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09-05 投稿



discontinuously 中文意思翻译



discontinuously 相似词语短语

1、discontinues ─── 中止

2、contiguously ─── adv.连续地;接触地

3、continuously ─── adv.连续不断地

4、discontinuous ─── adj.不连续的;间断的

5、discontinuousness ─── n.不连续;间断

6、discontinuity ─── n.不连续;中断;间断性;断绝

7、discontiguous ─── adj.不连接的;不接触的

8、incontiguously ─── 不连贯地

9、stir continuously ─── 连续搅拌

discontinuously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is a rare species discontinuously distributed in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Hainan and is thus of scientific interest in studies of the floristics of these areas. ─── 本种为稀有种,间断分布于台湾、香港和海南岛,不见于中国内地,对植物区系地理研究有科学价值。

2、Solid phase bonding of discontinuously reinforced alumninum based metal matrix composites ─── 非连续增强铝基复合材料固相焊接研究现状

3、First discovered in shaded crevices in Ma On Shan in 1907, this species is a rare species discontinuously distributed in Hong Kong (type locality) and Taiwan and is thus of special botanical interest. ─── 本种模式标本采自香港,首次于1907年在马鞍山的山涧发现,间断分布于香港、台湾两地,其分布式样有学术意义。

4、The population density of the main insect pests peaks from June to September,the population quantity of the main dominant species changes discontinuously from season to season. ─── 主要优势种的数量随季节变动表现出不连续特点。

5、Research and Development of Discontinuously Reinforced Cast Metal-Matrix Composites ─── 非连续增强铸造金属基复合材料

6、Keywords Ammonium Salt Crystallization;Corrosion;Discontinuously Adding Water Cleaning; ─── 铵盐结晶;腐蚀;断续注水清洗;

7、Commercialization of Discontinuously Reinforced Metal-Matrix Composites ─── 非连续增强金属基复合材料的应用

8、Research on heat treatment of discontinuously reinforced titanium matrix composites ─── 非连续增强钛基复合材料的热处理研究进展

9、On the Pattern of Advancing Vibration Ore-removal at Discontinuously Bananced Discharging Slope in Shizishan Deposit ─── 狮子山主矿体间歇式均衡放矿斜面推进振动出矿规律研究

10、Introduce to the collator group the method of moistening by ultrasonic pulverization plus moistening by buretting discontinuously into the trachea. ─── 结果:实验组满意率90%,对照组满意率30%,实验组明显优于对照组。

11、The frequency acts accordingly, but had better not do discontinuously at least every time 3 go to 5 groups the idealest. ─── 次数量力而为,但每次最好不间断地至少做三到五组最理想。

12、Conditional variance analysis showed that genes from different genetic system expressed discontinuously in the whole growth period. ─── 条件方差分析表明,在大豆生育期中,各遗传体系的基因间断性表达。

13、As a result, a nanocrack initiated discontinuously in the DFZ or sometimes at a blunted... ─── 这个微裂纹一旦形核,即使保持恒位移,也将钝化成空洞或缺口。

14、Investigation on flow resistance characteristics of inside tube inserted with twisted-leafs discontinuously ─── 管内间隔插入旋流片的流阻性能研究

15、The development of discontinuously reinforced magnesium matrix composite in recentyears was summarised in this paper. ─── 综述了近年来非连续物增强镁基复合材料的发展。

16、Conditional variance analysis showed that genes from different genetic system expressed discontinuously in the whole growth period. ─── 条件方差分析表明, 在大豆生育期中, 各遗传体系的基因间断性表达。

17、discontinuously distributed suction ─── 不连续多孔吸除

18、High quality preforms are important for discontinuously reinforced composites made by the pressure infiltration method. ─── 采用压力浸渗方法制备非连续增强复合材料需要高质量的预制块。

19、abaxial surface discontinuously rufous tomentose, hairs branched to subrosulate; ─── 红棕色被绒毛的不连续地在背面,毛分枝到近莲座状;

20、Results: 7 patients took the GW discontinuously according to the pharmacopeia. 4 patients took more dose than the limit by the pharmacopeia. ─── 结果:11例中7例按药典规定剂量用药,4例超过药典规定剂量。

21、system can supply gas continuously or discontinuously, with the flexible volume capacity. ─── 能小容量配气,又能大容量配气的多功能配气系统。

22、discontinuous, discontinuously, disconnected, disjointed, incoherent, intermittently ─── 不连通的。不连贯的。不连续的。

23、In this paper, a new in situ technique has been used to fabricate discontinuously reinforced titanium matrix composites. ─── 而本研究则采用原位合成工艺制备非连续增强的钛基复合材料。

24、It applies for non-fixed operating sites, such as dock and store to discontinuously weigh bulk materials in accumulative way. ─── 适用于仓库、码头等非固定作业地点对散落性物料进行非连续式累计计量。

