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09-05 投稿



impersonal 发音

英:[?m'p??s(?)n(?)l]  美:[?m'p?snl]

英:  美:

impersonal 中文意思翻译



impersonal 短语词组

1、impersonal assets ─── [经] 非个人的资产

2、impersonal market ─── 非个人市场

3、impersonal entity ─── [经] 非个人实体(主体)

4、impersonal language ─── 非个人语言

5、impersonal ledger ─── 非人名总账

6、impersonal verb ─── 无人称动词

7、impersonal security ─── [经] 非个人的担税

8、impersonal coercion ─── 非个人胁迫

9、impersonal accounts ─── 不记名账户

10、impersonal tax ─── [经] 对物税, 非人身税

11、impersonal victim ─── 客观的受害者

12、impersonal problem ─── 客观的问题

13、impersonal forces ─── 非人力(指自然力等)

14、impersonal payee ─── 不记名收款人

15、impersonal authority ─── 非个人权威

16、impersonal manner ─── 客观的态度

17、impersonal pronoun ─── 无[非]人称代词

18、impersonal account ─── [经] 非人名帐户

19、impersonal passive ─── 非个人的被动

impersonal 词性/词形变化,impersonal变形

副词: impersonally |名词: impersonality |

impersonal 反义词


impersonal 同义词

grey | frosty | distant | soulless | unbiased | aloof | unfriendly | unprejudiced | neutral | impartial | measured | featureless | indifferent | impassive | faceless | outward | anonymous | cool | cold | careful |detached | objective

impersonal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He made an impersonal comment on the incident. ─── 他对那一事件作了客观的评论。

2、His keen grey eye, impersonal and 18)brusque, flashed upon her half impatiently. ─── 他那双锐利的灰色眼睛半带厌烦地扫了她一眼,显得不近人情且粗暴无礼。

3、Fractal theory supplys the new concept and way to discuss impersonal rule and intrinsic contact of natural complicated things. ─── 分形为探讨自然界复杂事物的客观规律及其内在联系提供了新的概念和方法,在自然景观的模拟中,分形技术展现了其独特的优势,成为当今时代研究者们的热点之一。

4、The hero's coal cellar is an apt symbol of the isolation of the individual in an impersonal city. ─── 主人公的地窖是一个在人们失去了自我的城市里个人孤独的贴切象征。

5、The expert made an impersonal comment on the incident. ─── 专家对那一事件作了客观的评论。

6、Imperious in manner, he could be quite impersonal in his dealings with those whom he thought might impede his progress. ─── 他虽然样子傲慢,和那些他认为会阻碍他前进的人打交道时,他相当客观。

7、But money seems very impersonal. ─── 但是送钱好像有些没有人情味。

8、One " cause public property to suffer significant loss " it is derelict blame a of impersonal aspect main feature, it is to conviction the important basis of measurement of penalty. ─── 一“致使公共财产遭受重大损失”是玩忽职守罪客观方面的一个重要特征,是定罪量刑的重要依据。

9、Sri Aurobindo did not wink an eye during the entire ten minutes I was watching him, he did not seem to belong to that impersonal setting. ─── 室利阿罗频多在我观看着他的整整十分钟之内都未眨一下眼睛,他看起来并不属于那个不带个人色彩的端坐。

10、"However, his most important contribution was his organic view of the firm, which is sharply at odds with today's view of the firm as a nexus of impersonal contracts. ─── “然而,他最重大的贡献是他对公司的有机观点。他的见解非常不同与如今把公司看过是没有人情味的关系的集合的观点。

11、Their mating ritual is just so impersonal. ─── 它们的求偶仪式是如此的没有人情味。

12、So updating ideals and planning before construction and impersonal attitude for concrete crack is more important. ─── 主张观念的更新、施工前的策划和对裂缝问题处理的客观态度。

13、Commercial clubs can be crowded and therefore, impersonal. ─── 商业俱乐部大多拥挤不堪。

14、He wished he could have written in English, since the tone of a letter in literary style was so impersonal, while the tone of a letter in colloquial style too easily turned into obnoxious familiarity. ─── 他恨不能用英文写信,因为文言信的语气太生分,白话信的语气容易变成讨人厌的亲热;

15、majority of the population live in massive tower blocks, noisy, dirty and impersonal. ─── 大多数人住在高楼大厦里,那里嘈杂、肮脏、还没有人情味。

16、"Kabir was a worshipper of the Impersonal God. ─── “卡比尔是一个非人格神的崇拜者。

17、After the building of the Peoples Republic of China,he used Buddhism to endure those impersonal criticisms. ─── 人民共和国成立后,他受到了错误的批判和斗争,佛家思想对这位迟暮之年的老人发挥着精神柱石的伟大作用,使之忍受了那些无情的批斗。

