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09-05 投稿



disclaimed 发音

英:[d?s?kle?md]  美:[d?s?kle?md]

英:  美:

disclaimed 中文意思翻译



disclaimed 词性/词形变化,disclaimed变形

动词过去分词: disclaimed |动词现在分词: disclaiming |动词过去式: disclaimed |动词第三人称单数: disclaims |

disclaimed 反义词


disclaimed 同义词

reject | disown | renounce | rebuff | repudiate |deny | withhold | refute | turn your back on | refuse

disclaimed 相似词语短语

1、disclaim ─── vt.否认,拒绝;放弃,弃权;拒绝承认;vi.否认;放弃;弃权

2、acclaimed ─── adj.受到赞扬的;备受推崇的;广受欢迎的;v.称赞,推崇(acclaim的过去式和过去分词)

3、disclaiming ─── vt.否认,拒绝;放弃,弃权;拒绝承认;vi.否认;放弃;弃权

4、disclaims ─── 否认

5、disclaimers ─── n.放弃;弃权者(disclaimer的复数)

6、declaimed ─── vi.慷慨陈词;演讲;朗读;vt.演讲;慷慨激昂地发表

7、disclaimer ─── n.不承诺,免责声明;放弃,拒绝

8、quitclaimed ─── v.放弃权利;宣布免除(某人的)责任或债务;n.放弃权利

9、claimed ─── v.声称;宣称;断言(claim的过去式)

disclaimed 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、The American farmer can understandably disclaim responsibility for what a Brazilian logger does. ─── 美国的农民可以毫不令人费解地不必为一个巴西伐木工人的所作所为负责。

3、The manufacturer disclaim all responsibility for damage cause by misuse. ─── 使用不当而造成的损坏,生产厂家不负任何责任。

4、Any liability that may arise from your reliance on the information in this newsletter is expressly disclaimed. ─── 由于依赖本刊信息而引起的任何责任,本所概不承担。

5、Disclaim: Above information and content are provided by our membership enterprise and they are responsible for the accuracy, authenticity and legitimacy of the content. ─── 工业和信息化部:电子信息产品进出口增速放缓发表时间200...

6、6.The Company may disclaim liability in event of intentional omission on the part of the Insured or his representatives to fulfill the aforesaid obligations. ─── 6、被保险人及其代表对上述规定的义务如故意不执行,本公司可不负赔偿责任。

7、While appearing to disclaim the god-like acclaim he attracted, he still exuded a power that only someone with his celebrity status could feel ─── 表面上他似乎不承认对他的神一般的赞扬,实际上仍然流露出一种只有他这样名声显赫的人才能感受到的力量。

8、refuse to acknowledge; disclaim knowledge of; responsibility for, or association with. ─── 拒绝承认;不承认知道;对其的责任或联系。

9、If they want to “waive” or “disclaim” their rights, that is, within our tradition, totally appropriate. ─── 如果他们想“放弃”或者“否定”他们的权利,那在我们的传统中,是完全正当的。

10、We disclaim sympathy with him in practical action. ─── 我们在实际行动中不予他以同情;

11、disclaim liability ─── 否认责任

12、We disclaim any joint and several liabilities other than warning/deletion/coordination with the affected user when pursuing his/her rights. ─── 对于此类文件,磨房网站不承担除警示/删除/配合受害者追究上传者责任以外的其它连带责任。

13、Increasing Disclaimed Sunken Vessels Catches Attention ─── 无主沉船呈增多趋势应予重视

14、There are no express or implied warranties or warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, all such warranties being expressly disclaimed. ─── 不包含明示或暗示的保证,或者适销性或适合用于某一特定用途的担保,所有这些保证均被明确排除在外。

15、Mr. Bornstein said Mr. Hogan left the bar with the phone only after everyone near him disclaimed ownership of it . ─── 波恩斯坦称,霍根是在周围所有人都称不是失主之后才带着手机离开酒吧的。

16、We do this by asking each contributor to either assign the copyright on his contribution to the FSF, or disclaim copyright on it and thus put it in the public domain. ─── 于是我们询问每一个贡献者把他作的那部分贡献的版权给予FSF或放弃版权把它置于公共领域。

