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09-05 投稿


exigencies 发音


英:  美:

exigencies 中文意思翻译



exigencies 网络释义

n. 紧急状态;迫切情况(exigency的复数形式)

exigencies 词性/词形变化,exigencies变形


exigencies 短语词组

1、exigencies of life ─── 生活的迫切需要

2、exigencies define ─── 紧急情况定义

3、exigencies mean ─── 紧急情况意味着

4、exigencies synonym ─── 紧急情况同义词

5、exigencies meaning ─── 紧急情况含义

6、exigencies examples ─── 紧急情况示例

7、exigencies sentence ─── 紧急情况判决

exigencies 相似词语短语

1、exigence ─── n.紧急;紧急事件

2、eminencies ─── n.长处;显著

3、agencies ─── n.代理;代理处(agency的复数)

4、residencies ─── n.住处;住院医生实习期

5、emergencies ─── n.紧急事件;紧急需要

6、indigencies ─── 贫困

7、coagencies ─── n.联合社;联合机构(coagency的变形)

8、exigences ─── n.紧急;紧急事件

9、elegancies ─── n.优美;优雅;雅致

exigencies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For, though bred a lawyer, and accustomed to speak of Bacon, Coke, Noye, and Finch, as his professional associates, the exigencies of this new country had transformed Governor Bellingham into a soldier, as well as a statesman and ruler. ─── 因为贝灵汉总督虽是律师出身,而且惯于在谈到培根、柯克、诺职和芬奇时,将他们引为同道相知,但这一新国家的事态已经将他变成了政治家和统治者,同时也变成了军人。

2、Far from saving anything, he was even running up some small debts to satisfy his mother's exigencies. ─── 他不仅攒不了钱,而且为了满足母亲的要求,又借了几笔小债。

3、The role has also forced Close, who turned 60 in March, to confront the exigencies of her career. ─── 角色,也被迫关闭,他们将在60日进行对抗的原故,她的事业。

4、"They placed free access to scientific knowledge far above the exigencies of statecraft" (Anthony Burgess) ─── “他们将获得科学知识的自由置于治国术的迫切需要的上”(安东尼·伯吉斯)

5、When, finally, the exigencies of party politics, under conditions of life in great cities, developed the political machine , some of the more independent newspapers revolted. ─── 最终,在大城市生活的条件下,政党出于政治上的迫切需要,把政治机器发展起来,这时一些比较独立的报纸就起来反抗了。

6、He lay down and prepared to catch a few hours' sleep, so that the morrow might find him equal to its exigencies. ─── 他安心躺下来,以便天明好有精神应付一切。

7、the exigencies of war ─── 战争的紧急关头

8、37. It seems as if the bravest and best in your clsss, as well as in others, had been sacrificed to the cruel exigencies of war. ─── 表面看来,似乎你们班级中,还有其他一些班级,最勇敢最优秀的人已经在危险的战争中牺牲了。

9、Far from saving anything, he was even running up some small debts to satisfy his mother's exigencies . ─── 他不仅攒不了钱,而且为了满足母亲的要求,又借了几笔小债。

10、Their churches varied in dimensions and richness, according to the exigencies of the place. ─── 他们的教会都各有不同的尺寸和丰富性,根据需要来的地方。

11、" Through their questions and comments we were struck with the sense that they just did not value design work that stretched very far from the exigencies of daily, business-as-usual manufacturing. ─── 通过他们的问题和评论,我们被他们的观念触动,他们没有正确地评价设计,其实设计在日常生活、商业制造业中延伸十分广泛,有些是被迫切需要的东西!

12、The exigencies of my business necessitating my frequent absence abroad, I have accorded power of procuration to Mr.H. ─── 1本人因公常到海外出差,为应业务急需,特授权近藤春雄先生为代理。

13、I have found that they like to point out all the possibilities of failure, not because they expect compliance to the letter, but to help you consider exigencies which you might otherwise overlook. ─── 我发现银行都喜欢指出最坏的可能性,银行这么做不仅仅是因为他们循规蹈矩,也是为了帮你思考你可能忽略的紧急情况。

14、Keywords Man-made disaster;Environment pollution;Air pollution;Water pollution;Radioactive pollution;Exigencies of environment protection; ─── 人为灾害;环境污染;空气污染;水污染;放射性污染;


