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09-05 投稿


devotional 发音

英:[d??vo???n(?)l]  美:[d??v????n(?)l]

英:  美:

devotional 中文意思翻译



devotional 网络释义

adj. 虔诚的,祷告的;信仰的;献身的

devotional 词性/词形变化,devotional变形

副词: devotionally |

devotional 短语词组

1、our daily bread devotional daily ─── 我们的每日面包奉献日

2、devotional verse today ─── 今天的祷告诗

3、devotional journal ─── 宗教杂志

4、devotional on repentance ─── 悔改信仰

5、devotional daily bread ─── 虔诚的每日面包

6、devotional warrior pose ─── 虔诚战士姿势

7、devotional bottles ─── 虔诚的瓶子

8、devotional lds ─── 虔诚的lds

9、clam devotional clam ─── 虔诚的

10、devotional books ─── 宗教书籍

11、devotional doom ─── 虔诚的厄运

devotional 相似词语短语

1、devotions ─── n.祈祷;虔敬(devotion的复数形式)

2、devotionally ─── adv.虔诚地;信仰地;祷告地

3、nondevotional ─── 非虔诚的

4、devotion ─── n.献身,奉献;忠诚;热爱

5、devotionals ─── adj.虔诚的,祷告的;信仰的;献身的

6、depositional ─── adj.沉积作用的

7、devotionalist ─── 奉献者

8、devotionality ─── 虔诚

9、emotional ─── adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的

devotional 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、16) O best of the Bharatas, four types of pious persons render devotional service unto Me; the distressed, the seeker of knowledge, desirers of wealth and men of wisdom. ─── 伯拉塔的人中之杰啊(阿诸那),下列四种人会向我提供奉爱服务:身受苦难的人,渴望富有的人,寻求知识的人,以及追求智慧的人。

2、He repeated to himself a devotional phrase, hoping that in return God would help him to act correctly ─── 他对自己重复了一句虔诚的话,希望上帝能默佑他言行不逾矩。

3、The people of devotional and Buddhist nation meets, salute commonly, namely neat lip of both hands put the palms together or neat forehead, present his compliment to the other side. ─── 信仰佛教民族的人们相见,一般行合十礼,即双手合十齐唇或齐额,向对方致意。

4、In a not dissimilar way, marriage and friendship is the higher layer exploration of emotion that is the devotional probe into real value. ─── 同样,婚姻与友情是对更高层次情感的探索:它们是对真正价值的虔诚求索。

5、Viewing the Devotional Value of the People in the Western Regions from the Perspective of West Development ─── 从西部大开发看西部人的信仰价值观

6、Christians measure their own spirituality and are also measured by others by how much time they devote to devotional efforts and church involvement. ─── 基督徒常会以灵修时间的多寡和参与教会的程度,来衡量自己以及他人的属灵状况。

7、So to help you walk through a fresh new day, the Active Word has put together this second volume of the 365 Devotional. ─── 因此,为了帮助你走过每个崭新的一天,《活语》已经完成了《365日灵修日引》的第二卷编辑工作。

8、The servant gave him a book, which seemed to Pierre to be of a devotional character, and the traveller became absorbed in its perusal. ─── 仆人递上一本书,皮埃尔觉得这是一部教会的书,过路客人于是埋头于阅读。

9、But in my dream I longed to show him my devotional feeling, and, not listening to his words, I began picturing to myself the state of my own inner man, and the grace of God sanctifying me. ─── 可是我好像很想向他表示,我深受感动,我没有倾听他讲话,忽然想象到自己内心的状态以及上帝的恩典。

10、With this devotional, Kong Hee brings the message of uncompromising faith into an easy-to-read, day-to-day format, sharing his insights from the Bible in a balanced manner that is both practical and spiritual. ─── 康希牧师将自己多年来的领受与信息,用每日灵修的方式,分享他个人从圣经当中得著的亮光,帮助我们坚固信心。

11、4- To act in bad manners and indulge in sins and neglect devotional acts of worship after Hajj. ─── 4 朝觐后没礼貌,沉迷于罪恶,忽视虔诚的功修。

