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09-05 投稿



rubric 发音

英:['ru?br?k]  美:['rubr?k]

英:  美:

rubric 中文意思翻译



rubric 词性/词形变化,rubric变形

形容词: rubrical |

rubric 短语词组

1、official rubric ─── [医] 法定品质标准

2、purity rubric ─── [医] 品质标准, 纯度标准

rubric 相似词语短语

1、rubrics ─── n.评估准则;题目(rubric的复数形式)

2、rubidic ─── 铷

3、hubris ─── n.傲慢;狂妄自大

4、Kubrick ─── 库布里克;n.(Kubrick)人名;(英)库布里克

5、cobric ─── 铜

6、lubric ─── adj.光滑的(等于lubricous)

7、fabric ─── n.织物;布;组织;构造;建筑物

8、rub in ─── v.用力擦入;反复讲

9、rubrical ─── adj.仪式指示的;朱色的

rubric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、My god, if you think of the way in which they've destroyed parts of cities under the rubric of eliminating slums. ─── 我的天哪,只要想想他们为消除贫民窟、破坏城市的做法吧。

2、When the final information is sent to teachers, examples of answers are sent along as part of the rubric. ─── 当最终的信息被送给教师们时,答案样例作为规则的一部分亦同时提交。

3、Rubric strike a balance and blue word are retrorse strike a balance is a meaning. ─── 红字冲账和蓝字反向冲账是一个意思。

4、This article aims to offer a critical literature review, from the perspective of political science, on the eight key research areas under the rubric of such issue linkages. ─── 本文目的主要在于从政治学的学科角度,针对涉及这种议题联结的八项研究课题,进行文献讨论和评析。

5、The refrain from certain delegations had been that there were no issues under the rubric of development that PCIPD could not address. ─── 一些代表团老生常谈的说法是,在发展的主题之下,没有什么问题不可以由PCIPD进行处理。

6、rubric [test paper] ─── 答题指示

7、In regard to web-based rubric processor, users agree the texts and buttons showed in clear on the monitor, easy to use, and it works without bugs. ─── 在系统方面,使用者认为系统的文字与按钮图示能清楚呈现,画面安排简单清楚且呈现速度适中,操作方式简单、易上手,系统的功能均能正常执行。

8、In regard to writing rubric, with well-defined scoring rubric can increasing inter-rater consistency, but raters test-retest reliability still influenced by personal variables. ─── 在评分规准内容方面,经研究结果显示明确的评分规准可以提高评分者间的一致性,但评分者内的一致性仍会受误差因素影响。

9、It is a flame stoked by years of dedicated training, by desire, by imagination, by mental toughness, and also, ideally, by a host of traits that fall under the rubric of "sportsmanship. ─── 这火焰代表着艰苦的训练、渴望、梦想、坚忍不拔、以及崇高的理想,这些品质都是“体育道德”的范畴。

10、Finally, the writing reports can make positive influence to teachers, students and parents.The web-based rubric processor has development potential and is worthy to popularize. ─── 研究结果显示,两组学生在写作态度与统一命题作文成绩上,当前测的影响力被排除之后,实验组与控制组的学生在这两方面并没有显著不同。

11、Bit rate: the rate at which fall under the rubric of khabit and can fall under the rubric of "good practices" believer's apartment quantities. ─── 比特速率:印记的比特速率与能编成不疑与的印记居所量有关。

12、Furthermore, some disciplines may place greater emphasis on the mastery of competencies at certain points in the process, and therefore certain compe-tencies would receive greater weight than others in any rubric for measure-ment. ─── 另外,一些学科会在这个过程的某些环节强调对某些能力的掌握,因此在任何衡量机制下一些能力会比别的能力占更多的比重。

13、Two doors along, a rubric stood out from the tenebrous gloom ─── 走过两扇门,黑洞洞的幽暗中显现出注目的题目。

14、Instructional Rubric: An assessment tool designed to support learning by describing high quality work and common problems encountered in assignments in language that students can understand and apply. ─── 教学评估表:该评估参照表有助于帮助学生学习,它使用简明易懂的语言向学生展示何为优秀。

