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09-05 投稿



exemplify 发音

英:[?ɡ?zempl?fa?]  美:[?ɡ'z?mpl?fa?]

英:  美:

exemplify 中文意思翻译



exemplify 词性/词形变化,exemplify变形

动词第三人称单数: exemplifies |动词现在分词: exemplifying |形容词: exemplifiable |动词过去式: exemplified |名词: exemplifier |动词过去分词: exemplified |

exemplify 相似词语短语

1、exemplifier ─── 例证者

2、exemplary ─── adj.典范的;惩戒性的;可仿效的

3、amplify ─── vt.放大,扩大;增强;详述;vi.详述

4、exemplified ─── vt.例证;例示

5、exemplarily ─── adv.作为模范地;可为鉴戒地

6、exemplifying ─── v.举例;例示(exemplify的ing形式)

7、to exemplify ─── 举例

8、exemplarity ─── 模范性

9、exemplifies ─── vt.例证;例示

exemplify 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Today exemplify the perfect weather I have been talking about: morning mist, glorious afternoon sun and gentle breeze all day. ─── 我的最爱天气就像今天,晨雾、豔阳、微风,简直就是天上掉下来的礼物。

2、They exemplify innovation, creativity, excitement and discipline. ─── 他们体现了创新,创意,激情和纪律。

3、"To exemplify what I mean , let us look at our annual import of crude oil . " ─── 为举例说明我的意思,让我们看看每年的原油进口。

4、In particular, the two most common components of the Internet exemplify this dilemma. ─── 特别是互联网中最常见的两个方面,更加剧了这种两难的境地。

5、Italian painter whose works, including religious subjects, portraits, and frescoes, exemplify the ideals of the High Renaissance. ─── 拉斐尔意大利画家,他的宗教主题绘画,肖像画,壁画等作品集中代表了文艺复兴全盛时期的思想

6、The seven artists included in this exhibition exemplify the strategies and interpretative perspectives present in contemporary image dynamics. ─── 本次展览中的七位艺术家从不同方面例证了当代的图像动力学的内在机制和阐释视角。

7、Our Value To exemplify the highest standards of integrity and environmental responsibility. ─── 我们的价值观成为最高完善质量标准和环境责任的好例子。

8、Scenes that exemplify the film director's style. ─── 场景体现了影片导演的风格

9、An in-depth exploration of delight-ful details in graphic design across a range of media, this compilation of design elements exemplify how it is sometimes the little things that make a whole. ─── 本书对平面设计中的一些细节进行了深入的探究,揭示了在某些时候一些小的细节能够决定整个作品的成败。

10、None were able to exemplify Bishop Cane in his conduct, ─── 没有人能够重复凯恩主教的动作,

11、To exemplify what I mean, let us look at our annual output. ─── 为了举例说明我的意思,我们来看一下我们每年的产量。

12、They exemplify the unbridled ferocity of the protoss at war. ─── 他们是神民在战争中强悍凶猛的例证。

13、Hence, each club member has an obligation to represent his vocation to his fellow Rotarians and exemplify the spirit of Rotary in the workplace. ─── 因此,每位社员都有义务在其他扶轮社友面前代表自己的职业,并于其职场彰显扶轮精神。

14、The martial arts exemplify this when they lead students through a program of progressive goal setting and self-improvement. ─── 武术作为这一方面的典型代表,引导修习者循序渐进以达到提升自身的目的。

15、Most glaring of all, India is largely absent from those supply chains in East and South-East Asia that have come to exemplify globalisation itself. ─── 最突出的是,印度非常缺乏在东亚和南亚的供应链来作为它自身全球化的例证。

16、Their opposing demeanors were meant to exemplify their respective countries' contrasting state of education. ─── 他们俩相背的行为被用来对比验证两国的教育状况。

17、Poe and Henry James after him have pointed out this inveterate weakness of dressing up characters to exemplify a theme that is often quite incompatible with "actuality". ─── 坡和后来的亨利·詹姆斯都指摘过这个根深蒂固的缺点:把人物装扮起来说明一个主题,而这个主题往往和现实格格不入。

18、The village appears to exemplify all that has gone wrong in Somalia since 1991, when the country's last functioning government fell and factions fought to fill the vacuum. ─── 这个村庄证实,自从1991年索马里上届政府垮台以来,无人填补政府空缺,索马里一切都处于混乱状态 .

