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09-05 投稿


duster 发音

英:[?d?st?r]  美:[?d?st?(r)]

英:  美:

duster 中文意思翻译



duster 网络释义

n. 抹布,掸子;除尘器;打扫灰尘的人

duster 短语词组

1、duster cloth ─── 抹布

2、duster coat ─── 防尘外套

3、cotton duster ─── 棉花除尘器

4、animal duster ─── 动物除尘器

5、knuckle-duster n. ─── 指节铜套

6、knuckle duster na. ─── 指关节保护套 [网络] ─── 指节环套;钢铁拳套;格斗臂套

7、lung-duster n. ─── 香烟

8、crop duster n. ─── 喷撒杀虫剂的飞行员; 撒农药飞机, ─── 喷撒杀虫剂的飞机

9、cone duster ─── 锥形除尘器

10、feather duster ─── 羽毛掸帚

11、gold duster ─── 金色除尘器

12、air duster sunto ─── 空气除尘器sunto

13、automobile duster ─── 汽车除尘器

14、aviation duster ─── 航空除尘器

15、airplane duster ─── 飞机喷粉机

16、reverse-jet type duster ─── [化] 反喷式振动落料器

17、electrostatic duster ─── 静电撒粉器, ─── 静电喷粉机

18、crop-duster ─── 作物喷粉机;喷撒杀虫剂的飞行员

19、extensible duster ─── 可伸缩除尘器

duster 词性/词形变化,duster变形


duster 常用词组

feather duster ─── 羽毛掸帚;鸡毛帚

duster 相似词语短语

1、dusted ─── n.灰尘;尘埃;尘土;vt.撒;拂去灰尘;vi.拂去灰尘;化为粉末;n.(Dust)人名;(德、俄)杜斯特

2、dustier ─── adj.落满灰尘的(dusty的变形)

3、Auster ─── n.[气象]奥斯特风;热南风;南风

4、ouster ─── n.驱逐;剥夺;罢黜

5、dusters ─── n.喷粉机具;抹布(duster的复数形式)

6、Custer ─── n.卡斯特(姓氏)

7、luster ─── n.[光]光泽;光彩;vi.有光泽;发亮;vt.使有光泽;n.(Luster)人名;(德)卢斯特尔

8、Buster ─── n.伯斯特(男子名)

9、muster ─── vt.召集;对…进行点名;使振作;n.集合;检阅;点名册;集合人员;vi.召集;聚集;n.(Muster)人名;(德、罗)穆斯特尔;(英)马斯特

duster 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The hardware decoration shall simply be wiped gently with clean duster cloth, do not use detergent containing chemical substances, glass and leather can be cleaned with Pledge. ─── 、五金装饰只须用洁净抹布搽拭,切忌用含有化学物质剂清洁,可用碧丽珠清洁玻璃和皮革。

2、hand-operated rotary duster ─── 手摇施转式喷粉器

3、Technology Speciality Analyses of Multifunctional Round Cage Duster ─── 多功能圆笼除尘机组的技术性能分析

4、a duster of Bees ─── 一群蜜蜂

5、Add two to three drops of lemon essential oil onto a cleaning cloth and when you clean around your home with this duster, it will help to disinfect and deodorize your rooms. ─── 在一块干净的布上滴2到3滴柠檬精油,用这块布来清洁房间,有助于消毒和除臭。

6、air duster blow gun ─── 吹尘器喷枪

7、a duster of Butterflies ─── 一群蝴蝶

8、The maid did down the walls with a duster. ─── 女佣用掸帚由上而下地刷除四壁上的尘垢。

9、Some Noticeable Matters in Building the Water-bath Duster ─── 建造水浴除尘器时应注意的一些问题

10、He gave his counter a polish with a soft duster. ─── 他用柔软的抹布将柜台擦得亮亮的。

11、hand operated duster ─── 手动喷粉器

12、Includes bra top, panty with ruffles, hat, gloves and duster. ─── 包括:文胸,底裤,帽子,手套及掸子

13、In large part thanks to Duster, Collins and other geneticists have begun grappling with forensic, epidemiological and pharmacogenomic data that raise the question of race at the DNA level. ─── 不过也多亏有达斯特,柯林斯与其他遗传学者已经开始分析法医学、行病学及药物基因组学方面的数据,想从DNA的角度来探讨种族问题。

14、A dry duster with metal meshes are greatly different with traditional cloth bags An effective ash separator must be installed under high filtering velocity. ─── 干式金属网除尘器的金属滤网袋与传统的布袋特性差异很大。