15、What appeared under the rubric of the “Western Learning” were translations of various academic fields such as from astronomy, mathematics physics, biology, philosophy, geography, and phonology. ─── 罗明坚、利玛窦等初入中国时是身着僧袍,且以“西僧”自居的;但利玛窦离开其入华后的第一个居留点肇庆进入韶州时,则开始易僧袍为儒服;

16、The important thing is to have determined the measurement rubric and evaluation method for each subject area. ─── 有时觉得好无耐, 因很多小朋友都怕考试考得唔好会被家长閙!!!

17、This fits under the rubric of "Know thy data, Know thy queries." ─── 这符合“了解数据,了解查询”规则。

18、The reader will have no difficulty in understanding that Javert was the terror of that whole class which the annual statistics of the Ministry of Justice designates under the rubric, Vagrants. ─── 有一个阶级,在司法部的统计年表上是被称为“游民”的,我们不难理解为什么沙威是那个阶级的阎王。

19、SMART goals: A rubric for creating and pursuing your goals, helping to avoid setting goals that are simply unattainable. Stands for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. ─── SMART目标切合实际地来制定、达到你的目标,并避免设定一些不实在的目标。SMART代表的是:明确的,可测量的,可达到的,现实的,适时的。

20、Much of the recent effort under the IFA rubric is actually focused on improving the operations of domestic financial systems. ─── 近来IFA规定下的努力很多都集中在提高国内金融体系的运行上。

21、This falls under the rubric 'various'.. ─── 这个属于不同的题目。

22、To date, the US, while reaffirming its commitment to the peaceful uses of outer space, has not changed its stance, saying it presently sees little merit in entering discussions under the PAROS rubric. ─── 尽管这样,美国方面除了重申其对和平利用外层空间的承诺之外,并没有改变姿态,声称当前并没有在预防外层空间军备竞赛特别委员会的架构下参加讨论的必要。

23、Print out the Evaluation Rubric and review the criteria with your students. ─── 列印评比计分表,并且和队员一起检阅评比标准。

24、Much of the recent effort under the IFA rubric is actually focused on improving the operations of domestic financial systems. ─── 近来IFA规定下的努力很多都集中在提高国内金融体系的运行上。

25、Click on the '''link in the box''' and rubric for selecting '''additional font colors''' will appear. ─── 点击'''方框中的超链接''',然后就可以选择'''额外的字体颜色'''了。

26、Research on Application of Rubric in P.E. Teaching Assessment ─── 量规在体育教学评价中的应用研究

27、K-12 Reading Rubric Collection - Pre-made rubrics specifically designed for use with elementary, middle level, and high school readers. ─── 家庭作业 红字题目发电器-帮助您的学生了解您的期望 为家庭作业任务与这个红字题目。

28、it is reliable to use rubric, which should be design according to specific learning content, to carry through the processive learning assessment on the whole; ─── 使用评价量表进行过程性学习评价基本可靠,其设计要以每个具体的学习内容为依据;

29、The rubric here is simple: Nonprofits must invest in their business ventures. If they cling to a cost mentality, their chances for success are minimal. ─── 要点很简单:非营利组织必须对他们的业务投资。如果他们还是抱着只从成本出发的想法,那么成功的机会微乎其微。

30、Since 2002 China and Russia have been working to**her under the PAROS rubric to present ideas on a framework agreement outlawing space weapons. ─── 从2002年起中国和俄罗斯已经展开共同合作在预防外层空间军备竞赛特别委员会的帮助下提出了一个关于将太空武器列为非法的框架协议的草案。

31、The rubric used to assess this document is detailed below. ─── 在下方列出这份文件的评估项目。

32、Research of the Rubric Application in Network Course Assessment of Adult Education ─── 将量规引入函授网络课程评价中的探索

33、It is usually discussed under the rubric of 'functional obesity'. ─── 这个问题通常是在“官能性肥胖”的题目下进行讨论。