19、The main premise is to explicate through analysis and interpretation the poetic essence unique to the works, and subsequently to exemplify how these essences should influence our interpretations. ─── 希望藉由对此三首作品的剖析与诠释,得以了解这些乐曲独有的乐诗本质,进而将所获心得延伸至浪漫时期普遍的音乐本质,以期增加演奏者的诠释角度。

20、Entries that exemplify new and critical forms of digital expression and interaction are encouraged, as are works from countries and regions in which digital art and culture are emergent. ─── 我们格外关注那些互动与表现形态的作品申请,以及那些来自(数字媒体文化)不发达国家和地区的申请。

21、To demonstrateor show by an example; exemplify. ─── 例示用例子来说明或证明;例证。

22、He exemplify the new liberalism. ─── 他反映了新自由主义的观点。

23、HMC exists to serve and support its members, to represent their views and to exemplify excellence in education. ─── 英国校长联合会旨在服务及支持其成员,代表他们的观点,为他们树立在教育领域的榜样。

24、Poe and Henry James after him have pointed out this inveterate weakness of dressing up characters to exemplify a theme that is often quite incompatible with "actuality" . ─── 坡和后来的亨利·詹姆斯都指摘过这个根深蒂固的缺点:把人物装扮起来说明一个主题,而这个主题往往和现实格格不入。

25、To exemplify this theory, let us do a market survey. ─── 为举例说明这种理论,我们来做这些市场调查。

26、Pondering on one hadith can exemplify this notion. ─── 可以以此观念为例深思一段圣训。

27、When we look at the abundant life God wants us to live, I see how critically important it is for us to exemplify these three qualities. ─── 看看我们的生命,看看神想我们拥有的属灵生命,看看神应许我们的丰盛生命。

28、To exemplify what I mean, let us look at some preferential terms. ─── 为举例说明我的意思,让我们来看看一些优惠条件。

29、To exemplify what I mean, let us look at our annual export of crude oil. ─── 为举例说明我的意思,让我们看看我们每年的原油出口。

30、exemplify the difficulties which the motor industry is now facing. ─── 是汽车工业正面临困难的例子.

31、The priests stood in a special place and were to exemplify the holiness of God by separating themselves from any defilement or evil. ─── 祭司的地位很特别,他们要远离任何污秽或罪恶,表现出上帝的圣洁。

32、Since the goal of the article is to exemplify the consumption of a JMS message, we skip over the exact implementation of the workflow. ─── 本文的目标是演示如何使用JMS消息,因此我们将跳过工作流的具体实现。

33、Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) and computer/communication networks exemplify complex systems that fall into a class called discrete event stochastic systems (DESS). ─── 柔性制造系统和计算机通信网络是一个复杂的系统,也就是所谓的离散事件随机系统的很好的例证。

34、We might take to exemplify this perspectivism in his own free wheeling way of articulating a great scatter of perspectives all by himself. ─── 可能举个透视主义的例,用他,自由旋转方式来连接分散的,透视。

35、He turned out stories and sketches to exemplify the generalized jottings of his notebook ─── 他根据笔记里归纳起来的东西写了一些短篇小说和小品文。

36、"To exemplify this theory , let us examine some species of insect . " ─── 为举例说明这种理论,我们来检查一些种类的昆虫。

37、The physicist pushed the two cups together until they touched to exemplify his theory. ─── 物理学家把两个杯子推到一起让它们相切, 以证明他提出的理论。

38、In certifying that a given crack shape will exemplify leak-before-break behavior, one should consider the effect of crack growth on the applied stresses. ─── 在证实一个给定的袭纹形状将会发生裂前泄露情况时,我们应考虑裂纹扩展对外载的影响。

39、This paper gives a brief account of the concept of Modern Long-distance Education, its configuration chart of resources system, and also exemplify its application. ─── 摘要简要介绍了现代远程教育的概念、发展历史及重要性,给出现代远程教育的系统资源结构图,举例说明了现代远程教育的应用。

40、These three pictures exemplify different sorts of evil. ─── 这三张图展示了不同种类的恶。

41、Because my activities and academic work exemplify the criteria set by the N. ─── 由于我的课外活动和学业表现很符合N.

