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09-05 投稿



haloing 发音

英:[?he?l????]  美:[?he?lo???]

英:  美:

haloing 中文意思翻译



haloing 词性/词形变化,haloing变形

名词复数: halos |动词第三人称单数: haloes |动词过去式: haloed |动词过去分词: haloed |动词现在分词: haloing |

haloing 相似词语短语

1、halloaing ─── int.(用以引起注意)嘿,喂;(打猎时令狗出发追逐猎物)嘿,上(等于halloo);n.“嘿”(或“哎”)的喊叫声(等于halloo);v.发出“嘿”(或“嗨”)声;向……大声叫喊(等于halloo)

2、halloing ─── int.哈罗;嘿;喂(等于hello);n.“喂”的招呼声;打招呼(等于hello);v.说“喂”;打招呼(等于hello);n.(Hallo)(荷)哈洛(人名)

3、halving ─── n.二等分;[数]对分;v.二等分;把…减半(halve的ing形式)

4、haling ─── v.用力拖(或拉);强迫(hale的现在分词)

5、enhaloing ─── vt.使有光环,使生光彩

6、halsing ─── 哈尔辛

7、halling ─── n.哈林舞曲;哈林舞(一种三拍子的挪威民间舞蹈)

8、halting ─── adj.犹豫的;蹒跚的;跛的;v.停止;蹒跚;犹豫(halt的ing形式)

9、hallooing ─── int.(用以引起注意)嘿,喂;(打猎时令狗出发追逐猎物)嘿,上;n.“嘿”(或“哎”)的喊叫声;v.发出“嘿”(或“嗨”)声;向……大声叫喊

haloing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Invisible to optical devices, the halo can be seen by FUSE as a blue, football-shaped envelope around the galaxy. ─── 光学仪器是看不见这种日冕的,通过FUSE可看到,这种日冕围绕在银河系周围,象一个蓝色足球形状的外壳。

2、Neath the halo of a street lamp. ─── 头顶上街灯的光晕将我笼罩(我睡在街灯下)。

3、The geochemical character of ore body is analyzed in this paper. The authors point out that As is the best ore hunting indication element in soil halo. ─── 对哲波山微细浸染型金矿床地球化学特征进行初步的研究得出 :矿床次生晕中 Au,As关系密切 ,As是最佳指示元素 ; 矿床原生晕特征在不同的成矿阶段表现出不同的特征。

4、Scholars do not give in to fill Yam officer, transfer supervisor halo QINGYANG library, not on, then Pelosi Yongning seclusion between landscape. ─── 举进士不中,以荫补官,调监庆阳晕器库,不就,遂隐居洛西永宁山水间。

5、Now that Halo 3 is released, many of you have questions. ─── 《光环3》发布了,大家可能有很多问题。

6、She played the part of an angel, complete with wings and a halo. ─── 她扮演天使,身上的双翼和头上的光轮一应俱全。

7、We noticed a few imperfections on our convergence, screen regulation, and halo tests, which means that CAD users will want to look elsewhere. ─── 在会聚、屏幕分辨率、晕圈测试中以及就不理想,这表示它并不适合CAD用户。

8、Neath the halo of a street lamp, I turned my collar to the cold and damp. ─── 在路灯的光照下,寒冷和湿气让我竖起衣领,

9、The cone needs to be sampled to get volumetric shadow, and the sampling occurs with a step defined by the HaloStep NumButton (Halo Step NumButton.). ─── 圆锥体需要被采样,以获得立方体阴影。采样步长由光晕步长数字按钮设定(光晕步长数字按钮。)。

10、chroma interpolation along edges produces noticeable haloing artifacts. ─── 沿边缘的色度插值会产生明显的光晕伪像。

11、But Dr Treu found that the dark matter extended further than the visible matter, forming a halo around it. ─── 但他还发现暗物质的分布范围远比可见物质来的广,并参与形成了其上的光环。

12、R" is a replaceable function, e. g. acetoxy, methoxy, their acyloxy and alkoxy homologs or halo. ─── R”是取化基,如乙氧基、甲氧基及它们的环氧和烷氧同系物或卤基。

13、So, we can do nothing but to wait patiently until the god is kind enough to tear clouds away, showing us the sun covered black with golden halo around. ─── 因此,我们只有耐心等待,直到上帝仁慈的改变了主意,把云层扯开,给我们展现出被黑色覆盖着,周围闪着金色光环的日全食。

