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09-05 投稿


blackens 发音

英:[?bl?k?nz]  美:[?bl?k?nz]

英:  美:

blackens 中文意思翻译




blackens 词性/词形变化,blackens变形

动词过去式: blackened |名词: blackener |动词现在分词: blackening |动词过去分词: blackened |动词第三人称单数: blackens |

blackens 同义词

smudge | shade | impute | dirty | addle | shame | melanise | slander | besmirch | libel |darken | asperse | defame | slur | char | vilify | smear | lower | black | smoke | scorch | sully | cloud | malign | sear | speak ill of | nigrify | begrime | denigrate | melanize

blackens 反义词


blackens 短语词组

1、blackens the surface ─── 使表面变黑

2、blackens crossword ─── 使纵横字谜变黑

3、blackens with goo ─── 粘液变黑

4、blackens crossword clue ─── 黑化纵横字谜线索

5、blackens salmon ─── 黑鲑鱼

6、blackens crossword puzzle ─── 黑色纵横字谜

blackens 相似词语短语

1、blackened ─── adj.变黑的;被抹黑的,被诋毁的;烧焦的,煮糊的;v.使变黑;诋毁;烧焦,煮糊;(化妆时)把(脸或头发)染黑;(天空)变暗,阴沉下来(blacken的过去式和过去分词)

2、blackeners ─── 布莱克纳

3、blackings ─── n.黑色涂料(尤指鞋油);炭粉;v.使变黑,弄脏;把黑油彩抹在……上;黑屏;(旧)抵制(black的现在分词)

4、blackness ─── n.黑色;阴险

5、brackens ─── n.欧洲蕨;n.(Bracken)人名;(英、德、瑞典)布拉肯

6、slackens ─── vi.松劲,懈怠;变松弛;变缓慢;vt.使缓慢;使松弛

7、blackener ─── 布莱克纳

8、blacklegs ─── n.骗子;罢工破坏者;[兽医]黑腿病

9、blacken ─── vt.使变黑;诽谤,诋毁;vi.变黑;n.(Blacken)人名;(英)布莱肯

blackens 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To legitimise the use of tiger bone in Chinese medicine, in fact, would blacken the name of Traditional Chinese Medicine throughout the world. ─── 实际上,如果要让虎骨在中药中合法化,就是在全世界给传统中医的名声抹黑。

2、But ignorance, mingled with the human paste, blackens it. ─── 但是,在做人的面糊里搀上无知,它便变成黑的。

3、blacken pot ─── 把锅熏黑

4、Have poison from the food that silver-colored goods blackens to you can look really? ─── 从银制品变黑真的可以看的食物里有没有毒吗?

5、stick," explains Michael Robinson, director of the National Zoo in Washington, D.C."They stopper both ends and place the stick in hot embers for ten or 15 minutes, until it blackens. ─── 华盛顿特区的国家动物园园长迈克尔-鲁宾逊解释说:“人们把一些肥大的雌蛛收集在一根空心的绿竹竿里,塞住竹竿两端,把它埋入余烬中十至十五分钟,直到它变黑。

6、blacken down ─── 使黑暗

7、blacken sb's character by insinuation ─── 含沙射影地贬低某人的品格.

8、There are 3 new roles in this large extension: The raven blackens his fellow citizens, the firestarter has a heart-warming feeling and the white werewolf is the badness in person. ─── 有3新的角色在扩展板中:乌鸦变黑他的同胞,纵火者有一个燃烧的心和白色狼人是狼群中的坏人。

9、The treatments can do stainless-steel blacken(green),copper and aluminum alloy brazing,heat preservation material sulfuration and frothing,etc. ─── 不锈钢发黑(绿)处理;铜、铝合金的钎焊;保温材料的流化发泡等。

10、"Madman, hold! what is your purpose?"whispered he. "Wave back that woman! Cast off this child! All shall be well! Do not blacken your fame, and perish in dishonour. I can yet save you! Would you bring infamy on your sacred profession?" ─── "疯子,稳住!你要干什么?"他小声说。"挥开那女人!甩开这孩子!一切都会好的!不要玷污你的名声,不光彩地毁掉自己!我还能拯救你!你愿意给你神圣的职业蒙受耻辱吗?"