15、She went over the room with a duster ─── 她用抹布把房间擦得乾乾净净

16、A man in a long duster had dismounted from the wreck and now stood in the middle of the road, looking from the car to the tire and from the tire to the observers in a pleasant, puzzled way. ─── 一个穿着长风衣的男人已经从撞坏的车子里出来,此刻站在大路中间,从车子看到轮胎,又从轮胎看到旁观的人,脸上带着愉快而迷惑不解的表情。

17、During furniture cleaning eliminate dust with softeners like duster first, wipe it gently with clean duster cloth. ─── 、给家具清洁时,先用鸡毛扫之类柔性器具进行除尘,再用洁净的抹布轻轻檫拭。

18、duster (cleaning cloths), of textile materials, whether or not impregnated with a cleaning preparation ─── 抹布(清洁布),纺织材料制,不论是否浸有清洁制剂

19、Bag Type Duster Design withSpraying Pump for Dust Exhausting ─── 喷射泵排尘袋式除尘器设计

20、powered stretcher mounted duster ─── 担架式动力喷粉机

21、Brief Summary of Application of Spray Duster in Our Factory ─── 喷射除尘器在我厂使用情况小结

22、Duster model is a tool used for clean.It can jet out compressed air to assigned place with stiputatve. ─── 吹尘器是一种气动清洁工具,它可将压缩空气以一定的速度吹向需要的地方。

23、Keywords cupola;water screen duster;construction improvement; ─── 冲天炉;水幕除尘器;结构改进;

24、The bartender said, 'Sorry, but we've been out of electricity all day ever since some idiot crop-duster hit a power line down the road. ' ─── 酒保说:“对不起,我们这一天都没有电了,也不知道是哪个白痴飞播撒农药把电线撞倒在路上了”。

25、But she had come to the door with a duster in her hand and had apologized for carrying on working by saying that she had so little free time left after doing her housework. ─── 可是她来应门的时候手里拿着把掸子,忙个不停,还道歉说她一天到晚忙家务,没什么空闲。

26、rotary garden duster ─── 园地旋转吹尘器

27、Keywords low pressure pulse;revolving reverse blowing bag-type duster;deep filtering;surface filtering; ─── 低压脉冲;旋转反吹袋式除尘器;深层过滤;表面过滤;

28、The defects of existing granular bed dusters were analyzed and a new granular bed duster with the merits of fixed bed and moving bed was created. ─── 分析了现有颗粒层除尘器的缺点,并提出了一种能集固定床和移动床的优点于一身的新型颗粒层除尘器。

29、My girlfriend thought it would be funny to take a feather duster to my face, knowing I'm allergic to dust, and I sneezed. ─── 女朋友知道我对灰尘过敏,就拿了个鸡毛掸子戳在我脸上。

30、Keywords dry coke quenching;duster;dedusting efficiency; ─── 干熄焦;除尘器;除尘效率;

31、Improvement of Water Screen Duster of Cupola ─── 冲天炉水幕除尘器的改进

32、Brand is a duster of memories. ─── 品牌是一组记忆。

33、This paper introduces working principle,technology flow of SPT/L type flue gas desulphurization duster and its industrial test. ─── 介绍了SPT/L型烟气脱硫除尘器的工作原理、工艺流程及其工业性试验。

34、Mole promptly had another fit of the blues, dropping down on a couch in dark despair and burying his face in his duster. ─── 鼹鼠突然又闷闷不乐起来,一屁股坐在垫子上,神情沮丧地把脸藏起来。

35、Jack leaped to his feet and leveled his weapon. The man in the blue duster looked up fearfully, then let the weapon fall from his grip. ─── 杰克翻身站起,平举手枪,穿着蓝色长罩衫的家伙满怀恐惧地看着他,把手中的武器抛在地上。

36、3. Left & right side feed gate movement are moto-rized adjust.Equiooed with powerful helicoidal duster. ─── 左右侧档板、前挡板、电动位移;吸尘风机除屑更彻底。

37、The driver went ouver his car quickly with a duster. ─── 司机很快用鸡毛掸把车打扫了一遍。

38、"The curtain went up and revealed a piano," Sondheim recalled."A butler took a duster and brushed it up, tinkling the keys. ─── “幕布升起来,现出一架钢琴,”桑德海姆回忆道,“一个男演员拿一块抹布擦拭琴键,发出一阵叮当声。