42、For me these two smugglers exemplify a narrow self-interest driving both individuals and international institutions toward the abyss. ─── 对我来说这两个走私者的例证狭隘的自身利益驱动不论对个人和国际机构走向深渊。

43、To exemplify what I mean, let us look at C.Bronte's Jane Eyre. ─── 举个例子来阐述我的观点,请看勃朗特的《简爱》。

44、Acts to exemplify the Quality and Environmental Policies and Leadership Principles. ─── 体现质量和环境政策和领导原则。

45、A lawyer should strive to attain the highest level of skill, to improve the law and the legal profession and to exemplify the legal profession's ideals of public service. ─── 律师应当努力掌握最高的执业技巧,努力改进法律制度,努力提高法律职业的水准,努力体现律师团体关于公共服务的理想。

46、Often perceived as twin boys, the lore sustains that they were placed in the night sky by Jove to honor and exemplify the fidelity of their brotherly love. ─── 往往被视为双胞胎男孩他们赖以生存的风俗放在夜空的深入人心,以荣誉和爱情大全保真兄弟。

47、we now exemplify. ─── 我们现在倒没有了这些品质。

48、The plays of Wilds exemplify the comedy of manners. ─── 王尔德的戏剧是风尚喜剧的典范。

49、I am go to exemplify one or two of these point. ─── 我打算就论点中的一、两个方面举例说明。

50、We must exemplify this thought to make it a part of your knowing. ─── 我们必须例证这个思想,让它成为你之明知的一部分。

51、exemplify an argument. ─── 提供争论的例子

52、The recent oil price rises exemplify the difficulties which the motor industry is now facing ─── 最近的石油涨价是汽车工业正面临的困难的一个例子。

53、Finally one practical example is given to exemplify this point. ─── 最后,给出了笔者在实际工作当中的一个例子。

54、His symphonic works represent the best legacy of the classical tradition, while his songs exemplify the height of romantic lyricism. ─── 他的交响乐作品继承了古典音乐的优秀传统,而他创作出的歌曲成为了浪漫抒情主义的典范。

55、In certifying that a given crack shape will exemplify leakbefore-break behavior, one should consider the effect of crack growth on the applied stresses. ─── 在证实一个给定的袭纹形状将会发生裂前泄露情况时,我们应考虑裂纹扩展对外载的影响。

56、To demonstrate or show by an example; exemplify. ─── 例示用例子来说明或证明;例证

57、The Obama administration's actions in the court case exemplify the dilemma the White House faced in developing its energy policy. ─── 从奥巴马政府与法院交锋的这起案例中,可以看出白宫在形成自己能源政策方面所面临的两难。

58、The award is intended to celebrate a Foundation alumnus or alumna whose extraordinary service activities and professional achievements exemplify the Rotary ideal of Service Above Self. ─── 这个奖项是颁发给一位基金会杰出的男或女前受奖人,其特别服务活动和专业的成就足以作为超我服务的扶轮理想?例。

59、How Visual Verbs in Chinese Exemplify the Process of Semantic Projection and Grammaticalization ─── 汉语视觉动词的语义投射及语法化构拟

60、In this paper,we exemplify some applications of energy principles,compare the potential energy principle and complementary energy principle and clarify th. ─── 线弹性体中的势能原理和余能原理,只适用于物体或结构在给定约束条件下处于稳定平衡状态情况,而在一般情况下动力学问题不可能存在稳定平衡状态。

61、exemplify the problems involved. ─── 举例说明所涉及的问题.

62、The experiments, formulation, physiologic variables and toxicity problem are reviewed to exemplify the use of several absorption enhancers. ─── 本文综述了肠吸收促进剂研究的实验方法、制剂及生理因素对其促吸收作用的影响、安全性问题以及近年重点研究的促进剂类型。

63、Winners of our University Awards exemplify our quest for excellence in education, research and service. My heartiest congratulations and deepest appreciation go to this year's winners. ─── 我们大学奖的得主是我校在教学、科研和服务领域追求卓越的榜样。在此,向今年的获奖者致以由衷的祝贺和深深的敬意。

64、Humans exemplify the distortion more greatly than perhaps nature, as it is expressed in your civilization by a cast of characters that verbalizes the same distortion in words. ─── 人类可能是比自然界扭曲得更大的例子,当它在你们文明中通过投射的性质而被表达,在词汇里描述了同一个扭曲。

65、In each issue you'll find timely and relevant health and fitness information and local personalities who exemplify a healthy lifestyle. ─── 在每一期中您都会看到及时的关于健康和健身的资讯,并了解当地拥有健康生活方式的模范人士。

66、With the heavy involvement of the rescaled local state, art districts in Beijing exemplify an odd combination of horizontal networks, new hierarchies, and bureaucratic management. ─── 藉由重新尺度化后的地方政府的高度介入,北京的艺术特区展示了包含横向网络、新阶序以及官方管理的一个奇特组合例子。

