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09-05 投稿



iceberg 发音

英:['a?sb??g]  美:['a?s'b?g]

英:  美:

iceberg 中文意思翻译



iceberg 网络释义

n. [地理] 冰山;显露部分

iceberg 词性/词形变化,iceberg变形


iceberg 短语词组

1、iceberg principle ─── 冰山原理

2、iceberg lettuce n. ─── 卷心莴苣

3、iceberg attack ─── 冰山攻击

4、proverbial iceberg ─── 众所周知的冰山

5、glacier iceberg ─── 冰川 ─── 冰山

6、tabular iceberg ─── [海洋]平顶冰山;桌状冰山

7、polar iceberg ─── 极地冰山

8、a tip of the iceberg ─── 冰山露出水面的小尖顶;小中见大的征兆

9、melting iceberg ─── 融化的冰山

10、get the tip of iceberg ─── 了解冰山一角

11、tip of the iceberg ─── 露出水面的冰山,事物的表象

12、iceberg theory ─── 冰山理论

iceberg 相似词语短语

1、Runeberg ─── n.(Runeberg)人名;(芬、瑞典)鲁内贝里

2、inselberg ─── n.孤山;残山;[地理]岛山

3、Svedberg ─── n.斯维德贝格(瑞典化学家)

4、icebergs ─── n.[地理]冰山(iceberg的复数形式)

5、Reichenberg ─── n.(Reichenberg)人名;(德、罗)赖兴贝格;(瑞典)赖肯贝里

6、Ginsberg ─── 金斯伯格

7、ice beers ─── n.冰啤酒

8、Nirenberg ─── 尼伦伯格;n.(Nirenberg)人名;(英)尼伦伯格;(德)尼伦贝格

9、floeberg ─── n.冰山

iceberg 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sheltered by a titanic iceberg, emperor penguins bask in the Antarctic sun. ─── 一群皇企鹅在大冰川旁晒着太阳。

2、Believe it or not,this is just the tip of the iceberg. ─── 信不信由你,这才只是冰山的一角。

3、Five deaths in Sweden after swine flu jab tip of the iceberg. ─── 五名瑞典人在猪流感疫苗刺戳后死亡。

4、When the ship hit an iceberg and began to sink, women and children were the first ones to get into the lifeboats. ─── 这时候船船上了冰岩上,开始沉没。女人和孩子们是第一批去到救生船的人。

5、Four days after setting out, while the Titantic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. ─── 启航四天后,泰坦尼克号在穿过北大西洋多冰的海域时,了望员突然发现了一个巨大的冰山。

6、Iceberg query is a mining algorithm based on association rules, especially for market rules analysis. ─── 冰山查询是关联规则挖掘的一种算法,特别是针对购物篮分析。

7、In 2007 more than 150 people were evacuated when their ship, the Explorer, sank after hitting an iceberg near the South Shetland Islands. ─── 2007年,一艘名为“探索者号”的船在与南设得兰群岛附近的冰山相撞后沉没,船上150多人及时撤离。

8、He is an iceberg,very difficult to approach. ─── 他是个冷淡而高傲的人,很难相处.

9、Here is a story about the large ship,the Titanic. She was damaged by a great iceberg. ─── 下面,是一个关于泰坦尼克号这艘大船被冰山毁坏了的故事。

10、of popularity in North America is Iceberg Water which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. ─── 来自加拿大纽芬兰海岸的冰山水在北美再创人气新高。

11、A huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. ─── 一个了望员突然发现一座巨大的冰山。

12、The above are only the tip of the iceberg. ─── 以上只是冰山的一角。

13、Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the Nor.Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted a lookout. ─── 启航四天后,泰坦尼克号在穿越大西洋多冰的海域时,了望员突然发现了一个巨大的冰山。

14、But in Pearl Harbor, the villain isn't an iceberg it's Japan. ─── 但这一次情况大不相同,《泰坦尼克》是灾难来自一座冰山,而《珍珠港》中的罪魁祸首是日本本身。

15、Again, Robert Noyes,"I personally think we're seeing the tip of the iceberg,” said Noyes. ─── 再次有请罗伯特-诺耶斯。“我个人认为我们现在只是看到了冰山一角。

16、The statues on campus reveal a tip of the iceberg of the university's culture and history. ─── 北大的人文和历史可以从遍布燕园的雕像中窥得一斑。

17、"I personally think we're seeing the tip of the iceberg,” said Noyes. ─── “我个人认为我们现在只是看到冰山一角。”

18、There is an iceberg floating in the sea. ─── 一座大冰山在海上漂浮。

19、The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. ─── 冰山运动的尊严在于只有八分之一露出水面.