18、As a sort of compromise and an impersonal selection, he finally decided to award the role to the one with the smallest waist. ─── 作为一种折衷,一种无个人倾向的选择,他决定谁的腰最细,谁就赢得这个角色。

19、He waved his hand slightly, his voice brisk and impersonal. ─── 他的口气尖厉,不带一点感情,说着还轻轻用手一招。

20、Only those who vegetate in a scandalous insensitivity remain impersonal when ill, and thus miss that deepening of the personality brought about by illness. ─── 只有那些生病时无法单独过着单调乏味木讷生活的人,才会因此错过疾病所带来的人格的深化。

21、But there is something impersonal in the celebration of eccentricity. ─── 不过,在互相庆贺怪癖的时候,有些事还是要忌讳的。

22、It's just that, it's so impersonal, I'm not used to it. ─── 只是,这太没有人情味了,我不习惯。

23、Business letters need not be formal and impersonal. ─── 商业信函不一定就得刻板而缺乏人情味。

24、EXMP: an aloof, impersonal manner. ─── 冷淡、疏远的态度;

25、The Personal and the Impersonal are the same thing, like milk and its whiteness, the diamond and its lustre, the snake and its wriggling motion. ─── 人格与非人格是同一回事,就像牛奶和它的洁白,钻石和它的光彩,蛇和它的扭动一样。

26、Relationships tend to be impersonal and a pronounced division, of labor exists, leading to the establishment of many specialized professions. ─── 人际关系冷漠,劳动分工明确,由此产生了许多专门的职业。

27、A psychic gestalt may seem impersonal to you, but its energy forms your person. ─── 一个精神完形在你看来是非人格的,但是,它的能量形成你这个人。

28、The other extreme took "law" completely metaphorically, picking out some standard or norm perceivable in natural phenomena which governs behavior through entirely impersonal means. ─── 另一极端是对“法律”采用完全的比喻,从自然现象中挑选出支配非个人的行为的可知觉的某些标准或规范。

29、He was liable at the whim of an impersonal government to be blown anywhere about the world. ─── 只要全无人情味的政府一声令下,他随时都可以被调到世界上任何地方去。

30、Overseen by hungry gods on the one hand or structured by impersonal cyclic forces on the other, the Eastern Han cosmos eluded a single consistent model accepted by everyone. ─── 东汉思想一方面认为宇宙受控于贪求不厌的神只,另一方面认为宇宙由循环不断的物质力量组成,欠缺一种公认的统一模式。

31、If she made a leading statement, he was expert deflecting her into more impersonal channels. ─── 只要她一开口,他就会巧妙地把她的话题转到与个人无关的问题上去。

32、Is history the product of impersonal social and economic forces? ─── 历史是非人力的社会和经济力量的产物吗

33、This format does have some drawbacks, however, such as being more impersonal than a regular interview and somewhat sterile. ─── 但这种模式确实有一些弊端,诸如与通常面试相比太过客观,也有些单调乏味。

34、The law of attraction is impersonal. ─── 吸引力法则是非个人的、客观的。

35、Yet the power was there all the same, massed outside indifferent, impersonal, not attending to anything in particular. ─── 但是那股迫力一直不曾离开,在天地间自顾自的涌聚着,无视一切。

36、So, if we think about all-sides factors, we could be more impersonal and judgmatical in this problem and this would help us to give some practical advise. ─── 因此,对资本项目的开放进程做一个全方位的考察,将有助于我们能够更加客观、全面的看待这个问题。

37、Within Smarta Hinduism, a variety of forms of God are seen as aspects of the one impersonal divine ground, Brahman (not Brahma). ─── 在传统派印度教里面,众多形态的神看起来是非人格的神性范围,梵(不是梵天)的不同外貌。

38、Clinical medicine has complexity and particularity and medical risks are impersonal. ─── 医学具有复杂性和特殊性,医疗风险是客观存在的。

39、They are interested only in the stimulus to their owe activities,perhaps of a quite impersonal sort. ─── 他们感兴趣的不过是为自己的活动添些刺激,而他们的活动也许当属全无人格的那种。

40、The impersonal pursuit of profit to the exclusion of all other considerations still deserves the occasional poke or two. ─── 冷冰冰的追逐利润,全然不顾其它所有问题,仍然值得我们抨击一下。

41、Later in life Hari achieved a wonderful synthesis of the ideals of the Personal God and the Impersonal Truth. ─── 哈里在随后的生活中达到了令人惊讶的成就,把人格神的完美与非人格的真理完美地结合起来。