17、Indeed, the WSJ reports, WHO itself has disclaimed that figure, which came from a 1999 study of muds in Myanmar and Vietnam. ─── 实际上,华尔街日报报道,世卫组织本身已经收回该数据,它来自1999年缅甸和越南的一项医学研究。

18、Scientists quickly disclaim the possibility. ─── 科学家们立刻否认了这种可能性。

19、HKATTS will acquire full ownership of the winning logo, the winning designer will disclaim any trademarks and without limitation all other rights related to the design. ─── 明白胜出比赛的会徽,必须将有关会徽所有版权,无条件转让给香港舞台技术及设计人员协会;包括其一切著作权及使用权;

20、miss bennet eagerly disclaimed all extraordinary merit , and threw back the praise on her sister ' s warm affection. ─── 竭力否认这一切言过其实的夸奖,反而用这些赞美的话赞扬妹妹的热情。

21、We disclaim any and all loss or liability resulting from, but not limited to: (1) loss or liability resulting from access delays or access interruptions; ─── 在下列情况但不限于下列情况,用户同意易信免受损害:(1)由于系统访问延误或中断造成的损失或责任;

22、In No Event Shall ABC Be liable for Incidental or Consequential Damages to the Full Extent Such May Be Disclaimed by Law. ─── 在法律许可范围内,ABC将不对意外或间接损坏承担任何责任。


24、He disclaimed responsibility for the accident. ─── 他否认为事故承担的责任。

25、He disclaimed responsibility for the accident. ─── 他否认为事故承担的责任。

26、The manufactures disclaim all responsibility for damage caused by misuse. ─── 使用不当而造成的损坏,生产厂家不负任何责任。

27、“please!I only want to talk about it.if I were not allowed to ,I disclaim!” ─── 评委的讨论越发热烈,观众也纷纷用英文和中文谈论着。

28、"A legatee should, within two months from the time he learns of the legacy, make known whether he accepts it or disclaims it. In the absence of such an indication within the specified period, he is deemed to have disclaimed the legacy." ─── 受遗赠人应当在知道受遗赠后两个月内,作出接受或者放弃受遗赠的表示。到期没有表示的,视为放弃受遗赠。

29、In any cases mentioned above, the member involved is obligated to make detailed statement/explanation in a meeting of the Audit Committee and disclaim his/her right of making a vote. ─── 发生前条所述情形时,有利害关系的委员在审计委员会会议上应当详细说明相关情况并明确表示自行回避表决。

30、Company warranty is in lieu of any other express warranty with regard to Company products. All implied warranties of merchantabilty or fitness for particular purpose are hereby disclaimed. ─── 有关本公司的产品,公司的质量保证书兹此取代任何其它明示的保证。所有关于适销性或适于特定用途的默示保证均特此予以否认。

31、She disclaimed any share in the invention. ─── 她放弃在这发明中应享有的一份权利。

32、Eg.The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for damage caused by misuse. ─── 因使用不当而造成的损坏,生产厂家概不负责。

33、Five approve ,eight object and two disclaim to this proposal. ─── 对于这项建议,五人投票赞成,八人反对,两人弃权。

34、She disclaimed responsibility for the accident. ─── 她拒绝对事故承担责任。

35、disclaim responsibility for the accident ─── 否认对事件负有责任

36、Disclaimer Notice: We, herby, disclaim any violation of the laws, rules or any other regulations by your access from foreign countries or regions out of Japanese jurisdiction. ─── 本网站是以居住在日本国内的客户为对象。如果您所在的国家或者地区视本网站的管理,运用方法及内容为非法或者不合适,请避免访问本网站。

37、She infuriates Harry by seeming to blame him for Ron's jealousy, so that she has to quickly disclaim ‘Oh, I know it's not your fault. ─── 她似乎把罗恩的嫉妒归咎于哈利,虽然她很快又说“我知道这不是你的错”(火焰杯:175),但哈利已经生气了。

38、1. She disclaimed ownership of the vehicle. ─── 她放弃了这辆车的所有权.