20、But steamed vegetables are just the tip of the iceberg in applications for venting technology. ─── 但是,蒸蔬菜只是冰山的一角在申请通风技术。

21、The students who seek psychological counseling represent only the tip of the iceberg;mose students endure the stress in silence. ─── 寻求心理咨询的学生只代表了冰山一角;大部分学生都默默忍受着压力。

22、In order to float, the iceberg displaces a volume of water that has a weight equal to that of the iceberg. ─── (为了漂浮,冰山排出等同于冰山质量的体积的水。

23、She is a beauty of an iceberg. ─── 她是个冷美人。

24、Suppose we're on a ship that hits an iceberg . ─── 假设我们在一艘撞到冰山的船上。

25、Waiting like an iceberg in the dumping of all unfrozen, they mime to each other, as if he had sworn an oath never to separate. ─── 一切在倾候如冰山解冻,他们彼此默视,仿佛在宣誓着永不分离的誓言。

26、Hemingway had ever said, the iceberg movement was spectacular for one eighth of it was above the water. ─── 海明威说过,冰山运动之雄伟壮观,是因为它只有八分之一在水面上。

27、Represent only the tip of the iceberg. ─── 只是冰山一角。

28、Which of these have you seen? A deck of cards, a moon, an eel, a fariy, an iceberg. ─── 下面的这些,你都看到过哪些?一副扑克牌,一个月亮,一只鳝鱼,一个仙女,一座冰山.

29、A love broken by an iceberg. ─── 一段被冰山撞碎的爱情.

30、Their ship circled the iceberg. ─── 他们的船绕过了冰山。

31、If Hemingway's writing conceals seven eighths of an iceberg below the water, Proust attempts to let the base of an iceberg surface above water. ─── 如果说海明威式的写作只是暗示海面下八分之七的冰山,那么普鲁斯特式的写作则旨在让海面下的冰山尽可能地浮出海面。

32、Have you ever seen an iceberg? ─── 你曾经看见过冰山吗?

33、Just before midnight,Titanic struck an iceberg, which punctured 5 of the 16 compartments. ─── 刚在午夜前,泰克尼克号撞上了冰山,戳穿了16个密封层中的5个。

34、Your love is a snowdrop on iceberg, and you have been worrying along endless bitterness, purposing to blossom out merely for the one you love. ─── 你的爱是冰山上的雪莲,你独自熬过无尽的清苦,只为你心爱的人绽放。

35、The JSlider changing the background color is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to creating new functionality residing on the title bar. ─── 对于在标题栏中创建新功能这方面来说,改变背景颜色的JSlider只是冰山的一角。

36、"Once the iceberg stuck fast on the seabed it was like a rock in a river," said scientist Vera Schlindwein. ─── 人们此前发现,南极的冰块也能唱歌。南极冰雪经过漫长时期逐渐积累,压实,变成冰川冰。

37、The properties of this clear sea ice were very similar to the ice from the green iceberg. ─── 这种透明的海冰的性质与绿色冰山上的冰块非常相似。

38、All of a sudden, I do not know who opened a scarf of the iceberg, the sun exposed red faces. ─── 忽然,不知谁掀开了纱巾的一角,太阳露出了红彤彤的脸蛋。

39、Perhaps the end of time is near and this is just the tip of the iceberg? ─── 也许世界末日已经来临而这却只是冰山的一角?