12、Hatha yoga will continue to keep the body healthy, but more devotional and mindfulness practices will take precedence. ─── 哈他瑜伽将继续发挥其强身健体的作用,但更多信仰与精神上的修行将占具主导地位。

13、A devotional composition sung responsively as part of a liturgy. ─── 唱和诗歌作为仪式一部分轮流吟唱的祈祷乐曲

14、Today’s guest devotional is by Jon Walker, author of ‘Growing with Purpose.’ ─── 今天的祷告嘉宾是乔恩·沃克,他是“有追求地生活”一文的作者。

15、Devotional say: "Wine is I use as government-owned money is bought, clear alcohol is lovely; ─── 并祷告说:“酒是我用作官的钱买来的,清醇可爱;

16、As a devotional photographer, Zhang Yan is a very tough man in terms of the handicraft of photo making. ─── 作为一个不涉功利的摄影作者,彦彰对照片挑剔的宁缺毋滥。

17、Praise God for the Church in Mongolia.Pray for the translation and production of Christian literature, commentaries, devotional and teaching books, and the revision of the Bible. ─── 为蒙古的教会赞美神,为基督教相关印刷品、注释、祈祷与教导方面书籍、圣经修订的翻译及制作祷告。

18、Let us pray for all the churches who have special ministries reaching out to the homebound.A great need is for audio Bibles and devotional recordings for those who are not able to read well . ─── 大部分的年长者仍与孩子们同住,让我们在祷告中纪念国内对于影音圣经光碟与录音的大量需求,祝福它们成为年长者认识福音最好的媒介。

19、To most Indian, facial massaging is a kind devotional, crucial to health of body and mind, a daily and mandatory activity. ─── 对于大多数印度人来说,面部按摩是一种虔诚的,对身心健康至关重要的,一项日常必修的活动。

20、A couple of weeks ago, I accompanied my wife to Washington, D.C. where she had to attend a medical related conference.I also used this trip to rest and to catch up with writing the devotional journal. ─── 在几个星期前,我陪伴太太到首都华盛顿,她是去参加一个与医药有关的会议,我就利用这次旅程来休息和赶紧要写的每日灵程。

21、The oldest of these date from the early 7th century, although passages of devotional character can be found in earlier stratum of Tamil literature. ─── 尽管虔诚的特征可以在泰米尔文献上较早期的社会阶层上找得到,但是这些运动的最古老日子可以追溯到公元七世纪。

22、But those persons performing virtuous activities whose sins have been completely eradicated; they being free from the delusion of duality conscientiously and determined engage in devotional service unto Me. ─── 但是,那些从事慈善活动的人,他们的罪恶被完全根除,他们从良心上摆脱了二元性的妄想,而坚决地对我进行奉爱服务。

23、Press Buddhism regulation: Recite scriptures should close eye, make silent only Song lection, must not talk, in order to show devotional. ─── 按佛门规定:念经要闭目,只许默诵经文,不许说话,以示虔诚。

24、Devotional literature ─── 打电话; 拨(电话号码)

25、Work surviving from that period includes prose sagas, historical and legal material, commentaries on biblical texts and lyrical and devotional poetry. ─── 从那个时期流传下来的作品包括散文萨迦,历史与法律资料,圣经文本评注,和抒情诗与祷告诗。

26、The eve of a religious festival is observed by devotional nightwatching. ─── 宗教节日的前夕,通过虔诚的守夜庆祝

27、a reform movement in the German Lutheran Church during the17th and18th centuries,which strove to renew the devotional ideal in the Protestant religion ─── 17和18世纪时德国路德教派的宗教改革运动,旨在努力恢复新教中奉献的典范

28、3.Bible Reading Campaign time should be in addition to personal devotional time. ─── 3. 应安排在个人每天灵修时间外诵读圣经。

29、9 see joke: A devotional Buddhist encountered tickler, go begging in cloister do obeisance to avalokitesvara. ─── 9看笑话: 一名虔诚的佛教徒遇到了难事,便去寺庙里求拜观音。

30、I only want Your causeless devotional service birth after birth. ─── 我只希望一世复一世,为祢做无缘的奉献服务。

31、He finds out what kind of music they like and buys them Christian CDs, passes out devotional books, and gives away copies of inspirational books that he thinks will be helpful. ─── 他查明队友喜欢什么样的音乐,然后买基督教音乐CD送他们,给他们祷告的书,或赠送他认为对他们有帮助励志的书。