11、blacken after combing once ─── 一梳即黑

12、He blackens his opponents by giving them names. ─── 他用起各种外号来诽谤他的对手。

13、Blacken Passivating Technology of Potassium Chloride Zn-Plating ─── 氯化钾盐镀锌黑色钝化工艺

14、Cheeper 15 months, tooth gradually by yellow blacken, have broken bits appearance. ─── 幼儿15个月,牙齿逐渐由黄变黑,有掉渣现象。

15、The laundryman replied, "Unfortunately, the arrangement is impossible as far as I am concerned, for whatever I should whiten, you would immediately blacken again with your charcoal. ─── " 在洗衣回答说:“不幸的是,这种安排是不可能的,因为就我本人而言,我应该为任何美白,你会立即与您的木炭抹黑了。”

16、Soot makes smoke dark and blackens walls. ─── 烟灰使得烟成黑色,并熏黑了墙壁。

17、Worst still, they supply today's critics with the evidence they need to blacken the movement. ─── 更糟的是,他们还会给那些批评家以更多口舌,来诋毁启蒙运动。

18、IF AN American talk-radio host wanted to cook up some tale that would blacken the name of the United Nations for ever, he could hardly have come up with anything spicier. ─── 如果一位美国脱口广播主持人希望捏造出一些能令联合国之名永久受到玷污的谣言,那么他将很难爆出一条比这更加热辣的新闻了。

19、A small, slightly brown plume rises from the vent, and ash blackens the ground to the west and south. ─── 少的,微褐色的熔岩从火山口流出,火山灰云遮蔽了西部及南部的地面。

20、Please blacken the circle(s) next to the name(s) of the absentee(s).# Please add any missing name(s) to the end of the name list. ─── 請將缺考學生名字右方的圓圈塗黑。#請在名單後加上遺漏的學生姓名。

21、Lan Kou is beautiful 2006 white newest discovery: Melanin of fluctuant meeting aggravate collects the mood, ecbolic and stubborn splash, it is the major internal cause that your skin blackens! ─── 2006年兰蔻美白最新发现:情绪波动会加剧黑色素聚集,催生顽固色斑,是令肌肤变黑的重大内因!

22、Drink coke skin to you can blacken? ─── 喝可乐皮肤会变黑吗?

23、She was getting more irritated as the minutes ticked by, thinking, “If I wasn't so nice, I would blacken his eye. ─── 时间一分一秒地过去,她越来越生气,心想:“要不是我脾气好,我早把他的眼睛打青了!”

24、An oil spill in Australia blackens white sand beaches, ten times more oil than originally thought leaking from a cargo ship. ─── 从一艘货轮泄漏的石油比预计多出十倍。

25、Be the skin originally by did person skin blacken to you can bleach naturally? ─── 本来是皮肤被的人皮肤变黑了会自然变白吗?

26、What kind of vitamin can make the hair blackens? ─── 什么样的维生素能使头发变黑?

27、The essential ingredient of Eherber Blacken Hair Shampoo is Polygonum Multiforum Thunb Extract. ─── 工作压力、思虑过多等因素,皆易造成白发丛生、发根大量脱落等现象。

28、No wool is so white that a dyer cannot blacken it . ─── 人非圣贤,孰能无过。

29、"People gather fat females in a hollow green bamboo stick," explains Michael Robinson, director of the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. "They stopper both ends and place the stick in hot embers for ten or 15 minutes, until it blackens. ─── 华盛顿特区的国家动物园园长迈克尔 - 鲁宾逊解释说:“人们把一些肥大的雌蛛收集在一根空心的绿竹竿里,塞住竹竿两端,把它埋入余烬中十至十五分钟,直到它变黑。

30、a pernicious campaign to blacken his character ─── 旨在诋毁他的人格的恶意宣传活动

31、She attempts to blacken her ex-husband's character. ─── 她企图毁谤她前夫的品格。

32、blacken pan ─── 熏黑锅

33、to blacken somebody's name; to discredit ─── 抹黑

34、The media tried to blacken his name. ─── 媒体企图抹黑他的形象。

35、Silver staining is useful for a variety of purposes. Here it is used to blacken the reticular fiber network of reticular tissue. ─── 渡银染色有很多用途。这张图片显示的是网状组织中的网状纤维。

36、Leaves used for black tea ferment for days before they're heated, causing the leaves to blacken and many chemical changes to happen within them. ─── 如果是制作黑茶,先发酵几天,然后加热,这样做是为了使叶子变黑,还有在其中产生多种化学变化。

37、An oil spill in Australia blackens white sand beaches.Ten times more oil than originally thought leaking from a cargo ship. ─── 多出最初估计十倍的石油从一艘货船泻出,染黑了澳大利亚的白色沙滩。

38、From within the room came a great guffaw: 'I'm not the man you're looking for as it happens!But I won't let scum like you blacken the name of the Triads all the same! ─── 东厢房那人哈哈大笑,说道:“老子不姓贾,只是你们这批家伙胡骂天地会,老子可听着不大顺耳。

39、An oil spill in Australia blackens white sand beaches, ten times more oil than originally thought, leaking from a cargo ship. ─── 一辆货船在澳大利亚发生漏油事故,染黑了白色沙滩,漏油量是原本所估计的十倍多。

40、Oil is splashed red blackens on the leg, good can you leave scar later black all the time perhaps red? ─── 油溅到腿上变黑红色,好了以后会不会留疤或者一直黑红色?

