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09-05 投稿



exophthalmos 发音

英:[[?eks?f'θ?lm?s]]  美:[[?eks?f'θ?lm?s]]

英:  美:

exophthalmos 中文意思翻译



exophthalmos 短语词组

1、pulsating exophthalmos ─── [医] 博动性眼球突出

2、exophthalmos-producing substance ─── [医] 致突眼物质

exophthalmos 词性/词形变化,exophthalmos变形

形容词: exophthalmic |

exophthalmos 相似词语短语

1、ophthalmo- ─── 眼科

2、exophthalmia ─── n.眼球突出症;(尤指由疾病等引起的)突眼

3、endophthalmitis ─── n.[眼科]眼内炎

4、exophthalmic ─── adj.突眼的;眼球突出的

5、exophthalmus ─── 突眼;眼球突出

6、xerophthalmic ─── 干眼症

7、xerophthalmia ─── n.[眼科]干眼病,眼球干燥症

8、edriophthalmous ─── 邻苯二甲酸

9、podophthalmous ─── 足眼的

exophthalmos 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Research progress on TCM treating thyrotoxic exophthalmos ─── 中医药治疗甲亢突眼的研究进展

2、Eye ball: normal exophthalmos depression tremor motion dysfunction(left right ) ─── 眼球正常突出凹陷震颤运动障碍(左右)

3、It may be considered as a first-step evaluation and follow-up examination for any patient with unilateral exophthalmos. ─── 对于眼窝软组织异常引起之突眼症之初步评估及追综检查极有助益。

4、dysthyroid exophthalmos ─── 甲状腺机能障碍性眼球突出

5、bilateral exophthalmos ─── 两侧突眼

6、sarcoma and syphilis, not only in the long skin may also be in the long socket, causing exophthalmos . ─── 且梅毒肉瘤不仅长在皮肤也可能长在眼窝,引起眼球突出。

7、thyrotropic exophthalmos ─── 促甲状腺激素性眼球突出

8、exophthalmos macroglossia gigantism ─── 突眼巨舌巨体症

9、Combined TCM and west medicine to treating 22 cases of postoperative malignant exophthalmos resulting from hyperthyroidism ─── 中西医结合治疗甲亢术后恶性突眼22例

10、Keywords Orbital tumor;Exophthalmos;Transcranial orbitotomy; ─── 眼眶肿瘤;突眼;经颅开眶术;

11、Conclusion: Combined acupuncture and medicine is quite effective for the eye symptoms of thyrotoxic exophthalmos. ─── 结论:针药结合可有效改善甲亢性突眼症患者的眼部症状。

12、thyrotoxic exophthalmos ─── 甲状腺毒素性突眼

13、pituitary exophthalmos ─── 垂体性突眼

14、Clinical findings of orbital emphysema may include periorbital redness and swelling, enophthalmos or exophthalmos, diplopia, decreased visual acuity, limited eyeball movement and even blindness. ─── 临床上病人呈现眼眶周围红肿、眼球内陷或外凸、双眼复视、视力减退、眼球运动受限及失明等症状。

15、Objective: To study the etiologic factors, the value of CT diagnosis and differential diagnosis of exophthalmos. ─── 摘要目的:探讨眼球突出的病因、CT诊断及鉴别诊断价值。

16、infiltrative exophthalmos ─── 浸润性突眼症

17、benign exophthalmos ─── 良性突眼(症)

18、invasion exophthalmos ─── 侵润性突眼

19、Measurement of pupillary distance,orbital distance and exophthalmos degree of 2*!600 children in Kaifeng city ─── 开封市2600例儿童少年瞳距、眶距与眼球突出度的测量统计

20、Conclusions Paranasal sinus diseases maybe easier to encroach upon the orbit, exophthalmos maybe the first symptom that we can found. ─── 结论鼻窦肿瘤易侵及眼眶,临床多以眼球突出为首发症状。