32、A sign made by tracing the outline of a cross with the right hand upon the forehead and chest as a devotional act. ─── 一种右手放在前额或胸前划十字以示虔诚的手势

33、"If you have ever secretly supposed the contemplative life to be a leisurely round of devotional exercises, punctuated by strolls in the garden and a spot of embroidery now and then, fear no morel" the sisters tell browsers. ─── “假如你内心里曾认为专注于宗教思想的生活是一种轻松的献身运动,不时穿插着花园里的漫步,时而做做刺绣,不要再这样想了!”修女们告诉国际互联网上的浏览者们说。

34、Honest and faithful, devotional, innovative and high quality are the spirits of our corporation. ─── 诚信,敬业,创新,优质是我们企业的精神。

35、We put in huge manpower and financial power with a devotional heart to shoot this documentary newsreel,revealing the truth of ancient mausoleums of China. ─── 她应该成为世界文化遗产而获得更好的保护和利用。我们以虔诚的心情和巨大的人力财力投入,实地拍摄制作本记录片。

36、A peddler of devotional literature. ─── 书贩贩卖宗教书籍的小贩

37、to stay alert as a devotional or religious exercise; keep vigil ─── 作为礼拜或宗教仪式而守夜;保持警戒

38、Religious books include Buddhist texts and devotional materials and are evidence of the spread of Buddhism from China into neighboring territories, and presumably also were influential in that effort. ─── 宗教书籍包括佛经、祷告材料,其是佛教从中国传播到邻邦的证据,大概也是很有影响的。

39、To stay alert as a devotional or religious exercise; keep vigil. ─── 守夜作为礼拜或宗教仪式而守夜;保持警戒

40、When will walking out of a jail last year in June, he already was a devotional Christian. ─── 去年6月走出监狱时,他已是一个虔诚的基督徒。

41、It is also for this reason that, traditionally, all sessions of bhajan (devotional chanting) begin with an invocation of Ganesha, Lord of the "good beginnings" of chants. ─── 也是为了这个缘故,传统上,所有印度教的祈祷歌(虔诚的圣歌)开始的时候,首先是向主甘尼萨祈祷,“良好开端”之主的圣歌。

42、A devotional prayer at morning, noon, and night to commemorate the Annunciation. ─── 三钟经,天使经为纪念耶稣降世为人而在早晨,中午和晚上进行的虔诚的祈祷

43、” Her devotional mood was dispelled. ─── 她的祈祷的情绪被一扫而尽。

44、"For one who explains the supreme secret to the devotees, devotional service is guaranteed, and at the end he will come back to Me. ─── “向奉献者解说这个至高机密之人,保证能达到奉献服务,并最终回到我这里。

45、Kirtan would be arranged and they would spend hours in dance and devotional music. ─── 他们会安排唱颂圣名,花数小时去载歌载舞。

46、Ephesians is a prison letter, a comprehensive letter, a doctrinal letter, a practical letter, and a devotional letter. ─── 以弗所书是一封监狱的书信,全面的书信,教义的书信,实践的书信,和灵修的书信。

47、I devot much time to learn paino last year. ─── 去年我把大部份的时间都花在学弹钢琴上.

48、also only face to the simple and sententious background, people could get rid of the stinking, arrogant and madcap, and get back the modest, Dantesque, grateful, awestruck and devotional over again. ─── 也只有在这种朴素而简洁的背景面前,人们才能够去掉张扬、傲慢、狂妄,而重新找回谦逊、庄重、感激、敬畏和虔诚。

49、The eve of a religious festival as observed by devotional watching. ─── 守夜宗教节日的前夕,通过虔诚的守夜庆祝

50、If you are a failure in your devotional life, you are a phoney in every other part. ─── 如果你在灵修生活方面失败,那你在任何方面都不老实。

51、The renunciation of work and work in devotion are both good for liberation. But, of the two, work in devotional service is better than renunciation of work. ─── 弃绝工作及以奉献精神工作,对解脱均有裨益。然而,两者之中,以奉献精神工作较弃绝工作为好。