42、Don't be so cold and impersonal. ─── 不要那么冷漠,那么不讲人情。

43、Another example of friendly, but impersonal, behavior may occur in work relationships with Americans. ─── 在与美国人的工作关系中,还有另外一种友好但却属一般的举止行为。

44、The essential ingredient is a nightmarish sense of bewildered helplessness against a vast sinister, impersonal bureaucracy. ─── 主要成分是一种面对庞大的,阴险的、非人格化的官僚机构而产生的使人迷惘的、无依无靠的梦魇般的感受。

45、It was considered that FTIR could become a rapid, reliable, impersonal and effective method in chemotaxonomy as a supplement of morphologic plant taxonomy. ─── 在传统形态比较分类方法的基础上,FTIR可以成为一种快速、可靠、客观、有效的化学分类学的补充方法。

46、Thereinto, EQ is evaluated from 4 aspects: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and social skill. While employment quality is evaluated with impersonal index and subjective satisfaction. ─── 其中,情商水平从自我意识、自我管理、社会意识、社会关系管理纬度进行评估,就业质量从客观指标和主观满意度两方面衡量。

47、Don't fear to death, the best way to overcome it is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly part of the universal life. ─── 不要害怕死亡,克服怕死心理的最好办法就是使你的兴趣更加广博,更加超脱具体的个人,直至包围自我的围墙一点点地消失,直至你的生命逐渐溶入整个宇宙之中,成为其一部分。

48、What matters most: personal influence or impersonal influence? ─── 个人或非个人影响-何者较为重要?

49、"Chat rooms don't lead to shallow and impersonal relationships," Gavin said in an interview. ─── 加文在接受采访时说:"网友们在聊天室里建立起来的关系并非人们想象的那样肤浅、没有任何感情投入。

50、His voice was coolly impersonal. ─── 他的声音冷冰冰的,没有一点人情味。

51、"Good evening, madam," Rudolph said, impersonal, institutional. ─── “晚安,太太,”鲁道夫说,不事感情,公事公办。

52、But, perhaps if she were alone with him once more, he might drop that mask of impersonal courtesy he had worn since coming to Atlanta. ─── 但是,如果有机会单独和他在一起,说不定会摘下他那副假面具。

53、Books,compact discs,food,desk accessories,datebooks,umbrellas,and impersonal items of clothing such as scarves and gloves are all acceptable. ─── 书籍、光盘、食品、办公桌装饰品、记事台历、雨伞,和一般性的服饰物件如围巾、手套等都是不错的选择。

54、Not accomplishing these tasks may lead to a psychologically crippling ego-complex or create conflict within you. You could suffer from the same impersonal treatment you sometimes indulge in. ─── 不能完成这些任务将导致你精神上严重的尊严混乱或内心出现分歧。你会遭遇那些跟你一样没有人情味的待遇。

55、It is wrong to describe modern cities as stressful, hurrying and impersonal places. ─── 别把现化代的城市描绘成有压力的,匆忙的和没有有人情味的地方;这是错的.

56、As the first public service broadcasting organization, BBC has being known as impersonal, impartial and out of control of government and commercial force. ─── BBC是世界公共服务广播电视的鼻祖和典范,一向以“客观”、“公正”、独立于政府和市场而闻名。

57、It extends to struggling mortals the helping hand of an Avatar who otherwise might have remained forever impersonal and distant to us. ─── 它与奋斗中的世人伸出一位降世应身的援助之手,否则对于我们来说他或许永远保持着他的非个人性和遥远。

58、M: Shall we call it impersonal existence? ─── 你可称之为非个人的存在?

59、Even his children found him strangely distant and impersonal. ─── 他的孩子们也认为他跟其他人很疏远,没有人情味。

60、A large, impersonal corporation. ─── 一个没有人情味的大公司

61、The best way to overcome it-so at least it seems to me-is to make your interests gradualy wider and more impersonal. ─── 克服这一点的最好方法--至少在我看来是这样--就是使你所关心的事情逐步地变得更广泛和超越个人圈子

62、"This format does have some drawbacks,however,such as being more impersonal than a regular interview and somewhat sterile. ─── "但这种模式确实有一些弊端,诸如与通常面试相比太过客观,也有些单调乏味。

63、In many international business negotiations abroad, Americans are perceived as wealthy and impersonal. ─── 在国外的国际商务谈判中,美国人被视为富有和不带个人情感。

64、Only by integrating the stages with mechanism of cognitive development organically can we gain a comprehensive and impersonal understanding of Piaget's theory of cognitive development. ─── 只有将认知发展的阶段与机制有机整合,才能全面、客观地理解皮亚杰的认知发展理论。