40、Were we falling from within a calving iceberg. ─── 在断裂的冰山内我们可曾正在下坠。

41、Its problems were merely "the lip of the iceberg" lacing American industry. ─── 似应翻译成:其问题就是牵系着美国工业的“?”。

42、The glacier calved a large iceberg. ─── 冰河崩解而形成一个大冰山。

43、He said the updated list revealed "only the tip of the iceberg" in the overall pollution situation. ─── 他表示更新后的黑名单揭露了整个污染情形的“冰山一角”。

44、And floating beside an iceberg, it is impossible to judge whether an overhang is stable or riven with fissures that will suddenly sheer. ─── 如果你的船在冰山旁边漂浮,你无法断定一个悬垂的 物体是否稳固或是否会因突如其来的偏航而被扯裂。

45、It was postmarked a day later, just three days before the liner hit the iceberg and sank. ─── 信写好后第二天被寄走。仅仅又过了三天,这艘邮轮就撞上了冰山沉入海底。

46、Here is a story about the large ship, the Titanic. She was damaged by a great iceberg. ─── 下面是一个关于泰坦尼克号这艘大船被冰山毁坏了的故事。

47、The ship was holed by an iceberg. ─── 冰山把那船撞出了窟窿。

48、They said she ran into an iceberg. ─── 人们说船撞上了冰山.

49、Four days after its setoff, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy water of north atlantic, a large iceberg was suddenly spotted by a look-out. ─── 出海四天后,当泰坦尼克号在驶过北大西洋一片结冰的水域时,监视人员忽然发现了一座巨大的冰山。

50、She doesn't want to get a bad name among boys for being easy-going in the clinches but neither does she want to be looked on as an iceberg. ─── 她不想在男孩当中得到轻浮的坏名声,但也不想被他们看成是一座冰山。

51、David Lacey, a member of the British Computer Society Security Forum Strategic Panel, warned that lost productivity is the "tip of the iceberg". ─── 大卫莱西的一员,英国电脑学会安全论坛的战略小组警告说,失去生产力,是“冰山一角” 。

52、An iceberg floats in the bay at Kulusuk, Greenland near the artic circle. Scientists say global warming is shrinking glaciers. ─── 北极圈附近的格陵兰岛地区的冰雪正在融化。科学家指出,全球气候变暖正在逐渐缩小世界上的冰河范围。

53、She was damaged by a great iceberg. ─── 她毁于一座极大的冰山。

54、His deepdiving craft failed to find the 300-ft. gash that, according to legend, was torn in the Titanic's hull when the ship plowed into the iceberg. ─── 他的探潜工作船没能找到“泰坦尼克”号船壳上那条长达300英尺的裂缝。据传闻,这条裂缝是“泰坦尼克”号巨轮在行驶中撞上冰山而造成的。

55、The Titanic struck an iceberg and sank during its maiden voyage in 1912. ─── 在1912年的首次航行中,泰坦尼克号游船撞上了冰山而沉没。

56、The ship was holed by an iceberg . ─── 冰山把那船撞出了窟窿.

57、Bruno Mattei, a philosophy professor, saw the ship's fate as ametaphor for an unjust world that may even have spotted its "iceberg" but is nonetheless unable to avert catastrophe. ─── 哲学教授布鲁诺·马太把这艘船的命运看做是对一个不公正的世界的隐喻,即使人们已经发现了危及社会的“冰山”,但仍然不能避开灾难。

58、A large floating chunk of ice split off from a glacier, an iceberg, or a floe. ─── 冰山上崩落漂流的冰块一个大的冰块,从冰川、冰山或浮冰块上脱落

59、The calving of an Arctic iceberg releases a giant praying mantis, trapped in suspended animation since prehistoric times. ─── 北极冰川的解冻,一只史前年代被困其中处于假死状态的巨大螳螂苏醒!

60、But SAD is just the tip of the iceberg, explains Terman. ─── 但是SAD(季节性情绪紊乱)只是冰山一角,特曼解释说。

61、NVIDIA IS IN DEEP trouble over the defective parts problem, and from what we're being told, this is only the tip of the iceberg. ─── NVIDIA公司是在深的麻烦超过瑕疵零件的问题,从我们现在被告知,这只是冰山的一角。

62、These findings "represent the tip of a very large iceberg," the authors say. ─── 他们说:“这些发现提示了现在所知的只是冰山的一角。”

63、The application of symbolism is also the best footnote for Hemingway"s famous iceberg theory. ─── 另外,这部小说也是其“冰山原理”的一个注脚。

64、Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the Nor. Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted a lookout. ─── 启航四天后,泰坦尼克号在穿越大西洋多冰的海域时,了望员突然发现了一个巨大的冰山。

65、The main ones include head lettuce, such as iceberg, leaf lettuce, Boston, bibb and romaine. ─── 主要的包括头形菜,如空心菜,散叶莴苣,波士顿莴苣,比伯生莴苣和长叶莴苣。