34、This rubric is designed to be as explicit as possible to ensure that all students are graded consistently. ─── 这规则尽可能设计地愈清楚愈好,以确保所有学生能以一贯性的标准来评分。

35、The aid comes under the rubric of technical cooperation between governments. ─── 该援助以两国政府间技术合作的名义提供。

36、The generalizability analysis indicated that moderately reproducible PN scores could be obtained using the existing training methods and 9-point rating rubric. ─── 可归纳性分析显示,利用现有的训练方法和9点评级标准可得到中度可重复性的PN分数。

37、At first, the dissertation neatened the meanings ,types and characters of rubric systematacially; ─── 本文首先对量规的含义、类型和特点等进行了系统梳理;

38、Boulet et al., 1998a, 2001, 2002) recent changes to the PN scoring rubric and rater training regiment mandate that additional data be collected and analyzed. ─── Boulet等,1998年,2001年,2002年),但最近PN评分标准和分级员培训组织的变动要求额外数据的收集和分析。

39、In other words, the purpose of Chinese diplomacy under the rubric of modernization is not to expand influence abroad but to create an environment conducive to domestic economic development. ─── 纵然国际情势不断变化,北京对外策略亦有调整,惟基本方针从未改变。

40、The refrain from certain delegations had been that there were no issues under the rubric of development that PCIPD could not address. ─── 一些代表团老生常谈的说法是,在发展的主题之下,没有什么问题不可以由PCIPD进行处理。

41、Submit bill adjustment form, bad debt form, second bill application form and rubric application form ─── 及时申报帐单调整表、坏帐申请表、二次帐单申请表和红字申请表等

42、We can subsume spatio-temporal descriptions and descriptions in terms of properties in these formal spaces under the rubric of structural descriptions. ─── 我们能够包容时空描述和根据属性的描述(在这些形式的空间中,基于“结构”的描述)。

43、Use the following three-point rubric to evaluate students' work during this lesson. ─── 采用下面三分制量规对本课中学生的工作打分。

44、There is a rubric above " does peaceful of flourish prosperous anus give " ? ─── 但是我又怕她们的高跟踩坏了我英俊的面孔,所以我看到了些内裤。

45、Review the evaluation rubric at the link below so that you will know how to organize and present your information. ─── 贵队可以先从基本元素开始,如果时间允许的话,再逐步去修饰作品的细节。

46、Score this project using a printed Peer Review Rubric and then enter the scores in the short form below. Hit the TAB key to move from field to field. ─── 使用书面评分表先在纸上打好分数后再在下方的短表中输入分数,按tab键来在各空格中移动。

47、The rubric should clearly delineate the teacher's expectations for performance so that all students, including those with special needs, understand what they need to accomplish. ─── 量规应该清楚地描述教师对学生绩效的期望,这样所有的学生,包括特殊需要的学生,能理解他们需要完成什么.

48、Adams, P. E., ; Krockover, G. H (1999), Stimulating constructivist teaching styles through use of an observation rubric, Jomal of Researich in Science Teaching, 36(8), 955-971. ─── 段晓林;江武雄;李晖(1997),国中理化实习教师学科教学基本知能检定之研究,中华民国第+三届科学教育学术研讨会,,.

49、Putting an agenda point under the rubric of non-negotiable will mark the practitioner as a novice or at least a weak bargainer. ─── 将一个议程的要点列于不可谈判的条目下将标志谈判者是一个新手或者至少是一个虚弱的谈判者。

50、Please follow the rubric carefully. ─── 请认真地阅读规则。

51、The secretary does not become aware right-down, before walking up till the secretary, going informing those rubric in a low voice do not need to read aloud. ─── 书记全然不觉,直到秘书走上前去小声告知那些红字是不需要念的。

52、You will each receive a copy of the rubric that will be used to determine your reading grade for the quarter. ─── 不过因为全程使用英语授课,至少对于大家的听力训练是一大助益。

