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09-05 投稿


appeasing 发音

英:[??pi?z??]  美:[??pi?z??]

英:  美:

appeasing 中文意思翻译


v.安抚,抚慰( appease的现在分词 ); 绥靖(满足另一国的要求以避免战争)


appeasing 同义词

soften | check | lenify | calm | quiet | quell | moderate | restrain | suffice | lower | relieve | placate | satisfy | conciliate | mollify | allay | silence | ease | alleviate | propitiate | attenuate | gentle | assuage | calm down | gruntle |pacify | content | quiet down | stay | settle | lessen | soothe

appeasing 反义词


appeasing 短语词组

1、appeasing a ─── 安抚

2、appeasing the Mamo ─── 安抚玛莫

3、appeasing definition ─── 安抚定义

4、appeasing crossword clue ─── 安抚纵横字谜线索

5、appeasing define ─── 安抚定义

6、appeasing pheromone dog ─── 安抚性信息素狗

7、appeasing clue ─── 安抚线索

8、appeasing ww2 ─── 安抚二战

appeasing 词性/词形变化,appeasing变形

动词现在分词: appeasing |动词第三人称单数: appeases |名词: appeaser |副词: appeasably |形容词: appeasable |动词过去式: appeased |动词过去分词: appeased |

appeasing 相似词语短语

1、apprising ─── vt.通知;报告

2、appressing ─── 逼近

3、appending ─── v.(在书写文件末尾)附加,增补(append的现在分词)

4、appearing ─── v.出现,显得,表现得(appear的现在分词);n.版面高度

5、apposing ─── v.使并列,放……在近处;把……用于

6、appeasingly ─── 貌似地

7、appraising ─── v.鉴定;估价;评价

8、appealing ─── adj.吸引人的;动人的;引起兴趣的;恳求似的;vi.呼吁,恳求;对……有吸引力,有感染力;启发,劝说,打动(appeal的现在分词);vt.上诉,申诉,诉请裁决(appeal的现在分词)

9、appetising ─── adj.促进食欲的;美味可口的;开胃的,诱人的

appeasing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The new president, Kgalema Motlanthe, may sound tougher than his ever - appeasing predecessor, Thabo Mbeki. ─── 新任总统莫特兰蒂比起宁事息人的前任姆贝基或许要立场坚定些.

2、Certainly the solution does not lie in appeasing protectionist sentiment. ─── 当然绥靖保护主义不是解决方法。

3、The child is adept at appeasing her parents' anger with a joke or compliment. ─── 这孩子善于以一个玩笑或赞美来平息父母的怒气。

4、mental appeasing ─── 心理疏导

5、moreover, Inoue’s cognition was not only out of the consideration of “appeasing the people” but also intended to “civilize the people”. ─── 第二、井上毅对地方制度与地方财政的认识不仅是出于“安民”的考虑,同时也是出于“开化”的考虑。

6、We have no intention of ignoring or appeasing history's latest gang of fanatics trying to murder their way to power. ─── 我们无意忽视或安抚历史上的最近的那帮狂热者,他们为了权力甚至放弃自己的生命。

7、But by appeasing critics now they are inviting pressure to make more concessions. ─── 然而此次为了缓和危机,他们给自己带来了做出更多妥协的压力。

8、But by appeasing critics now they are inviting pressure to make more concessions. ─── 而现在为了平息不满,它们却自请压力以做出更大的妥协。

9、Interventional appeasing therapy of esophagus malignancy perforation pathologicalchange ─── 食管恶性穿孔性病变的介入姑息性治疗

10、He also alleged that the current and past two ambassadors have "focused on appeasing the Lao regime and seeking to grant normalized trade relations". ─── 他还声称,目前和过去两年大使“侧重于安抚老挝制度,并寻求给予的贸易关系正常化”。

11、Israeli media say the construction plan is Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's way of appeasing the settlers and right-wing members of his government. ─── 以色列媒体说,奥尔默特总理试图以扩建定居点计划安抚定居点的犹太人和政府中的右翼人士。

12、"I don't think staying the course with a failing policy in Iraq has anything to do with appeasing the Nazis before World War II. ─── “我不认为坚持在伊拉克的错误政策与在二战之前安抚纳粹有关。

13、Tending to diminish or put an end to conflict; appeasing. ─── 求和的:试图减小或停止冲突的;平息的。

14、Tending to diminish or put an end to conflict; appeasing ─── 试图减小或停止冲突的;平息的

15、Appeasing Russian leaders in the past eight years has not made them more accommodating of Western interests. ─── 过去8年来对俄罗斯领导人的迁就并没有使他们更加容易接受西方的影响。

16、It is the practice of most countries to assess damages for spiritual harm on the basis of compensating and appeasing victims. ─── 摘要从抚慰补偿受害人的角度对精神损害赔偿数额评定,这一思路已为世界上许多国家的立法所采纳。

17、The finger appeasing even is raised how the energy, is only the fruitless labour hand signal. ─── 可即便安抚的手指抬起又能如何, 只是徒劳的手势而已.