41、I am lying or lying ` comes along ` vision blackens, does the head become heavy ` but what does flashy ` eat to you can be improved only? ─── 我躺着或卧着`一起来`视觉变黑,头变重`但只有一瞬间`吃什么会改善?

42、But ignorance, mingled with the human paste, blackens it. ─── 但是,在做人的面糊里搀上无知,它便变成黑的。

43、Eat soy to you can make the skin blackens? ─── 吃酱油会不会使皮肤变黑啊?

44、Why can the tooth blacken? ─── 为什么牙会变黑吗?

45、Therefore before they(gods)raised Caesar to be master of the world, they were minded to throw him down into the dust, even beneath the feet of Pompey, and blacken him face before the nations ─── 因此在天神没有使恺撒成为天下的霸主之前,他们想让他先栽一个跟头,要他就在庞培脚下,当着世界各国受到耻辱。

46、If their aim was to blacken the UNDP, then leaks to American newspapers and to Republicans in Congress have had the desired effect. ─── 如果这些美国官员目的是要诽谤联合国发展计划署,那么向美国报纸和国会的共和党人披露就已经达到目的了。

47、He sought to blacken his cousin's reputation. ─── 他企图败坏他表兄的名声。

48、She was getting more irritated as the minutes ticked by, thinking, "If I wasn't so nice, I would blacken his eye. ─── 时间一点点过去,她有些坐不住了,心里想:如果不是我心肠这么好的话,一定要把他眼眶打紫。

49、blacken saussurea herb ─── 瑞苓草

50、Keywords prawn(Litopenaeus vannamei);blacken;sodium sulfite;sodium hydrogen sulfite;residue; ─── 对虾;黑变;亚硫酸钠;亚硫酸氢钠;残留;

51、Carry bright 1 if color of skin blackens apparently,become deep, might as well will slant the farinaceous cheek that pink moves is red change more transparent orange cheek red. ─── 提亮1 如果肤色明显变黑变深,不妨将偏粉色调的粉状腮红换成比较透明的橘色腮红。

52、Don't blacken my name by spreading rumours. ─── 别散布谣言败坏我的名声。

53、When I blacken hair, I have to beat up the drug powder in water. ─── 我染黑头发时,必须把药粉搅在水里。

54、Oil is splashed red blackens on the leg, good can you leave scar later black all the time perhaps red? ─── 油溅到腿上变黑红色,好了以后会不会留疤或者一直黑红色?

55、Too much neglect will do that, skew the sap’s passage, blacken leaves, dry the bark and heart. ─── 此乃疏忽太久的恶果,树汁受阻,树叶变黑,树皮和树心干枯。

56、1 1 He who touches pitch blackens his hand; he who associates with an impious man learns his ways. ─── 凡触摸沥青的,必被沥青玷污;凡与骄傲人交接的,必为他所同化。

57、Do not blacken your fame, and perish in dishonour! ─── 不要玷污你的名声,不光彩地毁掉自己!

58、blacken the name of one's family ─── 玷污家族名声

59、He accused the newspaper of trying to blacken his name. ─── 他指责报纸企图败坏他的名声。

60、When the sun insolates, ray meets UVA stimulate the generation of melanin long-term and abidingly directly, cause skin pigment ad cool-headed, bring about the skin to blacken, make splash. ─── 太阳暴晒时,UVA射线会长期持久地直接刺激黑色素的产生,引起皮肤色素沉着,导致皮肤变黑、生成色斑。

61、blacken a person's name ─── 损害某人名誉,中伤某人

62、to blacken by smoke ─── 熏黑

63、Unfavorable excessive is drinkable at the same time coffee or too strong coffee, otherwise the skin blackens easily also. ─── 同时不宜过量饮用咖啡或太浓的咖啡,否则皮肤也轻易变黑。