21、CT scan showed significant left exophthalmos and marginal enhancing loculated fluid accumulation over superior and medial orbital wall and the mentioned lesion compressed to the superior and medial ocular muscles and optic nerve. ─── 计算机断层扫描发现左眼明显突出且在眼窝内壁和上壁有一边缘加强的液体堆积小腔,这个病灶已压迫上直肌、直肌和视神经。

22、paralytic exophthalmos ─── 麻痹性眼球突出

23、Results: Each case had trauma history and ocular signs such as exophthalmos, conjunctiva hyperemia and chemosis, and motor restriction was obvious. ─── 结果:5例患者均有外伤史、眼球突出、球结膜充血水肿及眼球运动障碍。

24、Analysis of MRI and CT manifastions of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses diseases with secondary exophthalmos ─── 鼻源性眼球突出的MRI及CT表现分析

25、asymmetric exophthalmos ─── 不对称眼球突出

26、Keywords Pulsating exophthalmos;Diagnosis;Interventional radiology;Embolismic therapy; ─── 搏动性突眼;诊断;介入放射学;栓塞;治疗;

27、Objective To explore the method,result and technical characteristics of embolization treatment with detachable balloon for traumatic pulsating exophthalmos (carotid caverous fistula,TCCF). ─── 目的探讨外伤性搏动性眼球突出(颈动脉海绵窦瘘)使用可脱性球囊介入手术栓塞治疗的方法、结果和技术特点。

28、Case 2, a 17-year-old female, suffered from exophthalmos and globe displacement in right eye. ─── 两者均接受了手术切除、化学治疗及放射线治疗,现情况良好,无复发迹象。

29、Keywords orbital volume;children;growth;development;measurement;Computed Tomography;normal values;interorbital distance / interlateral orbital rim distance;Exophthalmos;exophthalmometer;Epidemiology; ─── 眼眶容积;儿童;生长;发育;测量;计算机体层摄影术;正常值;眶距;眼球突出;眼球突出计;流行病学;

30、sarcoma and syphilis, not only in the long skin may also be in the long socket, causing exophthalmos. ─── 且梅毒肉瘤不仅长在皮肤也可能长在眼窝,引起眼球突出。

31、Observation of clinical results of orbital decompression in 30 cases of malignant exophthalmos ─── 眼眶减压术治疗30例恶性突眼的疗效观察

32、There can be also stuffiness in chest, palpitation, shortness of breath, tremor of fingers irritability, hot temper, perspiration exophthalmos, and wiry, rolling, rapid pulse. ─── 有的兼见胸闷,心悸气促,手指颤动,急躁易怒,容易汗出,眼球突出,脉弦滑而数。

33、3.Purpose: To report a case of exophthalmos related to frontal and ethmoid sinusitis with subperiosteal abscess. ─── 摘要目的:报告一个因额窦与筛窦鼻窦炎及骨膜下脓疡而引起的突眼症病例。

34、MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Amount of reduction in exophthalmos after surgery and incidence of induced postoperative diplopia. ─── 主要检测指标:手术后眼球突出的减少量和术后复视的发生率。

35、Physical examinations revealed the skin was sweaty, slight exophthalmos, and tremor of fingers. ─── 体检发现皮肤多汗、轻度眼球突出和手指震颤。

36、Abstract Objective To study the change of the ratio of exophthalmos and intraorbital pressure when the space-occupying lesion of the orbit were solid,liquid or gas. ─── 眶内疾病可引起眼球突出度和眶压改变,眶内有占位性病变时,眼球突出度和眶压升高。

37、In this paper, the application of ultrasonography in the diagnosis and pathology of exophthalmos was introduced. ─── 本文重点介绍超声技术在甲亢突眼征中的诊断和病理研究应用概况。

38、Objective To investigate the exophthalmos of female youth and its relationship with myopia. ─── 目的了解青年女性眼球突出度及其与近视眼关系。

39、Posterior subcapsular cataracts, increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma and exophthalmos. ─── 后部包膜白内障,眼压上升,青光眼,眼球突出。