18、We have a history of appeasing China and those Indian leaders who visit Beijing usually return as ardent fans of China. ─── 我们有着对中国绥靖的历史,那些访问北京的印度领导人通常以热心的中国迷形象归来。

19、The Negative Impact of Globalization and the Appeasing International Economic Co-ordination ─── 经济全球化的负面影响与国际经济协调

20、Mr Mugabe, for his part, has said that he is willing to talk to anyone, safe in the knowledge that he now does so from a position of strength and with nothing to fear from the appeasing Mr Mbeki. ─── 对穆加贝先生来说,他声称他愿意和任何人会谈,毫无疑问他现在处在强势地位,对和稀泥的姆贝基先生也无所畏惧。

21、the appeasing concessions to the Nazis at Munich; placating (or placative) gestures; an astonishingly placatory speech. ─── 在慕尼黑对纳粹分子的安抚、让步;安抚的姿态;令人奇怪的和解讲话。

22、Mr. Chamberlain had cherished the hope of appeasing and reforming him and leading him to grace. ─── 张伯伦先生则满心想安抚他,感化他,教他温文知礼.

23、Besides, the “civilizing” policy was no less than the “appeasing” on its importance within Inoue’s cognition of the local mechanism and financial system. ─── 而且,“开化”的考虑在井上的地方制度与地方财政认识中具有并不亚于“安民”的重要性。

24、appeasing treatment ─── 姑息性治疗

25、Obviously, appeasing the masses is the real key to this decision, not nostalgia. ─── 显而易见的,讨好大众才是促成这个决定的关键所在,而不是所谓的回归传统。

26、A pleasing preacher is too often an appeasing preacher. ─── 一昧讨好的传道人通常是姑息妥协的传道人。

27、3. the appeasing concessions to the Nazis at Munich; ─── 在慕尼黑对纳粹分子的安抚、让步;

28、Mr.Obama never did offer a good or even particular reason for the oil majors to face this Carter-era inspiration -- apart from appeasing the populist furies. ─── 奥巴马先生确实永远不会提供合适的或者甚至特别的理由给各大石油公司,去接受卡特总统时期的激励,但平息民众的愤怒除外。

29、Keywords Appeasing Treatment;Gianturco-Rosch Silicon Covered Esophageal Expandable Metallic Z-stent(GRZS);Esophageal Expanding Tube;Advanced Esophageal Carcinoma; ─── 关键词姑息疗法;带硅酮膜自膨式金属支架;食管扩张管;晚期食管癌;

30、Tending to diminish or put an end to conflict;appeasing. ─── 求和的试图减小或停止冲突的;平息的

31、Mr. Chamberlain had cherished the hope of appeasing and reforming him and leading him to grace . ─── 张伯伦先生则满心想安抚他,感化他,教他温文知礼。

32、What's more, this directive focuses on a political issue aimed at appeasing environmental worries, rather than making money. ─── 更重要的是,该指令的重点是一个政治问题,以安抚环境的忧虑,而不是赚钱。

33、the appeasing concessions to the Nazis at Munich; placating (or placative) gestures; an astonishingly placatory speech ─── 在慕尼黑对纳粹分子的安抚、让步;安抚的姿态;令人奇怪的和解讲话

34、“I don't think staying the course with a failing policy in Iraq has anything to do with a appeasing the Nazis before World War II. ─── “我不认为坚持失败的伊拉克政策与二战前安抚纳粹有什么关联。


36、As Google's latest troubles in China show, appeasing the censors to gain market access localimmunity. ─── 正如谷歌近日在中国遭遇的麻烦所显示的那样, 向审查机构让步以获得市场准入机会——谷歌创立本土搜索服务时,同意实施自我审查机制——并不能换来豁免权.

37、Curative effects must be better for early-stage isolated lesion. Appeasing therapy is aimed to relieve pain, prolong life and improve living quality. ─── 早期发现的孤立病灶一般疗效较好,姑息疗法主要在于减轻病痛,延长寿命,提高生存质量。

38、A Narrative of Feng Zi - cai, Famous General in the Late Qing Dynasty, in Exterminating and Appeasing the Li People ─── 清末名将冯子材剿黎抚黎记

39、Rank-demonstrating and appeasing behavior? ─── 等级显示行为和安抚行为?

40、2.Tending to diminish or put an end to conflict;appeasing. ─── 求和的试图减小或停止冲突的;

41、appeasing activity ─── 妄抚活动

42、An act of appeasing. ─── 平息平息的行为

43、These hearty mystics developed the practice of geomancy - and learned to wield the fury of the earth by appeasing the restless elemental spirits. ─── 这些精力充沛的神秘人士发展出了泥土占卜术,并且学会了通过安抚不安的元素精灵来掌控大地的狂怒的方法。

44、And how can he set a new course for NATO at its 60th-anniversary summit a few days later if he is appeasing his party with talk of leaving Afghanistan? ─── 若奥巴马为抚慰民主党而主张从阿富汗撤军,那么在几天之后北约60年周庆时的首脑峰会上,他又如何能为北约设立出一个新的进程哪?

45、Chinese character和He (harmony) formerly describes the internal and mutual harmony, peace, appeasing disputes and so on. ─── 和,则为表述万物万事内在的与相互之间的和谐、相安、谐调;平静祥和;平息争端等状态。

46、America Appeasing Japan in Postwar ─── 论战后美对日关系中的绥靖主义

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