, bracteate throughout. ─── 总状花序数朵花,全部具苞片。

36、Racemes many flowered, ebracteate or proximal half bracteate, elongated considerably in fruit. ─── 总状花序多花的,无苞片的或下半部具苞片,在果期相当大地拉长。

37、Inflorescences axillary, usually bisexual, cymose, racemose, or spicate, shortly pedunculate, bracteate. ─── 花序腋生,通常两性,聚伞状,总状,或穗状的,有短花序梗,具苞片。

38、Racemes several flowered, ebracteate, bracteate throughout, or only basally bracteate. ─── 总状花序数朵花,无苞片,具苞片基部全部,或者只是。

39、Inflorescences terminal or axillary, racemose or paniculate, sometimes clustered in leaf axils, often bracteate or bracteolate. ─── 圆锥花序顶生或腋生,总状或圆锥状,有时在叶腋簇生,具苞片的通常或。

40、Pedicels bracteate above middle;bracts caducous, ovate, 3-4 mm, margin nearly entire or denticulate, apex long aristate-acuminate. ─── 苞片早落,卵形,3-4毫米,边缘近全缘或具小齿,先端具长芒渐尖。

41、Pedicels ca. 1 cm, slender, bracteate at base; ─── 花梗约1厘米,纤细,基部具苞片;

42、Racemes several to many flowered, ebracteate or bracteate. ─── 总状花序数枚到多数花,无苞片或。

43、Flowers 5-8-whorled per node, shortly pedicellate in a bracteate raceme; ─── 花5-8轮生在每节内的,有短花梗在具苞片总状花序内;

44、Flowers solitary or in several-flowered racemes, often nodding at anthesis, usually erect in fruit, bracteate. ─── 花单生或在数朵花总状花序,通常有节在花期,通常在果期直立,具苞片。

45、Inflorescence lateral, cymose, with 3 scorpioid branches, bracteate. ─── 花序侧生,聚伞状,具3分枝,具苞片。

46、Inflorescences axillary, simple or branched spikes crowded toward branchlet apex and forming a large, often dense, bracteate panicle. ─── 花序腋生,单生或分枝穗状花序在小枝先端密集和形成一大的、通常紧密的,具苞片圆锥花序。

47、Stem leaves similar to basal leaves, gradually decreasing in size and bracteate above. ─── 类似于基生叶,在上面逐渐在尺寸减少和具苞片的茎生叶。

48、Racemes ebracteate or only lowermost few flowers bracteate; fruit 1-2 mm wide; seeds 0.8-3 mm. ─── 总状花序无苞片的或只最下的很少花具苞片;果1-2毫米宽;种子0.8-3毫米(14

49、Flowers bisexual (usually), hypogynous, small, arranged in terminal or axillary bracteate racemes, sometimes in axillary fascicles or solitary; ─── 花两性(通常),下位,小,在顶生或腋生具苞片总状花序排列,有时在内束簇或单生;

50、Inflorescences terminal or axillary, racemose or paniculate, sometimes clustered in leaf axils, often bracteate or bracteolate. ─── 圆锥花序顶生或腋生,总状或圆锥状,有时在叶腋簇生,具苞片的通常或。

51、Inflorescence racemose, axillary, solitary, bracteate at base. ─── 总状花序,腋生,单生,基部具苞片。

52、Corymbs several to many flowered, bracteate or ebracteate, simple or compound, not elongated in fruit. ─── 伞房花序数枚到多数开花,具苞片或者无苞片,简单或者化合物,不在果期拉长。

53、Pedicels slender, bracteate at base; ─── 花梗纤细,基部具苞片;

54、Inflorescences paniculate, cymose or thyrsoid, many-flowered, bracteate. ─── 花序圆锥状,聚伞状或聚伞圆锥状,多花的,具苞片。

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