40、31 Cases of Treatment over Hyperthyroidism Exophthalmos with Combination of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine ─── 中西医结合治疗甲亢突眼31例

41、Keywords Hyperthyroidism;Prednisone;Infiltrative exophthalmos; ─── 甲亢;强的松;浸润性突眼;

42、Advance on the Research of Endocrine Infiltrative Exophthalmos Treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine ─── 内分泌浸润性突眼症的中医药治疗进展

43、The most common etiology of unilateral and bilateral exophthalmos is thyroid associated ophthalmopathy(TAO).The diagnosis is not difficult, but the treatment is still controversy. ─── 甲状腺相关眼病是临床上最常见的表现为单侧或双侧眼球突出的疾病,诊断并不困难,但治疗尚无统一方法。

44、traumatic exophthalmos ─── 外伤性眼球突出

45、Exophthalmos 952 cases due to orbital tumors ─── 眼眶肿瘤致眼球突出952例

46、Keywords Exophthalmos;Tomography;spiral computed; ─── 突眼;体层摄影术;螺旋计算机;

47、endocrine infiltrative exophthalmos ─── 内分泌浸润性突眼

48、Keywords Hyperthyroidism Endocrine exophthalmos Suppression subtractive hybridization Differential screen; ─── 甲亢;浸润性突眼;抑制消减杂交;差异筛选;

49、Sphenoid wing dysplasia is usually asymptomatic, but patients can present with pulsating exophthalmos or enophthalmos. ─── 通常无症状,但也可出现搏动性突眼或眼球内陷。

50、congenital exophthalmos ─── 先天性眼球突出

51、Embolization treatment with detachable balloon for traumatic pulsating exophthalmos . ─── 外伤性搏动性眼球突出的可脱性球囊栓塞手术。

52、paradoxical exophthalmos ─── 反常眼球突出

53、Results The commonest clinical manifestation was nasal obstruction and exophthalmos. ─── 结果主要临床表现为鼻堵及眼突。

54、Because different types of CCFs hae different hemodynamic alteration and different draining routes, clinical features such as pulsating exophthalmos may not come out. ─── 由于不同类型的CCF,有不同的血流动力学改变和不同的引流路径,临床特点可没有搏动性眼球突出。在这些情况下,容易漏诊6-8。

55、Two cases of primary hypothyroidism with infiltrative exophthalmos ─── 原发性甲状腺功能减退症伴发浸润性突眼二例

56、She suspects all the symptoms were aroused due to stress in class lessons. Physical examinations revealed the skin was sweaty, slight exophthalmos, and tremor of fingers. ─── 她自认为这些症状是由于功课紧张所致。体检发现皮肤多汗、轻度眼球突出和手指震颤。

57、Embolization treatment with detachable balloon for traumatic pulsating exophthalmos. ─── 外伤性搏动性眼球突出的可脱性球囊栓塞手术。

58、Study on ratio of exophthalmos and intraorbital pressure in orbit diseases ─── 眼眶病患者眼球突出度与眶压比值的研究

59、pituitaro-diencephalic exophthalmos ─── 垂体间脑性眼球突出

60、Conclusion The ratio of exophthalmos and intraorbital pressure can prove the character of the space-occupying lesions in orbit. ─── 结论测量眼球突出度与眶压的比值可为诊断眶内占位性病变的性质提供依据。

61、malignant exophthalmos ─── 恶性突眼症

62、unilateral exophthalmos, was particularly prevalent in the local or orbital inflammatory lesions are seen occasionally in intracranial lesions. ─── 单侧眼球突出,多见于局部炎症或眶内有占位性病变,偶见于颅内病变。

63、Analysis of MRI and CT manifestations of paranasal sinuses and orbitocranial disorders with secondary exophthalmos WEI Ruili, CAI Jiping, WANG Haiqing, et al. ─── 中华眼科杂志1999年第3期第35卷论著作者:魏锐利蔡季平王海青陶晓峰朱煌周浩单位:200003上海,第二军医大学第二附属医院眼科关键词:眶疾病;眶肿瘤;CT;MRI...