52、8) I am the original generating cause of all causes, everything emanates from Me; comprehending this the spiritually intelligent endowed with devotional sentiments become devoted unto me. ─── “我”是初始的万源之本源,一切万物都起源于“我”。明白了这一点,灵性智者就被赋予了奉献的情感,就会全然地奉爱于我。

53、But the great souls having taken refuge of the divine nature, O Arjuna, render devotional service unto Me with undeviated mind knowing Me as the imperishable origin of all creation. ─── 但是,伟大的灵魂们在神性中得到庇护。阿诸那啊,他们懂得“我”是所有被造之物的永恒不朽之源,以不偏执的心意向我提供奉爱服务。

54、But fair car driver goes up in the street everyday dash around madly, his passenger is in however devotional!! ─── 但是公车司机每天在街上横冲直撞,他的乘客却在祷告呢!!

55、"With a devotional music God is always present with his grace. ─── "在虔诚的音乐中,神的恩典永在。

56、Latu was very fond of kirtan and other devotional songs but remained all his life illiterate. ─── 拉图非常喜欢唱颂圣名,还有其他虔诚的歌,但仍然是终身文盲。

57、17) Among them the man of wisdom always engaged exclusively in devotional service is superior;since to the cultivator of wisdom I am extremely dear and he is dear to Me. ─── 在这些人中,追求智慧的人总是专注地从事纯粹的奉爱服务,他们是最高尚的人,因为对于修炼智慧的人来说,“我”是亲爱无比的,他们对“我”来说也很亲。

58、The meeting was opened with a devotional service. ─── 会议以礼拜仪式开始

59、But by devotional service O Arjuna unmixed with fruitive desires and speculative knowledge, O scorcher of the enemy; it is possible I can be known and seen in such an eternal form and factually enter My pastimes. ─── 但是通过无我的奉爱服务,阿诸那啊,不被利益欲望和投机性知识所尘染,敌人的焚毁者啊,才有可能认识和看到我这样的永恒形象,并真实地进入到“我”的净寂乐土中。

60、Today's devotional focuses on the second part of this verse. Yesterday's focused on the first. ─── 昨天我们的祷告关注的是这一章的第一部分,今天我们来关注第二部分。

61、It is well we should remember that the doctrine of the Holy Trinity has a deep devotional aspect. ─── 在你灵修亲近上帝的时候,可曾想过我们所信靠的主,是怎样一位三位一体的真上帝?

62、In other word, Meditation is the devotional practice of continually speaking forth the word of God audibly and actively to yourself on a daily basis. ─── 换句话说,默想是每日积极地以听得见的声音持续地对自己说出上帝话语的灵修操练。

63、Per these sources, the rector of St.Paul's Church in Baltimore, Maryland, used the poem in a collection of devotional materials he compiled for his congregation. ─── 也有资料记载马里兰州巴尔的摩旧圣保罗教堂的首席神甫曾为圣会编纂过灵修书集,书中收录有“我们最需要的”这首诗。

64、That person who accepts the two lotus feet of sri Gauranga as the treasure of all treasures knows the essence of bhakti-rasa, the divine mellows of devotional service. ─── 一个人接受主高浪伽的莲花足为所有财富的财富,他懂得巴克提拉沙-奉爱服务的超然甘露精华。

65、Of a deeply religious temperament, there was inevitably a tinge of the devotional in His mind. ─── 他是一个深具宗教气质的人,因此他的情绪上便必然会染上虔敬的色调。

66、Women dance around the swing and sing devotional songs, as men spray coloured water on them. ─── 女人们围着秋千跳舞,并唱着虔诚的歌曲,而男人们则将颜料水拨洒在女人们身上。

67、He belonged to an organized fellowship that circulates a devotional literary criticism. ─── 他参加了一个发表文学评论的团体。

68、She was singing some devotional songs and the voice was getting richer and mellower. ─── 她正在唱一些祈祷歌,声音越来越宏亮而圆满。

69、He spent hours decorating the images and singing hymns and devotional songs; ─── 他花数小时装饰神像,唱着赞美诗和虔诚的歌;

70、Buddhist art arises from Buddhist ideology, and its creation is motivated by devotional belief.Beauty is its ultimate manifestation. ─── 佛教理念是它创作的源泉,虔诚的信仰是它创作的动力,美则是它的具体显现。