14、Well but back to topic, the Halo will be used as General's Point transport. ─── 回到正题上来吧。这种武器将会成为游戏中的重要运输力量。

15、Has just returned from the beautiful Hu Guangyan, read too much blue sky, mountains, green, white clouds and water, eyes a bit long halo, coated. ─── 刚刚从美丽的湖光岩归来,看过了太多的蓝天、山、绿地、白云和湖水,眼睛有点长时间的晕、眩。

16、His heart was as large as his body, and a halo of fancy used to surround him like a poetic astral body which seemed to be his truer image. ─── 他的心胸像他身材一样豁达,有一种想象的光环总是像诗的星体一样围绕着他,这似乎是他更真实的形象。

17、So I was sitting in my house playing Halo and I'm looking at my surveillance camera and I see Dominic and Nick creep up to my property all decked out. ─── 因此,我正坐在我家玩光环,我期待在我的监视摄像机,我看到多米尼克和尼克蠕变,我所有的财产,稳稳的进了。

18、The halo of the moon tonight is bright. ─── 今晚月亮周围的光晕非常明亮。

19、Becke line Thin band or halo of refracted light seen under a microscope at the meeting point of two substances that have different refractive indices. ─── 在偏光显微镜下看到的在两种不同折射率物质的交界处出现的细线或光环。

20、Abovebelow the galactic plain, in which Earthour solar system reside, they detected an extremely thin, hot gas corona, or halo. ─── 在这上下居住着地球和的太阳系的星系平原上,科学家发现一种极薄的热气日冕。

21、The two scurry across the branch dropping behind a bush, so we can no longer see them. We can, however, see the shimmering halo of sunlight. ─── 他们两个快速爬过树枝并跳入后面的丛林中,已不在我们的视线内了。但我们可以看见太阳的微微光晕。

22、A halo of perfect platinum glitters with diamonds for an elegant eye-catching affect. ─── 完美的环形铂金与璀璨的钻石的造型光彩夺目无比闪耀。

23、Microtubules often have a halo around the outside which is only slightly stained. ─── 围绕着微管的外周,常有一层仅能着色很浅的晕圈。

24、Do you attempt to find comfort in it's downfallen halo? ─── 企图在它没落的荣光里找寻慰藉?

25、"Oh, well, make it a halo, if you like, I don't care for his outfit, I was only just talking. ─── “那好,只要你高兴,让他戴个光圈上天堂也行,他怎么样和我无关,我只是随便说说。

26、Mortar System, Afghanistan Nuristan, Afghanistan, October 2006: Blast halo and round exiting mortar tube as U.S. forces engage nearby insurgents. ─── 努里斯坦省,阿富汗,2006年10月:当美军与附近的叛乱份子交战时,迫击炮管口升腾起圆形的冲击波光环。

27、At the same time, the galaxy expels gas loaded with heavy elements into its halo and maybe even into intergalactic space. ─── 同时,星系也将含有重元素的气体排放到星系晕,甚至更远的星系际空间里。

28、A bright spot sometimes appearing on either side of the sun, often on a luminous ring or halo. ─── 幻日,假日有时出现在太阳旁边的一个常常形成光亮的环的明亮光斑

29、Do you wish to emit the halo, to be free from entangles and to transcend the ocean of bitterness? ─── 你们希不希望发出光、出神入化、超脱苦海呢?

30、If there many more like her, the stock of halo will give you. ─── 假如像她的人更多的话,光环的存库就会耗尽啦。

31、Then, shaking his head with a halo of sacred his son Aristide cupids , said to him: "Look at you, which is how some people treat foreigners love? ─── 于是,头上晃动着神圣光环的阿芙洛蒂德唤过自己的儿子小爱神厄罗斯,对他说:"看看吧,这几个人是怎洋对待爱情的?

32、A wide halo of pearly light can be seen around the dark moon. ─── 可以看到一大片珍珠似的光晕围绕着暗弱的月球。

33、In " innovation " , " yield benefit " etc while halo is glaring, TCL group also must be faced " take inferior asset to encircle money " doubt. ─── 在“创新”、“让利”等光环闪耀的同时,TCL集团也不得不面对“拿劣质资产圈钱”的质疑。

34、But the emptiness of the story," Hero", shows serious commercial crisis behind the halo of Zhang's films. ─── 但是,该片故事情节的单薄空泛又显露出张艺谋电影光环背后隐藏着严重的商业危机。