65、So,the applying of NLU into mechanism design domain is an impersonal requirement of the two subjects in order to improve the intelligentized degree of mechanism design. ─── 因此,将自然语言理解技术应用于机械设计领域,提高机械设计的智能化程度,是这两个学科自身发展的客观要求。

66、An aloof, impersonal manner. ─── 冷淡、疏远的态度

67、He stared straight into Connie's eyes, with a perfect, fearless, impersonal look, as if he wanted to see what she was like. ─── 他用那种充分的、无畏的、平淡的目光,直盯着康妮的眼,好像他要看看她是怎样的人,他使她觉得羞怯。

68、It is not only the impersonal desire of the socio-economy development, but also the impending demand of constructing the wealth society life in China. ─── 不仅是社会经济发展的客观要求,也是我国全面建设小康社会的迫切需要。

69、His keen grey eye, impersonal and brusque, flashed upon her half impatiently. ─── 他那锐利的灰色眼睛唐突而不近人情,有点不耐烦地扫了她一下。

70、The recognizing standards of IAD have subjective standard, impersonal standard and compromise standard, which are preferred by writer. ─── 其次,本文从理论与实务相结合的角度论证保险人说明义务的具体适用。

71、Philosophy: Impersonal anxiety; refuge among anemic ideas. ─── 哲学:非个人化的焦虑;贫血的思想的避难所。

72、When his eyes went up again to her face, he found her as calm, dispassionate and impersonal as she always was. ─── 但是当他的眼光终于又回上去注在林佩珊的脸上时,他忽然发见林佩珊的神情是冷静得和平常一样,和第三者一样;

73、You are to make your interests gradually wide and more impersonal. ─── 你们就是应该使你们所关心的事情逐步地变得更广泛和超越个人圈子。

74、But, perhaps if she were alone with him once more, he might drop that mask of impersonal courtesy he had worn since coming to Atlanta. ─── 但是,如果有机会单独和他在一起,说不定会摘下他那副假面具。

75、Events themselves are impersonal, though judicious people certainly can and should respond to them in beneficial ways. ─── 事件都是无关个人的,然而明智的人却能够也应该以有益的方式来响应事件。

76、"First come, first served " is impersonal. ─── “先到先得”是不分对象的。

77、In his poems he beautifies its landscape, in his novel and short stories he exhibits the tension between the impersonal city and its isolated people. ─── 他把他的美学思想投射到对伦敦的描述上,同时他的人物也感受到这个城市带来的压抑、焦虑和呈现的阴暗的社会现实。

78、They say that despite enclosing return envelopes they hear nothing at all or, at best, an impersonal note is sent declaring that the post for which they applied has been filled. ─── 他们说,除了未拆封的退回信封之外,他们得不到任何回音,要么至多收到一张冷冰冰的便条,声称他们所申请的位子已经满员。

79、But in the more expressive societies of southern Europe, such behavior be considered cold and impersonal. ─── 但在感情丰富的南欧人看来,这种行为会被认为是冷酷和不近人情的。

80、His manner was coolly polite and impersonal. ─── 他的态度冷淡客气,公事公办。

81、His manner seemed rather stiff and impersonal. ─── 他的态度似乎很生硬冷淡。

82、Relationships tend to be impersonal and a pronounced division of labor exists, leading to the establishment of many specialized professions. ─── 人际关系冷漠,劳动分工明确,由此产生了许多专门的职业。

83、A safe topic of conversation between strangers in Britain is the weather -- unemotional and impersonal. ─── 在英国,陌生人之间的合适的话题是天气??因为这不涉及情感与个人隐私。

84、English sometimes uses an impersonal sentence if the subject is not very important. Compare the following sentences. ─── 在英语里当主语不是很重要时会使用无人称句。比较下列句子。

85、The best way to overcome it -- so at least it seems to me -- is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal. ─── 克服怕死的最好办法--至少在我看来是这样--就是逐渐使自己的兴趣更加广泛。

86、"One should not discuss the discipline of the Impersonal God or the path of knowledge with a bhakta. ─── “不应该与一位虔诚者讨论观想非人格神的修持,也不应该讨论知识的道路。

87、First come, first served"" is an impersonal remark. ─── 先到,先得”是不以特定人为对象的语句。

88、However, he criticized the standards, saying they should be made more practical and impersonal. ─── 但是,他对考核标准提出了质疑,他认为,标准应该更加切实可行和客观公正。

89、If he keeps this matter impersonal, everything will be hunky dory. ─── (假如他不让这件事受个人感情的影响,那麽一切都会平安无事。

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