64、pulsating exophthalmos ─── 搏动性眼球突出搏动性突眼症

65、Results Most cases had features of exophthalmos, lid swelling, limitation of ocular movement. some of them with visual loss, optic papilledema and orbital mass. ─── 结果22例有反复的眶内炎症史及占位性病变体征,如眼睑及结膜充血水肿,眼球突出,眼球运动受限;

66、Constant exophthalmos ─── 恒定性突眼

67、Objective To study the change of the ratio of exophthalmos and intraorbital pressure when the space-occupying lesion of the orbit were solid,liquid or gas. ─── 目的了解眶内占位性病变为固体、液体或气体时眼球突出度与眶压比值的差异。

68、progressive exophthalmos ─── 进行性眼球突出

69、CT measurement of exophthalmos of orbital patients and its clinical significance ─── 眼球突出度的CT测量及其临床意义

70、pathologically excessive production of thyroid hormones; characterized by increased metabolism and exophthalmos ─── 在病理学中,甲状腺激素分泌过剩;突出特征是新陈代谢增强、眼球突出

71、Keywords exophthalmos;interpupillary distance;myopia;young females; ─── 眼球突出度;瞳距;近视眼;青年女性;

72、pathologically excessive production of thyroid hormones; characterized by increased metabolism and exophthalmos. ─── 在病理学中,甲状腺激素分泌过剩;突出特征是新陈代谢增强、眼球突出。

73、relative with recovery of pulsating exophthalmos. ─── 搏动性突眼的恢复与压迫颈总动脉有关。

74、exophthalmos [protrusion of eyeball from socket] ─── 突眼症

75、inflammatory exophthalmos ─── 炎性突眼

76、Conclusion The ratio of exophthalmos and intraorbital pressure can prove the character of the space-occupying lesions in orbit. ─── 结论测量眼球突出度与眶压的比值可为诊断眶内占位性病变的性质提供依据。

77、Exophthalmos is a common ocular symptom seen in small animal practices.However, the identification of the etiology of exophthalmos is usually a challenge task. ─── 摘要凸眼在小动物临床上是个常见的眼科症状,但是诊断致病的病因却是一项挑战。

78、Measurement of exophthalmos of 900 female youth and the analysis of its relationship with myopia ─── 900名青年女性眼球突出度测定及其与近视眼关系分析

79、non-infiltration exophthalmos ─── 非浸润性突眼

80、Exophthalmos producing substance ─── 致突眼物质

81、Bilateral eye exophthalmos, commonly found in hyperthyroidism; ─── 眼球双侧眼球突出,常见于甲状腺机能亢进症;

82、Graves' disease with exophthalmos ─── Graves病伴突眼症

83、intermittent exophthalmos ─── 间歇性眼球突出

84、Results: Most cases had features of exophthalmos, orbital mass, swelling and hyperemia of lid and conjunctiva, limitation of ocular movement. ─── 结果:25例有眶内占位病变及炎症体征,如眼球突出、眶部肿块、眼睑及结膜充血水肿、眼球运动受限等。

85、endocrine exophthalmos ─── 内分泌性眼球突出

86、The understanding of the pathogenesis of endocrine exophthalmos, especially as related to thyroid-pituitary dysfunction and orbital biochemical changes, is important for the therapeutic rationale of the disease. ─── 对内分泌性眼球突出特别是与甲状腺-垂体机能障碍和眼眶生物化学的改变有关的发病机理的了解,作为该病治疗的理论基础是很重要的。

87、Keywords Paranasal sinus diseases;Exophthalmos;Tomography;X-ray computed;Magnetic resonance imaging;Therapy; ─── 关键词鼻窦肿瘤;眼球突出;体层摄影术;X线计算机;磁共振成像;治疗;

88、exophthalmos, exophthalmus ─── 眼球突出

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