39、The trustee may intervene and disclaim the contract. ─── 管理人有可能出面干涉,并拒绝承认所签订的合同。

40、How ungenerously in later lift we disclaim the virtuous moods of our youth, living in retrospect long, summer days of unreflecting dissipation ─── 当我们到了晚年,回顾在漫长的夏日里的放荡生活时,如果否认我们年轻时代的道德感,我们就显得多么胸襟狭隘。

41、We disclaim any obligation to update any such factors or to announce publicly the results of any revisions to any of the forward-looking statements to reflect future events or developments. ─── 我们无责任提供此类因素的最新信息,或公开宣布对任何前瞻性陈述所做的修改结果,以反映未来事件或发展情况。

42、We hereby disclaim all warranties express, implied or statutory including, without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular use. ─── 本酒店拒绝承担一切明示、暗示或法定的保证,包括但不限于对特定使用之可销售性或适合性作出任何保证。

43、Under legal rules of succession in modern society,the inheritor can decide to accept or disclaim succession,and has the right to choose different types of succession. ─── 在现代继承法律制度中,继承人有权选择是否接受继承,以及接受什么类型的继承。

44、He disclaimed any responsibility for the accident. ─── 他否认对该事故有任何责任。

45、The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for the damage caused by misuse . ─── 因使用不当造成的损坏,生产厂家不负任何责任。

46、You must be able to disclaim all of your worldly possessions without becoming disconsolate. ─── 你必须能够做到放弃你所有财产而无半点悲伤。

47、Synonyms abnegate, cede, relinquish, renounce, resign, step down (from), surrender Related Words abjure, deny, disavow, disclaim, disown, waive;forsake, give up, hand over, yield; ─── 动词ABNEGATE:正式地放弃某个职位或者权威地位 名词:对于过去曾经享有享用的某种事物进行放弃或者拒绝 单词abdicate可以用作同义词。

48、Offhand comments could not be disclaimed and they could no longer alter speeches for local consumption. ─── 即兴评论无法抵赖,而且,再也不能为了本地销量而更改讲话。

49、where inheritance is disclaimed by a testamentary successor or the legacy is disclaimed by a legatee; ─── (一)遗嘱继承人放弃继承或者受遗赠人放弃受遗赠的;

50、disclaim responsibility ─── 拒绝承担责任

51、We disclaim any intention or obligation to revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future developments, or otherwise. ─── 我们不打算或义务修改任何前瞻性声明无论是由于新信息,未来发展,或以其他方式。

52、We disclaim all liability for these matters. ─── 我们拒绝对这些内容负任何责任。

53、He disclaimed a share in his uncle's estate. ─── 他放弃对他叔叔财产的继承。

54、The employer disclaimed all responsibility for the fire accident. ─── 老板否认对那次火灾事故负有任何责任。

55、A name that under Article l.3 cannot be an available name, or one that has been disclaimed (see Articles 8.2, 8.3). ─── 在第1条3之下,不能成为适用的名称,或已被否定的名称(见第8条2,第8条3)。

56、In No Event Shall ABC Be liable for Incidental or Consequential Damages to the Full Extent Such May Be disclaimed by Law. ─── 在法律许可范围内,ABC将不对意外或间接损坏承担任何责任。

57、The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for damage caused by misuse. ─── 使用不当而造成的损坏, 生产厂家不负任何责任.

58、In the absence of such an indication within the specified period, he is deemed to have disclaimed the legacy. ─── 到期没有表示的,视为放弃受遗赠。

59、to disclaim one's inheritance ─── 放弃继承权

60、We do not have any obligation to update information after such date or to disclaim the accuracy of information should facts change after the date of posting. ─── 我们没有任何义务来更新信息后,该日期或拒绝信息的准确性应改变事实的日期后投寄。

61、The manufacturer disclaim all responsibility for damage cause by misuse ─── 使用不当而造成的损坏, 生产厂家不负任何责任

62、He disclaimed any special knowledge of events in these two countries. ─── 他否认对这两国的情况有何特殊的了解。

63、We have no disposition and we disclaim all right to meddle in disputes, ─── 我们没有意向放弃此权利,去干涉那些可能扰乱他国的,