67、I will exemplify my point with a story. ─── 我会用一个故事举例说明我的观点。

68、Italian painter whose works,including religious subjects,portraits,and frescoes,exemplify the ideals of the High Renaissance ─── 拉斐尔,意大利画家,他的宗教主题绘画,肖像画,壁画等作品集中代表了文艺复兴全盛时期的思想

69、Their lives exemplify not just head knowledge but also sincere obedience to their Lord.They live out that they believe to be true. ─── 在他们身上,不但展示出头脑里的知识,也有对神顺服的行动---他们活出他们所相信的真理。

70、Shell's capitulation and the Yukos case exemplify the state's ever-increasing role in the energy industry. ─── 壳牌的认输和尤科斯事件证明了国家在能源行业扮演着日益重要的角色。

71、The independent directors couldn"t effectively restrain the company"s administration and protect the right of the stock holders.Even nicknames were given to exemplify their inefficiency. ─── 独立董事在制约公司经营管理层、提高公司治理效率、保护中小股东利益等方面的作用并不明显,独立董事甚至被称为“花瓶董事”、“失声董事”或不“懂事”。

72、Nothing can exemplify this better than the problem of pollution. ─── 没有什么比污染问题这个例子更能说明这个问题的。

73、inside the car, we see the use of space to exemplify true, and quality ‘luxury′. ─── 内部空间更以高品质建立新一代豪华基准,营造出精致而有力度

74、I am go to exemplify one or two of these point ─── 我打算就论点中的一、两个方面举例说明

75、In practical operation, the writer built up DRWBMD system structure, analyzed and designed the DRWBMD Process Model and Dynamic Practical Model for Processing Case in details, and exemplify them. ─── 在实际工作中,作者构建了DRWBMD的体系结构,详细分析和设计了DRWBMD过程模型、过程实例动态通用关系模型,并将模型实例化。

76、So this article brings forward the learner model Ontology and the learner model agent,and exemplify the benefit of the learner model Ontology and the learner model agent for learner to study. ─── 因而本文提出了多代理结构的学习支持系统中的学习者模型ontology及其代理对于学习者的有效学习带来的益处。

77、You can't “pass on” something you don't exemplify yourself. ─── 你无法“言传”你自己都无法以身作则的品质。

78、To indicate clearly; exemplify or prove. ─── 显示明确清楚地指出;例证或证明

79、To a certain extent, the researcher and his work exemplify the popular observation that excesses of specialization result in "knowing more and more about less and less. ─── 从某种程度上说,调查员及其工作夸大了当前过于专门化的观察。

80、To exemplify what I mean, let us look at our annual import of crude oil. ─── 为举例说明我的意思,让我们看看我们每年的原油进口。

81、Exemplify Research on Difficult Words and Expressions in Sutra ─── 考释佛经中疑难词语例说

82、M&A and Greenfield Investment will exemplify and have the overflowing effect, but they will also bring with them potential risks. ─── 并购和绿地投资都将在一定程度上给受资国经济带来溢出效应和示范作用。

83、indeed they seem to exemplify what might happen if regulators elsewhere got their every wish. ─── 假若其它地方的金管官员想要达成每一愿望,他们甚至可以举证未来可能发生的情况。

84、The palaces and temples which form the nucleus of this group of secular and religious buildings exemplify the architectural and artistic achievements of China's Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. ─── 许多的宫殿和寺庙藏身于武当山古建筑群中,有著世俗和宗教并存的景象。而这些建筑群更可说明元、明、清三朝建筑和艺术的成就。

85、The physicist pushed the two cups together until they touched to exemplify his theory. : ─── 物理学家把两个杯子推到一起让它们相切,以证明他提出的理论。

86、The bone-resorption mediated by osteoclasts was analyzed to exemplify the sequence of biological events and the chemical problems unsolved. ─── 以破骨细胞介导的骨再吸收过程为例阐述过程中的生物事件顺序,提出有待解决的化学问题。

87、” Last but not the least, to analyze and exemplify the rationality of the guidelines, and also to put forward some suggestions for future improvement. ─── 最后,分析例证该指导思想的合理性,还就研究的不足提出今后的努力方向。

88、In order to exemplify this view point, manyexamples are listed, including the case-system of Germany and that of Taiwan districtof China. ─── 作者为此列举了大量的例证,特别介绍了德国和我国台湾地区的比较完整和正式的判例制度。
















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