53、Under the rubric personality, Anthony is described as "humble and private, you view the world through a dreamy and reflective lens. ─── 在红色的名字下面,还有一段这样的描述“你谦逊而低调,你用一种平和而爱思考的心态对待这个世界”。

54、This mission is sometimes discussed under the rubric of 'horizontal escalation'.from conventional to nuclear war(Jack Beatty) ─── 这项使命有时以从传统战争到核战争的水平逐步上升这一类问题而讨论(杰克 贝蒂)

55、official rubric ─── [医] 法定品质标准

56、But he sketched out what appears to be a possible compromise, where the U.S. and North Korea hold bilateral talks first, under the rubric of the six-party dialogue. ─── 但他大致阐述了一个可能的折衷方案,即朝美在六方会谈的框架下首先进行双边磋商。

57、There is only one Barthelme’s peculiar sensibility or mise en scene under the rubric of innovation is for that writer to mess around with chaos and disaster and, worse, self-deception. ─── 真正的实验小说应该是全新的,如庞得所说。

58、This rubric is designed to be as explicit as possible to ensure that all students are graded consistently. ─── 这规则尽可能设计地愈清楚愈好,以确保所有学生能以一贯性的标准来评分。

59、Finally the author gives a rubric of interaction in WBI so as to measure the level of interaction. ─── 最后,笔者按照WBI交互的特性,设计了一个交互的形成性评价量表,以便对WBI的交互水平进行较为科学准确的评估。

60、"This mission is sometimes discussed under the rubric of ‘horizontal escalation’ . . . from conventional to nuclear war" (Jack Beatty) ─── “这项使命有时以从传统战争到核战争的水平逐步上升这一类问题而讨论”(杰克·贝蒂)

61、a rubric day ─── 节日

62、In its place, the viewer finds little slivers of authenticity, descriptive representations that transcend the rubric of the “personal,” the “everyday. ─── 观众在该次展览可以看见可贵的真实叙述性的表达,这种表达超越了普遍化的“个人”、“日常”的定义。

63、In this chapter, the author also recommends the current research of this field at home and abroad and summarizes the questions existing in the design and application of the rubric. ─── 本文分为三章:第一章对量规的概念、分类和意义进行了详细的阐述,并对其在国内外的应用现状进行了梳理,总结了在量规设计及应用中存在的问题。

64、This mission is sometimes discussed under the rubric of ‘horizontal escalation’.from conventional to nuclear war(Jack Beatty) ─── 这项使命有时以从传统战争到核战争的水平逐步上升这一类问题而讨论(杰克·贝蒂)

65、The presumption of state control under the rubric of “African socialism” (an illusory third way) has been junked. ─── 以“非洲社会主义”为红色标题的国家管控假想已经卡壳了,那只是幻想中的第三种路线。

66、Learn the rubric process via modifiable examples. ─── 网站简介:Software to develop rubrics.

67、How that happens differs from situation to situation, but all of it falls under the rubric of library science. ─── 这个整理的过程会因情境不同而有所不同,但是所有这些都可以归为“图书馆管理学”。

68、3. As a result, thousands of clerks must interact with rigid, overbearing software under the false rubric of keeping databases from crashing. ─── 作为结果,成千上万的数据录入人员不得不硬着头皮和刻板专横的软件打交道,还要顶着“数据库可能崩溃”的红色警告。

69、It is usually discussed under the rubric of 'functional obesity'. ─── 这个问题通常是在“官能性肥胖”的题目下进行讨论。

70、Under the rubric personality, Anthony is described as "humble and private, you view the world through a dreamy and reflective le . ─── 在红色的名字下面,还有一段这样的描述“你谦逊而低调,你用一种平和而爱思考的心态对待这个世界”。

71、purity rubric ─── [医] 品质标准, 纯度标准

72、Yet, as always, the gratuitous meaning of the work in never avowed directly: it is rationalized under the rubric of use. ─── 还有,这件作品还有一种不值一提的意义,但这种意义绝没有被直截了当的宣布出来:他是一种在效用法则下自圆其说的产物。

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