35、D9 to achieve the use of powerful cameras, Halo, and insert music. ─── 使用d9实现功能强大的摄像机,光晕,以及音乐的插入。

36、Reason of Produce Haloing on Through Hole of the PCB ─── 印制板通孔上晕圈产生的原因

37、Surrounding the Sun is a halo formed by sunlight refracting through hexagonal-shaped ice crystals in high, thin clouds. ─── 围绕太阳的是一个晕圈,是太阳光经过高空中的六边形冰晶和薄云反射形成。

38、The conventional representation of such a being in the image of a human figure with a halo and wings. ─── 天使形象有光环和翅膀的人形化身的传统天使形象

39、Zero: This is one for the history books; the world's first HALO jump. ─── 历史会记载这史上第一次HALO(高跳低开式)跳伞。

40、M81 is gravitationally interacting with M82 just below it, a big galaxy with an unusual halo of filamentary red-glowing gas. ─── M81与其下方的M82存在着相互间的引力作用,M82是一个具有奇特红色炽热气体光环的大星系。

41、In their eyes, this man who reached down to help them up wears the halo of a modern-day savior. ─── 在她们的眼中,这个下来帮助她们的人,身上带著现代救主的光圈。

42、Yeah..... but this time is too over..... grmndma is halo on the ground! ─── 小公主:(蹲在奶奶旁边)是哦,不过,这次很过火,奶奶好像被臭晕了!

43、Astronomers found the halo using NASA's Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer( FUSE) satellite to peer beyond the edges of our home galaxy. ─── 天文学家是使用美国航空航天局的远紫外线光谱探测仪(USE)卫星,在我们所居住的星系边缘外发现此日冕的。

44、It either has to be a SIMs clone, a Diner Dash Clone, or a Halo clone for it to even get a modicum of press and marketing. ─── 他们不是是模仿虚拟人生就是模仿梦幻餐厅,再不然就是模仿光环,因为他们只有很小的发行量和很小的市场。

45、Primary halo is very effective to detect the deep mineralization of ore deposits. ─── 原生晕分析是研究矿床深部矿化远景的有效手段。

46、Just riding car near my mobile phone ringing, I thought it was the tea came, saw numbers halo, dust, I girlfriend online. ─── 刚坐上汽车不久,我的手机响了,我以为是红袖打过来的,一看电话号码,晕,是烟尘,我网上的女朋友。

47、The halo of shadow outshines the holy light. ─── 圣光不属于我,透著暗影光晕才是最有自信的!

48、Halo 3, one of the most heavily marketed games in history, goes on sale at midnight in the US. ─── 使有晕轮3,一那最很重地在历史中销售比赛,在午夜在美国开始销售。

49、From the initial halo over the "sea to be" phenomenon, higher education vision naturally, but people who study more, and more intense competition. ─── 从最初的光环笼罩到“海待”等现象出现,学历高了眼光自然也高,但留学的人多了,竞争也更加激烈。

50、He dreamed that he had a halo over his head shining like the Buddha's halo. ─── 他梦到自己头上环绕着一片光明,金黄闪耀如同佛光。

51、Similar to the Milky Way Galaxy, the main components of M31 are nucleus, bulge, disc and halo. ─── 与银河系结构类似,M31的基本成分包括:核、核球、盘和晕。

52、This is cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in the lung.Note the very large cells that have large violet intranuclear inclusions with a small clear halo. ─── 巨细胞病毒(CMV)感染的病毒性肺炎,可见体积很大的细胞内有紫色核内包涵体,并且包涵体周围都有一清晰小光晕。

53、They began sloshing of the network, to a large halo. ─── 他们的网又开始晃荡了,又晕到一大片。

54、Whether be or not have had the different halo , should be different from the rest right away achieving on? ─── 关键字:翻译:"是不是头上有了不一样的光环,就要做到与众不同呢?"

55、When a halo rings around the moon or sun, rain is approaching on the run. ─── 太阳月亮镶银边,老天马上要下雨。

56、Halo: A quadratic progression with the shape of a three-dimensional ball. ─── 三维球体形状的二次渐进。

57、In some instances, a halo may be seen around the center when held to light. ─── 在某些情况下,一个孔环在光照下面可以看到的是围绕的中心点。

58、You will notice that the head has developed a new halo of fuzz by 6 months. ─── 你会发觉头已经制定了新的光环模糊了6个月。

59、What Tolstoy saw among military historians, Phil Rosenzweig in The Halo Effect sees on the business bookshelves. ─── 倒霉的大型金融机构首席执行官和全球金融领袖们最近聚集在北京,分享这位法国皇帝的经历。

