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09-05 投稿


generalship 发音

英:['d?en(?)r?l??p]  美:['d??n?r?l,??p]

英:  美:

generalship 中文意思翻译



generalship 词性/词形变化,generalship变形

名词: generalness |

generalship 同义词

ecumenical | widespread | customary | ordinary | commonplace | usual | unspecific | conventional | international | inexact | unclear | undefined |universal | officer | leader | oecumenical | wide-ranging | indefinite | all-purpose | overall | prevalent | commander | accustomed | vague | director | broad | popular | common | world-wide | habitual | muscular | typical | fashionable | average | catholic | worldwide | cosmopolitan

generalship 反义词

local | peculiar | individual | especial | particular |specific | special

generalship 短语词组

1、generalship of us grant ─── 美国政府拨款

2、generalship def ─── 通用定义

3、generalship synonym ─── 通用同义词

4、generalship defined ─── 通用定义

5、governor-generalship n. ─── 总督的职位(或任期)

6、accounting generalship ─── [经] 会计领导

7、generalship game ─── 将军游戏

8、generalship its diseases and their cure ─── 将军的病与治

9、generalship book ─── 将军书

generalship 相似词语短语

1、generalia ─── 广义

2、general shops ─── 杂货店,百货商店

3、general will ─── 共同意志

4、general shop ─── 杂货店,百货商店

5、seneschalship ─── 衰老

6、generals ─── n.将军;上将(general的复数);v.指挥(general的单三形式);统率

7、gentlemanship ─── n.绅士的品格;绅士的身分

8、generalissimo ─── n.总司令,大元帅

9、generalising ─── 概括(generalise的现在分词);归纳(generalise的现在分词);普及(generalise的现在分词);推广(generalise的现在分词)

generalship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thus excelling at generalship is merely a question of exercising love and awesomeness. ─── 所以善于带兵的人,就要善于掌握爱与威的运用。

2、He was distinctly pleased with his generalship: "I prepared an excellent order of battle." ─── 他无疑对自己的将才很满意:“我制定了一个卓越的战斗计划。”

3、One fact they never denied was his capable generalship. ─── 他的敌人永远不会否认一个事实,那就是他的指挥才能。

4、Do you want to get your hands dirty in a quick firefight or exercise your generalship in a long, thought-out Wormfest? ─── 你想用你的手上演一场特不公平的快速交火或者上演一场长期,深思熟虑的蠕虫节目?

5、Another class are falling into line under the generalship of the first great apostate. ─── 很少人真心相信:我们确有一个地狱要逃避;确有一个天国要求得。

6、In 1817, in a supreme feat of generalship, he led his 5,000 troops over high Andean passes to Chile, gathered them together again and fell upon the Spanish forces, defeating them at Chacabuco. ─── 1817年,他凭借着高超的指挥才能,带领5000军队越过安蒂恩高原(highAndean)、深入智利,再度集结之后袭击西班牙军队,在查卡布科(Chacabuco)大败对手。

7、There is rarity, in the world --- Shakespeare's talent, Napoleon's generalship and Newton's gift. ─── 象莎士比亚那样的文才,拿破仑那样将略和牛顿那样的天赋是世界所罕见的.

8、German field marshal noted for brilliant generalship in North Africa during World War II (1891-1944). ─── 二战中,在北非以出色的指挥才能著称的德国最高级的陆军将官。

9、Under the generalship of Rat, everybody was set to do something or to fetch something. ─── 在水鼠兰特的指挥下,每个人都着手干点什么,或者去取点什么东西。

10、basic factors of leader's credit are: honesty, foresight, generalship, inspiring. ─── 诚实、有远见、有才干、鼓舞人心是构成领导信用的基本要素。

11、accounting generalship ─── [经] 会计领导

12、English: The art of generalship is to be calm and somber in thought, inscrutable and comprehensive in strategizing; ─── 将帅用兵,要做到冷静而沉稳,端庄稳重,严正而有条理。

13、So the mark of generalship in the future is to win battles without the loss of thousands of soldiers and that would be what brings people to the rank of general. ─── 因而,将来好将军的标志就是毋需伤亡上万名士兵就能赢得战争,这才是将军之所以成为将军的途径。

14、They are political intelligence, weather, terrain, generalship and doctrine and law. ─── 故经之已五,校之以计,而索其情:一曰道,二曰天,三曰地,四曰将,五曰法。

15、1. The generalship was his aspiration. ─── 将官之职位是他梦寐以求的目标。

16、As generalship you must be calm no matter what happens. ─── 作为帅才,在任何情况下,你都要镇定。

17、We have muddled through, not by great generalship, but by the courage of common men. ─── 我们勉强地取得了胜利, 不是指挥的才干, 而是靠士兵的勇气。

18、When a warlike prince attacks a powerful state, his generalship shows itself in preventing the concentration of the enemy's forces. He overawes his opponents, and their allies are prevented from joining against him. ─── 夫霸、王之兵,伐大国,则其众不得聚;威加于敌,则其交不得合。

19、You're really a lucky generalship because you raise your army group before the advance is blown and the lucky is for you. ─── 小弟,你真是福将啊,冲锋号吹响之前,你的集团军已经到位了,真是吉星高照。’

20、They are: political intelligence, weather, terrain, generalship and doctrine & law. ─── 道者,令民与上同意者也,故可与之死,可与之生,而不畏危也;

21、He goes on: “If the victory was less than complete, the fault lay mainly in generalship's failure to seize fully the opportunities created by the valor of the men. ─── 他接茬论述曰:“如果胜利并非那么完满,其结果主要也是将军们失算,未能抓住英勇战士所创造之机遇。”

22、They really are a very ancient Norman family of the generalship of Caen ─── 那的确是卡昂税区一家很老的诺曼底世家。

23、Of generalship,of strategic system.there was little or none(John Morley.Aroutine is a habitual,often tiresome method: ─── 我们勉强地取得了胜利,不是指挥的才干,而是靠士兵的勇气。

24、amount of generalship to marshal these forces. ─── 要统帅这些队伍,需要惊人的将才。

25、When a warlike prince attacks a powerful state, his generalship shows itself in preventing the concentration of the enemy's forces. ─── 夫霸王之兵,伐大国,则其众不得聚;

26、Thus excelling at generalship is merely a question of exercising love and awesomeness. ─── 所以善于带兵的人,就要善于掌握爱与威的运用。

27、Thus the highest form of generalship is to Balk the enemy's plans; the next Best is to prevent the junction of the enemy's forces; the next in order is to attack the enemy's army in the field; ─── 故上兵伐谋,其次伐交,其次伐兵

28、surpass in generalship. ─── 在领导、指挥才能上优于对方。

29、ring generalship ─── 拳击战略

on foot和by foot的区别和用法?

没有by foot的说法,只有on foot的说法,并且这里的foot不加冠词,属于固定搭配。


She goes to work on the plane.


She managed to be on the first train to New York.


The general is on the ship.


Rarely does she talk to strangers on busses.


He saw the girl on a train.


He arrived on the eleven twenty train.


They went there on the afternoon train.


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