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09-05 投稿



euphonious 发音

英:[ju??fo?ni?s]  美:[ju??f??ni?s]

英:  美:

euphonious 中文意思翻译



euphonious 同义词

fluent |consonant | euphonous

euphonious 反义词


euphonious 相似词语短语

1、euphonies ─── n.悦耳之音;悦耳;和谐的声音

2、euphoniousness ─── 愉悦

3、euphoniously ─── 兴高采烈地

4、euphonizes ─── vt.使声音悦耳;美化语调

5、symphonious ─── adj.和谐的;调和的

6、euphemious ─── adj.委婉的(等于euphemistic)

7、euphonises ─── 快感

8、euphoniums ─── n.上低音号

9、euphonium ─── n.上低音号

euphonious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was enchanted with the euphonious music. ─── 他陶醉在那悦耳的音乐中。

2、a euphonious trill of silver laughter ─── 银铃般婉转悦耳的笑声

3、her euphonious Southern speech. ─── 她那柔和的南方语音。

4、The melody of the story won't be so euphonious and undulatory. ─── 故事的旋律不会如此悠扬跌宕。

5、Euphonious Chinese Qin, feel the contemporary heat of the venerable Chinese aesthetics; ─── 古琴悠悠,抚摸中国文脉的今世体温;

6、This euphonious locality was situated in a suburb, known by the inhabitants of Staggs's Gardens by the name of Camberling Town; ─── 这个声音悦耳的地方座落在一个郊区,斯塔格斯花园的居民们都管它叫做坎伯林镇;

7、melody of the story won't be so euphonious and undulatory. ─── 故事的旋律不会如此悠扬跌宕。

8、euphonious songs ─── 悦耳歌曲

9、The euphonious sound of Carrie's cello playing always puts me at ease. ─── 嘉莉悦耳的大提琴演奏总让我心旷神怡。

10、her euphonious Southern speech ─── 她那柔和的南方语音

11、The music wasnt bad, Kathy replied. I thought the violin and the piano produced a euphonious combination. ─── 音乐还不错,凯西回答,我觉得小提琴和钢琴演奏出了悦耳的合音。

12、"Sixty-seven, " the coach-caller was saying, his voice lifted in a sort of euphonious cry. "Sixty-seven. " ─── “六十七号车,”替人叫车的那人正扬声用悦耳的声音喊道,“六十七!”

13、“The music wasn't bad,” Kathy replied. “I thought the violin and the piano produced a euphonious combination. ─── “音乐还不错,”凯西回答,“我觉得小提琴和钢琴演奏出了悦耳的合音。”

14、Euphonious musical notes ─── 悦耳的音调.

15、He was enchanted with the euphonious music. ─── 他陶醉在那悦耳的音乐中。

16、"The music wasn't bad, " Kathy replied. "I thought the violin and the piano produced a euphonious combination. " ─── “音乐还不错,”凯西回答,“我觉得小提琴和钢琴演奏出了动听的合音。”

17、a euphonious trill of silver laughter. ─── 银铃般婉转悦耳的笑声。

18、Are you bride glowing in the setting sun, the euphonious audio. ─── 那优美的音频,是夕阳中的新娘;

19、Are you bride glowing in the setting sun, the euphonious audio. Still resounds in the depth of my heart, the modulating voice.(It sends me gnashing my teeth) ─── 那优美的音频,是夕阳中的新娘;那抑扬的播音,在我的心里回荡。(让我恨得牙痒痒)

20、Before give back like bath side sing snow in red inside bathroom, his singing if deserve to be called euphonious, that use nail row blackboard de voice call nature sounds。 ─── 之前还喜欢在浴室里 边洗澡边唱雪中红,他的歌声如果称得上好听,那用指甲划黑板的声音就叫天籁了。

21、“The music wasn't bad,” Kathy replied. “I thought the violin and the piano produced a euphonious combination.” ─── “音乐还不错,”凯西回答,“我觉得小提琴和钢琴演奏出了悦耳的合音。”

22、Local singer-songwriters will bring you euphonious songs. Stay relaxed, share the wonderful musical moments with your beloved in the New Year's Eve! ─── 本地创作歌手为你带来清新悦耳的音乐,静静地坐在草地上,与他和她一起欣赏轻柔的音乐,悠閒地迎接新一年!

23、of whistle is euphonious , emotional, and melodic. ─── 口哨的音色悦耳动听,抒情性极强,极富歌唱性。

24、Prescott's style, though in his diary he wrote "bother euphony", is euphonious ─── 普雷斯科特虽然在日记里写“讨厌的谐音”,可是他写文章的风格还是有点油腔滑调。

25、a euphonious trill of silver laughter. ─── 银铃般婉转悦耳的笑声。

26、dulcet, euphonious, melodious, melodiously, nice-sounding ─── 好听的。悦耳的。音调优美的。

27、Beautiful picture and euphonious melody. ─── 挖哦!这个真是太美了。

28、Because of its euphonious timbre, ease of learning, portability and inexpensiveness, the Dizi (Chinese Bamboo Flute) becomes one of the most popular Chinese instruments in Asia. ─── 由于声音悦耳,学习便利,携带方便,价格不高,笛子(竹笛)是亚洲最流行的中国乐器之一。

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