66、Consequently, says an election official in Kabul, the ECC saw “the tip of the iceberg”. ─── 喀布尔的一位选举官员说,因此选举投诉委员会只看到了“冰山一角”。

67、Most of the iceberg is under the water. ─── 冰山的大部分在水面以下。

68、"In addition, Yuko Natori also starred in the drama known as the" Queen of trouble ", television shopping, the village strongman MC III of the iceberg. ─── 另外,名取裕子还将出演剧中被称为“麻烦女王”、电视购物的强人MC三村一角。

69、The dignity of the movement of an iceberg is due to the one eighth is being above water. ─── 一座移动着的冰山的尊严在于它只有八分之一露在水面上。

70、The iceberg loomed out of the fog. ─── 冰山从雾中隐约地出现。

71、Authors propose association rules mining approach based on iceberg queries for analyzing the corelation between net flow and each IP address, and acquire quite good results. ─── 作者采用基于冰山查询的关联规则挖掘方法,对网络流量与各IP之间的联系进行关联分析,取得了较好的效果。

72、There is a new level of communication taking place within yourbeing, and you're experiencing the tip of the iceberg with the selftalk. ─── 在您的内在正进行著一个新层次的沟通,而您就在自我对话中体验著它的冰山一角。

73、An iceberg off the coast of Canada glimmers in a ray of sunlight. ─── 加拿大海岸外的一座冰山在阳光下熠熠生辉。

74、Calving: the breaking off of an iceberg from a glacier or ice shelf. ─── 冰裂:冰山从冰川或冰架上断裂下来。

75、But some academics believed this was just the tip of the iceberg. ─── 但有学者相信这只是冰山一角。

76、The iceberg loomed out of the mist. ─── 冰山在迷雾中忽隐忽现。

77、The iceberg damaged 5 of her 16 watertight compartments. The Titanic began to sink. ─── 冰山毁坏了16个水密室中的5个。泰坦尼克号开始沉没了。

78、However, the crew arrogantly trying to break the transatlantic sailing speed records, the Titanic hit an iceberg. ─── 然而,由于船员们狂妄地试图打破横跨大西洋航行速度的记录,泰坦尼克号撞上了冰山。

79、The girl from Iceland is indeed as cold as an iceberg. ─── 从冰岛来的女孩果然冷得像冰山一样。

80、An iceberg is a piece of an ice shelf that separated and now floats free. ─── 可知冰山是分离出来的一部分冰架,而这个分离的过程称为。

81、A large iceberg loomed through the thick, gray fog. ─── 一座巨大的冰山在灰白色的浓雾笼罩下若隐若现。

82、If the captain of the Titanic had not gone down with the ship, would he have blamed the iceberg for the disaster? ─── 如果铁达尼号的船长没有随船沉没,他会责备造成这场灾难的冰山吗?

83、Only the tip of iceberg poped out of water. ─── 只有冰山的尖端突出于水面。

84、A mass.of floating or stationary ice;an iceberg. ─── 冰山大块漂浮或固定的冰;冰山

85、"This is the tiny tip of a really huge iceberg," warns Linn. ─── “这是小冰山是一个很大的冰山一角,”警告属。

86、Researchers now believe that gravity may be the cause of iceberg formation. ─── 冰山的形成可能是由于重力原因造成的。

87、A mass of floating or stationary ice; an iceberg. ─── 冰山大块漂浮或固定的冰;冰山

88、I watched from Tokyo as a mighty economy melted like an iceberg in the Caribbean. ─── 我从东京看到的就是一个强大的经济体却像加勒比海的冰山一样消融了。

89、A large iceberg loomed througgh the thick, gray fog. ─── 从厚厚的、灰的雾中隐约可见一座大冰山。


Titanic is a romantic film produced by 20th century fox pictures and Paramount pictures.


Directed by James Cameron and starring leonardo dicaprio and Kate winslet.


The film is set in 1912 when the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage.


It tells the story of two people from different classes, jack and Ruth, who abandon their worldly prejudices and fall in love.


Jack finally gives up his life to Ruth's touching story.



《泰坦尼克号》剧情介绍:1912年4月10日,号称 “世界工业史上的奇迹”的豪华客轮泰坦尼克号开始了自己的处女航,从英国的南安普顿出发驶往美国纽约。




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