64、blood blackens, the heart pines. ─── 血总是变黑,心永远憔悴。

65、I am lying or lying ' comes along ' vision blackens, does the head become heavy ' but what does flashy ' eat to you can be improved only? ─── 我躺着或卧着`一起来`视觉变黑,头变重`但只有一瞬间`吃什么会改善?。

66、blacken the name ─── 玷污名声

67、An oil spill in Australia blackens white sand beaches. ─── 澳大利亚石油泄漏已经导致白沙滩变黑。

68、any of various diseases in which the central tissues blacken. ─── 中心组织变黑的一种疾病。

69、I face computer time to grow too, bring about the skin to blacken, what help is there? ? ─── 我面对电脑时间过长,导致皮肤变黑,有什么补救办法吗??

70、Can from morning till night blacken to computer skin? ─── 一天到晚对着电脑皮肤会变黑吗?

71、Another dangerous factor is that the water pollution including industrial wastes and poisonous gases which eventually blacken rivers and form acid rains. ─── 另一种危险是水的污染,包括工业废物和有毒气体,这些东西最终会使河流变黑并且形成酸雨。

72、If it becomes whiter, it contains silver, if it becomes rough and hard, it contains copper and tin, if it softens and blackens it contains lead. ─── 如果它变白了,它含有银,如果它变得粗糙和发硬,它含有铜和锡,如果它变软和发黑,它含有铅。

73、Have poison from the food that silver-colored goods blackens to you can look really? ─── 从银制品变黑真的可以看的食物里有没有毒吗?

74、A destructive disease of apple and pear trees, caused by a bacterium (Erwinia amylovora) that blackens the leaves and kills the branches. ─── 梨火疫:一种苹果树和梨树的毁坏性疾病,由一种细菌(解淀粉欧文氏杆菌)引起,它使叶子变黑,使树枝坏死

75、If time became long,put a soap above, slowly soap also can blacken. ─── 假如时间久了放一块肥皂在上面,慢慢地肥皂也会变黑。

76、Dahlia Gillespie: Fire doesn't cleanse, it blackens! ─── 戴杰·格列斯派:火并不纯净,它已变黑了!

77、I don't want to blacken his name, but they say he's involved in a crime. ─── 我不想进行人身攻击,但他们说他和一件犯罪案有牵连。

78、Letterbox simply blackens out the top and the bottom and optionally left and right side of each frame. ─── 此滤镜仅用于将每帧视频的上下部分(亦可选左右部分)黑化。

79、An oil spill in Australia blackens white sand beaches, ten times more oil than originally thought, leaking from a cargo ship. ─── 一辆货船在澳大利亚发生漏油事故,染黑了白色沙滩,漏油量是原本所估计的

80、5.Chinese herbal components of the product act on removing pigmentation and wrinkles, cosmetics and blacken the hair. ─── 5、本品所含中药成分有祛斑、减皱、美容、乌发的功效。

81、The Fuller replied, "The arrangement is impossible as far as I am concerned, for whatever I should whiten, you would immediately blacken again with your charcoal. ─── 漂布人却回答说:“也许你说的是真话,但完全不可能办到,因为凡我所漂白的,都将被你弄黑。”

82、Soot makes smoke dark and blackens walls. ─── 烟灰使得烟成黑色,并熏黑了墙壁。

83、All Meryton seemed striving to blacken the man, who, but three months before, had been almost an angel of light. ─── 三个月以前,差不多整个麦里屯的人们都把这个男人捧到天上;三个月以后,整个麦里屯的人都说他的坏话。

84、Dust, cobwebs, unknown dirt ( It looks like blacken by smoke, but people don't burn incense in tutorial academy... ─── 灰尘,蜘蛛丝,还有不明脏污(很像烟薰,但以书院功能而言,应该是不会有烧香状况...

85、Don't blacken his good name by spreading lies. ─── 不要散播谎言诋毁他的名声。

86、I dream about cauliflower roasted until it softens and blackens, the heat bringing out its inherent sweetness. ─── 我还是梦想将花椰菜烘烤,直到它变软和变黑 ,热度使其固有的甜度释放出来。

87、Don't blacken my name by spreading rumors. ─── 不要散播流言,破坏我的名誉。

88、Clouds blacken the heavens. ─── 云遮暗了天。

89、The Fuller replied, "The arrangement is impossible as far as I am concerned, for whatever I should whiten, you would immediately blacken again with your charcoal." ─── 漂洗工回答道:“对我来说,这个计划是绝不可行的,因为凡是我洗白的东西,很快就会又被你的炭染黑。”

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