64、In the event any implied warranties may not be entirely disclaimed, such implied warranties are limited to a one (1) year period from the date of shipment. ─── 如果有任何暗示担保没有被完全排除,则该项暗示担保的期限也仅限于自发运之日起一(1)年。

65、absence of such an indication within the specified period, he is deemed to have disclaimed the legacy. ─── 受遗赠人应当在知道受遗赠后两个月内,作出接受或者放弃受遗赠的表示。

66、The present writer will disclaim(放弃)no such legacy(遗赠), but hereby undertakes(承担,许诺)to accept it, however dusty. ─── 本文作者绝不拒绝这样的遗产,而是立马答应接受,不管它布满多少尘土。

67、except those disclaimed).I preserve the copy rights.Please use the material according to the law .If you plan to download the documents, or print them out for hard copies, please give me an e-mail. ─── 此处所有的文字与图片均为原著(除了特别否认者),请遵循著作权法使用此处之图文资料.如果您打算将此处的文件储存在您自己的磁碟片上,或是列印出来,敬请写给我一封电子信件.

68、"At the time, I was quite young. So, I'm not going to disclaim the fact that it was a growing thing for me. ─── “那个时候我还年轻,所以我不会否定那个事实,我从中成长了不少。”

69、I achieved that goodness through a strategy of making rational, technical, utility-maximization arguments in which I explicitly disclaimed having any normative or moralizing agenda. ─── 这得益于我在论述中采用了理性的、技术性的、力图证明开源使得人们的收益最大化的策略,并且明确地声明我不试图规范任何人的行为或是将此话题道德化。

70、40.Lawspirit, its affiliates, subsidiaries and the Licensors expressly disclaim all warranties not stated in this EULA. ─── 其联属公司、子公司及许可人明确放弃本EULA中未载明的所有保证。

71、Miss Bennet eagerly disclaimed all extraordinary merit, and threw back the praise on her sister's warm affection ─── 竭力否认这一切言过其实的夸奖,反而用这些赞美的话赞扬妹妹的热情。

72、Users of the information of this site must accept this disclaimer of warranty:" The author and his associates disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of fitness for any purpose. ─── 本网页内所引用资料部份有第三者的版权保护,请勿在未经版权持有人授权下非法下载或复制有关资料。

73、He disclaimed any interest in the plan. ─── 他否认对该计划有任何兴趣。

74、The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for damage caused by mistake. ─── 制造商不承认对使用不当而造成的损坏负任何责任。

75、He disclaimed the possession of any great quickness of apprehension or wit, such as distinguished Huxley. ─── 他也不认为自己具有像赫黎胥一样的敏悦的见解力和智慧。

76、Elizabeth had scarcely time to disclaim all right to the compliment, before their approach was announced by the door-bell, and shortly afterwards the three gentlemen entered the room. ─── 伊丽莎白听到这番恭维话,还没有来得及申辩,门铃就响了,宣布贵宾光临。

77、They disclaimed the authority of the president. ─── 他们不承认总统的权威。

78、The parties understand and agree that the disclaim of warranties in this agreement and that neither party would agree to enter this agreement without such disclaimer. ─── 各方了解并同意此合同中的免责声明,无此免责声明,任何一方不得同意履行该合同。

79、She disclaimed ownership of the vehicle. ─── 她放弃了这辆车的所有权。

80、He disclaim the ownership of the dog. ─── 他否认这只狗是他的。

81、He disclaimed all responsibility for the accident. ─── 他否认对那次事故有任何责任。

82、She disclaimed any knowledge of her husband's whereabouts. ─── 她否认知道丈夫的下落。

83、The rebels disclaimed all responsibility for the explosion. ─── 反叛分子否认对这次爆炸事件负有任何责任。

84、On Disclaim Rules Of Corporation Independent Personality ─── 试论公司独立人格否认原则

85、The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for the damagecaused by misuse. ─── 因使用不当造成的损坏,生产厂家不负任何责任。

86、He disclaimed having done it for fame. ─── 他否认为求名而做过那件事。

87、The employer disclaimed all responsibility for the fire accident . ─── 老板否认对那次火灾事故负有任何责任。

88、She disclaimed any knowledge of her husband's whereabouts. ─── 她否认知道丈夫的下落。

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