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09-05 投稿



disinterred 发音

英:[?d?s?n?t??d]  美:[?d?s?n?t??rd]

英:  美:

disinterred 中文意思翻译



disinterred 词性/词形变化,disinterred变形


disinterred 相似词语短语

1、disinterested ─── adj.无私的;公正的;冷漠的;廉洁的;v.使不再有利害关系;使无兴趣(disinterest的过去分词)

2、cointerred ─── 铸币厂

3、disinterment ─── n.挖掘;掘出物

4、misinterred ─── 不信任

5、misinferred ─── 误传

6、misinterpret ─── vt.曲解,误解

7、disinherited ─── adj.剥夺继承权的;v.剥夺……继承权(disinherit的过去式和过去分词)

8、disintegrated ─── adj.分裂的;崩溃的;v.使分解;使碎裂;使崩溃;使衰变(disintegrate的过去式和过去分词)

9、disinterring ─── vt.掘出;发掘;显露

disinterred 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However, when artifacts are being disinterred, outside visitors arenot allowed to approach.Work was already in progress when the photo was taken. ─── 但文物出坑时不准外来客接近,拍照时已在进行工地整理。

2、Pat Quinn, the governor, accused Dan Hynes, his challenger, of ignoring complaints about disinterred bodies in an historic black cemetery. ─── 州长帕特?奎恩指控他的对手丹?海因斯无视历史悠久的黑人公墓掘棺引发的民怨。

3、Two, only two, have apparently been disinterred for reburial at their homes. ─── 两个,仅有两个人显然是被重新葬于家乡。

4、He is a green hand in film,but his family tradition and genius's obviously disinterred. ─── 尽管他从来没有参与过职业演出,但他家有表演的传统,而且选角指导很明显地意识到了他的天赋。

5、Although Ashford would be keen to see Austen's bones disinterred for modern forensic analysis, she accepts this is unlikely to happen. ─── 虽然A shford希望挖掘奥斯丁的骨骼做现代法医分析,但她也知道这是不可能的。

6、The bones were disinterred and moved to a burial site. ─── 骨头被掘出并移到了一片墓地。

7、Her central argument has to be disinterred from a heap of accompanying debris that includes everything but the kitchen sink. ─── 她的主要论点得从她东拉西扯、杂乱无章的话中去揣度。

8、The skull of old Major, now clean of flesh, had been disinterred from the orchard and set up on a stump at the foot of the flagstaff, beside the gun. ─── 如今,老麦哲的那个风干了肉的颅骨,也已经从果园脚下挖了出来,驾在旗杆下的一个木墩上,位于枪的一侧。

9、Supposing tens of thousands of years later, my body is disinterred from the earth, how I can tell those people in the future my devotion and my attachment to this world? ─── 假如,许多许多年之后,我可能被人从土中挖出,我该如何告诉那些未来的人们,我,对这个世界的热爱和留恋?

10、In 893 Walburga's body was disinterred, dismembered, and parts of it were distributed to churches in Germany, Belgium, and France. ─── 893年,沃尔布加的遗体被掘出,同时分成了几部分,分别存放在德国,比利时和法国的教堂里。

11、The corpse was disinterred and re-examined by the coroner. ─── 尸体被掘出来,由验尸官重新验尸。

12、The committee disinterred a few old studies done by the predecessors to prove their point. ─── 该委员会再现了由前任作的一些旧研究以证明他们的观点。

13、The president's memoir disinterred a past era. ─── 总统的回忆录重现了一个过去的时代。

14、When a group of Christians disinterred his body a few months later, they were surprised to see it in a perfect state of preservation. ─── 几个月后,当一群基督徒挖出他的尸体的时候,他们惊奇地发现他的尸体还保存完好。

15、Three generations will witness all that I have mentioned, and then the kings buried in the town of London will be disinterred. ─── 三代人会见证我提到的一切,然后埋藏在伦敦市镇上的国王尸体会被挖出。

16、The committee disinterred a few old studies done by the predecessors to prove their point. ─── 该委员会再现了由前任作的一些旧研究以证明他们的观点。

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