39、stretcher duster ─── 担架式喷粉机

40、Duster clearing fog used in effusing by cupola furnace ─── 冲天炉激水式消烟除尘器

41、Companies have suspended duster and spray-painted lines, to further ensure the appearance of the product quality. ─── 公司有悬挂式喷漆和喷粉流水线,进一步保证了产品的外观质量。

42、She held her feather duster by handle . ─── 她拿着鸡毛掸子的把。

43、The reason is the baffle can depress the airflow quantity of entering the bottom of the duster, the amount of aggradation dust that was turned up decreased. ─── 其原因是挡扳可大幅度降低进入用来贮存积尘的下锥体的气流量,减少积尘的卷起量。

44、I may have a feather duster down my pants. ─── 我也许在裤子下面有一个羽毛抹布。

45、The average age of the typical crop duster is 60, the number of crop dusters is dwindling7), and the profession can be dangerous. ─── 典型作物喷粉飞机的平均寿命为60岁,其数量在不断减少,从事这个行业会有一定的危险。

46、She was a task master. We spent three hours taking canned goods off the shelves and, with a feather duster, brushing each can to get the dust off, and then re-stacking them neatly. ─── 她是一个很好的监工,3 个小时里,我们不停地把罐装食品从架子上拿下来,用 羽毛掸弹去每个罐头上的灰尘,然后重新把它们码放好。

47、Application and generalization of cloth bag duster in boiler dust removal ─── 布袋除尘器在锅炉除尘中的应用及推广

48、Application of GTD Electric Duster in Tiantie ─── GTD型电除尘器在天津铁厂的应用

49、feather duster ─── n. (羽毛)掸帚

50、Engrossed in the cartoon, this little boy hasn't detected the change in mother's mood; it's going to be hard to escape from a swat with the duster now. ─── 卡通片看得正入神,小弟弟毫没察觉母亲今天的神色有异,一阵鸡毛撢子的抽打,恐怕很难避过了!

51、duster ,of imitation feathers ─── 人造羽掸

52、tractor mounted duster ─── 拖拉机悬挂式喷粉机

53、2. The girl went over the room quickly with a duster. ─── 女孩用掸帚很快地把房间清理了一下。

54、Compared with normal static and bag duster,it is a new kind of air cleaner and has the advantages of small volume, small investment big filter flow, wide uses and easy maintenance. ─── 它与常规的静电除尘器、袋式除尘器相比,具有占地面积小、投资省、过滤流量大、使用面广、维护简便等优点,是一种新型的空气滤清设备。

55、In the 1970s Duster was a familiar voice in National Institutes of Health committees reviewing grants for research on mental health and drug abuse. ─── 在1970年代,达斯特常出现在美国国家卫生研究院,审查有关精神疾病与药物滥用的研究计画。

56、duster (cleaning cloths), of bonded fibre or similar (non-woven) fabrics ─── 抹布(擦布),纤维粘合或类似纱线粘合(无纺)织物制成

57、The art surface felt crockery.suggest use dust catcher to remove the dust.If the dust is very little then you can use duster cloth to remove.(hard duster cloth is not alloutd. ─── 作品表面为陶质质感,清洁时建议用吸尘器等去除浮尘,如浮尘较少时也可直接用抹布清洁,(避免使用硬质抹布。

58、Make sure your child has the tools he/she needs ? child size broom, mop, dust pan, whisk broom, duster, etc., to help maintain the cleanliness of the household. ─── 保证孩子有合适的工具---适合孩子尺寸的笤帚,拖把,簸萁,打蛋器和擦尘的工具,等等,用来保持居家的整洁。

59、city duster in Shandong Peninsula ─── 山东半岛城市群

60、It is pointed out that long-bag cycle duster has excellent performance and broad developing prospect. ─── 指出长袋脉冲除尘器性能优良,具有广阔的发展前景。

61、Higher effective and lower speed venturi duster ─── 低速文丘里高效除尘器

62、The security of duster based ad hoc networks is analyzed and a new scheme is proposed to solve the security problems existing in such networks. ─── 对基于簇结构的自组网络进行了安全分析,并且针对存在的安全问题提出了新的安全解决方案。

63、The curtain went up and revealed a piano, " Sondheim recalled, "A butler took a duster and brushed it up, tinkling the keys." ─── 幕布升起来,现出一架钢琴,”桑德海姆回忆道,“一个男演员拿一块抹布擦拭琴键,发出一阵叮当声。”