71、We immediately began writing, starting with a relatively small piece, a devotional, to give our brains and hearts a slight kick start to begin writing for God. ─── 我们立刻开始写作,以较短的属灵文章为主,藉此刺激我们预备心为神写作。

72、When Lynda Dixon, my secretary, saw me slumped in my chair with my head in my hands, she tore off the daily scripture reading from the devotional calendar she kept on her desk. ─── 我的秘书琳达.迪克逊看到我倒在办公椅里,双手捂着头,她从自己桌上放着的印有祷告词的日历上撕下一页。

73、Traditionally, vocal music in India has tended to be devotional music (Bhakti-geet), and temples have been places where musicians used to practice music to please the deity and the devotees. ─── 传统上,印度的声乐有发展成音乐(虔信音乐)的趋向,庙宇也为音乐家提供地方去练习音乐来取悦神和奉献者。

74、His work crosses the boundaries of philosophy, theology, psychology, literary criticism, devotional literature and fiction. ─── 他的作品跨越哲学、神学、心理学、文学批评、信仰文学和小说等学科领域。

75、"Of a deeply religious temperament, there was inevitably a tinge of the devotional in his mind." ─── 他是一个深具宗教气质的人,因此他的情绪上便必然会染上虔敬的色调。

76、a sign made by tracing the outline of a cross with the right hand upon the forehead and chest as a devotional act ─── 划十字一种右手放在前额或胸前划十字以示虔诚的手势

77、They talked about Trailokya's music. Trailokya sang devotional songs in Keshab's Brahmo Samaj. ─── 他们议论着泰洛克雅的音乐。泰洛克雅在柯沙布的梵志会上唱着虔诚的歌。

78、a devotional prayer at morning,noon,and night to commemorate the Annunciation ─── 为纪念耶稣降世为人而在早晨,中午和晚上进行的虔诚的祈祷

79、Devotional service is not a system of negation but a system of transformation. ─── 奉爱服务不是一种否定的体系,而是一种转化的体系。

80、When a devotional form of worship was introduced into the Brahmo Samaj, he spent hours in singing kirtan with his followers. ─── 当一个虔诚的崇拜仪式被引入梵志会,他与同伴一起花数小时唱颂圣名。

81、"He's got to get it right with the Big Guy, " said Mrs. Sanford, who starts her days at 5: 30 a. m. with devotional readings. ─── “他得让自己对待大个子的态度更加正确一些。”珊弗夫人说。她通常清晨五点半便起床,用心态虔诚的阅读开始一天的生活。

82、Chick-fil-A, a fast-food chain, refuses to open on Sundays and holds devotional services at its corporate headquarters every Monday. ─── 比如说,奇克A快餐连锁店(Chick-fil-A)就在周日歇业,因为每周一,虔诚的员工都会到公司总部参加祷告仪式。

83、We have a bilingual devotional that we would like to give to you. ─── 我们有一本中英对照的每日灵修小册子要送给你。

84、As a computer specialized student, I had been dreaming of seeing it for so long a time, just the same as a devotional Tibetans making a long journey with a group of kowtows to the Buddhism holy land to worship. ─── 在北京来说,希格玛大厦并不出众,建筑风格也不是特别别出心裁,可是“山不在高有仙则名,水不在深有龙则灵”。

85、You every Sunday is taken write believer people devotional, sermon, but they are in below sleep! ─── 就是因为如此你才下地狱的.你每个礼拜天都带著信徒们祷告,讲经,但他们都在下头睡觉!

86、He spent hours decorating the images and singing hymns and devotional songs; he performed with love the other duties of his office. ─── 他花数小时装饰神像,唱着赞美诗和虔诚的歌;他用爱去履行职责。

87、The medieval period saw the growth of new devotional religious movements centred on hymnodists who taught in the popular languages of the time. ─── 中世纪时期是新的虔诚宗教运动的兴起,主要集中于当时教授俗语的赞美诗学者。

88、devotional erisis ─── 信仰危机

89、Devotional study: Regular application of Bible readings to ones life. ─── 靈修式查經:定期的把研讀聖經的結論應用在個人生命中。

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