60、After surveying my nonsense, I Found that this halo effect always attaches itself to things that seem irretrievably lost. ─── 审视完这些废话之后,我发现这种晕轮效应总是伴随着一些看起来一去不复返的东西而出现。

61、There may be a halo, the mineral content of which usually decreases the further away it is from the core of the deposit. ─── 可能有一个浸染晕,晕中矿物的含量一般随远离矿床核部而减

62、Above and below the galactic plain, in which Earth and our solar system reside, they detected an extremely thin, hot gas corona, or halo. ─── 在这上下居住着地球和我们的太阳系的星系平原上,科学家发现一种极薄的热气日冕。

63、To encircle with or as if with a halo. ─── 围绕或好象以光环围绕

64、The ancient stars proximately perch in the sparsest galactic halo. ─── 年代较为久远的恒星位于星体最为稀疏的银晕附近。

65、Halo step - The stepping of the halo sampling for volumetric shadows when volumetric light is on. This will be explained in lighting_volumetric_light. ─── 平滑-控制阴影边界的平滑程度。值越高,阴影边界越平滑,阴影延伸的越多。通常该值应该在采样按钮的值及其倍值之间选择。

66、U're gonna rip your headon the halo! ─── |你这样会损伤你的大脑的!

67、The description of neutron halo is introduced,and the 1+3 quasiparticle-vibration coupling model is put forward. ─── 全面地介绍了中子晕核,并提出了解释晕核能级结构的1+3准粒子-核心四极振动耦合模型.

68、This is the famed "precious Emei lights" or "Buddha's halo". ─── 奇妙异常,人 称“佛光”。

69、It would be a very good idea to have a picture of yourself on your refrigerator with a halo around your head! ─── 在你的冰箱上来拥有光环在你的头部四周你自己的一幅照片将是一个非常好的想法!

70、After incubation examine the VRBG dishes for characteristic dark purple colonies which are usually surrounded by a purple halo (precipitate). ─── 培养后检查VRBG平板,特征菌为紫黑色并环绕紫色光环(有沉淀物)。

71、Your halo will irradiate me forever. ─── 你的圣光将永远照耀着我。

72、A high - altitude,thin hazy cloud,usually covering the sky and often producing a halo effect. ─── 卷层云一种薄雾状高空云,常覆盖天空并产生光晕效应

73、The fractures were managed surgically in 3 patients, halo jacket was used in 2, and the remainder were managed expectantly on traction. ─── 3例骨折采用手术处理,2例用颈围保守治疗,其余采用牵引疗法。

74、Itll even too Halo direct ripoff utk does coming also Looove decent Nothing certainly realm matter his. ─── 平原课程较容易的连接使用当手花费行为或窗户事物之时。

75、Look at lights at night, brightest at the bulb, and quicklyfalls off in a circular halo surrounding the hot spot, and quickly fades toblack. ─── 在夜晚观察灯光,在灯泡处非常的明亮,然后灯光的亮度就迅速的衰减下来,在灯泡周围形成圆形的光晕。

76、In connection, the volume knob of white around the circle will have a halo of orange, very beautiful. ─── 在接通以后,白色的音量旋钮周围会有一圈橙色的光环,非常漂亮。

77、Primary halo overprinting is also applied in the gold deposits with sedimentary stone. ─── 原生叠加晕方法也同样适用于以沉积岩为容矿的金矿找矿实践中;

78、For the constant communication between the earth and spacecrafts, it’s better to choose large halo orbits around L2 as nominal orbits for spacecrafts. ─── 为了使探测器与地球的通讯不受到影响,最好选择L2点附近较大的晕轨道作为目标轨道。

79、Were there not the brilliant particles of a halo in the air about his head? ─── 他头上的空中不是有光环在光芒四射吗?

80、Beneath the halo of a street lamp .I turned my collar to the cold damp. ─── 头顶上街灯的光晕将我笼罩.我翻起衣领以抗御此夜的寒冷及潮湿.

81、The cone needs to be sampled to get volumetric shadow, and the sampling occurs with a step defined by the HaloStep NumButton (Halo Step NumButton. ─── 圆锥体需要被采样,以获得立方体阴影。采样步长由光晕步长数字按钮设定(光晕步长数字按钮。

82、Smoke wreathed his head like a halo. ─── 他头上烟雾缭绕,宛如一圈光环。

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