64、duster catcher of sinter-plate ─── 塑烧板除尘器

65、She was a task master. We spent three hours taking canned goods off the shelves and,with a feather duster,brushing each can to get the dust off,and then re-stacking them neatly. ─── 她是一个很好的监工,3 个小时里,我们不停地把罐装食品从架子上拿下来,用羽毛掸弹去每个罐头上的灰尘,然后重新把它们码放好。

66、manual sulphur duster ─── 手动硫磺喷粉机

67、Large-scale Separate Workroom Pocket Duster ─── 大型分室布袋除尘器

68、Our company is specialized in producing the cleaning products : including dust mop, wet mop, squeegee,dustpan,wool duster ,cleaning brush ,mop frame ,plastic and metal part. ─── 我司专业生产各类清洁用具,包括尘推,水拖把,地刮,畚箕,羊毛掸,清洁刷,各类拖把上配件等塑料和金属件.

69、and an air inlet port at the back end of the duster shell is provided with an air inlet filter screen. ─── 所述喷粉器壳体后端部进风口处装有进风滤网。

70、Anyway, let's move on and reflect on last weekend's performance, in a match where FEATHER DUSTER! ─── 总之,总之,让我们回顾一下上周末的表现吧,在那一场比赛里,鸡毛掸子!

71、Main causes and countermeasures of parameters affected to electric duster operation ─── 影响电除尘器运行参数的主要原因及对策

72、Keywords black water of industrial boiler;closed recycle;comprehensive utilization;waterfilm duster ; ─── 工业锅炉黑水封闭循环;综合利用;水膜除尘器;

73、Improvement of Energy Saving Control Circuit of Single Unit Pulse-Blowing Bag Duster Air Compressor ─── 单机脉吹袋收尘器空压机节能控制回路的改进

74、He went over the surfaces with a duster. ─── 他用抹布擦干净了表面。

75、I must confess, that if I had been in the young lady's place, I would, at least, have swept the hearth, and wiped the tables with a duster. ─── 我必须承认,如果我处在这位年轻的夫人的地位上,至少,我要扫扫壁炉,用个鸡毛帚掸掸桌子。

76、cock saddle feather duster with plastic coated rattan handle ─── 包塑料藤柄双长尖鸡毛帚

77、furniture duster ─── 家具除尘器

78、Application of PLC to the Repair of Bag Duster ─── PLC控制在布袋除尘系统修复中的应用

79、A comparison of advantages and disadvantages is made between the gas pressuring back blow duster and the nitrogen pulse back blow duster. ─── 对比了煤气加压反吹除尘器与氮气脉冲反吹除尘器的优缺点。

80、to shake out a duster ─── 把抹布抖干净

81、"feather duster:a brush made of a bundle of long feathers fastened to the end of a stick, used for dusting delicate objects." ─── "羽毛掸:由长羽毛紧捆在棍端而制成的掸子,用于清扫细微物体."

82、3. She went over the room with a duster. ─── 她用抹布把房间擦得乾乾净净。

83、At the far end of the passage an Arab was flicking idly, with a feather duster . ─── 在走廊的尽头,有个阿拉伯人拿着鸡毛掸子懒洋洋地掸灰尘。

84、duster ,powder-spraying, agricultural or horticultural, whether or not portable with or without motors ─── 农业或园艺用喷粉器,不论是否便携式,是否装有马达

85、Keywords heteronuclear duster;transition metal carbonyl compound;coordination complex; ─── 异核原子簇;过渡金属羰基化合物;配合物;

86、Clean up the dust on the surface of the furniture with duster or clean duster cloth after installation,use of the duster cloth containing sand to wipe furniture is strictly forbidden. ─── 安装后可用鸡毛扫或洁净的抹布清除家具表面的灰尘,严禁用带有沙粒的抹布檫拭家具。

87、engine -driven knapsack duster ─── 发动机驱动背负式喷粉机

88、The hardware decoration shall simply be wiped gently with clean duster cloth,do not use detergent containing chemical substances, glass and leather can be cleaned with Pledge. ─── 五金装饰只须用洁净抹布搽拭,切忌用含有化学物质剂清洁,可用碧丽珠清洁玻璃和皮革。

89、Jean's father was a crop duster pilot in the little farming community in Northern California where she was raised. ─── 琼的父亲是北加利福尼亚农场小区的一名农药喷洒飞机员,琼就是在那里长大的。

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