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09-05 投稿



erelong 发音

英:[[e?'l??]]  美:[[er'l??]]

英:  美:

erelong 中文意思翻译



erelong 相似词语短语

1、agelong ─── adj.长年的;久远的;持久的

2、age-long ─── adj.长年的;久远的;持久的

3、before long ─── 不久以后

4、prolong ─── vt.延长;拖延

5、belong ─── vi.属于,应归入;居住;适宜;应被放置

6、year-long ─── adj.整整一年的;持续一年的

7、Prelog ─── 普雷洛格

8、Geelong ─── n.吉朗(澳大利亚一座城市)

9、endlong ─── adv.纵

erelong 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He knew that some in the company, now manifesting hypocritical sorrow, would erelong be planning the death, not only of the mighty miracle worker, but of the one to be raised from the dead. ─── 也知道其中一些人现下虽假装悲伤,不久不但要谋害那行神迹的大能者,还会打算把那将要从死里复活的拉撒路置于死地呢!基督尽可以揭穿他们虚伪的忧伤,却抑制了自已的义愤。

2、His decision was soon made, and erelong he was enrolled as a student at Wittenberg. ─── 他终于下了决心,不久就在威丁堡大学报名入学了。

3、the weeds at the bottom gently bending down the stream, shaken by the watery wind, still planted where their seeds had sunk, but erelong to die and go down likewise; ─── 那河底的水草随着水流轻柔地弯曲,仿佛受到水底清风的吹拂,此刻还在水底扎根,但不久后就会凋零并随波涛逝去;

4、Surely, if there be constant attachment on each side, our hearts must understand each other erelong ─── 当然,我们双方要是忠贞不渝的话,那么我们的心不久就会相通。

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