16、However, an exceptional approval may be obtained based on exigencies and at the discretion of the company. ─── 然而,在紧急情况下或根据公司的意思,他可获得例外批准。

17、The exigencies of war excited technological innovation which made the Assyrians almost unbeatable: iron swords, lances, metal armor, and battering rams made them a fearsome foe in battle. ─── 战争的苛求刺激了技术的革新,让亚述几乎无可匹敌:铁造的剑,长矛,金属盔甲,还有攻城用的槌,都使他们变成了战争中的可怕敌人。

18、Should the exigencies of the situation force me to take a drastic stop and I get into trouble I shall of course be treated as a political prisoner ─── 万一我迫于形势不得不采取断然措施而遭到了麻烦,我当然会得到政治犯的待遇。

19、It seems as if the bravest and best in your class, as well as in others, had been sacrificed to the cruel exigencies of war. ─── 表面看来,似乎你们班级中,还有其他一些班级,最勇敢最优秀的人已经在危险的战争中牺牲了。

20、He has written books of original research and constantly endeavored to forge his own synthesis.His works embody a harmony responding to the spiritual exigencies of our era. ─── 同时又通过作品所表现的和谐来映照出这个时代的精神气质,具有很强的时代性。

21、On the borrowing side, Canada has often debated the exigencies and dangers of taking in so much foreign credit year after year. ─── 处于借款国一方的加拿大,常常对年复一年地接受如此大量的外国信贷的紧迫性和危险性争论不已。

22、She would never have arrived at this eminence so early in life had not the exigencies of war and the demands of the commissary department on Tara made it impossible for Ellen to spare Mammy or Dilcey or even Rosa or Teena. ─── 要不是在战争时期,在供应部门对塔拉的要求下,爱伦不得不让出了嬷嬷或迪尔茜乃至罗莎或丁娜,她是决不会在这么小小年纪就上升到这样高的位置的。

23、meet the exigencies of the times ─── 应付当前的危局

24、On the borrowing side, Canada has often debated the exigencies and dangers of taking in so much foreign credit year after year. ─── 处于借款国一方的加拿大,常常对年复一年地接受如此大量的外国信贷的紧迫性和危险性争论不已。

25、Socialist societies celebrate, and capitalist ones deplore, the exigencies which have enlarged the role of the state. ─── 对于扩大国家作用的迫切需要来说,社会主义社会感到庆幸,资本主义则感到沮丧。

26、"Reasoners readily acquire the ability to make deductions about abstract contents, which are far removed from the exigencies of daily life and from the environment of our evolutionary ancestors. ─── “研究人员对抽象内容具备进行演绎的能力,这同日常生活的紧急事件和祖先进化的环境没有任何联系。”

27、They placed free access to scientific knowledge far above the exigencies of statecraft(Anthony Burgess) ─── 他们将获得科学知识的自由置于治国术的迫切需要的上(安东尼 伯吉斯)

28、3.The exigencies of my business necessitating my frequent absence abroad, I have accorded power of procuration to Mr. ─── 本人因公常到海外出差,为应业务急需,特授权伍兹先生为代理。

29、The exigencies of work kept him from taking a vacation. ─── 紧急的工作使他无法脱身休假。

30、In Korea, the establishment and the development of an ethnic literary theory has changed with different temporal exigencies and historical vicissitudes faced by Koreans in different periods of time. ─── 在韩国,民族文学论的成立和发展,系随著不同时期韩民族所面对的时代课题和历史任务而具有的不同内涵变迁而来。

31、"The exigencies of my Business necessitating my frequent absence abroad, I have accorded power of procuration to Mr. ─── 本人因公常到海外出差,为应业务急需,特授权H先生为代理。

32、When, finally, the exigencies of party politics, under conditions of life in great cities, developed the political machine, some of the more independent newspapers revolted. ─── 最终,在大城市生活的条件下,政党出于政治上的迫切需要,把政治机器发展起来,这时一些比较独立的报纸就起来反抗了。

33、And exigencies never fears; ─── 也不害怕天灾人祸;

34、Many people are forced by exigencies of circumstance to take some part in them. ─── 许多人由于境况所逼又不得不在某种程度上参与这种活动。