25、Keywords discontinuously reinforced Al MMCs;solid phase bonding;reinforcement; ─── 非连续增强铝基复合材料;固相焊接;增强相;

26、Advocacy of vegetarianism doesn’t require everyone to give up meat diet completely.Instead, vegetarians can keep eating vegetarian diet either consecutively or discontinuously. ─── 提倡素食,并非要求所有人都一定要完全戒绝肉食,素食可以长期素食,可以间断素食。

27、Economic analysis advances discontinuously. After a great forword step, time must be taken to consolidate the gains achieved. ─── 经济分析的发展不是连续的,在向前迈出一大步后,要用很多时间去巩固取得的成果。

28、It can spray adhesive discontinuously and continuously respectively at Iow, medium or high speed with its adhesive in fibre form, smooth,strong adhesive force and evenly distributed.3. ─── 3、高强度耐磨不锈钢喷嘴,耐用性强,采用多层过滤技术,最大程度上防止堵塞。

29、upstream reservoir discharged the water discontinuously, the danger of release liquid would be lowered. ─── 上游水库间歇非连续放水时,残油释放物危害小。

30、It is advisable that water quantity crosses an artifice with dip, add some of hot water not discontinuously, in order to carry water lukewarm. ─── 水量以浸过手腕为宜,并不间断地加些热水,以保持水温。

31、The new process can continuously or discontinuously make particles according to the needs of particle-making ... ─── 新工艺可根据造粒工艺要求间断或连续造粒,克服了原工艺流程的缺点。

32、It can spray adhesive discontinuously and continuously respectively at Iow, medium or high speed with its adhesive in strip form.5. ─── 5、喷胶规格可根据用户需求订做。

33、Next, an insulating primer is applied discontinuously to the CFRP component adjacent the metallic component. ─── 然后,向毗邻金属部件的CF RP部件不连续地应用绝缘底层涂料。

34、discontinuously corrugated fin tube ─── 间断波纹翅片

35、When you discontinuously select multiple pieces of text and apply a picture fill, each individual selection will be filled with the whole picture. ─── 不连续地选择多段文本并应用一个图片填充时,每个选中内容都将用整个图片来填充。

36、The syringe was another 42 cases in the control group used to drip humidify fluid discontinuously. ─── 对照组42例,采取传统的气道内定时、间断注人湿化液,然后比较两组的湿化效果及相关并发症。

37、Discontinuously built brick wall shall be slightly wetted by sprinkling before resuming bricklaying, however, the wetting degree shall be strictly controlled. ─── 砌筑焦炉时,对于不是连续砌筑的墙,在砌砖前要稍加湿润,但湿润程度应严加控制,不得大量洒水。

38、At present,however,there are some problems in ME objectives in schools throughout the country.The objective,content and manner of ME are discontinuously connected. ─── 但在目前,学校德育目标偏失这一本体论,片面地追求工具化、理想化、绝对化,而忘掉德育的本真是培养人的德性。

39、They are migratory and range discontinuously from Britain to Iran and Manchuria. ─── 属于迁移性鸟类,从英国断续地分布到伊朗和中国东北。

40、discontinuously vertical member ─── 竖向构件不连续

41、That means the interface is a mathematical surface across which material properties change discontinuously, while interfacial traction and displacement are continuous across the interface. ─── 而完美界面就意味着通过界面时,即使材料发生了不连续的变化,但界面牵引力和位移仍是连续的。

42、in his way a counterflow process is operated discontinuously . ─── 用这样的方法,逆流过程的操作是不连续的。

43、Systems and methods for discontinuously applying an insulating primer to a carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) component are disclosed. ─── 公开了一种用于将绝缘底层涂料不连续地应用于碳纤维增强塑料(CFRP)部件的系统及方法。

44、Keywords discontinuously reforced aluminum matrix composite;reclamation;interfacial reaction; ─── 非连续增强铝基复合材料;再生;界面反应;

45、The ground surface subsides discontinuously,and rockmass fails slowly in the mine. ─── 东区现有地表下沉属于不连续下沉,岩层破坏主要是缓慢型破坏。

46、A set of lead-screw mechanism driven by servomotor was applied in the executive mechanism.Aiming at the characteristic of deposit layer growth, the tundish was lifted discontinuously. ─── 提升执行机构采用伺服电机驱动的丝杠螺母机构,针对沉积层间断增长的特点,采用间断提升控制方式;

47、Macro-and middle-pores are more and distribute discontinuously in each residues.The small molecular phases distribute with "discontinuous" occurrence mode. ─── 萃余物中的中,大孔多,不同孔径段的孔隙呈现间断性分布,揭示了小分子相的“断续性”的赋存方式;

48、Research Status of Discontinuously Reinforced Copper Matrix Composites ─── 非连续增强铜基复合材料的研究现状

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