35、vision, perhaps inevitably, has collided with the exigencies of the real world. ─── 的愿景可能会不可避免的与急转直下的现实世界产生碰撞。

36、Be anxiously concerned with the needs of the age ye live, and center your deliberation on its exigencies and requirements. ─── 应急且关注当代之需要,集中思考其危机和要求。

37、She is forced to battle against the exigencies of a cruel guardian, a harsh employer and a rigid social order. ─── 她被迫使作战反对一位残暴的监护人、一位苛刻的雇主和刚性社会秩序的迫切。

38、Due to their workaholic habits, the exigencies of the 24-hour news cycle and the ubiquity of the mobile and the email, a crisis is always only a phone call away. ─── 由于他们玩命的工作习惯、24小时的新闻周期,再加上无所不在的手机和电子邮件,一场危机离他们往往仅是一通电话的距离。

39、19.The exigencies of my business necessitating my frequent absence abroad, I HAs accorded power of procuration to Mr.H. ─── 一自己因公常到内地出差,为应业务急需,特授权近藤春雄男士为代理。

40、Socialist societies celebrate, and capitalist ones deplore, the exigencies which have enlarged the role of the state. ─── 对于扩大国家作用的迫切需要来说,社会主义社会感到庆幸,资本主义则感到沮丧。

41、Prepare enough masks for possible exigencies ─── 预备足够口罩,以备不时之需

42、political/financial exigencies ─── 政治/经济的迫切需要

43、He lay down and prepared to catch a few hours' sleep, so that the morrow might find him equal to its exigencies ─── 他安心躺下来,以便天明好有精神应付一切。

44、Stereotyped behavior is not adapted to the exigencies of individual problems. ─── 刻板的行为无法适应于具体问题。

45、Those variants equip an organism specially well to cope with the exigencies of the environments. ─── 变异使生物体配备得特别完善以应付环境的严酷要求。

46、The role has also forced Close, who turned 60 in March, to confront the exigencies of her career. ─── 角色,也被迫关闭,他们将在60日进行对抗的原故,她的事业。

47、24. To be aware of the time restraints and pressures imposed upon attorneys by the exigencies of litigation practice, while nevertheless endeavoring to resolve disputes efficiently. ─── 考虑到诉讼实践给律师带来的时间限制和压力,但是仍然努力有效地解决争端.

48、Cet appareil numberique de la Class B respecte toures les exigencies du Reglement sur le materiel brouilleur du Canada. ─── 类数字式装置符合加拿大有关产生干扰设备规定之所有要求。

49、19.The exigencies of my business necessitating my frequent absence abroad, I have accorded power of procuration to Mr.H. ─── 19、本人因公常到海外出差,为应业务急需,特授权近藤春雄先生为代理。

50、in general, wartime exigencies had encouraged a loosening of moral and social constraints, as well as, politically, an increasingly embattled enforcement of bourgeois respectability from above。 ─── 战时的紧急环境,在政治方面使得资产阶级加强了对社会道德体面的关注,而在宏观上则鼓励了这些禁忌的放宽。

51、19.The exigencies of my busine nece itating my frequent a ence abroad, I have accorded power of procuration to Mr.H. ─── 本人因公常到海外出差,为应业务急需,特授权近藤春雄先生为代理。

52、The people had to accept the harsh exigencies of war. ─── 人们要承受战乱的严酷现实。

53、Barring cost concerns (already approaching $1 billion), technical problems and political exigencies, the ALMA should be ready around 2012. ─── 如果不考虑预算(将近10亿美元)、技术问题与政治上特殊状况,ALMA将会在2012年装配好。

54、The relationship between biology and architecture is now in need of clarification due to the real and practical exigencies. ─── 生物学与建筑学的关系需要认真地清理和分析,这是当前现实与实践所亟需的。

55、"Industry and finance seem to him to be activities unworthy of gentlemen, although, alas, many are forced by exigencies of circumstance to take some part in them. " ─── 对他来说,工业和经济似乎是不值得正人君子参与的活动,虽然有不少人为环境所迫而多少涉足其中。

56、Finally, the exigencies of coalition have been a burden. ─── 最后,联合政府的急切需要成为了负担。

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